She's gone

Par Gio311

8.6K 352 844

Cover art made by: @CrimsonForestpiglin Hey welp first story I will maybe Be doing a ship HOWEVER I will try... Plus

It kicked in
Life's definition
The mind can be deeper than the sea
The school
Death's definition
it's time because of you part 1
Forgiveness Because of you part 2
A new beginning
Outside the maw
The garden- the dance Part one
Talking The dance part two
Crossover to dream part 2 Question and answer: Ask our dynamic Duo
The talk 1
The talk part 2
Letting anger out
The blood timer
The end?

Crossover to dreams

283 16 50
Par Gio311

First of all this is a crossover of "it was all a dream series" by cindyvonotaku in my following list.  [also if your reading this I posted it without asking and i'm sorry]

This is NON-CANNON to her timeline

I highly reccomend to Go check out their story and I will be referring our six and mono with a (our) or as he thin man and lady

 Cindy's characters will just be labeled six mono seven and TT for twenty-three. 

this story will take place in the real world and their dream world I will make you aware when it shifts. In between the two stories "k" "great"

"I hope you got that cause this story starting."

(our)Six woke up to (our)mono poking her face multiple times whining "six..... wake up...... I wanna try the thing........"

(Our) Six said "ok, ok mono fine.... I will go I got enough energy" 

They both went to the nearest T.V and started counting down to attempt the universal travel. 

(Our) six, and mono started counting down together " 3..... 2....... 1....... GO!

They both went through the Screen and after a while emerged back out into an alley?

It seemed to be night-time and they were DEFINITELY not in pale city (Our) six said "mono look"as walked out to see a beautiful city with lights as if the tower never existed to them. (Our) Mono acknowledged this and said "Oh my god...." he started shedding a tear "it's beautiful-" he got interrupted when he was pushed back in the alley by (our) six and she used sign language to say "the people here are normal too" (our) mono responded the same way in sign language "that's a problem how?" 

she responded "look at me and you you are a tall-as hell man, who glitches by the way. And i'm a tall lady with dark magic. We are the opposite of normal mono..." a frown setting down on her face. "Hey it's fine" he said whispering "then we only stroll around at night for a week then we go back deal?" 

"deal" said (our) six making a pinky promise. 

The squad's POV A.k.a  Cindy's main cast 

she was? In the sky? No, she was looking as if she came to look out the window to see the thin man and lady exiting the T.V in what seemed to be their world. "No that can't be possible right?" she thought until the thin man's head did a teacher and turned around one hundred eighty degrees and scared six so badly she woke up. Just in time for school.

"Jesus" she said "that would scare the shit out of me." she got dressed got her things and prepared for the first day of summer break. After telling her parents she would hang at seven's place after tonight, she left the house.

She ended up meeting with Seven, mono, and twenty three (her cousin in this timeline)

"Sup mono, seven, and twenty three." "Sup six" they said simultaneously 

"So lovebirds" TT said "what are we all going to do this break?" "I dunno" replied seven i guess what we usually do go to the beach, play games, and relax." "Actually I wanted to say something." said (cindy's) six "what's up?" asked mono "you guys think it's possible for the lady, and thin man to be... well, HERE?" 

They all stared at six shocked at the idea and all thought "they defeated each of them in their realm right?" Seven deciding to break the silence, and asked "what makes you think that?" 

"Well..." she said "I had a dream where I saw them come out of a T.V and they looked... confused? I dunno, it's just they had a way last time what's to say they can't come back?" 

"I guess your right" TT said, "tell ya what let's go out tonight and look around and see if we find them. Although it's getting a bit warm." She started to roll down her sleeves "only to slightly shriek at the sight of the name "songbird" on her left arm. "ok..." she said a bit worried "maybe the idea isn't outrageous after all" she said showing the squad her arm. "Holy shit" said (cindy's) mono. "alright" he continued "there was most likely something that stood out if it's a real place, can you describe it?" "Six described the dream in vivid detail then seven chimed in " I Know this place! That's the alleyway next to the school!" 

"Alright" said six "let's meet up there at 8 ok everyone" 

"Got It!!" they all replied 

Time passed after they had fun of their first day of summer break and eventually it came time to start getting ready. 

Six packed: a broken shard of glass, her phone, a beeper, and a gps

seven packed: first aid supplies 

mono packed: a large hammer, other tools, and his phone with a power bank.

TT packed: a large kitchen knife, her phone, and her beeper.

