|| Beauty and The Beast || (...

By Mamree

962K 52.8K 9.1K

1st Runner up in Choice Award 2019 Winner of 3rd position in Limelight Award 2020 #Standalone A ruthless... More

Story Synopsis
1 ~ Beauty~
2 ~Beginning~
3 ~ Blooming Bond ~
4 ~ Broken ~
5 ~ Bitter Past
6 ~ Being Close ~
7 ~ Being Yours ...Legally ~
Glimpse of Next Part
8 ~ Beside You... Always ~
9 ~ Beautiful Moments ~
Important Announcement
10 ~ Breathless Moments Of Togetherness ~
11 ~ Being Yours... Ritually ~
12 ~ Being Reborn ~
13 ~ Because You Are My Wife ~
Glimpse of Next Part
14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~
15 ~ Behind The Veil ~
16 ~ Burning Desire ~
17 ~ Burning Together ~
18 ~ Beast's Broken Dream
Glimpse Of Next Part
19 ~ Brother After all
20 ~ Brutal Ugly Truth ~
Hello Lovely
21 ~ Broken Pieces Of Past ~
My Lovely Readers, Followers and Friends...
22 ~ Be My Solace ~
23 ~ Beloved Son ~
24 ~ Beast's Return ~
Glimpse Of The Next part
25 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -1 ~
26 ~ Broken Illusion : Part-2 ~
~ Choice Award~
Question To The Character
27 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -3 ~
28 ~ Breaking Down ~
~Answers By The Character ~
29 ~ Being Confused ~
30 ~ Because I am a Fool ~
31 ~ Because I Love You Dammit ~
32 ~ Blooming In Your Love
~Limelight Award 2020~
33 ~ Beyond Everything ~
34~ Being Your Soulmate~
35 ~ Bacio Alla Francese ( French Kiss) ~
36 ~ Blissfully Together : 1
37 ~Blissfully Together 2~
~Cherish Fan Award 2020~
38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~
39~ Becoming Mine.. Forever 2~
40~ Burning Passion ~
~Glimpse Of Next Part~
41 ~ Behind The Shadow :1~
43 ~ Because You Are My Life : 2~
44 ~ Blurred ~
45 ~ Behind The Shadow 2 ~
46 ~Broken Heaven : 1~
47 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil :1 ~
48 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil: 2 ~
49~ Because You Are My Life : 3 ~
50 ~Broken Heaven 2 ~
51 ~ Be Safe .... My Love ~
52 ~ Beginning Of A New Life ~
53 ~ Beauty and The Beast ( Last Chapter ) ~
~Thank You ~
~ Curtain Raiser : Final Banner ~

42 ~ Because You Are My Life :1 ~

7.7K 570 72
By Mamree


Not Proof Read... Ignore the mistakes..


42 ~ Because You Are My Life 1 ~

Next Day (Sunday)....

Late Night...

Delhi Road...

Khushi sigh looking at Arnav who were focusing on the road with a satisfactory smile on his face.. Yesterday after watching Arnav's restlessness and worry, Khushi secretly made a plan to cheer Arnav up.. As it was a Sunday, when Khushi proposed Arnav for a small trip to the Amusement park and zoo, Arnav initially rejected.. But due to Khushi's instistent and Advay's cute pout, finally he gave in.. With strict security, Arnav had taken his wife and their bundle of joy to their desired destination... and as they were returning from the little trip, Arnav was looking much more relax and happy now..

Khushi looked at her husband and a satisfied smile spread over her face.. Finally whatever her aim was, it's been sucessful.. She could not handel a grumpy and worried Arnav.. Today, after spending the whole day together with different situation, Arnav is lookig much more happier..

Khushi's POV....

Looking at Arnav presently, I can only think that Arnav was definitely stressed out with something yesterday. But I think he is feeling much more better looking at the small smile on his face..

Arnav and me were getting closer by the second. We were mentally and emotionally intertwined. It felt like we were two bodies, but one soul. Our world seemed so perfect with him, me and our little bundle of joy, where nothing and no one else mattered.

