A God Arrives to Change Remna...

By Gry167

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Gryphon Light (the recently appointed "god of the multiverse") decides to test test his new powers properly b... More

Gryphon light's data/bio
Gryphon's other assets
The beginning
The plan begins
The shining beacon...FINALLY
The wicked witch knows
Meet up / THAT BIRD IS HUGE / 5 MAN?!
Giving the spartan a boost. / A gods grace.
Cute kitty / volume 1 end
Volume two start / No strings / Pro "tech" t
Persona.../ Barely threatening / Grooving
So you guys don't get too confused
Volume 3 start / FIGHT! / Show em what's poppin / Idiots...
Illusions / Bass Boost / Demons in suits
Candlelight / Fuck Fate! / It's Time / all hands on deck
What is destiny to a god? / V3 end / V4 start / Step by step
Steppin on the beat / Run Run/ Family eh?
Menagerie, a backhanded insult / over the edge / Didn't i kill you?
Beatdown / Time to talk / Two step
Gearing for a fight / There you are... / The strike team's first fight
Vol. 5 start / Haven / Dread it / unforseen consequences
Light a fire / I've seen that bird before... / Guess who's back
Together / Plan in Action / Color
Fight time again / The Vault / Raven is Badass / Haven's fate
Monsters on a Train. / Tell the Truth! / I Hate Tragic Love Stories.
Where secrets get you / Too Quiet / Don't Sleep
The First Reaper / Reunite / They Won't Mind If We Borrow It.
Stealth Mission / Grand Theft Airship / Fighting Titans
Azure Eclipse / Worst. Kingdom. Ever. / You aren't cuffing me.
1k reads!!!
Apprehended / Aces / Road Trip
The Roaring Fog / Sterling Ravens / King's Court Reunited
Dream Team / Merc Werk / To The Battlefield
How We Met/Putting an end to things Pt.1
Putting an end to things Pt.2 / Short Epilogue: The truth and The Arcana

Dance till you're dead / Trippin / Unto The Breach/ Volume 2 end

60 0 0
By Gry167

If you have problems with quickly changing colors.

Watch your eyes



(By this point izanami's speech will sound more human after her "encounter" with the twins during "Painting the town")

After the opening, the first scene is of random students schmoozing at the dance. Bartholomew Oobleck is shown to be listening intently as Peter Port laughs over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda Goodwitch until General James Ironwood offers his hand for her to dance with him. Izanami Mikoto approaches Ruby Rose, who is standing pensively near the refreshments tables.

Iza: I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too.

Ruby: Yep. (An audible *pop* can be heard as Ruby emphasizes the "p".)

Iza: To the socially awkward.

Ruby giggles and they clink glasses.

Ruby: Sorry things didn't work out with the dance.

Iza: Meh, it's fine.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Iza: Well, come on, it's not like anyone would notice me and certainly not with the star couple of Weiss and Neptune.

Iza begins to drink her punch.

Ruby: No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone.

Iza chokes in surprise.

Iza: (turning to Ruby) Uh, what?

Weiss Schnee is shown trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she fails, she looks visibly upset.

Ruby: Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun Wukong, Blake Belladonna, and Neptune Vasilias as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Izanami, shown to be observing as well, becomes visibly perturbed.

Iza: (speaking in a low growl) Hold my punch.

Iza hands Ruby (who's prepared to watch the smackdown) her glass and no sooner than she vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from her cup.


Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai are shown to be observing the students from the next tier.

Emerald: It appears all the dancers have partners.

Cinder: (heard via ear-bud) How long do I have?

Mercury: You should probably be home by midnight, to be safe.

Cinder Fall is shown to be somewhere outside, holding her fingers to her ear.

Cinder: I'll keep my eye on the clock.

Ruby, having made her way to the exit, walks out of the dance and into the night air. She watches a figure running along the rooftops and then moves to pursue not knowing that there was already someone following the suspect, Gryphon Light.