They all reunited at the alley and six asked "Ok what did you pack?" 

"first aid" said seven. Mono snickered and said "this is why your a mercy main." "shut up" shot back seven. "I got a knife my phone and beeper" chimend in TT. "Great!" yelled six " let's look around in the school. 

(Our) six and mono: thin man, and lady POV

They waited at the top of a building near the school to see kids exiting their homes gleefully for the first day in summer break. "look mono" said (our) six. "Kids, actual kids..." "I know six..." said mono "why can't we just be able to blend in.... so we could just enjoy this normalcy while we have it."said (our) six.   "As much as i want to as well six" said (our) mono. "We can't and I already told you if someone could see us they can report it police officers or something. Me or you would basically have to kill whoever see's us. And I don't want to do that as much as you don't."

"Ok..." said six, "can we at least go inside the school once it closes?" mono smiled knowing how exited six was to even see the school at a fixed state unlike their previous adventures, responded "sure i'll disable the cameras and we can hang around." Six smiled and hugged mono and said "Thank you.... you don't know how much i appreciate this." 

"no problem" 

Nighttime came and as mono said they went inside the school and used his frequency to disable the cameras so they could go in. "WOW!" (our)six yelled a bit trying to keep a bit quiet "it's soooooo big......." "I know" (our mono said) It may be as big as the teacher's place except our size-" Mono stopped himself and heard a creak of a window opening to hear the sounds of children moving around. He tapped six's shoulder and whispered to her "someone is here." 

(hello me again this is where their stories will interlock now so Our six will for a while be (our) six and Cindy's character being just six the same for both mono's as well.)

Mono picked the lock on the window with his tools so they could get in. a loud click sound followed by a window opening showed the squad that "ok let's go in." 

"you really think their in there?" asked seven "I'm sure as all hell" said six "wait" she said what's that static noise?" "I think that's from the cameras," said TT "well that confirms it" said mono thin man's here." 

(our) mono heard this from the hallway and thought "how the hell do they know that name?" getting annoyed not to mention angry. Six calmed him down by grabbing his hand and holding it for a bit then said "maybe their here just to play for a bit?" "No way" he said "they said the THIN MAN. They know who I am and they are looking for me. Usually that would include you as well." "that's a good point but if their kids they get scared easily right? just scare them away." (our) six said. "Good idea" said (our) mono. He warped outside the school and started entering through the same window the kids came in. And started glitching intensely. To hopefully catch their attention and instantly scare them away. 

Six,mono,Seven, and twenty three turned around to see the thin man standing right in front of them. Mono with quick thinking took out his mini-mallet and instantly bashed the thin man's leg with it. 

"AGH!" yelled out the thin man "you little shi-" he was about to say shit, only to be interrupted by what was about to be another hammer swing, it instead turned to the thin man back- handing mono's body to the far end of the room leaving a slight crack on the wall where mono's head collided. 

TT yelled out the loudest of the two others saying "MONO!" 

"wait what?" said the thin man [our] mono under his breath, now realizing the boy he just smacked across the room was wearing a bag on his head.

It was him from this reality.  

[our] mono Not wanting to take any chances that he would turn to dust by his past self or alternate self. Threw each of the kids over to where [Cindy's] mono was and warped closely to the now lined up pile of children and said "Listen I know I may look like someone you may know but please let me explain." trying to be as peaceful as possible for the promise he made to six about violence. 

This however failed miserably because The girl in the yellow raincoat, [cindy's] six pulled out a glass shard and threw it at his face, making his cheek bleed a bit and also pissing him the hell off. 

He wiped the blood of his now scarred face, sighed and said " I really did think we could have resolved this peacefully. I guess I have to... "restrict" you from moving for any longer." After he said that his hand moving towards them and each of them experienced an overwhelming force pulling them down to the ground. Each of the four struggled to stand, they were forced on their knees, then they had to lay on theit stomach on the cold hard floor. 

if this kept up the force would either knock them unconscious, and if he kept going after, it would kill them.  

Twenty-Three then got her weapon out of her pocket slowly was able to get up regardless of the force pushing her down and tried walking over to it's cause to help her friends. [our]mono taking notice picked her up with his other arm and said "well, well, well someone's resisting. I wonder what motivates you to do so?" "that's none of you business you jack sparrow look alike." said TT trying to get her other arm up to attack slowly but the force holding her body down made it very difficult to use the weapon or her body in general. The thin man dropped her and then said "A. at least I don't have so many freckles to look like i'm Swiss cheese. And B. you think i'm stupid? I can see the large kitchen knife your holding." 