And I wanted it to stay that way. I wanted every morning to start with his handsome face wishing me good morning, my Advay cuddling with us and I wanted every night to end with his lips placed on my forehead, wishing me good night and telling Advay few beautiful stories like he does every night.

I looked back at the backseat where our cute bundle Advay was buckled in a car seat and was sleeping peacefully pouting a little.. " My boy..." I felt blessed having him in my life..

Averting my eyes I stared at the beautiful man sitting next to me, his eyes focused on the road as he drove us through the highway, with his hand laced with mine, resting on the centre console. There was a constant smile on his face, I had never seen him so at peace before.

Remembering the way Arnav stole kisses throughout the dayout, I felt my face heated up. Arnav was right, neither of us thought it was possible to love anyone too much. But we did. Our love for each other was beyond our own control. It was intense, like a fire that could not be extinguished. It was dangerous, it was passionate and it was uncontrollable.

" If you keep staring at me like that, I will be forced to park the car in the middle of this highway and do naughty things with you," Arnav's tease snapped me out of my thoughts.

I narrowed my eyes at him, " How ungentlemanly of you.. Did you forget our son is sleeping backseat?"

He shrugged " So what? He is sleeping now.. and the way he exhauted himself by playing whole day, he will woke up tomorrow morning only..,But seriously, want to make out? I can park on the side, roll up the windows and..." his eyebrows danced suggestively.

I chocked out a laugh, " You are so inappropriate."

" Don't act like you don't love it," he winked. I lightly shook my head at him, but could no stop smiling, " You enjoy my ministration, sweetheart.." he winked again and I could not stop but laughed aloud..I had not stopped smiling the whole journey back. I was just so happy. Arnav made me so happy.

Arnav parked in driveway. It was past midnight and everyone was asleep. He got out of the car and took Advay from back, then walked over to my side and opened the door for me. He passed me his hand to helped me out, then closed the door behind me.

Together, we walked to our house. I opened the main door while murmuring "Thank you for one of the best day of my life,"

" I could say the exact same thing to you," I smiled. "Thank you for the best days of my life..." he said.

End of Khushi's POV

After 30 minutes...

Advay was sleeping peacefully in the middle of the bed while Khushi was applying night cream on her face... A pair of warm hand engulf her from behind while nuzzling her back..

Khushi smiled. "Thank you Arnav for showing me just how beautiful life can really be. It's feel like a dream.."

Arnav was gazing at his wife with passionate eyes, " you make my life beautiful Khushi." He came beside her and then held her hand in his.

" I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. I know I can not change what I did, what I said, no matter how much I want. But I want you to know that I will make up for it, even if it takes me the rest of my life." Khushi could feel the tears blinding her vision, happy tears.

Khushi entwined their fingers, Arnav gazed at their joint hands. He loved it when their fingers were interlaced like this. " I forgive you Arnav, The happiness you bestowed upon me is far more than the pain you gave me.., Besides It was not me alone, but you too were not in peace..." Khushi whispered. " For everything you did. For all that you said, for your stupid judgements and actions, from the bottom of my heart, I forgive you."

Arnav looked amused, " What?"

" I am not mad anymore. When I think about it, it does not hurt me anymore. You earned it, you made mistakes but you made up for them too," I sighed. "And I am sorry too."

" For what?" he whispered, still gazing into my eyes.

" whether it was deliberate or unconsciously, I have also thought that you were cheating on me with Liza... I ...I am sorry. We are not perfect, in fact we are far away from perfect. We hurt each other, we make mistakes, but that's us. No matter how bad the times are, somehow we always find our way back to each other. We are different, but we are inseparable. And I would not change it for the world." Khushi said.

Arnav smiled lightly, looking at Khushi through his glassy eyes. "Perfect is overrated anyway," Khushi chuckled. He kissed her forehead, " I love you so much Khushi."

" I love you too Arnav," Khushi whispered. " Forver," she smiled.

" And always," he completed. He smiled, and so did she, gazing into each other's eyes, they stood in front of the mirror, losing themselves in the feelings that consumed them.

