Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



156 26 30
By Sad_Serenade01

Harry's POV

It never occurred to me that I no longer have a place to call home, until right now. I don't have a place to stay at. I don't have a place to raise my child at. I barely have enough to live off of. I probably won't be able to stay at Niall's every night. I'm actually surprised Phoebe let me last night. 

"I just wanted to call you and let  you know that...I-I have a pile of your stuff that you left here before you ran off..."

I shouldn't go back...I at least need to get my stuff before I become homeless officially. 

You're an idiot, Harry. Don't look back, it doesn't matter anymore. 

But it does to me.

I wipe off my face and walk out of the small bathroom and back behind the counter. I refuse to look up at the customer with my distorted face. 

"Harry? Is that really you?" A familiar voice asks from in front of me. 

"What can I get for you?" I ask ignoring the man's question. 

"Layla, what do you want?" The man asks the girl. 

"Whatever you get." The girl flirts with Nathan. 

"Two latte's please."

I nod my head and wait for them to give me the money without making eye-contact. 

"Keep the change." Nathan whispers handing me the money. I look up at him confused but he just winks at me. 

"Thank you..." I whisper putting the money in the cash register. 

"Layla, go find us at table to sit at." 

"Fine..." She complains walking away. 

I turn around and get the couple their drinks. 

"If you ever need anything, Harry, I'll be here for you. Always. If there is anything that is ever upsetting you, just tell me. I want to be a good boyfriend to you and I'll always listen if anything is ever bugging you. I love you."

"Okay, Niall."

"You promise you'll tell me about it?"

"Yes. I promise."

"I love you, Harry."

I am the worst best friend ever. 

I set the two drinks on the counter where Nathan was still standing. 

"I would've been sent to an orphanage if you wouldn't have taken me in...I don't know how I could ever thank you for that." 

"Harry, you don't have to do anything-"

"But I feel like I should do something to show how thankful I am that I met you. What do you want from me? Anything, and I'll give it to you."

"All I need is you to be here, I couldn't ask for anything better than that because there is nothing that is better than your presence."

"Liam, for real. Like an actual gift I could give to you. Anything."

"Never leave me, even if you get old enough, I still don't want you to escape my world."


"Is that to much to ask?"

"I won't leave you ever, but I want to give you a physical object that you will love-"

"I already have you, I don't know how you could give me anything better than that. You can try but I don't think you'll succeed." 

"Harry, are you okay?" Nathan asks snapping me out of my thoughts. He noticed I was crying. 

"I-I'm fine..." I mumble looking at my feet. 

"Do you need to talk to someone?" I look back up at him to notice he was really worried. 

"I-I..." I try to speak but my tongue wouldn't let  me. 

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" He whispers really concerned. 

I nod my head and walk outside of the shop and sit on the ground. After a minute he comes out of the shop with his drink. He sits on the sidewalk next to me and stares at the street. 

"Is it about Liam? Why you are crying?" He asks suddenly confusing me how he knew about Liam. 

"How do you-"

"Liam is my neighbor, I didn't mean to be listening...But I'm not sure how it was possible not to listen..." He trails off looking at the sidewalk. 

Great...Fucking great.

"I went over to talk to him in the morning just to make sure everything was okay...He didn't open the door but the door was unlocked so I decided to go in...I couldn't find him anywhere but I found Mikayla. She was crying because she couldn't find her dad so I took her over to my house and now my mother is taking care of her...It made my mum happy because she just lost her newborn child...She always wanted a little girl...She had one named Andrea but she recently died due to cancer. She used to have a little boy, my younger brother, named Louis but she had to put him up for adoption because her mum would only let her have one child. She got rid of Louis and kept me instead...I honestly, can't thank my mother enough...But it made her happy that Mikayla is over there right now." He says all at once without tearing up. 

Where is Liam?

Where did he go?

Louis Tomlinson? Perrie's lover...I mean, best friend?

"Louis Tomlinson?" I asked aloud wondering if it was the same Louis I know.

"Well, his name was Louis Adams but his last name was probably changed." He says quietly. 

"Where is Liam at, do you know where he went?" I ask. 

"I'm not sure...I'm sorry..."

I lean my head on the shop behind me and close my eyes. 

What the hell does he think he's doing?

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have been listening...I just hope you're okay." He whispers looking back a me with tears in his eyes. I lean my head on his shoulder and cry. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a good relationship with my father. My mother and him have only been married for a year or so now and I still can't get over the death of my actual father."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." 

"He's in a better place now, I hope..."

Nathan and I sit in silence as I silently cry. He wraps his arm around my waste. After ten minutes, Layla comes out of the shop and sits next to Nathan. 

"Thanks for ditching me for her." She scoffs and rolls her eyes at him. 

"Layla, stop. You know that you are my best friend no matter what. Harry just needs someone right now-"

"No, go ahead and finish whatever you two were doing." She gets up and walks away towards a brand-new car that I am assuming is hers.

"I have to get going, Harry. I'm sorry..." He removes his arm from my waste and pecks my cheek before getting up and walking towards the brand-new car.

