Tony Stark One-shots

By DearVincent

49.9K 1.6K 630

Come one and all See the Incredible Iron Man, Tony Stark. In this book, you shall explore different situation... More

In His Pocket
Should've left
5 Times the Avenger Caught Tony Singing + 1 Tony Sings openly Part 1
Last Thoughts
Not-Dad (School)
A Day in the Life of Young Sir
5 Times the Avengers Caught Tony Singing Openly Part 2
The Car
The Plush Bee
That White Powder
Beautiful Colours
5 Times the Avengers Caught Tony Singing Part 3
Quiet as a Mouse
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
One of Those Days
Life Lessons and Ice Cream
A Thousand Words

You See Me Rolling

2.2K 75 34
By DearVincent

It was an impulsive buy.

Granted that this time it wasn't a giant bunny or 10-foot-tall rocking horse (Rhodey didn't appreciate it).

No, nothing like that. What he got instead was a pair of skates. More specifically a pair of cherry red skates. To be honest with himself, Tony was sure that seeing one video on YouTube at 4 in the morning after a 5-day lab binge would be to blame. He spent the next two hours watching roller skating videos and decided to buy a pair. He, of course, also bought some protective gear and extra wheels and bearings.

Picking up the packages 2-days later, Tony thought that maybe Pepper was right about him being an impulsive buyer cause who the hell even skates nowadays...

Apparently, him. He spent the money on them so he might as well use them.

"Jarvis, is anyone in the gym?"

"No sir." The A.I. responded. "It seems most of the team is either out of the building or on their private floors."

Tony steps into the elevator and it automatically starts moving to the Gym and Training floor. "That's good."

Walking to a bench, he opens the packages. "Okay, so maybe this wasn't a bad idea. J, what do I have to do before putting these bad boys on?"

God, the red was almost a perfect shade of his Iron Man suit. Deep golden wheels and matching laces.

"I would suggest that you loosen the wheels by a quarter-inch as well as the trucks."

Tony reaches in the box that the Skates came in and pulled out a Y-Tool. "Why did I buy this? I already own one."

"It seems you were quite exhausted while you purchased the items, Sir"

He hums in agreement while he loosens the skates. "Anything else, J?"

"It seems that wearing padding is recommended."

He slips on the knee and elbow pads as well as the gloves. "So, I bought a tool I didn't need but I didn't get a helmet? Okay then, let's hope I don't get a concussion from this."

As Tony goes to stand from the bench, he realises two very important things. 1) He has some damn good balance and 2) he doesn't know how to stop. Which is how he ended up on his ass on the other side of the gym.

"Hey J."

"Yes Sir?"

"Pull up some roller skating lessons onto a holo."

"With pleasure, Sir." How the hell did Tony make an A.I. sound so damn smug.

After about two hours, Tony's happy to say he can stop, skate backwards, spin, jump and do bubbles and crossovers. Also, his ass and thighs are going to look even more glorious than usual cause this shit is a whole damn workout, at least he had music playing in the background.

Tony may have decided to add some wheels to the newest Iron Man suit.

Stark Tower, communal floor, 5:00 pm

"Dinner's ready!"

There were several pairs of feet making their way to the dining room when Bruce finished scooping the last of the Korean food into a plate to bring to the table. He glanced around and saw that almost everyone was already sitting and ready to eat.

"Dig in, I guess." He said as he brought Kimchi to his mouth.

They all ate and talked to one another about their day. A nice relaxing day off. Without any fires or explosions or yelling while he worked in his lab...

"where's Tony?"

It seemed that everyone hadn't noticed the inventor being gone because a momentary silence filled the room.

Steve was the one to break it. "I haven't seen him all day."

"Neither have we," Clint said, gesturing towards Natasha with his head.

Thor nodded in agreement.

"Uh, Jarvis?" Steve asked, feeling guilty for not noticing his friend missing.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Where has Tony been today?"

The disembodied voice took a moment before responding. "Sir has spent his day on the training floor. He has been there for approximately 7 hours and appears to have forgotten the time. Would you like me to request him to join you for dinner?"

There was a moment of shocked silence. Tony Stark willingly went to the gym? By himself? Without any bribing??? They shouldn't be too surprised. Tony preferred to work out by himself and hated the regulated training sessions Steve puts the team through.

"7 hours!?" The archer squawked.

"It's alright Jarvis. We'll go get him ourselves."

With that said, the team as a whole, got up into the elevator and hoped not to see Tony passed out on the floor because who the hell works out for 7 hours, not Tony Stark.

When they did enter the gym, they saw that Tony was in fact not collapsed onto the floor. Instead, he was wearing roller skates and doing some pretty damn complex dances that would be typically seen in figure skating.

It was when Tony jumped and did a triple axel that Steve let out a "what the hell?" that Tony noticed them.

Faced flushed from exertion and smiling, he rolled over to them. "What's up, guys?"

He didn't get an answer, the heroes just stared at him. "Guys? Hello? Look I know I'm gorgeous and stuff but a picture will last longer."

Natasha answered him, awe clear in her voice. "How did you do that?"

Tony chuckled a little before gliding towards the bench that held the packages and the clothes he wore before he changed into something more comfortable and flexible.

Sitting down, he spoke while unlacing the skates. "Well, a few days ago, I saw a few videos of someone roller skating and being sleep deprived I decided to buy some. I got them today and turns out I'm a pretty good beginner."

"Beginner?" Clint croaked. "You're kidding me, right? You looked like a fucking professional figure skater."

"Aye," Thor agreed. "You reminded me of my brother when he dances on the frozen pond back in Asgard. Fluid, graceful and full of happiness."

"Thanks, guys." Tony blushes, looking at the floor. "But really, I just started today. Fell a lot in the beginning, but I got the hang of it after a bit and then I wanted to see how much I could push myself on these things so..."

"Tony, you were amazing. A complete natural on those wheels." Bruce complemented.

"Come on, let's get you changed and get some food in you. Bruce made Korean." Steve said and he helped Tony by grabbing the boxes. Tony picked up his clothes and led the way towards the elevator again.

"Damn, Stark, didn't know leggings looked so good on you," Natasha commented catching up with Tony. "You look better in them than I do."

Tony laughed, not realizing that a certain group of male heroes were now looking at his lower half or how the Captain let out a very quiet and self-restrained. "God damn."

Clint whispered next to him. "How's it so round?"

"I know not, but he is what you Midgardians call 'thick'."

"Oh my-"

"I'm getting him more."


Tony held the elevator open. "You guys coming or what?"

The groaned "I wish." didn't reach Tony.

"Yeah, Just give Cap a sec, I think his age is catching up to him." Clint snickered.

"Haha, very funny."

"Oh, it is."

School is probably stealing my soul, so sorry I haven't been able to update. Please leave requests and comments so I know what you guys would like to read :)

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