Watermelon Dreams

By infinityh16

47.1K 4.8K 1.2K

After reading Wizard of Oz, seven-year old Olivia fell asleep only to be awakened by invisible melodious wind... More

Watermelon Dreams
Watermelon Tree
The Thief
First Friend
Tree Planting
Into the Woods
Beyond the Woods
Taro Leaf
Time Off
Grego Farm
Bus Ride
Daughter of Nature
Wind Chimes
The Volunteer
Bonfire Story
Aboard the Sea Dragon
New Breed
Birthday Eve
Home of the Winds
Island in the Sky
Red and Gold
Erin & Olivia
The End
Useless Information
Grim Future
Mirror, Mirror


2.6K 148 21
By infinityh16


Olivia was falling. Literally falling to her death. Fear. Her heart was gripped with fear but it vanished when she saw the most beautiful angel rushing towards her; reaching out to her until she was caught in her strong arms.

Call her crazy but Olivia actually smiled despite her impending death. The angel's eyes flashed scarlet in anger but she knew she was safe. Olivia managed to gently stroke her savior's face. She would be forever in awe of her ethereal beauty.

"Stop staring," the angel muttered grumpily.

Olivia was amused when her angelic face reddened. Her scarlet eyes turned affectionate when she met Olivia's eyes.

She was falling. Falling in love as the angel's eyes twinkled with different colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Olivia seemed to see rainbow up close. It was beautiful. It was the most magnificent thing she ever saw.

She didn't mind the wind rushing through her ears. She didn't care if her body would hit sharp rocks below. She was only aware of the angel's nearness and the fact she was carrying her bridal style made her heart pound as they flew over the trees. Her arms were around her neck and their face were almost touching.

She wanted to touch the angel's face. Olivia marveled more on her savior's attractive features than the actuality of them flying.

However, the safety she felt was replaced with worry when she saw blood flowed from the angel's nose and her eyes turned orange. She was suddenly struggling carrying her and at the same time flying. Olivia saw strain on her angelic face.

Next thing she knew they were suddenly losing altitude. Fast!

"Hold on, Liv." Her voice was still soothing. Her arms held her tight
Olivia closed her eyes as they descended faster and faster. She trusted the angel even if it seemed that preventing their death was a struggle. Olivia hugged her tight. Her face was pressed against her neck.

She was ready to die. Olivia thought that dying with this angel was a good way to go. She opened her eyes and met the angel's. "I love you," she managed to say and ignored the flash of greens on her peripherals. Any second now their body would hit the ground hard.

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