Outside the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower, Cinder (dressed as a cat burglar), stealthily approaches an armed guard. She knife-hands the back of his head, rendering him unconscious with a stunned grin on his face. She drags him behind some bushes.

Inside the building, Cinder approaches more guards.

Atlas Soldier 1: Excuse me, no one's allowed in this area. (Cinder continues to approach.) Stop!

The soldier opens fire when Cinder does not heed him. She charges in and manages to overpower him, punching the soldier then grabbing his arm. Cinder kicks another soldier and uses the first one's gun to take him out. She then kicks the soldier's knee and throws him against a handrail. Two more soldiers rush her wielding batons. Cinder flash-forges a pair of black blades from fire Dust and slashes at both of them. Batting the first aside she advances on the second and strikes him before sweeping both legs. The first soldier recovers but she blocks each swing with her blades. After blocking a kick she elbows then shoves him to the floor. As he tries to get back up she flips over to kick him in the head, checking for more guards before moving on.

Two guards are shown to be on an elevator.

Atlas Soldier 2: Hey, man, do you know the Wi-Fi password?

Atlas Soldier 3: It's Beacon, but replace the E with a 3 and add a pound symbol to the end.

The elevator door opens to show Cinder waiting. One of the guards notices the fallen men outside. Both guards grow apprehensive as Cinder casually walks onto the elevator, the doors closing as she turns around. Thrashing sounds can be heard from outside the elevator.

Outside the building, Ruby approaches and sees the unconscious guard. She gasps and pulls out her Scroll, dialing for her weapon locker which crashes into the courtyard and opens to reveal Crescent Rose while not noticing the glinting of a sniper scope in the distance, the camera zooms in on the source to reveal Gryphon Light, with another brand new gun,who's smiling at the sight of the inquisitive red reaper before said smile vanished as he returned is scope's sight to the top of the CCT tower putting his finger on the trigger as his aura glows a bloody red color

Gryphon: Time to go all in....

Inside the building, the elevator doors open to show Cinder examining a Scroll. The two guards are knocked out.

Cinder: Oh! That's handy.

She pockets the Scroll and walks out of the elevator and toward the control consoles nearby.

Emerald: (via earbud) A party guest is leaving.

Cinder: (sighs) Which one?

Emerald is shown to be dancing with Mercury.

Emerald: Ironwood.

Ironwood is shown to be walking out the door as Ozpin gives his send-off.

Mercury: (offscreen) I guess the general's had enough fun for one night.

Iza (spying from behind a pillar): (on comms with Gryphon) As expected, you were right they're relaying the fact that ironwood is leaving the party to cinder.

Gryphon (on comm): Good, that just means that everything is going smoothly.

Random code appearing on a computer screen is shown to change into a Queen chess piece.

Mercury: (via earbud) Should we intervene?

The other monitors in the room light up.

Cinder: No... we're done here.

As she starts to walk away, she notices the elevator doors opening. Ruby steps out of the elevator slowly, brandishing her weapon.

Ruby: Hello? (She stumbles due to her high-heeled shoes.) Is anyone there? Hello?

Cinder smirks confidently then rises from her hiding place and steps out toward Ruby.

Ruby: Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-!

Cinder produces a container of dust from her belt expelling a cloud that glows. Condensing into glass shards that go flying at Ruby. A battle ensues as she defends herself then opens fire. Cinder blocks each shot with her hand as parts of the outfit glow. She once again summons a pair of blades, Ruby launches herself forward but both fighters stop when they notice a series of red glinting lights are headed towards them Ruby, realizing what the are, dodges as cinder sends her a confused look before the lights revealed to be large glowing red sniper bullets crash through the window and in slow motion cuts her with one of the bullets landing in her shoulder earning a yelp of pain from her. But their fight is interrupted by the appearance of Ironwood on the nearby elevator. Ruby is visibly glad to see him until she notices that Cinder has disappeared.