" I am so scared," Arnav suddenly said, breaking her trance.

" What?" Khushi asked confused.

" It's something, I don't know what but I can feel it. A sickening feeling in my stomach. I don't want to lose you.." Arnav said desperately making Khushi's heart churn...

" Hey," she cupped his cheeks lightly. "You are not going to lose me. I will never let that happen. Do you trust me?" Arnav nodded, " Then stop worrying. I promise you I will never let anything come between us again, you will never lose me."

Arnav sighed when Khushi placed her lips on him. It was her way of giving him assurance and comfort. Khushi broke the kiss to catch some air. Arnav groaned in disapproval and pulled Khushi back into the kiss.

Khuhi's smile was contagious when she said, " Gosh! This feels like such a dream".

" I know. But I also know reality is only a stone's throw away, and that scares me," Arnav said.

Khushi sighed, " Arnav," she gently held his shoulders, turning him to face her. " Why are you so anxious? What's wrong baby?"

" I am sorry. I am ruining it, right?" Arnav said guiltily for killing the mood, but he could not shake off the feeling that something would go wrong. Besides, the parcel containing the stabbed doll and the picture is disturbing him continuously.. The whole day went well and now again the restlessness came back with full force..

Something always went wrong.

Khushi held his gently, " Of course not. You are scared, I get it. But I don't understand why..." He sighed, " Do you want to share it with me? I can help you feel better." Khushi said while Arnav just looked at her unblinking..

He suddenly pulled her close, then pinned her to the door. " Arnav...What are you..."

" Shhhh... I want you Khushi.. so badly..." Arnav's husky voice made Khushi close her eyes ... before she could realize anything she felt Arnav was carrying her in bridal style and soon she find herself on the make shift bed at poolside..

" Arnav... Advay is... alone..." Khushi stammer as Arnav started to peppering kisses all over her face..

" I had made sure that he will not get hurt.. I made a pillow wall around him..." Arnav wink at her and then said in his husky voice, " Now, my beautiful wife, just focus on me... Your little boy is asleep.. Show some mercy on this poor hubby of yours.."

And with that Arnav just placed his warm lips on the Khushi's inviting one.. The pleasure is so sharp it is almost cruel.. 

Soon, they found each other covered by a fine sheet while Arnav has buried himself deep within Khushi, their body had already found a rhythm... Slowly but steadily driving each other insane, making the air filled with moans and groans... Khushi arched with need, with wanton desire, while Arnav's brown orbs was blazing with love and a hint of madness...

" Open your eyes and look at me beautiful..." Arnav thrust vigorously while not for a single second he break the eye lock.. it was always like this way, Arnav loved to make eye contact while making wild, passionate love with his wife...

Khushi looked at the gorgeous, powerful man who has poised above her..

" Feel me Khushi..." Arnav whispered while suddenly sucked her one nipple making her go wild... Khushi scratches his back with wanton desire making him close his eyes, Arnav gasp and shudder.. Soon Khushi followed him, close behind and feel... feel.. only feel... They tip over the edge and then they explode, breathtakingly, exquisitely...

Finally Khushi opened her eyes to meet those stormy brown orbs..

" I had again claimed you, you are only mine.. and you are not allow to leave me... Remember that Khushi..." with that Arnav rolled down beside her holding Khushi close to his heart and soon enough Khushi slept... But Arnav was wide awake with the restlessness in his heart...


Next Day..

Arnav's Cabin

Ray Fashion House.

Afternoon 1 : 30 p.m.

Arnav was very busy with back to back meeting since morning... Though Khushi reminded him to take medicines and food on time, but he could not accomplished that till now... Beside, he was very restless as till now Aman could not trace out about the peon or the details who had send the percel.. Aman tried to say that may be someone wrongly send it or just pranked making the issue light, but both Arnav and Aman knew the percel is the indication of something... something major that is going to happen..

Arnav shakes his head to overcome this disturbing thoughts and came out from his cabin for some fresh air.. He decided to visit the canteen below...

