"What if...."Frigga Stayed

By Hufflepuff1209

26.2K 1K 557

What if when Odin ordered Frigga out of the room when her son was at his trial after the events of "The Aveng... More

The Trial
Long Days Logged
In sickness and in health
A Walk to Remember
Some wounds run deeper than the skin...
In Danger
The Talk
Heroes' Arrival
Common Ground
Odin's Reflections

In the Public Eye

1.6K 66 31
By Hufflepuff1209

Frigga was on her way back to the gardens when she was informed that Loki had violated one of the rules of his house arrest and was now confined to his room for a week and had received a few lashes for his interruption. She waved the guard off and went into the gardens. She stood in the spot where they had been watching the flowers. She used her magic to gently pluck a few of the lilies from the vines and gathered them in a bundle. 

She strode out of the garden and went to the healing chambers to have Eir inform her son that she would be there as soon as possible.

After placing the lilies in a vase so they wouldn't wilt while she was gone, she rode into the outer city circle to get a few items for her wayward son. Even though he was a prince, he had decidedly liked to support the lower-class businesses. He had told her once that they made everything there with their heart and not their money which is why he liked them more. She had not gone into the outer circle since Loki was but a boy, and was therefore a bit apprehensive about what she would see.

The streets of the outer circle were crowded and somewhat unfriendly. This was often called "The Crooks' Circle" because of the amount of pick-pocketing done in the region. Because of this, she had always exercised caution around these parts. They were often semi-hostile to nobles and there had been multiple incidents of nobles being stoned when they ventured here.

Frigga dismounted from her horse and a kind stable girl had offered to care for her while the queen walked the streets. She had tried to pay the child but she had refused, stating that "It is the least I could do." The queen had been quite puzzled by this but decided to leave a few gold pieces for her before she left later. 

She looked around at the people around the streets who recognised her even without her usual garments. They immediately started whispering to their neighbors. She was surprised anyone could hear each other considering how loud it was. Frigga continued along the stone paths and eventually came to a small shop that she vaguely remembered Loki mentioning once. She opened the door and stepped inside.

The small shop contained books and journals along with many art mediums along one wall. The other was adorned paintings of the woods of Asgard and the great sea beyond the walls of the city. 

"Can I 'elp ya?"

She turned to the voice and saw a man, probably a bit less than Odin's age, but without any of the harsh features. He had sparkling blue eyes and looked quite strong, but his fingers carried all the signs of a gentle artist and not a brutish fighter. He looked at her for but a moment and then must have realised who she was because recognition took over his face. She tensed the slightest bit but then she heard laughing come from his lips.

"Yah majesty 'tis an 'onor! Didn't mean to startle ya, I just recognised who ya was and thought of ya boy! Good fellow he is! Bright too! Always had time to talk with ol' Bjorn 'ere." The man smiled as he shook her hand. She started a bit at the friendly behavior, but then returned his smile.

"You know Thor?"

He started laughing again. "Yah majesty, I speak o' yah youngest. He always came 'round these parts. Treated us greatly well too if I might add!" He paused. "If I might be so bold your majesty, Loki was always the more kind o' your boys. Of'en helped the less fortunate than 'imself. Never let a poor soul go hungry or wi'out comfort if he could help it."

"It's quite alright, speak your mind," Frigga affirmed.

"Thank ya. What might I 'elp ya with today?"

"Well, I actually was coming to get some things for him and I remembered he mentioned your shop once."

Bjorn looked taken aback for a moment. "He still lives?"

She became confused. All of Asgard knew of her sons' return, so why would they believe Loki to be dead? 

He must have noticed her confusion and elaborated. "Well, we knew the boy wa'nt much liked by 'is father, and we 'ave'nt seen 'im 'round, so we assumed he was executed."

Frigga looked a bit surprised, but then she thought back to what her husband had said at the trial and realised that his claims were not totally unfounded. "I am glad to be able to clear that up then. He was sentenced to spend his days in the dungeons, but the stress was practically killing him, and... well I couldn't just stand by and watch that happen, so I advocated for his sentence to be changed to arrest within the walls of the palace."

Bjorn looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well at least he 'asn't been killed, the others will be glad to hear that. 'is arrest is unfortunate though, good man he is. In that case, let me grab his usual for ya!" He went to the wall of books and supplies and started picking out a few things and putting them on the counter.

"Ya know, we was surprised when we 'eard 'bout what 'appened. We like to think that we knows 'im well an' we thought 'That don't sound like our boy. He wouldn't 'urt a fly'.  Personally, I think he saw somethin' when he fell. Somethin' that made 'im do what he did. There's rumors 'bout what is in the void and none o' them are nice. I think he saw one of them creatures down there."


Bjorn placed the last of the supplies on the counter and looked at her. "Come 'ere in case someone 'ears."

She walked towards the counter and Bjorn leaned in a bit. "There's a rumor that what is cast out o' the realms goes and into the void...don't die in there. They wait for things to fall in there and use 'em as food and such. Most people think one o' them got the prince. But rumor is that there is one thing in there that collects the things that fall and waits for 'is revenge. He goes to the planets he can reach an' kills 'alf the population for 'is amusement. Sometimes get prospective warriors to do 'is biddin'. That's where I think ya son ended up. But that's just a rumor."

Frigga looked at the man with an interested face, but on the inside, she was horrified. "Who is this being? I'm sure we would have heard of him by now."

"Not so much ya majesty, ya see the stories of 'im died out a while amon' nobles like yaself. Though in these parts we call 'im 'The Titan'."

"I see..."

"Oh- I almost forgot!" He went under the counter and pulled out a blue leather-bound book with runes indented along the edges. "I was loo'in' for the right person for this and now that I know 'bout yah son..." He put it in the basket with the rest of the supplies. "There ya are!" And he pushed the basket towards her with a smile. 

She smiled back, though she was still thinking about their conversation. She shook it away for a moment. "How much?"

"Ah! For ya son, free of charge. He's done so much for us down 'ere, consider it thanks. Just tell 'im Bjorn said 'ello to 'im for me."

"Thank you very much and I will." She nodded to him with a smile.

Bjorn nodded back at her and waved to the next customer along the wall. She left the shop and walked back to the stable where she met the girl. Some people said hello to her some just waved, but all of them were friendly.

She contemplated this as she left a few coins for the girl and grabbed her horse.

Once she was back at the palace, she grabbed the bundle of lilies she had gathered earlier and put them into the basket with the supplies she had gotten from Bjorn.

The sky was already darkening as she wandered down the halls towards Loki's room. She reached the door and after a quick nod to the guards, knocked.

The rumors could wait.

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