The Unmotivated Prodigy | KnB...

By _avocadhoe

528K 15.5K 4.6K

"Why don't you ever take things seriously?" "Why should I?" +++ {BL fanfic! GoM x Male!oc} {7th Member of th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

4.3K 157 24
By _avocadhoe

Not all problems have a fix. Some only need a distraction.

Natsuru Kigamiki

Do you ever get this feeling of dread deep in your stomach, like every fiber in your body is nagging you that something is wrong, yet you have no idea what exactly is wrong?

Such an annoying thing it is, this uneasy feeling in my gut. So, straining It makes me sick.

As I walked to class, that sickening feeling made my guts churn with every step. Whispers too low to understand reached my ears, the not-so-subtle glances in my direction along with the pointed fingers. It was obvious I was the talk of the school; kids were horrible at keeping secrets no matter how hard we try. Although I knew this, I had grown use to the stares, I was not only the former captain of the basketball team but an ace who bought dread to the opponents' teams when I stepped onto the court, or at least I was. Since I quit the team a week ago, I often found myself alone more times than not.

Since I left the club, I had barely seen the twins. Adain was upset at me for quitting out of the blue while Avary was busy with who knows what. I didn't have many friends, I use to but after the twins transferred, I found them and myself drifting apart as I spent my days playing with the twins rather than them, something I am now regretting as I laid on the open field in boredom.

But it was fine, I would have drifted apart from them after graduation as well since I was moving to Tokyo anyway. Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes as a breeze swept over the field, blowing my clothes along with my hair. "So bored..." I groaned out.

"If you're so bored why'd you quit the team? You could've spent the remaining two weeks playing." Opening my eyes, I blinked confusingly as I stared up at a frowning Adain. He had on his gym clothes, hands on his hips as he glared down at me.

"Yeah, maybe I should have but Avary- "

"Of course, it was Avary, I should've known." Adain cut me off with a groan as he flopped down beside me. "That brat, obviously he's the only person who could convince you to do something that stupid. Forget whatever he told you, he may be a genius book wise but he's stupid when it comes to common sense."

"So, the opposite of you."

"Yeah, exact—wait a minute." I let out a laugh when I heard him stumble over his words. "You tricked me!" He exclaimed, reaching over, and pinching my side making me let out a yelp that soon turned into repeated laugher/choking as he continued to playfully inch at my sides, tickling me.

"S-stop! Can-can't breathe!" I struggled out, feeling my stomach begin to cramp up from the laugher, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. "Ad-Adain I-I—ohmygod." I wheezed out, finally managing to kick him away. Grabbing my chest, I tried to breath, a task that was difficult since I would let out small giggles every now and then.

After a few minutes, I was finally able to calm myself enough to glare at Adain, who had to gull to laugh at me and compare my deadly glare to a puppy's pout. Once the tensions subdued, we found ourselves laying on the empty open field, looking up at the clouds as they drifted away. It was peaceful as he laid there in silence, but the peaceful atmosphere was soon broken when Adain spoke up, "Are you sure you're okay with quitting the team early? Everyone was upset they couldn't play or learn from you anymore. I think they hate playing me."

"Of course, they do, you don't play them seriously. It's mocking to play against someone with all earnestly, but they take you as a joke." I scolded, turning my head to observe him as he continued to look up at the clouds.

He let out a small hum as he sat up, my eyes following the movement, "Maybe, but I don't see the point of playing against people so weak. Yeah, I understand it's elementary school basketball but it's something I take seriously. How can I improve my skills when my opponents are a bunch of 10-year-old who only play the sport as a after school club? So sorry if I don't take them seriously, but for what it's worth, they don't take the sport seriously either." Leaning back on his palms, he looked over his shoulder at me, "And you're not slick, answer the first question."

"Ah, I should've known you'd catch on." I dramatically sighed out, following his lead I also sat up so the two of us where side by side. "As for the first question, I am. I do miss playing with the others but Avary had a point, they should be getting used to playing under a new captain. The next school year starts next month and if they're not prepared with, he members they have now there no way they can take in the new members that join." A half lie is what I gave him, that's not the complete reason I decided to quit but it's one of the factors that convinced me.

"That makes sense," Said Adain, "If you were Avary." I held back a groan at his words. Obviously, he would have noticed, the two of them are twins who know each other better than anyone. "Sure, you would have thought about it but you're not the type to quit because of something as soft as that. You may be as smart as Avary, but you love basketball just as must as me, that how I know that's not your reason for leaving. Wait let me guess, knowing Avary he would use stats or something like that, maybe he used your recent benching as leverage." I felt myself tense at the spot-on thought, the action not going unnoticed by Adain. "Ha, I knew it. He probably said no one would care since you've been riding the bench and just observing their play style."

"Maybe he did, but I wouldn't quit just because he asked. I'm my own person, besides, I still play at home." I bell ringing sounded from the school alerting me that next period was starting soon. Standing up, I brushed off my pants before sticking a handout for Adain who gratefully grabbed it. "I'll see you later." I bid giving him a hug before jogging into the building.

"What were you two talking about?" The sudden question made me flinch. With wide eyes I looked to my left, feeling relived to see it was just Avary.

Placing a hand over my heart, I let out a laugh, "Jeez, you scared me-"

"You and Adain, what were you talking about? You were supposed to spend break with me, but you didn't. I looked for you only to find you and Adain laying on the field talking. So, what was more important to talk about than me?"

Remembering the promise, I had made this morning made me feel guilty, "Sorry Avary, I didn't mean to break the promise. Adain just wanted to know why I quit." Looking back, I no longer saw Adain on the field meaning he probably took the other door back inside.

The slightly taller boy stared at me for a few seconds before the scary blank look he had softened along with his shoulders. "Sorry if I scared you," The familiar smile graced his face as he stepped forward wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. "I was just sad I could spend the break with you and when I saw you with my brother I got upset. Speaking of, Adain probably hate me now." He groaned.

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask, confusion filling my mind at with words.

"Because it's my fault you quit, isn't it?" Avary asked softly, his voice sounding wet like he was about to cry. "I know you two love basketball more than anything, but I still asked you to quit, It's selfish. You probably hate me too!"

I knew for sure he was crying when the thin material of my dress shirt began to grow damp. Pulling the crying boy closer I quickly consoled him, not caring that I was now late for my next class. "No, no. I quit on my own. If I didn't want to, I could have said no. You bought it up, but the decision was mines alone. Please don't cry, I could never hate you Avary."

"So," Avary pulled away, sniffles filling the air as he looked at me with teary eyes, "You still love me?"


"Even more than Adain?"

I was taken aback by his words, not expecting them. "Um..." I didn't know how to respond but after seen another tear fall from his eyes I quickly responded, "Yup, I love you more than Adain."

"You do?" Turning around, I was met with a pissed off Adain, his fist clenched, and his usually kind eyes slanted into a harsh glare. Opening my mouth, I turned to look at Avary in hopes he'd help clear things up, but I felt my blood run cold once I saw the look on his face.

Once teary eyes were now clear. Trembling lips now stilled and rose into a huge smile as he looked at his angered brother. It was then did I realize what had happened. Letting go of Avary, I took a step back just as small laughs began to leave his lips.

I had been set up.


Hey, how's your day going? Mine's has been okay. (:


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