Their precious one

By bts07018

20K 656 4

y/n is a sweet, loving , kind girl. she loves kpop alot. recently she moved to seoul for work. one day she go... More

Authors note!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 26

736 28 3
By bts07018

Long chapter ahead 

After 2 months. 

It's been 2 months from our wedding everything is going so well A.R.M.Y accepted me very well.  Today is tae's birthday and he is taking me to bts drom as we all decide to celebrate his birthday together. I have a very special gift for him I hope everything goes well.

(this is what I wear)

(this is what tae wear. Ignore the mask)

As we reach to the droms we entered and everyone starts to sing happy birthday to tae. 

He was very happy 

"Let's cut the cake"Hobi said.

"Yes sure."Tae said.

and we make our way to pool area they said they have done something there so we make our way to there.

As we got there our jaw dropped bcz that decor was so beautiful they did some lightnings there that was so simple yet beautiful. Tae can't stop smiling looking at the view.

"Who did this guys?"I asked

"We all did but some one special come up with this idea."Namjoon oppa said

"Who?"Tae asked.

"Rachel."Yoongi oppa said.

"WHAATTT?"We both said in unison.

"Yes. Yoongi and rachel are dating."Jin oppa said.


everyone nod.

"And nobody tell me?"I said."Not even unni"I said feeling upset.

"We were about to tell you bub. But we decide that when everything really going to work between us then we'll tell you."Yoongi oppa said trying yo cheer me up.

"I am sor-"Yoongi oppa was about to say something until unni came.

"Did I Miss something."She said and I send her dead glare.

"Don't tell me she found out."She whispered scream at yoongi and he nod.

"shit."She said. "Look beanie I was going to tell you but w-"she was saying something but I cut her off.

"It's Okay unni till you guys are happy "I said smilling.and they both come and hug me.

"Should we cut the cake"Jungkook said and we nod.

Soon jimin came with cake which have lots of strawberries and we cut the cake.

"So where are my gifts guys."Tae asked.

"Tae you are not baby anymore."yoongi said and he pout and give puppy eyes to everyone.

Aww my baby.

"Don't give that look hyung."Jungkook said. 

"Fine here "Jin oppa get up and give him a bag

"This is for both of you"Jin oppa said and tae instantly opend the box

"ROLEX"We both screamed.

"Yes. bcz we didn't gift you anything for wedding so . That's why"He said and sit on his place.

"Here."Namjoon oppa handle him another bag.

( Namjoon's gift.)

(Hobi's gift)

(Jimin's gift.)

(Jungkook's gift.)

"I also got something for both of you"Yoongi oppa said.

(Yoongi's gift bracelet)

"Wooww oppa It's so cute."I said 

"Is it?"He asked smiling.

"Yess."I said.

"Well your unni got these." he said smiling.

"ooooooo"I tease him.

"Well every one gave their gifts. Y/n what are you giving him."jimin asked.

"I have something. Wait I'll go get it."I said and leave them.

I got the box and make my way towards them I felt like my heart is about to explode. 

"Here"I said and give that box to tae 

As he was opening the box my hands started to sweating I was feeling my head is spinning. I looked at him as he opened the box his smile dropped eyes went wide. 

Now I am scared. Tears started to buildup in my eyes and I looked down.

"Hyung what is it?"Jungkook asked I didn't heard anything coming from tae's mouth I was about to leave but suddenly I was pulled into strong arms.

"Where are you going."He said.

"You didn't like it?"I asked sniffing.

"Are you crazy?"He said and pulled away I can see tears in his eyes."This is the best gift I've ever got on my birthday."He said and kissed my forehead.

"aaragghhh tell us no hyung."Jungkook said whining .

"Here look by your self."He said handling him box and stand behind me and back hugged me.

And we stand there waiting for their reaction.

"Jiiiinnnjaaaaaaa?"Everyone screamed and looked at as with wide open eyes and mouth making us giggle.

