Blue Rose in a Dark Room

By CarraWhales

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(Romantic•Comedy) COMPLETED Dylan grew up in a well-to-do family. He was a young good-looking guy with a brig... More

••☆ INTRO ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 2) ☆••

••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 1) ☆••

35 3 0
By CarraWhales

Serena was taken aback. She turned her head to Rose and looked at her tensely. "Are you accusing me? Do you have a proof?" she retorted.

"This house has surveillance cameras inside and out. Plus, I have a witness." Rose answered calmly. She could see guilt slowly appearing on Serena's face. "I just don't know how Dylan will react if he finds out about it." she added.

Serena felt more tense. She knew she could not deny it anymore. "Fine! I did it. So what? Dylan will forgive me. I know he can't resist me." she claimed in a boastful tone.

Rose smirked. "Don't worry. I will not use it against you. I may be just an ordinary girl, but I know how to play fair."

"I'm not scared of you. I will change his mind. I will make him fall in love with me instead. I'm confident he will not say no to this face when he finally sees me." Serena asserted.

Rose smirked again. "If he chose you, I'll let him, and you won't hear anything from me, but if he chose me... you can never touch him again, not even the tip of his finger." she said, looking straight into her eyes.

Serena was alarmed, but she didn't show it. "Huh! You have the nerve. You really don't want to place yourself back to where you belong. Well, what can I expect from a cheap person like you?"

"I feel the same way about you. I hate rich people who don't hesitate to do terrible things because they think they're entitled to do whatever they want... Money can buy beauty, but it can never fix a twisted mind." Rose replied, maintaining her calm tone.

Serena scowled at her. "You can't stop me. Call me a bitch all you want, but I will do everything to get him from you."

"Do whatever you want. I'm just his helper anyway... but I won't hold back if you ended up hurting him instead." Rose warned.

"I will never hurt him." Serena raised her voice.

"Yeah, never. You better keep your words." she replied.

"Huh! I'm impressed. How can you stay calm in front of your rival?" Serena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I'm not desperate like you. I'm contended with what I have. I don't ask for more, but that doesn't mean I will refuse if something big knocks on my door. Actually, I just learned that recently." she answered.

"Are you talking about Dylan?" Serena asked.

"Believe it or not, I did my best to change his mind, but then I realized I don't have to be selfish to myself nor do I have to him just because our world is different... Once his sight is restored, and he still feels the same way for me, I think that part of my life which I never thought would happen to me, will make me love him more than the air I breathe." she answered truthfully.

Serena was quiet for a moment. She was taken by what she said, but that did not discourage her. She scoffed. "Then, may the best bitch win."


At night, Mrs. Walton came home. "What happened to your face?" she asked when she saw Dylan's bruise. "Did you get into a fight?"

Rose looked at Dylan anxiously.

"Um, no... I fell down the stairs... head first... last night." he reasoned, stammering.

Rose could see an unconvinced look on Mrs. Walton's face.

"Is that true, Rose?" she asked doubtfully.

"Yes... Maybe he was sleep walking that night." she answered. She felt bad at lying, but she was too ashamed to tell her it was his best friend who did it to him only because of her.

"I didn't know you're sleep walking." Mrs. Walton said.

"Neither do I. The next thing I knew, I was crawling on the stairs." Dylan replied.

"Well, I suggest you tie yourself in bed at night." she told him.

Rose chuckled watching Dylan scratching the back of his head.

"How about you, Rose? How's your shoulder?" Mrs. Walton asked in a concerned tone.

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." she answered.

At that moment, Dylan remembered when Max told him he made her incision bleed. He felt bad about himself again thinking about the pain she had because of his stupid actions.

"That's great. It means it's healing properly." Mrs. Walton said, then she looked back at Dylan. "How do you like to celebrate your birthday this year, sweetie?" she asked.

Rose was surprised when she heard it.

"I don't want a big party this time. A simple dinner maybe." he answered.

"Really? ...This is the first time you will not hold a big bash... but okay, if that's what you really want." she agreed.


After dinner, Rose took Dylan back to his bedroom.

"Rose" he called.

"Hmm?" she responded.

"On my birthday, can we go to the church you used to visit when it's your birthday?" he requested.

"Why do you want to go there?" she asked in a curious tone.

"You said God answers your birthday wishes. I want to try it too." he reasoned.

"Okay... But don't expect too much. God is very busy almost all the time. Sometimes He misses them. There are times, He mishears them too." she replied.