"crud" TT thought and she two along with six and mono started losing consciousness, until.


"Jesus" said The thin man "that took way longer than expected" The lady walked over now of the dreadful silence and asked "Are they-" "no their alive" interrupted the thin man.  "However, one child here Who seems similar as the boy you described to me, thinks we are dumb enough to realize he's faking it."

The lady then turned to the children, to see one boy in blue clothing sweating out of pure fright of the two figures towering before him. The thin man sighed, stood up and picked up seven with his hand surrounding his body so he couldn't move out of his grasp. 

"LET ME GO!" He shouted "I don't think I will" said the thin man "Now i'm going to ask you questions and you better answer them. Or else" he walked over to [cindy's] six and just next to her body a force so power exerted it blew a huge hole in the concrete ground next to her. "Who are you and how do you know our code titles?" he first asked. 

"I thought you already knew us?" said seven slightly showing a smug smile on his face. "You recognize him?" asked the thin man "yes" said the lady "From our world he's called seven. Is your name seven?" asked the lady sounding a lot more calm then her thin accomplice. "Yes" he replied "But how do you know that? you only referred to us as brats or children. Not by our actual names. At least in the dream world you did." he tried saying that last part under his breath but this was heard as clear as day by thin man "I'm sorry" he said "what do you mean by Dream world?" 

he responded "Well you guys in our world know that your life is well... just our imagination, into real living nightmares. You, her, and the north wind found some way to take us to your realm and tried to kill us with your underlings like the hunter-." As soon as he said that he was  instantly squeezed HARD by the thin man.  the lady put her hand on his arm and slightly yelled "Please Calm down mono!" 

"Mono?!" said seven shocked "God dammit si-" he said but now stopped to now also be annoyed they both just made the same mistake. 

They just called each other by their real names 

"Wait your name is six?" he asked "at least in my universe it is" she responded "If you let me talk when I SAW YOU FOUR" said the thin man in an annoyed tone. "I would have told you we are not your thin man and lady." 

"Ok, ok relax" said six "now let me ask a question. what happened when you got turned into a nome in this... Dreamscape you speak of?" She took notice of his uncomfortable expression after she asked this then he said "Well after I got transformed I walked around the maw for a bit, then I found a sausage, I saw you were hungry so I offered it to you, because you looked hungry. Instead you didn't eat that.... you ate me instead." {Our} six knew exactly when and where he was talking about and the thought of that drove her into tears she then said trying to hold it in "I-I'm going to n-need some t-time." 

"Six Wait!" [our]mono yelled out to her with no avail because she warped away and left. He let out an upset sigh and put seven down and started walking away. "WAIT!" Seven yelled "I still have questions!" 

The thin man deciding it was only fair went to him knelt down and said "Alright fine... not right now. But explain to your friends what I told you and come here again tomorrow WITHOUT any weapons to attack me with this time and I will answer your questions they should wake in an hour. But I need to tend to my friend first please..."   

Seven understanding said "Ok that's fine. And thanks for not killing us he said as a joke." "The thin man snickered said "No problem" and left to tend to his friend.

 He eventually found her on the dome rooftop to the school looking up at the full moon and asked "Hey you Okay?" 

"No mono I am not." She replied "I killed and ATE my only friend in the maw." 

"Listen" said mono "If that boy you described is anything like me I'm sure he forgave you... But right now we need to be strong and hopeful that he's in a better place." He  sat down next to her and continued on "That kid seven seems to like,like you in this world. I can tell because when I left he Instantly went to you first." 

The lady snickered cheered up a bit and put her head on his shoulder and asked "I will say it once more and again and again. Why do I have such nice friends. I don't deserve em" She said while hugging him and drowsing off into a deep sleep." "I dunno" said thin man "Maybe if you weren't so beautiful you'd be harder to forgive." he said under his breath. He removed her mask and carried her bridal style again to a hospital bed inside the school, put her down, sat on a chair, and both fell asleep.

Seven woke his friends up in the next hour explained everything and they each left the school to go to sleep and come back tomorrow. After Mono and TT picked at Six, and seven's relationship they both went to their homes to bed and [Cindy's] Six and seven went to bed in seven's.


So fair warning I expect  questions in the comment bellow or on this line so I can make six, seven, mono, and TT ask OUR duo questions. 

I Hope y'all ask good ones and Now guess what this is boutta say next 


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