Cinder is seen running down the street making her way back to the dance with a look of contemplation on her face

Cinder: Who the hell was that sniper and how did they know I was gonna be there?

A familiar voice answers her question

Gryphon: I guess you could say it was a premonition of sorts.

Gryphon then walks out of a darkened alleyway, sniper rifle perched on his shoulder

Cinder: Ah so it was you. The handsome mystery. Are you really telling me you had the time to dance with a girl and then leave the party in the middle of the night and interrupt my fight and stop me fleeing from the scene to talk just on a whim?

Gryphon: (walks closer till they're face to face) No, i did all this just to send a message.

Cinder: (gets closer to his face) And that is?~

Gryphon: That i know you and your mint haired friend are looking for an out and i want you to know I can be that out on one condition.

Cinder: (puts her arms on Gryphon's shoulders) Name it.~

Gryphon leans over her shoulder and whispers something inaudible in her ear causing her to crack a smile

Cinder: Alright, I'll agree as long as you keep your end (she pecks his lips before slipping away)

Gryphon: Oh and you better hurry, your missing out on my partner's singing and as soon as i get back I'm gonna sing a little myself.

Cinder: (walking away) I certainly wouldn't wanna miss that.~


In a hallway, Cinder discards two bracelets and her mask to change from her stealth suit into a black dress and enters the dance. Two guards following her crush the bracelets underfoot and are visibly confused at the sight of the crowded dance hall. The screen pans over various people including Izanami singing "Time To Say Goodbye" (acoustic) and having a good time.

Emerald and Mercury are still dancing together as Cinder taps Emerald's shoulder.

Cinder: Oh, may I cut in?

Emerald steps aside.

Emerald: Of course.

Emerald leaves as Cinder begins to dance with Mercury.

Mercury: And how's your night been?

Cinder: Mmm... a little more exciting than expected.

Mercury: Should we be worried?

Cinder: Hardly... They'll be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for.

Mercury: So then what now?

Cinder: Enjoy the rest of the night. After all, it is a party.

The camera pans away from the two showing the rest of the party.Neo and Pyrrha are sitting at a table, Yang and Blake are dancing, there is a squad of red and yellow soldiers out side and Ironwood is shown approaching Ruby as Gryphon walks onto the stage and begins to sing "The World" (Death Note) before one last shot of a familiar tiny drone plugging itself into the CCT computer before the Queen chess piece appears on the computer screen and changes to a white King piece and the clock chimes midnight as the drone flies away.


The scene cuts to a shot of Beacon Academy the next day following the Beacon Dance, then cuts to inside Ozpin's office, with General James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch keeping the headmaster company and Gryphon Light standing at the windows looking out while listening.

Ironwood: They were here... (raising his voice) Ozpin, they were here!

Ironwood angrily slams his fist against Ozpin's desk.

Glynda: We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James.

Ironwood: Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!

An alert sound plays, signifying that someone has arrived on the elevator.

Ozpin: Come in.

Ruby Rose steps out and into the room.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. (pausing before quickly explaining herself) It wasn't me.

Ozpin: Thank you for coming, Ruby. How are you feeling?

Ruby: Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O-for-three.

Everyone stares silently.

Ruby: Okay, so that's the tone we're going for, got it.

Ironwood: Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could.

Ruby: Thank you, sir.

Ozpin: Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add.

Glynda: Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?

Ruby: I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance, though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked.

Glynda: Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman Gryphon and I fought the night we met Ruby.

Ruby: Oh! And there was a sniper too! They were shooting at her and she got hit in the shoulder which made her run away.

This makes Glynda hum before turning to Gryphon who's already looking at her, he gives her a wink which makes her giggle surprising herself and Gryphon before she returns to the conversation at hand

Ironwood: Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone. And that sniper, I had my people check the bullets be they were unmarked and completely untraceable.

Ruby: Wait. You think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?

Ozpin: It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together.

