22 Days✓

By salemmiles_

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🏆Featured on @TeenFiction's "Funny Bones" reading list(06/10/21) 22 days....1 bet.....a vacation getaway. Ca... More

Author's Note
1: The Bet
2: Winners
3: Acrophobic
4: Welcome To Hawaii
5: Day 2
6: Day 3
7: Day 4
8: Day 5
9: Day 6
10: Day 7
11: Day 8
12: Day 9
13: Day 10
14: Day 11
15: Day 12
16: Day 13
17: Day 14
18: Day 15
19: Day 16
20: Day 17
21: Day 18
22: Day 19
23: Day 20
25: The Last Day
26: Feel Better
Author's Note

24: Day 21

171 28 58
By salemmiles_

The bonfire was going well so far. With everyone else dancing and singing with each other, I sit by the table, and drink my apple juice in peace. Derek joins me, and instinctively grabs my apple juice.

"What's up with you?" I ask as he stands up and drinks it right in front of me.

"Peace offering?" He says instead.

"What are you talking about?"

He pointed at the water. I noticed someone seated by the shore, and by the look of it, it was Yvonne. I probably guessed Yvonne because her infamous headphones were on, and she seemed to be at peace alone.

"Peace offering." He said again, putting the glass down and filling up 2 extra glasses, "You know you have a day left, right?"

I gaped at him as he held the 2 glasses; I had lost the timeline as he literally ruined things for me a week back.

"It's our last night here, Cece. You might as well go for it tonight." He shrugged, holding the glasses easily, "I don't think you'd like to say it while everyone is in a plane and is literally rushing to get home. Do it tonight, and I'll let you go, no matter the outcome."

His words were sincere, which made me feel a little bad. Derek has since said he does have feelings for me, and I neglected them badly because of my feelings for Yvonne.

Nonetheless, Derek was and will always be my best friend, and best friends forgive each other no matter what. So, I stood up, and we stared each other down.

"Derek, listen, I'm-"

"Don't even say it, I'm sorry." He smiled at me, "Here," he gave me both glasses, "Maybe this can make the mood a little better when you do tell her that it was a complete misunderstanding."

"Thank you." I gave him a tiny grin, gripping the glasses a little harder.

"Don't mention it. And I know you didn't want anyone's help, but I helped you in this one cause you weren't going to win." He kissed my cheek, "By the way, I got Jess back so screw you."

I laughed and we parted ways.

As I began to walk across the beach, I noticed a couple of eyes turning to me, but decided to ignore it. My hands were getting shakier by the second as I got closer to Yvonne. When I finally reached her, I sat down besides her and stared at the ocean as well.

She didn't seem to acknowledge my presence, merely continuing her music session. I tapped her shoulder, and she looked at me. Pulling her headphones down, she spoke.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to have fun with the others." She muttered, pausing the music on her iPod.

"I came to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about, Cecelia. Just go." She looked back at the water, "We have nothing to talk about."

"I'm pretty sure we have a lot to talk about, Yvonne." I took in a deep breath, "I'll begin. I just wanted to apologise for the way that I acted earlier on...it was selfish of me and I didn't think you'd be impacted by my actions-"

"Of course I'd be affected by them, I care about you-"

"Yeah but do you care about me the way I care about you?" I interrupted her, not ready for the unbalanced argument,"Do you like me like I like you? No, I don't think so."

"Who said I don't?" She countered, a little huff before she spoke again, "Back to you assuming things again."

"You were getting cozy with Jameela." I stated.

"And you with Derek." She shot back.

We sat in silence for a while until she spoke again.

"So much for an apology? I thought you were going to apologize for using me to win a stupid bet, do you know how much that hurt me?" She asked, "Here I was, thinking my best friend genuinely has feelings for me, only to be told I was used to win a bet. I mean, if you wanted to fuck Derek I would have let you, but for you to use me because you don't want to go to school in a nappy wig while bald underneath? Now that's just testing our friendship."

"I liked you before the bet, you just never gave me enough room to tell you, which is why Derek came up with the bet." I explained slowly, "I would have never gotten this close with you if it weren't for the bet, and you know that. Why I'm saying I wouldn't have gotten close with you in the first place? Hm, maybe because you're a workaholic that rarely goes out with the people she cares about unless forced to by said people. You always wear your fricking headphones, get lost in your own world most of the time, and only speak when the issue at hand concerns you. If you really want to know, I've always had feelings for you from day one, but because of your fricking schedule I can never get anytime with you. So before you say how this bet ruined our friendship, look at how close it made us become!"

"Close? Close?? If you pushing yourself onto me in every single situation is close, then go ahead. If you literally telling Jameela to bugger off is close, then we're sisters. If you getting really nervous around me is close, then yeah, we're close!" She said angrily.

"I never pushed myself onto you, nor have I gotten nervous around you." I denied.

"You fucking vomited on me!"

"Because it was my first time flying!" I had to defend myself at all costs, no one willingly just throws up on their crush.

"But would you deny that you did tell Jameela to stay away from me?"

I shook my head, "She made a bet with me and I won, that's why she's staying away from you."

