A Pirate's Crush

By Nordryd

37.6K 888 362

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... More

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
4. A Simple Walk
5. He's Proud of Me?
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy
9. Spiraling
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
20. Busted!
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

19. Morning Tea Chatter

1K 32 12
By Nordryd

"Do you feel the dough becoming tauter?" Dunkerque asked, watching me knead a sample piece of dough, torn from the actual dough for the sake of demonstration. "Go on. Poke it with your finger."

I did as she said, pressing into the ball of dough with my index finger.

"See how it just springs right back into that round shape?" Dunkerque asked as I watched the dough's ball-like shape returned. "The more you work the dough, the more elastic and resilient it becomes. For donuts, you mustn't overwork. Only until everything is just incorporated. This is how the dough should feel." Dunkerque tore off another tiny piece of dough and pressed it between her fingers, shaping it like putty. "Soft and malleable, and will give us that crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth texture that I love about cake donuts!"

"So, I did more work for nothing?" I asked.

Dunkerque giggled. "You just did what felt natural. Unfortunately, it resulted in something akin to bagels or a baguette."

"Ergh..." I grumbled.

"Every day is a learning experience, Jeanie. Besides, baking can be awfully finicky," Dunkerque said. "Now then, shall we roll the dough out? I think you'll find it won't fight as much."

I had my doubts in the back of my head as she handed me a rolling pin. I pressed into the dough and my jaw nearly dropped at how easy it was.

Dunkerque grinned. "See?"

This dough ain't fighting one bit! This is a piece of cake! Err... no pun intended. Man, last night really was a disaster.

Once I had the dough rolled out, Dunkerque was ready with the small bowls and shot glasses we would be using to cut out the shapes.

"Then, it's a simple as this," Dunkerque said, pressing the bowl in to make the first circle. She used the shot glass to punch a hole in the center. She held up the dough ring, looking at me through the hole and smiling. "Hehe~! Perfect."

"Why do we punch a hole in the center?" I asked. "Seems like a waste of dough."

"It helps them cook more evenly," Dunkerque said. "And the dough won't go to waste. We can still make donut holes with them!"

"Ah, right," I said. "Jeez, ya really do make this look easy."

"Once you pick up a recipe, you can apply that knowledge to others," Dunkerque said. "I'm sure you'll be a great baker in no time, able to prepare all of the commander's favorite treats!"

I instantly blushed, and Dunkerque smirked.

"Y-Yeah..." I stammered. "Th-The commander."

Ugh... now I've got Dunkerque teasing me too.

After a few minutes, I had a respectable array of raw donuts and donut holes arranged on a platter.

"So, when do we fry these bad boys?" I asked.

"Right about now," Dunkerque said, reading a thermometer she had in the oil. "The oil has just reached 190 degrees. Would you mind bringing the donuts over?"

Dunkerque gestured to a spot on the counter right next to the stove. I brought the platter over, placing them where she instructed.

"Now, use this to protect yourself from the oil," Dunkerque said, handing me a strainer with a long handle.

"Right," I said, noting the small bandages on my fingers thanks to my mishap last night. Must've completely forgotten about this thing in my haste. "So, I just place them in I guess?"

"Let's start with one," Dunkerque said.

I took one of the donut rings and placed it in the strainer, and then carefully into the oil. Bubbles erupted from the dough's surface as it sunk below the surface.

"Wait, it's sinking to the bottom again," I cried. "Did I mess up?"

"No no no, they're supposed to do that," Dunkerque reassured. "It'll resurface after a moment."

Sure enough, within a few seconds, the donut rose the surface just as Dunkerque said.

"Oh..." I said.

Dunkerque giggled. "It's okay, Jeanie. This means you're learning a lot, which makes me happy. Why don't you put a couple more in? They shouldn't take more than several minutes each. And don't forget to flip them halfway through."