"Yeahh"I said and they run to us and give us big group hug.

"Aaahhhh. So tight"I said and they relised 

"Sorry sorry."They said.

"It's Okay."I said and they said let's get something to eat and left me and tae alone.

"I thought you're not ready"I said and slowly tearing up.

"Baby I know that this is going to happen. I was ready. "He said scooting besides me and pulled me closer."I am always ready for everything that belongs to you."He said and I snuggle into him feeling sleepy and soon I found my self drifting into sleep. 


"Tae plzz get him I am tiered."I said 

"Taemin you better stop right now otherwise appa won't take you to uncle minmin's place."Tae said and that lil monster stopped running and looked at him with big doe puppy eyes.

"Mini swary appa"He said and hugged tae's leg and he lift him up.

"Let's get you ready.. don't you wanna meet suni?" Tae asked and taemin nod eagerly.


"Hey bub how are you?"Oppa asked and I smiled.

"Tired"I said.

"UNCLE MINMIN"taemin screamed with top of his lungs and run towards oppa making grabby hand want to him to hold him.

"Hey champ."Oppa said kissing him all over a face making him giggle.

"Where is unni?"I asked 

"In my room. come on let's go"He said and we make our way to his room.

"Hyung are others coming."Tae asked. 

"Yeah they'll be here in 10 or some mins."Oppa said.

"Hey unni"I said as we get in the room and hugged her.

"Hey beanie how are you"Unni said.

"I am fine."I said 

"mini wants to mewt suni."He said wiggling from oppas arms try to relise himself so oppa put him down and he run towards suni who was giggling at us.

(this is suni yoongi and rachel's daughter)

"Uncle minmin mini wants to mawry suni"Taemin said making our eyes wide.

"Taemin."I said In stern voice making him flich a little.

"Hey it's okay bub."Yoongi oppa said giggling."You want to marry suni?"HE asked taemin and he nod eagerly. "But you have to get big for that. When you'll be older like your appa you can marry her."HE said patting taemin's head.

"Oppa what are saying?"I said frowing.

"It's okay bub. I am sure he'll be like taehyung when he growup. We don't have any problem to give our daughter to him. Right jagiya(honey)" he said  looking at unni who was smiling widely.

"Of course "She said and I looked at tae as he was cooing over the babies.

(I know there faces are different just use your imagination.)

Soon we heard yelling from living room means others are here so we make our way to living.

"Hey guys."Tae and yoongi oppa said in unison.

"Ohh hey "Jin oppa said. "Where are my munchkins"Jin oppa asked.

"I am here jinni "Taemin said and run towards him and everyone give there full attention to him.

"Jinni you know I'll mawry suni"He said and and everyone was trying to control their laugh and I just face palmed.

"Really?"Jungkook asked and taemin nod his head 

"Minmin uncle said when I get biwg anwd loowk handswome liwke appa then I can mawry suni."HE said and jin oppa pat his head.

"I am sure you'll  marry her"Namjoon oppa said and taemin smiled widely.

I just stand there looking at them smiling, laughing, with eachother making me think what I have had done in my past life that I deserve them.

"Hey what are you thinking."Unni said and I came back to reality.

"Just thinking what I have had done to deserve peoples like these."Smiling at her.

"Don't think anything stupid."she said slapping my arm playfully. "I am sure Your pregnancy giving you these kind of thoughts."She said giggling.

Ohh yeah I forget to tell that I am pregnant again.

"May be"I said rubbing my belly.

"Y/n"She said getting my attention.

"Remember one thing that."She paused and looked at them and said.

"You are THEIR PRECIOUS ONE" she said and I smiled and make my way towards them and seat between yoongi oppa and jin oppa and they both put their arms around me making me feel safe and I slowly drift to sleep in their arms.


Should I make one more part let me know in comment. If no then thank you so much foe reading this book. Thank you A.R.M.Y. borahe.

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