Ruby: Actually, I... I think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom.

Ozpin: Interesting.

Glynda: I thought you said the intruder never—

Ozpin: Thank you for your cooperation, Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you.

Ruby: (leaving) Any time.

Ozpin: And Miss Rose, please try and be ... discreet about this matter.

Ruby: Yes sir.

As the rest leave Gryphon goes to do the same only to be stopped by Glynda being the only two people she decides to ask

Glynda: you never mentioned anything about being a sharpshooter Gryphon. Why?

Gryphon: I'm just playing the long game Glynda but something tells me that the fun and games are coming to an end soon.

He then gives her a warm smile before entering the elevator and exiting Ozpin's office leaving Glynda to think

Glynda: What an interesting character you are Gryphon Light.


The door to Team RWBY's dorm room opens, revealing Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, and Weiss Schnee inside. The three zoom over to the person in the door, who is revealed to be Ruby.

Yang: What happened?

Ruby: Uh... well, um... (laughing nervously)


The scene cuts back to Team RWBY's dorm.

Weiss: That was a risky move.

Blake: No, I think you handled it well.

Ruby: I hope so.

Yang: I'm sure everything will be alright, Ruby. Oh, I know what will cheer you up!

Yang produces a cylindrical package the length of her forearm.

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together!

Ruby: Ooooh! Something from home!

Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it.

The animal barks twice. While Weiss and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Ruby, still airborne, is depicted among a changing blue background and four shots of the dog, two full body shots and two headshots. She then poses as she shouts the dog's name.

Ruby: Zwei!

Blake: He sent a dog?

Weiss: In the mail?

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time!

Blake disappears, shown now to be on Ruby's bunk.

Blake: Your father or your dog?

Weiss: Are you telling me that this mangy... drooling... mutt is going to wiv wif us foweva? Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!

Blake: Please keep it away from my belongings.

Glynda: (Over the intercom) Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?

Weiss: Well, we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for the week.

Ruby sets Zwei down and he walks over to Blake still on the top bunk, and barks.

Yang: Look, there's a letter! (Zwei arrives in front of Yang) "Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Taiyang."

Dozens of cans of dog food spill out of the small package, piling up around Zwei.

Weiss: What is he supposed to do with that?

A can opener falls from the package, bouncing off Zwei's head.

Yang: Well, that settles it! Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back!

Weiss: (talking to Zwei as she leaves) Oh, I'll miss you so much, we're going to be best friends, I can't wait to see you. (her speech deteriorates into incomprehensible baby talk)

Meanwhile, Blake jumps down from Ruby's bunk and jumps across the table, avoiding Zwei.

Ruby stares at Zwei for a moment, before smiling sneakily.


Ruby is wearing a large backpack as she enters the auditorium with other students. She then puts it down next to other students luggage before rejoining her team, who are standing in front of Team JNPR.

Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin

Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.

Ozpin steps away as the students all begin to file out of the amphitheater.

Ruby: This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!

Yang: Yeah! We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip by night!

Weiss: Let's check "search and destroy"!

Team RWBY approaches a hologram screen.

Ruby: Here we go! Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out!

Blake: Well, it's in the southeast!

Yang: Sounds perfect!

Ruby selects it and types in her team name. However, the screen says that first years are not allowed to take this mission.

Weiss: Wonderful!

Blake: Any other ideas?

Ruby: We mail ourselves there!

Ozpin: (offscreen) Well, that's one option

Suddenly Ozpins.

Ozpin: Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang glare at Ruby, who nervously rubs her head.

Ruby: Whatever makes you say that?

Ozpin: I'm still curious how you all found yourself at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago.

Ruby: Um... well...

Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this: instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?

Ozpin selects some things on his scroll, and the hologram screen makes a noise

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you, professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission, and he can have you sent back to Beacon, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck.


Team RWBY have left the auditorium and are on their way to the airship that will take them to Quadrant 5.

Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting.

Blake: But it's the truth.

