ONESHOT ᵏᵗʰ · ʲʲᵏ

By abiskzh

12K 590 114

!!!read the first part to know further info¡¡¡¡ ●SOME Angst ●SOME Fluff ●others !top taehyung ¡bottom jungko... More

about this Oneshot
Gaming/work chair
MC of Music core
!The Flirt one!
Quarantine day #1
Not Good enough
°•°Sweet night•°•
Your Eyes Tell
Your Eyes Tell 2
Hideout 2
Lateˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ
𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ
ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ
MGA 2018= reason *1
MGA 2018= reason*2
NOT me
Free loveˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ
What are we?
Stayˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ
listen before i go
Trick or Treat
Long night
Empty Space
texting little kooˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ
"Run for your life"
The lights
Mr. Forgettable
Snap date

Nightmaresˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉ

258 16 10
By abiskzh

This is again a Little space one-shot though this is not my OG it is a short ver. of an ff that I read a long time ago though I think the author left Wattpad and did not continue it, I really liked the idea so if y'all remember their name pls (@) HOPE U ENJOY!!! there will be triggering images ⚠️

3rd POV.

Taehyung had to go to  Kwangyang because of business purposes for 1 whole week, leaving his boyfriend alone in Seoul he asked jungkook if he wants to stay with namjoon or yoongi but he said that nothing bad will happen somehow jungkook convinced taehyung to let jungkook be alone for a week. 

But on the second night jungkook bored so he thought of watching a scary movie 'IT' he knew that the movie will be scary but this scary, not at all. In the part where pennywise opened his mouth jungkook was literally crying.



jungkook did notice that he split into little kookie until the movie ended, Kookie wiped his tears and called his boyfriend because he was really scared but kookie knew that if he told his daddy about watching a horror movie he will get a punishment so he knew it would be the best for him to just keep it to himself.

Calling Taetae💙







"baby, how are you"

"kookie ish gud"

"nice, baby can you tell daddy how old you are?"

"ummmm kookie ish...5"

"thank you, Baby, it's almost 1 am why aren't you sleeping?"

"cuz kookoo watch movie"

"what movie?" taehyung asked worriedly because might jungkook watched a movie which is not for his age

"ummm bosh babieee n! n! babie" jungkook lied

"oh, so my baby watch another baby and an ugly doll?"

"nuu kookie nut baby, kookie big N babie pewtty"

"ok baby daddy was just kidding, daddy has some question and you have to answer them for me?"


"did you eat all 3 meals today?"


"did you eat any snacks?"

"onwy coco miwlk"

"ok, what time did you wake up?"


"ok now why did you call daddy?"

"cushh kookie wanch daddy to sing for kookie when kookie sweeps"

"ok, are you in your onesie?"


"ok, take the phone to our room, and don't forget to grab Mr.bunny"

"okie" jungkook said and grabbed the plushie and jumped on the bed, he placed his phone at the side where taehyung  usually sleeps and laid where usually sleeps but it was not the same, 


"yes baby"

"what are chu doing?"

"working baby"

"daddy come sweep with kookoo too"

"baby soon, right now daddy is busy"

"Daddy, why are chu bus?"

"baby I am not a bus I am bus-y"



"kookoo mish chu" jungkook pouted

"Baby I miss you too don't worry daddy will be there in a few days"



"umm can i ushe uwl shirwt"

"my shirt?"


"sure" jungkook ran to their closet and took out a purple hoodie and took of his onesie, the hoodie covered jungkook's boxers 

"thank chu" jungkook said

"How does my baby look"

"wait kookoo sent a pic"



"daddy look"

"ok just wait"

(just imagine jk in it^^^ jungkook doesn't wear any color of hoodie except for black hoodies)

"wow you look gorgeous"

"thank chu, it smells like chu"

"do I smell good?"

"yeshh vewy much like- like strawberries N- N! umm sugar"

"thank you c'mon sleep I'll sing you a song"

"Okie" jungkook said and laid down and cuddle with Mr.Bunny

Soon taehyung heard soft snores coming from the other side of the phone he smiled and hang up the phone, he wanted to kiss his boyfriend so much but he was extra worried about why did jungkook randomly split into little space.

jungkook woke up in the middle of the night he just had a weird feeling, it was very uncomfortable. He noticed that half of his body was paralyzed, only his head was moving, his hands, legs nothing except the head was moving, Jungkook heard someone heavily breathing which scared him because he was the only one home, he closed his eyes trying to calm himself and that he is just hallucinating, but when he opened his eyes a clown appeared in front of him, and jungkook knew exactly who that clown was.



Jungkook could clearly see his face and his bright yellow eyes because of the moonlight coming from the window. Jungkook begged for him to leave him alone also tried to move but it was impossible. Jungkook also noticed that penny was holding a red-colored ballon which had ' I LOVE JUNGKOOK' written over it with white ink.

Jungkook closed his eyes, telling himself that this is a nightmare, and told himself that taehyung will come until he opened his eyes again, he looked down and the room was 1/4 flooded with blood, then he looked in front of him and there was pennywise walking close to jungkook with his horrifying smile.



