Covens At War

By mrsnicky_

40.9K 934 1.2K

Him and everything he was made my blood boil. His family didnt like mine, mine didnt like his. Our covens wer... More

Hate + Love
Rock wall
Some how


447 10 7
By mrsnicky_

When I got back I immediately went to Bonnie's room, Kai wasnt here yet, but I'm sure he would be soon.

I locked the door and cornered her, she cowered away from me.

"This... this is my revenge."

"I didnt do anything to you!" She cried out.

"But your boyfriend did! And if he loves you like he said he does... then this should hurt him as much as he hurt me."

"Rae please. What is Dam-"

"Damon is going to be dead for decades, Bonnie! He wont care in a few centuries from now! He will love me just the same."

"How do you know that?"

"I dont."

"Then why are you so quick to assume he-"

"You are not helping your case, Bonnie." I walked towards her, she whimpered. "Dont worry, this will hurt just like the warehouse. This time, you just wont wake up." I smiled, I waved my fingers at her and she fell to her knees in pain.

She stopped breathing and she fell over and her grip fell loose on her throat as her face went pale.

Then she gasped, but stayed unconscious.


I took a photo and sent it to Kai.
'Shes dead this time. And for good.'

Of course that was a lie. As much as I despised her, I didnt want the others to hate me for killing her. I quickly cloaked her and took off to New York.


"Where is she." I finally picked up after his many calls.

"Six feet under. In fact I'm burying her right now, just finishing up."

"Rae... you didnt." His voice sounded genuinely sad, like I just broke his heart.

That's what he deserved. He broke mine. This is how I felt when Damon left me, if not worse.

Damon chose to leave me, he would rather starve himself into desiccation than let Stefan and I protect him. And that hurt.

"Oh I totally did. How your feeling wasnt even a sliver of how I felt when Damon wanted to starve himself so I wouldnt hurt myself saving him and when you killed my entire family. This is purely payback for what you did to me. And dont expect me to stop. Just because shes dead doesnt mean I wont hurt you."

"You know the difference between you and I? You have such a big heart. So many people you care about. The Heretics, Stefan, Caroline and her twins, your family but they are..." He laughed. "Well they are dead."

"Dont remind me."

"Hey- I wasnt done yet. There is also Damon."


"That's my name, dont ware it out."

"If you lay a hand on him-"

"You'll what? Kill me?" He asked hysterically. "Baby, itd be my pleasure if you killed me."

"Then I wont." I was about to hang up but he called out for me, I put the phone back up to me ear.

"Out of all of this, I promise you I wont hurt Ben."

"Well I sure hope not, otherwise I'd put you into a world of hell."

"So you kill my girlfriend of almost 4 years, who by the way I love dearly-"

"Did you ever tell her that?"


"Did you ever tell her that you love her." He stammered over his words. "Oh my god! If anything I did that poor girl a favor, 4 years and no 'I love you?' That's terrible!"

"Oh and you weren't nervous to say it to Damon?!"

"I was scared shitless! But I knew that what I felt I'd never felt before, so if that wasnt love then-" I paused. "I'm not talking to you about your commitment issues."

"Whatever. That's not what I was trying to say. What I'm saying is that you kill Bonnie who I... I loved but never said anything... you kill her, and I tell you I wont hurt Benny-"

"...Benny?" I haven't heard him say 'Benny' in three years. I didnt know that my body had craved it and much as it did. I didnt know that I secretly wanted him to refer to Ben that way.

"Is that a problem?"

"No! No, not at all. I just... didnt expect it, I suppose."

"Ok... back to my point, you kill my girl, I tell you I won't hurt your son and you basically tell me that if I do you'll kill me."

"Yeah... that sound about right, I mean that is just what happened?"

He chuckled. "Unbelievable." I smiled at his response with a small giggle.



I'm not doing that.

"Kai, I've got to finish digging your girlfriends grave. I'll see you at home." I hung up and tossed my phone into the passenger seat of Damon's car.

It was an obvious lie, I was taking Bonnie to the place in New York with Elena and Damon.

I needed to end that phone call. Not even three hours ago I was telling him he'd have an enemy for eternity, and now I was over here flirting with him.

How fucked up was I?

I was being too nice, I didnt know why. He had just killed my family only four hours ago, and now I was sitting on the phone as I drove to New York in my boyfriend's car flirting with him.

I didn't want him, I knew I didnt. I wanted Damon, I was in love with Damon, my every decision is centered around him.