Ruby: It's gonna to be tough, but I know we can do it!

A student runs past the team.

Student: Hey! Team CFVY is back!

Beacon students gather around to witness the return of Team CFVY. Blake goes up to Velvet Scarlatina.

Blake: Velvet? Are you okay?

Velvet: I'm fine. I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me.

Weiss: Your mission was supposed to end a week ago! What happened?

Velvet: Nothing happened. It was just ... there were just so many... (she looks up and notices Team RWBY's worried expressions) Oh, but don't worry. You first-years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine.

Yang: Right.

Velvet: I should go. Be safe, okay?

Ruby: We can do this. We've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now.

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Besides, it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!

Yang: Yeah!

The scene immediately cuts to Team RWBY staring with various stunned expressions, having just discovered who they will be shadowing.

Oobleck: Why, hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?


Camera cuts to black as the scene changes a quite a bit of time later inside Team MTVSE's room, Gryphon Light is awakened by a call from Ruby Rose as he notices he's being used as a human pillow by Pyrrha Nikos, Izanami Mikoto, and Neo Politan who is also wide awake looking him in the eye before kissing his lips with passion and the getting up letting him answers only for interference to end the call confusing him before he goes to sleep again


Later on, Team MTVSE walks at dawn towards their Bullhead.

Pyrrha: I'm sure they're fine.

Gryphon: You think? (Knowing exactly what's going on)

Nora: Probably a butt dial...

Iza: Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.

Nora: We're gonna be deputies!

Gryphon: I just got this feeling... I don't know.

Pyrrha: Gryphon...

Suddenly, alarms ring out as they see the city up in smoke.

Gryphon: Called It! We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!

As the team heads toward their Bullhead, Gryphon does a headcount.

Gryphon: Nora, we'll make it to that village another time. Take us into the city!

As the Bullhead takes off, Mercury Black, Cinder Fall, and Emerald Sustrai watch nearby.

Emerald: You don't think...

Mercury: Sure looks like it.

Emerald: That's still days away!

Mercury: So? What do we do?

The camera pans to a close-up of Cinder's face before she makes her decision.


Team RWBY is surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. Ruby Rose plants Crescent Rose on the ground before kicking away the Grimm, Yang Xiao Long propels herself upwards, performing aerial bombardments with Ember Celica on the Grimm before three Giant Nevermores send her crashing to the ground. Blake Belladonna slashes a Beowolf with Gambol Shroud before firing on the other approaching Grimm. Weiss Schnee slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade. Yang, back on the ground, sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. As Ruby finishes slashing at a Grimm, she notices the King Taijitu ready for the attack, until she also sees Nora Valkyrie flying on Magnhild towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

Nora: Nora Smash!

Gryphon, Pyrrha Nikos and Izanami Mikoto soon follow.

Pyrrha: Let's move!

As Gryphon laughs, the others charge in.

Nora: Smack!

She bats a Creep away while iza strikes two more. She moves on to slash at a Beowolf.

Gryphon: Alright! Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock!

Gryphon turns around to notice a giant Ursa standing behind him. Pyrrha is fighting several Grimm nearby. Impaling a Beowolf, and then a Creep before seeing the Ursa advance on Gryphon . Behind him Weiss and Blake are fighting more Grimm.

Jaune: Oof... bad choice homie.

With a simple smirk, Gryphon slashes the Ursa once before it falls while he is sheathing his trusty cane sword. Pyrrha smiles, as she notices his strength. A few feet from the fallen Ursa, Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias arrive, flashing their badges.

Sun: Nobody move! Junior detectives!

Neptune: We have badges so you know it's official!

