Weakness (Jay McGuiness Fanfi...

נכתב על ידי thatgranitegirl

194 16 0

When Jay McGuiness meets Hailey Lawrence at a bar, he is far from knowing just how much this encounter will c... עוד

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.

Chapter 12.

9 1 0
נכתב על ידי thatgranitegirl


The boys were quite busy after New Year's. They'd been picked up for more concerts so it was four months later when I saw them again. They were pretty much done with their work, so Jay invited me to go hang out with him in town. We took a taxi there so we could both relax.

We were driving along just fine on the motorway when something happened. I learnt afterwards that a car in front of us crashed into another one, which caused a pile-up which involved the car we were in.

The taxi flipped and rolled before landing on its roof.

"Jay? Are you okay?"

The accident had shaken me up but overall, I seemed to be okay. Jay was knocked out though.

I could see that the driver was also unconscious, but someone was coming over to help free him, so I unstrapped my seatbelt.

"Hailey?" Jay groaned as he awakened. "I think I broke my leg."

"It's okay, help is on the way."

The woman freeing the driver motioned to me. "The gas tank is leaking!"

I looked where she was pointing to see that she was right. I hurried to unstrap Jay and help him out through one of the windows.

"Come on Jay, I'll help you."

"Ow!" he cried out as I dragged him, beginning to feel some pain in my shoulders and back. I dragged him as far as I could and collapsed, suddenly feeling sore and exhausted.

"I can't really feel my legs..." Jay spoke as he presumably went into shock. The ambulance arrived soon after.

They carted me off and did all kinds of tests on me to figure out what was wrong. It turned out that I had a massive bruise on my back and that I'd sprained my shoulders dragging Jay. I'd be okay, but I wanted to know about Jay.

"Can you find out about Jay for me?" I asked the nurse. I didn't know where he was and I couldn't see him yet.


She came back to tell me that the doctors were currently working on him. It was the next day when I was finally able to see him.

The nurse informed me that he'd broken both of his legs, and that he'd injured his back. He would recover, but it would take time.

"I'm just glad you're okay" I sighed with relief.

"So am I. It's crazy what's happened. It's a bit like when you were in the hospital."

"Except this time, I'm the one scared."

He smiled and took my hand. "I'm going to be alright."

"I'm going to take care of you like you took care of me."

"I look forward to that" he smiled.

Jay went to stay with his family for a month to recover, but when he got back I was there to help care for him.

"I missed you" he said as I set him up on the sofa.

"I missed you too."

"How are you doing?"

"Alright, my back's still a bit sore though. How about you?"

"A lot better. I can walk around now with crutches and soon I won't need them."

"Good. How about some food?"

I cooked for Jay and we watched a movie together. We spent a lot of time like this, having fun together inside.

Since his twin didn't live too far away, he often came to visit. He loved to tease Jay about our relationship when he thought I couldn't hear. It was pretty amusing to see their dynamic.

Things continued like that for a while as Jay recovered.

One thing that was difficult for both of us though was sleep. We both had memories of the accident and it could be difficult to forget that. I even had nightmares where Jay had died in that accident.

"You need to be getting more sleep" Jay said as we hung out in his room.

"So do you. You'll recover faster."

"I'm already recovering well thanks to you."

He smiled and looked at me. For a while we didn't say anything until he pulled back the covers. "You should stay here with me."

"What, like in the same bed?"

"Yes. Maybe it would be better for both of our sleep problems." He had a point, and I was willing to try it.

"Okay then."

I slipped under the covers and we faced each other. "Goodnight Hailey."

"Night Jay."

He switched off the lights and we slept side by side for the first time.

When Jay fully recovered, I no longer had to be with him 24/7 so I returned to my job. He still had a couple of things to deal with for the band, but he called me to tell me that he and the boys were planning on going on a holiday to celebrate the good and let go of the bad.

"Do you want to come? Lucy's coming."

"I thought it was a boy's trip?"

"Kind of, but I can invite who I want."

"I don't want to bother you guys."

"You never bother me, you know that. I'd really like you to come."

I couldn't say no to that. The fact that he specifically wanted me there meant a lot to me.

"Okay then. I'd love to."

The boys had a jacuzzi in their back yard and they hung out there to plan the holiday. I was there too, dipping my legs into the water.

"I think we should go to The Bahamas" Max suggested.

"I'm down for that. Anyone else?"

Everyone agreed with Tom and Max so it was decided. Jay was in the tub near my legs and he rested his head on them, prompting me to lightly stroke his hair. I saw Max look at that with a smirk.

"Are you excited to come along Hailey?"

"I really am. I don't think I've ever been that far before."

"Is that the only reason?"

Jay splashed Max and he backed down. I laughed and shook my head. I understood that everyone wanted Jay and I to get together, but we were taking our time. It would happen when it happened.

המשך קריאה

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