It took a little while since Dunkerque was insistent on not overcrowding the pot—probably for a good reason if she's so adamant about it—but now all the donuts were fried and cooling.

"Now for the icing!" Dunkerque said, having already procured the ingredients.

Dunkerque walked me through each step. Adding this, adding that, whisking until combined, yadda yadda yadda. Once it was done, Dunkerque had me taste it.

"Tastes fine to me," I said.

Dunkerque tried it herself. "Hmm... perhaps a little more mint extract."


I looked up to see Richelieu and Algerie entering the kitchen.

"Bonjour, Richelieu and Algerie!" Dunkerque said.

"Bonjour," I said.

"You're both just in time! The donuts are almost ready," Dunkerque said, dropping the tiniest amount of peppermint extract into the icing for me to mix.

"Splendid!" Algerie said, taking a whiff of the kitchen. "Mmm... the smell of your cooking is always divine, Dunkerque."

"Actually, this is Jeanie's work," Dunkerque said.

Richelieu's and Algerie's eyes widened.

"Is that so?" Richelieu asked.

"Mmhmm!" Dunkerque said. "Jeanie did all the work."

"Most," I corrected.

"You did all the hard work," Dunkerque said.

"Tch... alright, I'll take it," I said, to which Dunkerque just rolled her eyes.

"How curious," Algerie said. "You don't strike me as the kind who would be interested in baking, Jeanie."

"Indeed," Richelieu said. "What caught your attention?"

I felt a lump in my throat.

"Oh... um... well..."

"She wanted to learn how to do it herself after helping out so much," Dunkerque interjected. "Isn't that right, Jeanie?"

It took a second for me to respond, stunned by Dunkerque's quick response.

"Y-Yeah!" I said. "Just curious, that's all."

"Hmm... I see," Algerie said. "Well, all the same, I look forward to trying one!"

"Only a minute or so longer!" Dunkerque said.

"Wonderful," Richelieu said. "In the meantime, why don't we start the tea, Algerie?"

Richelieu and Algerie walked aside to do their thing, my attention was caught by Dunkerque gently nudging me.

"Don't worry. I didn't forget," Dunkerque whispered, giving me a wink.

I blushed. "Thanks..."

"All you have to do now is give each donut a good dip in the icing, and then we can try them," Dunkerque said. "I'll clean up in the meantime."

I nodded as Dunkerque started gathering up and putting away ingredients and dishes. I took one donut, dipped it in, and placed it aside to cool the rest of the way.

And after a couple minutes, all the donuts were glazed. Phew. I did the same with the rest of them. I hope these taste as good as they smell.

I felt a nudge again. This time it was Richelieu.

"These donuts smell of mint," Richelieu whispered.

"Yeah. Chocolate donuts with peppermint icing," I replied.

Richelieu smirked. "Aren't those the commander's favorite?"

My face instantly flushed.

"Wh-What does that matter?" I asked.

Richelieu shrugged. "I'm only curious."


"J-Just go prepare your tea!" I whispered.

"Oh, don't be like that. I didn't come over just to tease you," Richelieu said. "I was also going to ask if we could try one of your donuts now."

"Y-Yeah, sure," I said. "Take your pick."

I held my breath as Richelieu chose one and delicately took a bite.

"Mmm!" Richelieu said.

"Are they alright?" I asked.

"Alright? Jeanie, they're delicious!" Richelieu said. "Algerie, Dunkerque, you must try this!"

Richelieu broke her donut up into even chunks, handing one each to Algerie and Dunkerque.

"You too, Jeanie," Richelieu said, handing me the remaining piece before returning to help Algerie with the tea.

I popped it in my mouth, and true to what Richelieu said, it was great. The body of the donut was light, fluffy, chocolatey and had the signature "melts-in-your-mouth" feeling of Dunkerque's donuts. And adorned with decadent vanilla icing with the slightest kick of peppermint. Admittedly, not as good as what Dunkerque makes, but they're damn close.

"These ain't half bad," I said.