A fleet coming from the Atlesian Military, consisting of dropships deploying Atlesian Knight-200 units and the flagship of James Ironwood. Sun and Neptune react in awe of the fleet as Sun drops his badge to the floor. As Team RWBY looks up in the sky, an Ursa takes the opportunity to attack Ruby from behind. However, it is gunned down by a dropship's machine gun. As the robotic Knights deploy, they start gunning down the Grimm. Two of the Knights are stampeded on by a Boarbatusk, but a separate group of three Knights fire on an Ursa and another Ursa has fallen from a Knight's punch. Cinder nods her head, signaling Mercury and Emerald to attack the Grimm as she walks off. As an Ursa receives the business end of Talaria, at least half a dozen assorted Grimm stand in front of Emerald and Gryphon. Who draw Thief's Respite and Good Fortune from their holsters, sharing a smirk. The Grimm pack learn this the hard way as she opens fire and all but a single Ursa fall to a barrage of Dust shots while charging at Emerald. Emerald quickly transforms her pistols into kopis blades, flipping and slashing at the rampaging Ursa to kill it while Gryphon covers her, killing approaching Grimm with the sickle blade of his can and his gun. As more Knights subdue Grimm, out of the opening comes Zwei, followed by Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck in a damaged Atlesian Paladin-290. The dog jumping off to headbutt a Beowolf.

An airship arrives, dropping off Team CFVY and Professor Peter Port. As Yatsuhashi Daichi is surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he unlimbers Fulcrum before smashing it on the ground, unleashing a shockwave that sends them flying. Velvet Scarlatina and Fox Alistair respectively kick and punch the Grimm with Fox impaling a Creep. Nearby a large spiked Ursa roars before charging them. Fox intercepts it with a kick then unleashes a combo of slashes and punches with Sharp Retribution. Knocking the Grimm skyward with an uppercut, as it descends he delivers a blow to the head with both hands that sends it flying. After landing it swells up and explodes impaling the nearby Grimm with its spikes. Coco walks forward swatting a few away with her weapon. Yatsuhashi shields Velvet before the two start advancing.

Coco: (Gives Fox a light pat on the butt) Nice hustle, Fox. Good job.

Fox jumps back as Coco approaches a large Beowolf.

Coco: You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. (Spits) Prepare to die.

Coco, after swatting away its right hand, kicks the Beowolf in the crotch. She, as it falls to the ground and looks at her, leans down and slams her bag onto its head. She effortlessly swats away three more Beowolves, then leaps back to avoid a Death Stalker's tail. Velvet steps forward, and moves a hand toward Anesidora about to open the box.

Coco: (To Velvet) Hey, come on, you just spent all the semester building that up. Don't waste it here.

Coco then transforms Gianduja into a giant minigun, and starts firing, slaughtering the advancing horde of Grimm, including a Death Stalker and three Nevermores. Port and Oobleck regroup at the opening, nodding their heads. They fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm, while Glynda Goodwitch mops up the remnants and immediately closes the opening using her Semblance.

Emerald and Mercury then approach Ruby and they smile at each other. Team MTVSE is seen exchanging smiles, Sun and Neptune bump fists, Team CFVY likewise smile at each other, and Port and Oobleck do the same while Glynda watches from behind. The camera then points towards the orange and pink-colored sky.

Gryphon and iza stands on the sidelines while watching everyone else begin to relax, thinking to himself

Gryphon: weird... we arrested that virgin cane gun user (compared to my chad cane sword/sickle hybrid) and Breach still happened anyway...

Izanami: let's just hope this doesn't pertain to Pyrrha and penny as well...

Gryphon: Yeah...


Afterwards, Team RWBY and Zwei are sitting on the edge of Beacon's landing platform, overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake.

Yang: Well, we did it.

Blake: We did it.

Weiss: If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed.

Yang: Weiss, a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it.

Ruby: Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was.

Weiss: Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending.

Blake: We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we could be proud of.

Ruby: Yeah! And if anyone tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them.

Yang: (lying down on her back) Yay, teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job... So, what now?

Weiss: I suggest training for the tournament, but I guess we have that covered at this point.

Blake: So then...

Ruby: Uhh... Time for bed?