Pennywise started to walk closer to jungkook, you could hear his bloody steps,

"you know jungkook, you're very cute" pennywise said

"and I LOVE cute boys" he continued

"do you know what else would be cute?"

"your blood all over the room, hahaha" he laughed, he laughed and laughed until he fell on the floor, his face was all bloody but suddenly he was eaten by the land, jungkook looked around and started to feel his other half body, he opened his side tables drawer and got out his earphones, he connected his earphones with his phone and played his baby rhyme playlist, soon he fell asleep cuddling with Mr.Bunny...

The next morning he woke up with a huge headache, he looked around to see a clean room not even a drop of blood,

"it was a nightmare," jungkook said and stood up and went to the kitchen to make his breakfast, and used a painkiller for the headache, The whole day was scary for him, somehow he wanted to go to a crowded place but there was no crowded place close to his house so he just came home, he fell asleep again and got another nightmare, in the morning he had a headache again and this continued for 3 days, these 3 days were scary, sad, crazy, and painful, jungkook honestly wanted to fly to taehyung but at the same time, he didn't want to worry the older. It was the 4th-night jungkook felt like today was not like the other days.

Jungkook woke up again halfway paralyzed, at this point jungkook knew they were just nightmares so he ignored them, he opened his eyes to see the room filled with floating balloons which had 'I LOVE JUNGKOOK', suddenly a random balloon came closer to jungkook, when the balloon moved, facing jungkook read what was written on the balloon, 'KILL JUNGKOOK' and then other balloons started popping leaving the last one when it popped blood came out of it and was all over jungkook, jungkook stared crying loudly trying to find help.

Just when the 'KILL JUNGKOOK' balloon pops jungkook sees pennywise with his long nail and that's when jungkook screams for his life...

Taehyung POV.

so I wanted to see jungkook so much that I did 2 meetings yesterday and 2 today so basically my work is done now I just have to drive back to Seoul which will take me 3h 16m, I am sleepy? yes but no at the same time bec I drank like 5 cups of coffee, pain.

 THOUGH I am fully energized for my Lil baby kookie, ONLY GOD KNOWS I MUCH I MISS HIM.




thank god I am home, it's not too late like it's 11 pm so I think jungkook is awake even though he shouldn't but I think I'll let it pass.

when I opened the door of our house I dropped the keys because of hearing jungkook's scream, i ran upstairs to our room and opened the door jungkook was on the bed all sweating holding the blanket so tightly and tears falling from his eyes,

"pls leabe kookie pleaws" jungkook begged but there was nobody in the room except me but I don't even think jungkook noticed that I came, hold up he is still sleeping...


 I turned on the lights and ran to jungkook, picked him up, and placed him on my lap, he was still sleeping but crying at the same time,

"baby" i called softly but it was more like jungkook couldn't hear me

"pleaws save me daddy"

"baby, daddy is with you"

"JUNGKOOK WAKE UP" even if I didn't want to say this, I had to be jungkook was just getting more and more horrified

Jungkooks POV.

"We meet again huh?" pennywise said

"pleaws save me daddy"

"huh! jungkook you will be tasty" pennywise said




tae? taetae?

3rd POV.

jungkook slowly opened his eyes and was thankful that he saw taehyung and hugged him...

"got ya" taehyung's voice changed to pennywise's and so did his body,  jungkook tried to run away but pennywise's grip was too tight, just when pennywise was about to bite on jungkook's neck jungkook heard 

"JUNGKOOK WAKE UP" and he did, jungkook woke up but did not hug taehyung, which hurt taehyung but he hugged jungkook

"let go!! DADDY" jungkook screamed still not believing that it is his taehyung

"baby, relax, daddy is here, no one will hurt you, I promise, it's ok babe, I know your brave, I know my jungkook doesn't give up, relax, tell me what happened?"

"h-he ish here" jungkook said believing it is his taehyung because only taehyung could say these types of words to jungkook...

"who, tell me who?" 




"jungkook pls tell me it properly," taehyung said, and jungkook nodded hiding his face in taehyung's face, jungkook told taehyung everything from the first day till today. "and you did not tell anyone?!"

"sowwy daddy kookoo didn't want daddy o be wollied"

"baby how can i don't be worried huh?  you were getting these horrifying nightmares, just look at yourself"


"it's ok, but we have to fight pennywise together," taehyung said smiling but jungkook kissed him right away, how couldn't he, he loved taehyung and he hurt's to love less than 5 days without him,

"kookie is vewy sowwy, add" jungkook sobbed, he was scared, very scared but taehyung was there so he was way more relaxed,

" it's ok, c'mon let's get your mind of this" taehyung said and kissed jungkook's sweaty forehead 

"how?" jungkook said pouting

"let's watch funny videos, you love them don't you" 

"yes bwut fiwst, did daddy eat something?"


"c'mon we will make fowd for daddy, YAY!!" 

"ok let's go" taehyung said and carried jungkook bridal style downstairs

"daddy put kookoo down, you tiwed"

"i am not tiwed"


slkjnbsrlkbskl THE END vhwikghgihgkw


hope u liked it, i think it was pretty boring





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