The Billionaire & I

By dami241

1.2M 55.7K 5.3K

Rewritten and completed✔ Ophelia Duhamels knows what rock bottom is and vows to never hit it again after gett... More



25.6K 1.1K 104
By dami241

The cool evening air slightly chilled my face as I walked home. I let my thoughts intertwine with the wind, taking me back to a few hours earlier.

"That was so embarrassing and it was all your fault."

"All my fault?" William laughed. "It takes two to tango Ophelia." He leaned back into the couch. It was nearly half past four and he'd called me into his office barely two minutes ago. Mark already left about an hour before but not without passing me a sly smirk on his way out.

"I told you anyone could walk in." I shifted on the couch, facing him squarely.

"To be fair, you were more specific about Lilian and Mark isn't Lilian." He shrugged indifferently.

"I can't believe your nonchalance right now. Mark is going to think–"

"He already knows we dated in college." William interjected.

"You told him?"

"I shouldn't have?" One of his brows arched up.

"Didn't think you wanted to but he's your friend, you can tell him whatever you want." I looked away.

"He saw an old picture of us in my apartment and it cemented all his previous suspicions about us."

"Oh. Why do you even have that?" I stared at the center table.


"An Old picture of us." I grimaced a bit.

"You don't?"

"Why would I? Burnt them all a long time ago along with all your other stuff."

"Of course you did." His smile was mellow.

"So Mark knows we dated back in college. What about now? What's the explanation for this afternoon?"

"I think that is a question even we are yet to answer." He folded his arms and I coughed.

"Residue sexual tension. That's the answer." My eyes focused on the patterns of the skirt portion of my dress. I heard him chuckle and looked up.

"Is that really the answer?" He turned and we were much closer than before. The way his dark eyes now accessed me made me feel bare to the bone. It was unnerving and thrilling at the same time.

"Yes," I said ignoring the tingly feeling that spread all over my body just from his nearness.

"You keep avoiding my gaze." He smiled.

"And you don't seem so miserable anymore." I turned the tables.

"You just happened to cheer me up."

"Or was that the plan and were you pretending?" I asked hotly and his smile immediately disappeared.

"Do you really think I planned that? Pretended just so I could kiss you?"

I cleared my throat, "I won't fall for it next time. It was highly unprofessional."

"I'm sure you won't," He chuckled patronisingly, "and Miss Duhamels, words of advice, don't go about kissing someone you don't like and think the worst of. It might create the wrong impression."

"Oh trust me, the next person I'm kissing will be someone I like very much." I said with conviction and he glared at me. I resisted shivering from the intensity of the look and instead stood and left his office shutting the door with more force than was needed.

Blinking away the rest of the memory, I knew most of my anger was unjustified but couldn't exactly pinpoint why. Maybe because you were annoyed at how much you liked the kiss, again. I traced my lips remembering the feel of William's lips against them merely hours ago. I hated how easy it was to cave in and want more. I hated how confused he left me everytime. I also felt bad for painting him that way when I knew it wasn't like that.

I paused at the doorway of my apartment and stared at the nearly space in awe. After work yesterday, I stopped by a store and bought a bunch of cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, markers and sellotape so Cecile and I could really start packing things up but we only got so far.

"Woah, you did all this?" I asked my sister who sat between a bunch of boxes and bubble wrap. The kitchen was bare of all plates, cutlery and appliances while all forms of decorations in the living room, including the Persian rug mom gifted me a few years back had been removed, leaving only the dinning set, old couch and coffee table.

"I guess stressing is kind of my stress reliever."

"That's a win for us right there," I laughed, "you've nearly packed up everything. We could even leave tomorrow instead of Sunday. Wait, what are you stressed about?"

"That." She pointed to a brown package on the coffee table and I eyed it questioningly.

"What's in it?" I neared the table.

"It came in the mail late this afternoon. It has my important documents and IDs, even my old phone." She laughed flatly.

"Who sent them?" I asked then my eyes widened, "Richmond?"

She nodded.

"I can't believe the scum actually sent them." I fell next to her on the floor and picked the package up.

"When Ambrose said he was going to attach a letter asking for my important documents and anything I needed, I honestly didn't think anything would come out of it." She shook her head.

"But that's great then. If he got the letter then he has certainly received the divorce papers and order from the court. Why is that stressing you out?"

"Because he clearly received the letter along with the other documents but there has been no word from him or his lawyer concerning the divorce or anything. The package arrived without a note or anything else. I know the restraining order has been issued and Ambrose is working ceaselessly on the case but the silence is driving me crazy," she sighed heavily.

"His pride is probably just wounded. He wanted the upper hand but now realises he doesn't have it anymore. He won't be coming here again. That I'm sure of. You are going to win that case and get that divorce. I have your back Cece and nothing will happen to you."

"I think I really needed that reassurance. He hasn't said anything and it just has me on the edge of the seat. You are really the best P, thank you, for everything," she hugged me tightly and I rubbed her back comfortingly till we pulled apart.

"How was work?" She asked and started wrapping up a vase I couldn't remember the origins of now.

"You won't believe the day I've had," I sighed loudly, "and oh yes, I'm going on a business trip two weeks from now."

"Sounds fancy and exciting." She smiled.

"Nothing about a weekend alone with William is going to be fancy or exciting," I mumbled underneath my breath. "Shoot. I didn't even consider it. Will you be okay alone?"