Yang: Please.

Blake: Absolutely.

Weiss: Yes.

Yang: I'm going to sleep forever.

Team RWBY and Zwei then stand up and heads back towards Beacon's main campus.


Vale's Government Council calls on Ozpin, who responds in his office. The headmaster aloofly stares outside his window.

Councilman 1: Ozpin? (no response) Ozpin!

Ozpin turns his chair towards his desk.

Ozpin: Yes, Councilman.

A video feed of the councilmen is shown on a holographic screen with Ironwood's video feed in the corner.

Councilman 1: You've left us no choice! The Vytal Festival tournament cannot be broadcast, let alone held, if we are unable to ensure the safety of the citizens.

Ozpin sips from his cup.

Councilman 1: Ahem... Therefore, we have reached out to the Atlas Council and together have decided that the best action is to appoint General Ironwood as head of security for the event.

Ironwood: Thank you, Councilman. Our Kingdom is happy to lend as many troops as it takes to ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely as possible.

Councilman 1: And we thank you, General.

Ozpin: Will that be all?

Councilman 1: For now. But after this festival comes to a close, we are going to have a serious discussion about your position at Beacon Academy. General Ironwood's reports over the last few weeks have left us somewhat... concerned. I am sure you understand.

The faceless councilmen's video feed disappears, leaving Ironwood's video feed alone with Ozpin. They silently stare at each other for a moment.

Ironwood: This is the right move, Ozpin. I promise, I will keep our people safe, you have to trust me.

Ironwood hangs up the video call. Ozpin then turns his chair around to look at the large Atlesian Ariship outside his window as a voice gloats behind him.

Gryphon: I recall saying you put too much faith in him.


The camera cuts to Ironwood, looking towards Beacon and Ozpin's office through a window.

Ironwood: You brought this on yourself.

Ironwood then walks toward a heavily guarded Roman in his holding cell, albeit without his signature hat.

Ironwood: Leave us.

The soldiers leave Ironwood alone, so that he can talk to Roman.

Ironwood: I've been informed that so far you've refused to co-operate with the authorities.

Roman: I know this might be hard to believe, General, but uh... I'm not the biggest fan of local law enforcement.

Ironwood: How about the world's strongest military power?

Roman: Hmm.. first impressions... not great.

Ironwood: I'm going to give you one chance. Who's really behind all this?

Roman: Isn't it obvious? (Ironwood leans his ear toward him to hear his answer) You're looking at him.

Ironwood: Hm.. Very well then.

Ironwood starts walking away.

Roman: What's the matter, General? I thought you wanted to talk.

Ironwood: The council's given me custody over you for as long as I see fit. So you can make yourself comfortable. I can be sure that you'll have plenty of time to talk.

Roman: Oh, wonderful. Hehehe...

The camera pans towards Roman's face as he laughs. His holding cell door closes.


Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald meet discreetly at a rooftop.

Cinder: All in all, I call today a success.

Emerald: Those stupid kids really made a mess of things.

Mercury: Yeah. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out the tunnels. You still think the White Fang's gonna listen to us?

Adam: No, but they'll listen to me.

The camera pans to Adam Taurus.


The scene shifts to night as a dark red portal opens and several characters in black and red suits step out

???: (tilts down shades) Well! this is the place!

??? 2: Are you fucking sure? Because you said the exact same damn thing two identical worlds ago!

??? 3: It's not my fault Gwen wasn't being specific! And besides this is the right place I'm sure, i can sense his energy here.

??? 4: Let us hope this world has more powerful enemies than the last!

??? 5: (lets out a puff of smoke) Doesn't matter to me, so long as i get to kill some shit.

??? 2: Let's just hurry up an find him... I need someone to play games with...

The suit clad figures move in the direction of beacon academy


A deal is made between the god and the faker


A mysterious group of people have arrived from a world unknown to find our hero just in time for the tournament

And the fall...

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