Death Note one shot x reader...

By Fantasielover394

1.1K 36 5

Hello! Here's a book about Death Note because I'm hooked on this anime! Rquests are open and updates will be... More

Hello there, reader!
2. L - Two possibilities
3. Light - Devotee for Justice
4. Matsuda - gratefulness
5. Ryuk - Apple corers and sweet words
6. L - The Bells
7. Comfort you - Mello
8. Comfort you - Mello (another one ^^)
9. Comfort you - L (Ryuzaki)
10. Comfort you - Matsuda
11. Comfort you - Light
12. Comfort you - Near
13. L - Next illusion
14. Light - Shrike

1. Mello - Some more?

116 1 0
By Fantasielover394

I woke up. My head felt dizzy and a striking ache came from the back of my head, but at least I was awake. I had regained influence in the situation, I was master of my own limbs and mind. I was awake. At least, I think I was. My surroundings were nightly dark and an absolute silence dominated me. I was afraid to pierce it with my voice and wondered if I was still able to speak at all. It had been quite a time since I had last heard my voice. Or a voice at all. And how long ago was it since I had last seen a light? My hands moved over my head. It was not wet or sticky, so I was not bleeding. Instead, I felt a bandage and felt reassured. Whoever brought me here, they wanted me alive. Then my hands moved over the ground. It was cold but soft. My searching hands concluded that I was on a small blanket, just enough to lie upon when I moved my legs towards my body. I had reached the last step of my investigation. Slowly I shifted my weight and tried to stand, but a sudden force pushed me back to the ground. I was chained. One single chain was around my neck, like a dog I was chained. I silently cursed.

Sitting again, I waited. The chains had already pierced the absolute silence, now it might have been my voice's turn. "A-anyone?" I called with a voice I didn't recognize, which frightened me. "Anyone?" I repeated, more steadfast. No answer, but the laughter of the voice in my head, mocking me. Silently I sat back and thought of what to do next, but my shivering limbs harassed my thoughts. In this cold, I could not think straight. Thus I wrapped the small blanket over my legs, but this only caused them to cool even more. I only now realized that my legs were bare. Shocked, I investigated and concluded I was wearing shorts and a summer top. Whoever was keeping me here, they were no savages. But how dare they chain me! Angrily, I tried to think of all that had happened.

A sudden yellow light blinded me and the sound of a creaking door sounded deafening through the room, surpassing the sounds of chain and voice easily. The yellow ray of light widened, and bright lights came to life all around me. I closed my eyes instinctively. A voice startled me. "Good afternoon. No, good evening. My dear, you've slept long." The creaking door added some words before the absolute silence restored her reign.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a kid, a boy with blond short hair. A boy, no, a young man, I recognized. "Mel-lo." I said slowly, my voice but an astonished whispered. "Mello." I repeated, louder, more angrily.

The man chuckled. "That's right. What is it? Not satisfied to see me? Didn't you just call out for anyone?" I looked away, unable to look at this kid. "Out of all people, not you." With interest, he asked, "who then?" I turned my head and looked him right in the eyes with a slight smile on my lips.


This enraged Mello. He rushed to find the right key to my cage, slammed the door open and grasped my shoulders, pushing me forward, letting the pressure around my neck increase to the point that my neck started bleeding. "Ah!" I exclaimed. "Stop!" As quickly as he had started this madness, he stopped and I fell backward, immediately caressing my neck. "Maniac." I hissed.

Mello kept some distance from my opened cage, opened a chocolate bar and observed me attentively as I relieved the pain in my neck. Eventually, he spoke. "We are going to talk about all that had happened. About how you found out about this hideout and with what intention you came here. And of course," he added smirking, "how you achieved to get caged up here. And after I am satisfied with all the answers, we can discuss what fate will be yours. Understood?"

"What do you think L would think of the way you treat me?" I asked angrily.

"L is dead" Mello said, taking a bit of the bar.