"You have a genuine addiction to bets, don't you?" She mocked, pushing me slightly.

"And you have a genuine addiction to being alone."

"It was never bad."

"It might just leave you as friendless as we found you if you think about it." I rolled my eyes.

"For your own information I have friends, I just don't talk to them at school often because of my busy schedule."

"And whose fault is that huh? The universe?" I glared at her.

"Cece, us arguing is getting us nowhere, tell me what you want and leave, it's that simple." She sighed, while finger combing her hair.

"Why do you shut yourself away from everyone, Yvonne? We're your friends and because we're friends we're supposed to be super close to each other, and have each other's back. But you...you rarely tell us anything. Why?"

She at first gave me an icy stare, then her facial features softened, "I have never had a friendship like you with Leon or even you with Derek. My friendships were always one sided, and I could never receive more than I gave. With your friendship, you guys would literally take a bullet for each other...and I never had that. I know shutting myself away from you guys when it comes to what lies beneath is not the way to go about it, but I've never had a friendship where secrets were not used against me." She finished.

"You think I'd use your secrets against you?"

"Cece no, I don't, but I do have that subtle fear that you'll leave once you know what lies underneath this exterior. What lies underneath is just..." She trailed off, and I instinctively wrapped my arm around her.

"I'll never leave you, no matter what. What the heck are friends for if they are leaving anyways?" I said quietly.

"So we're friends now?" She asked, and my breathing momentarily stopped.

"I don't know, you tell me." I whispered quietly, "I mean, I like you and whatever you decide I'm fine with."

"Heaven knows how much I actually care for you and how long I've had feelings for you. I mean, who else would slowly remove their clothing in front of their roommate like that seductively?" She smirked, "It was pretty obvious I liked you from the start."

"It wasn't obvious, you were acting like my older sister for chrissake!" I whined, and she laughed.

"Well that's because you're way too clumsy for your own good! Someone needs to keep you in check." She joked, but her face turned serious, "Cecelia, I'm not going to lie to you, I like you, a lot. Like, a lot."

I blushed before giving her a glass, "I like you too."

She stood up, and helped me up in the process. Lifting her glass up, she clinked it with mine, "I guess it's time."

"To what?" I said, confused.

Yvonne grinned at me, "Let's go back to our room." She pulled my hand as we made our way back.

"But the glasses-"

"We'll deal with that in the morning, Cece." She laughed as we continued walking.


We reached our room and she slowly opened it, all the while grinning. When we finally got through, she closed the door and locked it. I was still holding my glass, and she put hers on the table. She came closer to me with me backing up till I hit a desk.

"What are you-"

"Don't talk." She uttered before placing her lips on mine.

I was shocked and accidentally dropped my glass. She pulled away abruptly and stared at the broken glass on the ground.

"Shit." She murmured, "We have to clean that up."

With a new found confidence in me, I laughed, "We'll deal with that later." Wrapping my arms around her waist I pulled her closer, "Right now, it's about us, not broken glass on the fucking floor."

"You're right."

With that, I put my lips on hers. The kiss was slow, with us just savouring the moment for a while.

Then, things began to heat up.

She broke the kiss once again, "We have to move away from the broken glass or we'll get injured." She spoke slowly, "Come here."

I let go of her waist and we both moved away, looking at the two beds.

"Yours or mine?"

"Does it matter?" She shrugged, pulling me close again, "As long as I'm doing this with you."

We began kissing once again and I pushed her against my bed, with me getting on top of her. I broke the kiss to tie my hair back while she grinned at me.

"I've never done this before." She looked away.

"Me either, we'll just have to teach each other."

"You've done it with Derek...."

"I've never done it with a girl." I murmured, "You'll be my first."

"Technically I will. But you, you're going to be my very first."

"I want to make it extra special for you." I smiled, and it was the truth. If this was her first time, I wanted to make it as special as possible, with both of us remembering this for the rest of our lives.

I placed my lips back on hers. She moved her hands around my body as we kissed earnestly, our mouths not leaving each other.

She tried to flip us over...but you know how romance movies make it so fucking easy? Yeah, they lied to you. This bed was fucking small and we had no idea at the moment that we couldn't flip on a bed. So you wanna know what happened? I fell.

She tried to flip us over and instead of me, the 'dominant' one if you may, fell onto the ground back first. I groaned as I was on the ground, and Yvonne's head popped up.

"Fuck!" She cussed, "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." I wheezed, sitting up and rubbing my head.

Yvonne got off the bed and joined me on the floor, "I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't think I'd-"

"It's okay, Yvonne." I reassured her by placing my hand on her cheek, "At least now we're even in the art of fucking up."

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

"I vomited on you, you threw me off the bed as we were getting intimate. Perfectly even." I laughed, and she joined in on the laughter.

"God, Cecelia, you're such a dork." She chuckled.

"Hey, at least we have a memorable start to our relationship." I reasoned, and she placed a peck on my lips.

"I love this, I love this stupid start." She smiled.

"I do too, and I wouldn't change it for the world." I grinned back, and with that being said, our lips met once again, this time, with no interruptions.

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