"Jeanie, c'est délicieux!" Algerie said. "It's delicious!"

"Mmm!" Dunkerque said, returning to my side. "These turned out beautifully, Jeanie!"

"Hmph. It's only because ya told me what to do at every step," I said.

"Oh, stop," Dunkerque said. "You did all—or most, as you prefer—of the work, therefore you should be proud. If you're interested, perhaps I can teach you how to make your favorite lemon meringue pie?"

Ah... as if my mouth wasn't watering enough from these donuts...

"Careful. Ya might make a rival outta me," I said.

"Are we not rivals already?" Dunkerque asked.

"Not as fierce as... someone else," I said, gesturing to Richelieu.

"I see," Dunkerque said. "Well, a little rivalry is healthy. After all, it drives both parties to be better."

"That's true. And... by the way," I said, lowering my voice to a whisper. "M-Merci."

Dunkerque giggled. "I've got you covered. Don't forget to set a couple of these aside too."

She winked at me again, and I felt my cheeks redden.

"R-Right," I stammered.


Good thing our favorite tea party location was free—the gazebo not too far from the Iris dorms that sits right by the coast. A beautiful view of the sea, the sounds of waves brushing against the earth, the refreshing scent of sea spray in the light breeze, clear blue skies, what more could one ask for? A perfect spot for a tea party with some of my favorite people.

Part of me wished the commander could join us. The other part of me knew he could probably use a break from me, though.

I took a sip when Algerie poured me a cup. When I did, my entire body relaxed, enveloped by smooth, warm goodness like a blanket.

"Damn this tea's good," I said, taking another sip.

"I concur," Dunkerque said.

"Merci," Algerie said. "But I'm sure it doesn't compare to the Royal Navy's blends. What do you think, Richelieu?"

"It's actually quite comparable, Algerie," Richelieu said. "Although the Royal Navy tea parties can be awfully uptight. As much as I enjoy the Royal Navy ships' company, being with close friends in a casual setting makes the tea even tastier."

"Hmph... well said," I agreed.

Algerie smiled. "You flatter me, Richelieu."

"I couldn't agree more," Dunkerque said. "Donuts, tea, and my favorite ladies. What a wonderful start to the day."

"And what a beautiful day it is," Algerie marveled. "I might go sunbathing on the beach later."

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Dunkerque said. "Would you mind if I joined?"

"Not at all!" Algerie said. "Richelieu? Jeanie? Would you like to join Dunkerque and I? It'd be a great way to relax and recover after the thrashing you three sustained during yesterday's training."

"Hmm, you're right. And that actually sounds quite nice," Richelieu said. "I'd be happy to join."

"Jeanie?" Algerie asked.

Hm... I was hoping to paint a little today. But I've got the whole day ahead of me, and I was wanting to practice some surfing tricks anyway. Besides, I'm not about to reveal my guilty pleasure to them.

I shrugged. "Why not. It's a great day to catch some waves."

"Magnifique!" Dunkerque said. "It's a party, then!"

"We can go down after we finish up here," Algerie said. "By the way, how are you three feeling? You all sustained rather significant injuries, especially you, Jeanie."

"I'm fine, all things considered," Dunkerque said.

"Me too," Richelieu said. "But I'm more concerned about Jeanie. If I'm not mistaken, that's the second time your rigging sustained damage this week."

"Yeah. Freshly repaired, then wrecked again," I said. "I'm okay, though. Glad to hear you all are as well. Word came in that our emergency-ordered parts will arrive early tomorrow. We should all be ready for sortieing whenever the commander wants to assault that stronghold. I expect it to be sometime this week."

"Splendid. All the more reason for us to take it easy today," Richelieu said. "I'm just relieved the training incident wasn't worse than it could've been."

"Indeed," Algerie said. "Jeanie, please tell me the commander has thought of a suitable punishment for Akagi. What she did was inexcusable."