Enraged by the indifference of his tone, I lifted my bare foot whilst keeping my neck in place and kicked the chocolate bar to the ground. Mello's eyes followed the falling pieces, then shifted to me. "That was not part of our agreement." He said and approached me slowly. I moved backward, until my back hit the wall that bore my chain. To my surprise, Mello lifted the chain a bit and followed the cut with his thumb. If the situation were different, it could have been described as tender. Then his eyes captured mine as he pushed hard. I shrieked briefly but retained myself and did my utmost best not to make any sound, displeasing Mello. "I'm not playing your game, kid." I growled. "But by L's dear grave, you are nothing like him. Nothing to him."

Mello moved one hand away to strike me, but I got hold of his wrist before he could. "Nothing." I repeated and laughed as he let go of me entirely and walked backward again. He turned his back to me and opened a spare chocolate bar after wiping his bloodied fingers over his dark clothing. "I shall talk to you when you behave according to my rules again. Let's see how many days in silence you can endure." He took a bite and walked off. Just as he reached the door, I uttered a soft sign of protest. A maniacal Mello was always better then silent solitude. I had felt alone for so long already. After L passed away.... No, don't think of it. Don't do this again. Don't. I fought back tears as Mello turned to face me. He wanted to cockily react to my protest of him leaving, but the obvious sight of me fighting back tears took him off guard. Not knowing what to say, he kept silent. Not knowing what to do, he stood frozen.

"Are you that sad about me leaving?" He asked foolishly.

"Don't get any ideas, freak." I answered, but regretted saying it, fearing he would desert me anyway.

But instead he approached me doubtingly and sat down two to three meters away from my open cage. Enough distance to disable me from kicking away his second bar of chocolate. I smiled realizing this childish precaution. Mello chuckled, realizing my conclusion. It was remarkable how two could smile when caught in a situation as we were in. "Quite observant, aren't you?" He said. "Quite addicted, aren't you?" I answered. After that, silence fell. Mello simply stared at me as I vainly tried to find a more comfortable pose to sit in. I uncomfortably shifted from left to right under Mello's watchful eyes. No change in his expression emerged as I gave up and chose the lesser uncomfortable position. More moments of silence passed. I was happy to be with another human being, and as he looked at me, I had time to study him. The sound of my rapid breathing merged with the sounds of him finishing his second bar of chocolate, and opening a third. I wondered how many more he had hidden in the little clothing he wore. He smiled and shocked me out of my thoughts with his voice. "Quite many."

I smiled, then coughed and wrapped my arms around myself to gain some warmth. Then a thing hit my legs. I looked at the small wrapped piece of chocolate that was thrown in front of me. "Eat it, you'll feel better."

I looked up at him. "Is that why you eat it so much? To feel better? What saddens you so that you-" Mello interrupted me. "Eat it, no more questions." I took the piece, unwrapped it and ate. In the sweet satisfaction the chocolate brought me, I unknowingly smiled. Mello smiled at that sight and uttered a soft "cute" under his breath, then turned his head to hide his face from me. I had no time to analyze his behaviour, instead I was fully captured by the taste of the sweets. More chocolate was shoved my way, and I thankfully devoured it. As the third bit reached my legs, I looked up at him, who was still studying me attentively.

"Thank you for the chocolate, but I would prefer some warmth." Only now Mello seemed to notice my shivering limbs. For someone so observant, this was rather unusual. I followed him with my gaze as he rose. To get me some more blankets, I figured. But instead of walking away, he walked towards me and even sat next to me.

'I could kill you, you know." I said softly. "You wouldn't." He answered hushed. "Give me one good reason why I wouldn't." I replied. Mello's fingers wrapped around a couple of locks of my hair, in the way Near always does. "Because..." he started, "only I have the key to your chain. Only I know the way out of this building that would get you out alive, but, most importantly..." His face moved immensely close to me, his breath falling on my skin as he with a deeper voice whispered. "Only I can replace L for you. Only I am the one you can love now..."

He then wrapped his body around me, arms around my neck and waist, warming me with his heat. "Comfortable now?" He asked teasingly. As I didn't answer, he reached in his pocket and revealed another chocolate bar. He casually unwrapped it and broke off a piece with his teeth, took it in his hand, smirked, and brought it to my mouth. "Some more?"


Hello mortals!

That was the first chapter, I hope you liked it! ^^ Please let me know what you think and thank you for reading! Lots of love...

-the shinigami

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