Arnav was about to entered in to the canteen but something catch his attention, a lady with red... A broad smile appeared in Arnav's face when he saw his beautiful wife is walking towards him while holding the lunch box...

Arnav walked fast and stands infront of Khushi with a wide grin on his face..

" Hello beautiful... Are you here to meet someone?" Arnav asked playfully

" Yes, handsome.. My husband works here, I am here to serve him lunch.." Khushi said while playing with a hair tendril..

" Ohhh... My bad.. You are already taken.." Arnav pretended to hurt while Khushi suppress her smile..

" Not only taken, but I am in love with my husband.. and no man in this whole world can change my heart, Mr Tycoon.." Khushi said while pressing her lips to suppress her smile..

Two can play along..

Arnav looked at her, his face softened as he saw her gazing at him. " I love you," Khushi said before Arnav could say anything else, " I will always love you, I promise." Khushi caressed her wedding ring, " I also promise to give you a family that you did not have when you were child. I promise to nurture you with love, care and affection. I promise to fill the void in your heart. I promise to stay by your side, always."

Arnav's smiles grew, his eyes twinkled. " A family," he whispered. "our family." Khushi smiled suddenly feeling shy, nodding her head slightly.

Their moment was interrupted by Khushi's phone, it was an unknown number, Khushi ignored it.

Arnav sighed, " Let's go inside my cabin.. Then we will have lunch together.. and I am feeling lack of sugar in my body,... suddenly."

Khushi frown and was about to get worried but when her eyes caught Arnav's eyes filled with mischief and the way he was eyeing at her lips, she realized what Arnav was actually mentioning..

" You are so shameless..." Khushi whispered..

" That I am... For you..." Arnav came close when Khushi's phone rang again and stop suddenly, she glanced at it before she turned back to Arnav.

" Go to your cabin...I am coming after meeting Ms Meena In canteen."Khushi said and the phone rang again...

"I will take this call first, it was ringing whole the way but I am unable to accept the call.." Khushi said while Arnav reluctantly agreed and turned in his heel taking the lunch box from Khushi's hand...

Meanwhile Khushi accepted the call, "hello?" she spoke but got no response. Khushi moved towards the road to find better signal but still had trouble with the sound.

Suddenly Khushi's eyes widened as she saw a car speeding towards her, only a few feet away from her. Khushi wanted to move, to get out of the way, but she froze. She could not move, she felt paralyzed, as if someone casted upon her. Khushi closed her eyes, prepared to get hit.

Everything happened too fast, when Khushi opened her eyes she was in Arnav's arms. Khushi was breathing hard, but she was also numb. The only thing she could feel was Arnav's wildly beating heart. His panting matched her, he was shaking and his grip on her only got tighter.

" Arnav," Khushi breathed. He did not let go, his hold on her was painfully tight, She tried to move but he did not let her.

" Arnav..." Khushi called again but he did not say anything. His grip was painful, his fingers were digging into her skin as he plastered her against himself. Khushi struggled out of hold, he stared at her and the fear in Arnav's eyes scared Khushi.

" I am fine," Khushi breathed. " I am okay."

Arnav did not say anything, he held Khushi's hand and dragged her inside his office. All his employees stared at them with wide eyes as Arnav dragged his wife through the office, from the corner of her eyes Khushi could see Amaya, Arnav's receptionist scowling at her, but what she thought about them was the least of her concern in that moment, it was Arnav's reaction which is bothering her the most..

" Arnav?" Khushi tried to release her hand from his hold but his grip was too tight. He pulled her to his cabin, locked the door, then pinned her to the wall next to it.

Before Khushi could say anything else, she found his mouth working against her. Khushi's hands were pinned to the wall in a painful grip and she could still feel his heart beating so fast.

Arnav aggressively pulled away, then placed his forehead against Khushi's, "tell me you are okay." Arnav said, his voice came out horse.

Khushi gulped, " I am fine, I am okay. Please... don't be so worked up.."

Arnav left Khushi with a jerk, then walked to his desk. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. Arnav wanted to find information on the man driving the car. Khushi silently walked to him, trying to calm him down.