"Agreed," Dunkerque said. "I'm not one to question the commander's decisions, but when it comes to Akagi the commander just needs to... well..."

"Grow a pair?" I said.

Dunkerque blushed. "...yes."

"No disagreement here," I said. "Don't worry. I laid into him hard after training. We agreed that he has the end of the day today to think of something, or else I'm gonna punish her myself."

"I see," Richelieu said, obviously not totally satisfied with that response. "I suppose it's better than nothing, as long as she receives some kind of suitable punishment."

"Mmhmm," Algerie agreed. "I'll admit, I lost a little sleep over it. If something were to happen to any of you, I don't know what I would do.

"Me neither," Dunkerque said. "I suppose it's something you don't think about until it's almost taken from you."

Suddenly my friends' faces turned somber. I'm sure I was no different. It's a looming threat that comes with our job. Or rather, our purpose.

"Well, you won't have to lose sleep over that again," I reassured. "I ain't letting Akagi, or anyone, get the drop on us again. And if the punishment the commander gives ain't enough, I'll punish her myself anyway to really make my point. I'll shave that bitch's tails in her sleep."

That got a chuckle out of everyone and made them smile again.

I don't even care if Akagi might've heard that. Maybe she'll take the hint.

"I don't know about that one, Jeanie," Algerie said. "If someone shaved my head, I'd seek the first opportunity to exact revenge."

"Just be cautious, okay?" Dunkerque said. "We've seen what she's capable of."

"Tch... she doesn't scare me," I said. "But if it'll let you all sleep at night, then I'll vow to be careful. Don't expect me to show mercy if she comes after me today, though."

"Understood," Richelieu said with a relieved smile. "On a lighter note, your leadership was phenomenal, Jeanie."

"Hmph... still wasn't enough to nab the MVP from ya," I grumbled.

"Oh, is that so? I suppose the commander forgot to give out scores amidst the chaos," Richelieu said. "But you shouldn't concern yourself with some silly accolade."

Easy for "Miss MVP all the time" to say.

"Especially considering the circumstances," Algerie said. "I think you did a stellar job, Jeanie."

"Indeed," Dunkerque said. "It was an honor to fight under your command again."

"If the job gets done without any fatalities, then I say it's a job well done," Richelieu said. "Nobody was sunk, we're all still here, and I have no doubt that, when the time comes, you'll lead us to victory. In fact..."

Richelieu raised her teacup and looked straight at me.

"To Jeanie. For her leadership, strength, beauty, and unwavering resolve in the face of danger," Richelieu commended. "May she lead us to victory against the Sirens."

"To Jeanie!" Algerie said, raising her teacup.

"To Jeanie!" Dunkerque said, following suit.

Everyone's eyes turned to me. Why are they praising me like this? I'm the reason Akagi even attacked us in the first place. We almost sank. This isn't a call for celebration.

Hm... I guess it is nice to hear praise from my sister, though. And she means well. They all do. Might as well go with it. Can't be a total buzzkill.

I managed a small smile and raised my teacup. "To all of us."

They deserve praise too. After all, I can't take on the Sirens without their help.

"À votre santé! To your health!"

With hearty cheers, we clinked our teacups and took a drink. Though, I hesitated. Maybe it's bias because they're my closest friends? I dunno. It doesn't feel earned. I pursed my lips. I guess I have a new goal during the assault: earn this praise. Yeah... no pressure.

I should still drink, though. Richelieu didn't have to give me a toast. It'd be rude if I didn't. So, against my doubts, I took a sip.

"Merci," I said. "I won't let ya down."

"We all have faith in you," Richelieu said. "And I'm sure the commander does too."

I felt a spark in my heart. Was she trying to tease me?

...no. Her eyes seem genuine. Just a coincidence, I guess. But I don't need more pressure put on me.

"Apologies, Jeanie," Richelieu said. "Perhaps I'm putting unnecessary pressure on you. The point is, you're a better leader than you give yourself credit for."