He was smiling as he was listening to her. She sounded very cute when talking about God. "Don't worry. I'll say it loud and clear."

"Are you sure you don't want a party?" she asked.

"I'm still blind, my best friend is mad at me right now, and you're still recovering. I don't think I would want to party with all that." he reasoned.

"Would you like me to give you a present?" she asked.

He smiled. "I will accept anything from you."


The next day, Serena came. She headed to the dining table when she didn't find Dylan in the living room and in his bedroom.

"Oh! Hi there, Serena. Come and join us." Mrs. Walton invited her.

"Hi, aunt Vic" she greeted, then she sat on the chair next to Dylan.

"You look very pretty." Mrs. Walton complimented.

She smiled. "Thank you"

"Tell your mom to visit me. We haven't talked in a while." Mrs. Walton told her.

"Sure, auntie. I'll tell her later." she answered, then she shifted her eyes to Dylan. "Hey, Dylan. Do you still remember the silver hairclip you gave me two years ago? I still have it, look." She grabbed his hand and put it on her head.

He smiled when he felt it.

"But I lost some of its pearls. Can I request a new one from you?" she asked, squeezing his hand.

"Don't you have other hairclips?" he asked.

"I do, but I think it's cute and special when a guy gives a girl a hairclip." she reasoned childishly.

"Okay, I'll buy you a new one when I have time... How about you, Rose? Do you want a hairclip?" he asked.

Serena's expression changed when he gave his attention to her.

"Nope, I'm good. My hair is fine without blings." she answered.

"All right. I know you don't like girly stuff." he said, patting her head.

Mrs. Walton noticed something as she was watching the three of them. She chuckled when she sensed it. Then, she thought of an idea. "Since Dylan doesn't want a big party on his birthday, can I request the two of you to give him a special present at least? I just thought of it because you're both close to him." she asked.

"Mom, there's no need for that." Dylan refused.

"Sure thing. That won't be a problem for me." Serena agreed.

"How about you, Rose? Is that okay with you?" Mrs. Walton asked.

"Um... yeah, sure" she answered in an intimidated tone.

"That's great." Mrs. Walton said with a smile.


After their breakfast, Serena joined Dylan and Rose in the living room.

Rose was sitting on the couch with her both legs clipping Dylan's fingernails.

Serena observed her while she was busy. She focused on her simple appearance. "I see you like wearing sweatshirts and hoodies, Rose." she told her.

"Yeah... I prefer wearing baggy clothes because my body is very small. If I will wear something that will fit my shape, people might mistake me for a walking pole." she joked without looking.

Dylan chuckled. "I don't think so." he said.

After Serena heard that, she became suspicious about how serious their relationship really was and she didn't like what she was thinking of. "Why your hair is blue?" she asked, trying to find a way to mock her.

"Yeah, Rose. I also what to know why you like blue hair? Is that your favorite color?" Dylan asked in a curious tone.

"Not really. I like my hair blue because it makes me feel free, like I'm swimming in the deep blue sea, or flying in the wide blue sky. I have this weird love for nature." she answered.

Dylan was smiling as he was listening to her wonders. "Now I know why you want to travel." he said. "Hey, how about we go to the beach this summer?" he suggested.

"I agree. In fact, I'm ready." Serena answered right away.

Dylan forgot she was there. He only wanted to be with Rose alone on that vacation day. "Okay... How about you, Rose? You love swimming, right?" he asked.

While Rose was thinking of it, Max suddenly came across her mind. "Before we go anywhere, don't you like to make it up with Max first? It's not fun to go to a place if you know you have an unfinished business with someone." she asked.

He thought of it. "I guess you're right... but I don't know what to do. I'm bad at making an apology."

"Invite him on your birthday. I'm sure he will come. Max is not hard to please." she suggested.

"Okay. I'll try, but he has to promise he will not hit my face again." he required.

"He won't do that again if you behave yourself." she replied.

"I'm not misbehaving. I'm just confused sometimes because I can't see." he reasoned.

"Stop moving your hand." she chided.

"Oh, sorry" he said, showing a childish look on his face "So what's your answer about going to the beach?" he asked again.

"Fine. I'll go, but since Serena is coming with us, you should invite Max and Steve too." she demanded.

"All right, I will." he agreed.

Serena noticed how obedient Dylan was to Rose while she's watching them talking to each other. She did not like how he favored her more than he was with her.

To be continued....

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