But there was this thiny flame inside of Damon's burning house that was all about Kai. I fear that no matter how much water I put on it, it wont go out. I am terrified that itll grow bigger, bigger than Damon's hell house.

I hadn't gone down that path in a little over three years, ever since I kissed him.

"Kai, I dont think you understand how terrified I am because I practically killed you yesterday. I took your magic when that was the thing keeping you going, then left you there to die! If Damon hadn't been there when he was, I would've woken up knowing I did the right thing for them because their friend wouldve still been alive. But the wrong thing for you because you wouldve been dead! How do you think I wouldve been able to live with myself then?"

He didnt reply, I didnt want to wait for one either. I walked back inside the apartment silently but slammed the door behind myself. I got to where Kai had propped himself up on the couch and kneeled down to his face and laid my hand on his cheek.

"You know I hate you. I hate you with all of my heart but there is something about you... if you had waken me up in the middle of the night because you needed something, I'd be there." I rested my forehead on his and squeezed my eyes shut.

"I hate you but if you are to touch me in any possible way, I'm yours. I hate you so fucking much, but if it came down to nothing... I'd give up everything I've got just so you can be happy Kai." He had a blank reaction, but slid his hand to the back of my neck and kissed me.

He kissed me and I didnt dare to stop him.

He pulled me into him even more and he sat up. I drove my fingers into his hair as his soft lips eagerly pressed up against mine.

He slid his hands down from the side of my neck and onto what I assumed his shirt. He tugged at the hem of the shirt and then put his hand back up into my hair again.

I put my hands on each side of his neck as I leaned into him, I got on his lap and pressed him against the back of the couch.

A few moments later he grabbed my wrists and pulled away, a small exhale left my mouth as it hit me how far we had gone. I stared at his lips, then looked at his eyes.

"We cant... you know that."

"I know." I sighed. "I just didnt think youd stop me."

"Trust me, I didn't want to. But if we do this, afterwards you'll have time to think about it and you'll hate me."

"I already hate you, so just kiss me." I said defeated, resting my forehead against his.

That was so long ago.

I didnt want to think of him in that way, at all. I still thought of Damon like that and I didnt want that to change.

I knew I didnt like Kai. Let alone love, maybe even tolerate him.

Malachai Parker? The man who killed my family and threatened to kill many more. Who possible threatened to kill me.

How could I ever like that?

For this I knew I couldn't like or even love him.

I didnt like him.

Unless I did...

Maybe even just a little?


"I mean is it really that big a deal?!"

"Of course it is Rae! You killed Bonnie!" Stefan yelled, I majorly shushed him and I flailed my hands around, I leaned into his ear.

"If it makes you feel any better she isnt actually dead. She is just... kind of dead."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means she thinks she dead. I gave her the experience of death by stopping her heart temporarily, then I put her in a coma spell like Kai did to Elena. Bonnie's life is linked to Elena's, she whatever happens to Elena with anything including getting stabbed or being in a coma, will happen to Bonnie."

"Great, who life is Elena's link to?"

"No clue." I smiled patting his shoulder. "Itd be great though if we could keep all of this information confidential. If you must tell Valerie I won't stop you, but if Kais finds out... not only may I be dead but then all of you will be unprotected."

"Please. We can take him." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Over 30 people living in a mansion with top security who were all witches died because of Kai, which only happened because he got into an argument with Bonnie about... parenthood." I mumbled the last word. "But if he can do that, just imagine what he will do to you."

Stefan scoffed. "I love you like a sister Rae, but I think we can handle him if anything should happen to you." He kissed my temple and I rolled my eyes.

"Your lack of confidence in me unsettles me. But if I die and you really can't take him on, at least I'll see you in hell not too long after!" I giggled, Stefan chuckled too. But then my mind went to Damon, not only would he not approve of my joke but he probably wouldnt come down to hell like Stefan would. Kai probably wouldnt kill him so that we would suffer.

I didnt want to think about that though. I excused myself and walked upstairs to watch over Ben taking his nap.

When I got upstairs, everything felt quite normal. I looked at Ben who held a little teddy bear and smiled at him, then I changed into one of Damon's sweatpants with just a tank top and laid on his bed.

I snuggled into the pillows and silky comforter, it surprisingly still smelt like him after all of this time. I pulled my phone out and rolled over, figuring I'd scroll on social media until Ben woke up.

Then I heard the wind pick up, only for a moment, and then it slowed again. Like something just entered the room through the window.

I shot up and turned for Ben, there was a man standing over his crib.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?!"

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