"I will," she nodded. "The security is much better at the new apartment right? I also can't stop you from doing your job P. I know I was just freaking out but I'll be fine."

"I'll call every five minutes," I said and she laughed but nodded.

"Now what were you saying about being alone with William?" She smiled coyly.

"I picked the short stick being the only single PA available for the stupid trip." I rolled my eyes remembering Heather's  anniversary then the light blush that subtly stained Lilian's cheeks as she said neither of them would be available that weekend.

Cecile laughed. "How did you even end up as William's PA?"

"I also picked the short stick on that, being one of the newbies." I sighed equally remembering the series of unfortunate events. "I mean I started out as a sales analyst but it all escalated so quickly and I was dealt a big blow by the universe but I stay because the pay is pretty good."

"Only the pay?"

"Of course only the pay."

"Then why is this trip already stressing you out? Is William so infuriating to be around?"

"Yes, yes he is especially when we kissed again today!"

"Kissed? Again?" Cecile's eyes widened and amusement and interest quickly filled them.

"I don't want to talk about it." I stood up.

"Common, you can't leave me hanging." She groaned.

"We have to pack."


"You look exhausted but happy. I'm reading you just recently moved into a new place?" She tilted her head.

"Jo, are you psychic?"

"No," she laughed, "but I'm familiar with the 'spent the whole weekend moving into a new place' look. I carried it for a week after moving into my current place."

"It's really exhausting." I groaned.

"Absolutely but there's always the bright side of being in a new place and discovering you need new blinds."

"I do actually need new blinds," I laughed and she grinned. "How did your weekend go?"

"I went on a date," she paused, "with Mark." She finished with a smirk and I clapped.

"Okay, I'm only feeling like the greatest match maker ever." I flipped my hair and she laughed.

"We are still testing the waters, seeing how things will go." She added and I nodded eagerly.

"Hola chicas." Bella entered the office carrying her handbag on one hand and a tray holder of beverages on the other.

"Morning Bels,"

"Hey Bella," Jo and I said simultaneously.

"Thank God you're here Ophelia, coffees for the both of you," she handed Jo and I drinks from the tray then looked around, "where is John? I'll just leave it on his desk." She waved a hand and dropped the last cup on his desk.

"Thank you very much." I smiled.

"You're a darling Bels and you are positively glowing this morning girl, what's up?" Jo asked. Bella explained the reason for her extra joviality (it revolved around her boyfriend and some of his certain skills) and the rest of our conversation went pretty downhill from there. It was a good morning indeed.


"Happy birthday!"

"What?" I yawned and rolled around.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten your own birthday." The bed dipped.

"Birthday?" My eyes shot opened. "Is today the 8th?"

"Yes silly."

"It's my birthday." I sat up slowly.

"Yes it is, happy birthday." Cecile laughed. "I made pancakes. You should have some before you leave."

"Thank you." I smiled and she nodded then left.

Looking around my new room didn't give me much of whiplash this morning. Nearly two weeks had gone by since we moved in and although we were still settling in, the apartment looked great. I ran my hand through my hair, meeting tangles along the way and exhaled.

It was my birthday. I was officially twenty seven. My last birthday was rather memorable. It was around the time the world I'd worked so hard to build for years, started crumbling and crashing in on me.

"Things can only get better from here on." I murmured before standing up to begin my morning routine.

"A birthday breakfast is everything." I soliloquized happily while stuffing myself with pancakes and eggs minutes later. My phone buzzed and my smile widened seeing some birthday messages.

"Thank you for the breakfast cece! I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" She called out from inside.

Throughout the train ride to work, my head was occupied with random thoughts and musings which continued all the way to the elevator in the lobby.

"Fancy running into the birthday girl herself."

I turned to see Jo and Bella wearing wide grins.

"Happy birthday!" They chorused.

"Thank you." I beamed.

"Where are we turning up to today?" Jo asked with a little dance.

"I may have actually forgotten today was my birthday."

"No way chica!" Bella's eyes widened.

"I guess it just happened,"

"Here's our floor, we'll discuss this later Ophelia." Jo tsked before they left the elevator.

Stepping out of the elevator five minutes after, I was thinking how it'd been a long while since I had a birthday party of any kind when two soft arms wrapped around me.

"Happy birthday Ophelia!"

"Thank you Heather." I smiled at her.

"Any plans?"

"Not a clue yet." I shook my head.

"When you know, let me know." She chuckled and I nodded.

"What's the itinerary like today?" I dropped my bag on my desk.

"Mr Illston isn't coming in today either..." she started.

William and I hadn't said much to each other since that Friday. It was only work or nothing. I stared at his office door, bit my lip and looked away.

"...but Lilian sent an updated schedule. I have to go to Illston Tech today and..." Heather continued but I'd already zoned out.


Some chapters are easier to write than others and I'm glad this is one of those 'easier to write' ones because it means faster updates! I wasn't sure when this would be out but here I am with another update. Woot woot.

How'd you like this chapter?

I can't contain it so I just have to spill this sneak peak for the next chapter. There's a specific flashback everyone's been eager to read about since the beginning of the book. Can you guess what flashback that is?

Drum roll please!

Yes, that's right! The breakup scene!The much awaited reason for their breakup will be featured in the next chapter and I'm honestly just as excited as all of you probably are :)

Don't forget to vote, comment and share everywhere. See you next time loves! Can't wait ;)

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