I wipe my face and watch the two argue across the street. Layla ends up slapping Nathan across the face before letting him enter her car. 

I don't even understand...

I slowly get up and walk back into the shop. I check the time and it was time to go home

Wherever home may be. 

"Bye Donna, I'll see you tomorrow." I shout as I take off work shirt. 

"Bye Harold, see you then." She shouts back at me. 

I put my regular shirt back on and remember that I didn't put something else on today.

The thing I successfully stole from the store.

I walk back outside with my bag of my belongings and walk towards the place I didn't want to go to.

I just have to get my stuff and then I'll spend the night with baby Dylan. 

I guess that's okay...

After fifteen minutes of walking, I finally make it in front of the large building. I walk slowly up the stairs and arrive at the door. I knock on the door quietly and anxiously stand in front of it waiting for a response. After a few minutes, I decide to enter the small apartment that was left unlocked. 

Nathan was right. 

Liam was nowhere to be found. I start to panic, actually wanting to see him right now. I check in the closets, under the bed, even under the couch but I still couldn't find him. 

"Liam!?" I call out ripping the shower curtain out of place.

Where the hell did he go!? Why did he leave Mikey all by herself?

"Liam, Liam are you here?" I shout finding a knife on the kitchen floor. I quickly run out of the apartment and knock on the door directly beside his. 

"Hello?" A familiar man asks when the door opens. 

"My baby!"

"She's okay, honey."

"She is beautiful!"

"We are the luckiest people in the world."

"You are the greatest husband ever. I'm so blessed for such a wonderful life filled with wonderful people. I'm even more blessed for such a great child, thank you."

"Do you have a Mikayla Payne with you?" I ask awkwardly remembering that his wife stepped on my foot and didn't apologize. 

I didn't forget about that, I still want revenge, Nathan's mother. 

"Yes, she is with my wife in the back room." He says before I push him out of the way and into the messy apartment. I ignore all the beer bottles on the ground and walk faster to the room I thought she was in. 

I didn't know Nathan's parents had an alcohol problem...

I just need to get her out of a place like this...I hope she's okay.

I push the door open to see a familiar bitch I saw at the hospital with Mikey. 

"I'm here to pick up, Mikayla." I shout at her. The lady stands up holding Mikey's hand. 

"How do you know Mikayla?" She asks rudely. 

"She's my dau-sister." I gulp loudly. 

"Harry!" She shouts happily. 

"Mikayla likes it here, she wants to stay and play. Right, Mikayla?" She demands a response from her. 

"Harry!" She shouts even louder.

"Give me the child, she wants to go home." I roll my eyes at her. 

"If my wife says she doesn't want to go home, then Mikayla doesn't have to go home." The husband says from behind me. 

"Mum, I have this paper for you to sign-Harry?" Nathan says walking into the room. 

"Mummy, I want to go home." Mikey cries and tries to run to me but is pulled back by the bitch.

"No! You're mine now-" Nathan's mother shouts at her.

"Mummy?" Nathan asks confused what Mikayla meant. 

I grab onto Mikayla's other hand and try loosening the bitch's grip when her husband comes and pulls me away from Mikey. 

"Dad, put him down!" Nathan shouts at him trying to get Mikey for me.

"Nathan, let go!"

Nathan's father carries me to a different room and throws me on the floor. He quickly leaves the room and locks the door. 

I feel a sharp pain come from my side and I scream aloud.

"LET GO OF HER!" Nathan shouts at his mother.

"MUMMY!" Mikey shouts from the other room.

I remove my hand that was covered in blood from my side and stand up. After a few moments, I end up falling back down onto the floor. 


I suddenly hear the door unlatch and the door swing open. 

"Mummy!" Mikey screams begin to muffle. 

"Harry, please wake up. Please-"

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Jeremy, don't. Ow, stop..stop."

"Mummy, I gonna go to Daffy's." She whispers to me before running out of the room. 

"Mikey." I call out trying to stand up again but hit my head off the bottom of the bed instead. "Fuck." I shout in pain. I hear Nathan scream in pain as I try to stand up again. I take the large piece of glass and try to pull it out of my side. It wouldn't move out of place. "Nathan!" I shout finally standing up. I hold onto the wall and walk into the back room where his mother was out. 

"Harry, go get out of here!" He shouts as soon as he sees me in the doorway. His father looks at me as I watch him have a knife to his throat.

I know I'm too weak to stop him so I mouth okay and slowly walk away. I take my phone from my pocket and call the police with the little conscienceless I have left. 

"Hello, this is 9-1-1. What is your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance and the police." I shout trying to get Nathan's dad to go to me instead of Nathan. 

"Where are you located?" 

"103 2A Crawford Street." I gasp for air no longer hearing Nathan's screams. "Please hurry." I gasp and can't get any air. I start coughing as I fall to the floor again and hit my head off of the wall. 

I watch as the large man runs out of the building throwing the knife on the floor beside me. I grab the knife from beside me as I cough and notice the blood it was covered in. 

I don't...Why...Why now...


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