I guess she could see right through me. At least she caught herself.

"I appreciate it, Richelieu," I said. "But I'm sure you understand where my doubts come from."

"I do," Richelieu said. "It'll take time, but I hope you will eventually see yourself the way we do."

Dunkerque and Algerie both nodded in agreement.

Why is it so hard for me to accept the damn compliments? Ugh... I'm grateful. I really am. Maybe it's a matter of pride? Maybe it's a side effect of not being able to accept any of the commander's compliments? Beats me.

"I'll believe it in due time," I said. "But I gotta earn it for myself, y'know?"

"Very well. In that case, I won't push the subject further," Richelieu said. "So, aside from the unexpected incidents, how was the rest of your first week as secretary?"

Another loaded question. An emotional roller coaster for my heart would be one way to describe it.

"It was fine, despite all the paperwork," I said. "But damn he can be a handful."

Dunkerque giggled. "Has he been giving you trouble?"

"Some," I said. "The idiot stayed up all night looking over the report for that emergency sortie several days ago, then slept straight through his alarm."

"Ah, yes," Dunkerque said. "He's quite the heavy sleeper."

"No kidding," I said. "He wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I shook him."

"Oh dear," Algerie said. "How did you wake him up then?"

"I rolled him off the bed," I said.

Richelieu looked confused. "As in... literally?"

"Mmmhmm," I said. "Took my bare hands and pushed him until gravity took over."

Dunkerque stifled a laugh, shortly followed by all three of them chuckling. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit myself. In hindsight, it was kinda funny.

"I knew the commander was a heavy sleeper, but I never had to be that extreme," Dunkerque said.

"I swear, it was like trying to rouse a corpse," I said.

Dunkerque giggled. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time he's stayed up late working."

"I figured as much," I said. "Dumbass must've gone until his energy was expended. I came in and he was face down in a pile of papers, as if he just keeled over."

"Oh my," Richelieu said. "Well, I can commend him for being dedicated. Though, perhaps it's to his detriment."

"That ain't the whole story either," I continued. "I told him I'd check in later that night to make sure he wasn't working after hours again. I kept my promise. I get to his room, knock on the door, and I hear papers rustling."

"Is that so?" Algerie asked. "What did you do then?"

"I chewed him out. Told him I ain't having it," I said. "And if he ever goes behind my back again, he'll regret it."

"Good," Dunkerque said. "I'm glad that you're taking care of him. Well, aside from rolling him off the bed."

I chuckled. "Hopefully that's the only time. He's a good commander, but I'll lay into him when I have to."

"It sounds like you've had quite the eventful week," Algerie said with a giggle.

"Indeed," Richelieu said. "I hope you're getting along with him alright despite those mishaps."

"Oh, sure," I said. "But sometimes he's got the common sense of a plank."

That got a laugh outta everyone.

"Well, it sounds like you have things under control," Dunkerque said. "Which I'm very glad to hear!"

"Yeah. Me too," I said. There was a strange warmth in my heart. I guess the commander and I have been getting along nicely. I didn't give it much thought until now but... that makes me really happy. I hope he likes my donuts. I brought the ones I set aside with me in a small bag, hoping that I'd find him after this. Seemed like the best timing.

Alright, I've monopolized this conversation enough. Let's see what everyone else has been doing.

"Anyway, enough about me," I said. "What's everyone else been up to?"

"Oh my goodness, Richelieu and I discovered a wonderful cat café downtown!" Algerie said.

"Ooh, did it open recently?" Dunkerque asked.

"It must have," Richelieu said. "Regardless, they had the sweetest, most adorable kitties. One curled up and snuggled next to me."

"I had another one do the same thing!" Algerie said. "It makes me want to adopt a kitty of my own."

"Aww, that sounds so cute!" Dunkerque said. "You must bring me along next time."

Tch... them and cat cafes, I swear.