" I want him, dead or alive. I need to know who was that who dared to hurt my Khushi....," he growled down the phone. Khushi could sense his restlessness. Khushi rubbed Arnav's back trying to soothe him, but when he did not pay attention to her, she snatched the phone from him and hung up.

" What the hell Khushi?" Arnav screamed, " what do you think you are doing? Give my phone back..."

Khushi hugged him, placed her head above his heart. " I love you," she whispered. Khushi could feel his tensed muscles calming down slowly. He let out a loud breath before his hands circled around her.

He lightly broke the hug, gently looking down at her. " I will kill whoever that was," the tenderness in his eyes were gone in seconds.

" It was just an accident, I am sure he did not mean it. It's fine," Khushi assured.

" I saw him speeding towards you Khushi. He had more than enough time to stop the damned car or switch route, but he did not. He did not even horn, not even once. It was intentional...I need to know who that fucker was." Arnav growled..

Khushi sighed, " may be he was drunk driving and did not realize. Arnav I am fine, let it go."

Arnav pulled out of the hug, " I am not letting it go. Don't ask me for something I can not give to you and don't argue with me on this."

"We don't have to stretch this matter, please don't blow this out proportion." Khushi requested..

Arnav looked at Khushi in disbelief, "blow this out proportion? Are you fucking kidding me Khushi ? He could have hit you, with that speed he could have kill..." he stopped as he gasped, thinking over what he was about to say. The anger came back to him, he harshly grabbed her arms and pulled her into himself. " I don't have anyone else. I can not lose you, do you get that? You are not allowed to leave me. Ever. You are my life...I will die if I have to be away from you for a single day..."

" I won't... I won't leave you alone.. I promise..." his grip on her was getting tighter, Khushi hissed. Arnav released her, then took her in a gentle hug.

" God damn! You scared the life out of me," Arnav finally relaxed into the hug. "I can not ... afford to lose you. You mean everything to me," he broke the hug to look at her, "I mean it, everything." He said before he pulled her back into his chest.

Khushi smiled. " I am fine, look at me, I am okay. And you are not going to lose me, is not that what you promised me? It was just an accident. Let it go." She lightly cupped his face. He did not respond, but his face told her he was not going to let it go.

Khushi sighed, giving up on the stubborn beast. "Fine, do what you please. But let go off me, I have to arrange the lunch."

Arnav happily followed her around the cabin like a love sick puppy..He waited till they finished the lunch, then pinned me to the wall. " Kiss me ," he demanded.

Khushi glared at him, " you can go kiss yourself." She tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

Suddenly Khushi frowned, then looked at the door. "Did you hear that?"

Arnav followed his wife's gaze, " hear what?"

" I think someone's behind the closed door," Khushi tried to walk away from him, towards the door but he pulled her back into his arms.

" Making excuses, are we?" Arnav pulled closer, his hands digging into her waist.

" Arnav. I think someone is watching us, The blindfold is open and I think I saw someone.." Khushi could see the shadow on the door but Arnav did a good job of distracting her as he lightly kissed her.

Khushi wanted to give into the kiss but knowing someone was watching them made her sick to her stomach. She pulled away, Arnav glared at her in irritation. " ARNAV," Khushi gritted her teeth, " someone is watching us."

Arnav shook his head in disbelief, but soon caught a sight of the shadow too. His jaw hardened and his nostrils flared in anger as he realized someone was secretly watching them. Arnav left Khushi with a jerk and aggressively marched to the door, and bashed it open, ready to kill whoever it was on the other side. But as the door opened, he froze....

" Amaya... you here... what are you doing here?"

To be contd.....


Author note:

Hello, lovely people over here...Hope You all are doing well..

I was busy with wrapping up " withered with hurt " and then " rising Phoenix".. Both the stories ended and now my main focus will be on this story.. I am really very excited to write down the next chapters.. So, get ready for the roller coaster ride next...

I can only assure you that this story will have a happy ending...

Till then, share your thought about this part...


Be safe...keep everybody safe...

Pray for all...



Your Story teller



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