"Of course," Algerie said. "Oh, and speaking of cute... I saw something rather intriguing yesterday."

Wait... why does Algerie look so smug? And why's she staring at me?

"What?" I asked.

Algerie giggled. "You spent time with the commander yesterday, yes?"

My heart sparked, remembering what happened with the commander. But what's the big deal? None of them know about... that. For all they know, I was just coaching him.

"Y-Yeah," I stammered. "I took him surfing. What of it?"

"Hmm..." Algerie said with an unwavering gaze. "Is that all that happened?"

The hell? Why is she pressing me so much?

"Just some surfing lessons," I said. "What else is there to tell?"

"Did you see Jeanie showing the commander some tricks?" Dunkerque asked.

"That's... one way to put it," Algerie said.

"Algerie, what's going on?" I asked outright. "Why are you talking like that?"

Algerie shrugged. "You tell me."

"Tell you—whaddya want me to say? I only took him out on the water. Nothing more," I said, sipping my tea.

"Hmm... I see," Algerie said. "So... he wasn't on top of you then?"


I spat my tea into my lap, and I heard Dunkerque and Richelieu gasp.

"No, is that true?!" Dunkerque asked with a huge smile.

"As true as the sea is blue," Algerie said. "The commander straddling her and staring deeply into her eyes..."

"Goodness me," Richelieu said.

"Oh my..." Dunkerque said, with a lilt in her voice. "Jeanie, I didn't realize you were getting along that well."

Damn it, Algerie!!!

"No! No! I-It's not what you think!" I protested.

"Mmmhmm, sure," Algerie said.

"No, really!" I said. "Let me explain!"

"Oh, please do," Dunkerque encouraged. "I want to hear everything."

"I concur," Richelieu said.

Ergh... damn gossip always makes their mouths water.

In my near blind panic, I tried to clean off the tea I just spat everyone on my lap.

"Tell me then, Jeanie," Algerie said, giggling. "What exactly was I looking at, hm?"

"An accident!" I cried. "He lost control of his board, crashed into me, and we ended up that way! That's it! That's all!"

"Hmm... if it was an accident, then why weren't you fighting it?" Algerie asked. "He wasn't pinning you down. You could've gotten out if you wanted to."

"What the... wh-why were you even watching?!" I demanded. "Why were you even there?!"

"I took a walk to enjoy the lovely evening," Algerie said. "And thank the Lord I did. When I realized it was you, I couldn't stop watching. It was so cute!"

"Ergh..." I grumbled, sinking in my seat.

Richelieu and Dunkerque were both holding back laughter.

"Okay... so.... m-maybe the commander was on top of me, and maybe I let it go for a minute or two," I admitted. "S-So what? I-It's nothing."

Jean, shut up! Your stammering's gonna blow your cover!

"I beg to differ," Algerie said. "Because I think we're getting to the heart of your weird behavior as of late."

My stomach began to turn.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" I asked.

Jean... I think you know exactly what.

"I had my suspicions after our talk several days ago," Algerie said. "But when I saw you and the commander in that... position... suddenly all the pieces came together."

Algerie, shush.

"And I think that small bag of donuts might be related too," Algerie said.

Dunkerque stifled a giggle.

"Quite the detective, I see," Richelieu said.

"So, what was this revelation?" Dunkerque asked.

Stop encouraging her!

They shared looks across the table, as if communicating via telepathy, and pretending I didn't exist. Algerie gave them a wink, making Richelieu and Dunkerque giggle. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop fidgeting. My body was as tense as rope bridge about to snap.

Then, as if rehearsed, their gazes landed on me in perfect sync. Their smug looks sent chills down my spine, and it felt like my stomach was being machine-churned. I could make up any kind of bullshit excuse I wanted, but in the end, I knew there was no stopping Algerie from saying what she was about to say:

"You have a crush on him, don't you?"


Thanks for reading! Sorry the chapters are taking so long, but like I always say, this story isn't going anywhere.

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