Quirkless Vigilante 《°°♤dadza...

By KingAsgore1

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Book on crack Dekubowl/ Everyone is aged up College Au Yes there is Quirks More

Prologue (old)
Izuku's Character
Chapter 1 (old)
Chapter 2 (old)
Chapter 3 (old)
Chapter 4 (old)
Chapter 5 (old)
Chapter 6 (old)
Uraraka Having a Bad day
Random One-shots
Cast React to Pictures
Chapter 7 (old)
Chapter 8 (old)
British Memes
Things You Should Know About This AU
The Aizawa Household
All the Cats
!Meet the Dekusquad!
Christmas Special PT.1
Thx for the Art!!
Chapter 9 (old)
Chapter 10 (old)
Interlude: as one rises another must fall.
Just some pics I made
Just some pics from Pinterest
Chapter 12 (old)
Update Younglings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 11 (old)

1.5K 51 58
By KingAsgore1

"So then everyone started getting really loud and being really mean and then they insulted my parents!" Izuku stated his anger flaring up but it was not the burning rage he had previously felt and while he was ranting. He hadn't realized that the principal was currently focused on something other than his very detailed plan for revenge.

"Izuku." Nezu suddenly interrupted the ranting teen. " Your eyes. The colour... It just changed." The chimaera said in a shocked voice still frozen trying to figure out what on earth had happened.

"Oh... Ok." The greenette said in a nonchalant voice spooking the certified genius.

" Uhm... but... you know what? We'll discuss this later... You should head back to class right now, your class will be having a little surprise today!" The quirked animal said in an excited tone rushing the teen out the room.

" Ok! I'll be back after school Nedzy! Byeeeee" The boy shouted whilst running out of the giant office.

Time skip to when he arrived brought to you by @alexthestupidweeb calling me author- san!()

Izuku knocked on the large wooden door of the infamous class 1-A making the rowdy students inside the room aware of his presence.

He slammed the door open after hearing a quiet 'come in' from his emo, boomer dad. " Всем привет! (Hello Everyone!)" The midget greeted cheerfully as he entered the room.

" Привет коротышка. (Hello shorty.)" Jirou replied, surprising everyone in the classroom.

" YOU GUYS KNOW RUSSIAN!" Most of the girls yelled out still in shock. The two emos nodded their heads and continued to conversate in Russian before the teacher called for their attention.

" OI SHUT THE..." He looks at his innocent son, " BE QUIET AND LISTEN! Today we will be meeting up with Class 3-E." He said before sighing.

The boys of the class went silent at that, thinking of plans to keep their new found cinnamon roll safe.

" And you will be assigned groups." the teacher added.

Now this is when the idiotic boys of Class 1-A started to freak out, in their minds of course.

" WAIT! Since when has there been a class 3-E?" Iida questioned thinking he knew of every course in the school.

" Iida-kun! Did you not know of them? They are the underground course! The class specializes in underground heroics!" Izuku exclaimed jumping childishly around the classroom earning a few coos from his classmates watching him with admiration.

" Stop jumping around, cub, you're giving me a migraine..." The tired father sighed out earning a squeak and apology from the small teen. " It's fine... let's just start heading to their class..." with that said the class followed their teacher towards a large elevator that brought them down to a secret floor located underneath the school. They walked along the hallway observing all the rooms and signs they passed until they reached a traditional Japanese door with a sign saying '3-E' on it. " We're here..." the raven haired teacher announced to his class before knocking on the door waiting to be let in.

" Come in!" An unknown cheery voice called out, inviting the guests in.

" KAWAII!" Is exactly what Izuku said as soon as he saw a yellow, alien-octopus looking person on the other side of the door. He ran towards the man, dawning an adorable face of admiration, making his class coo at him but also get jealous at the amount of attention the boy was giving the alien.

" Well hello! And who might you be young man?" the creature asked as he squatted down to the star-struck boys height, cooing at his baby face.

" I'm Izuku Aizawa, but you can call me Izu!" The boy said with pride sticking out his hand for a handshake.

The octopus slightly raised his eyebrows, recognizing the surname of the young boy just now noticing the rest of the class behind the teen. " Well Izu-kun, I'm Koro-Sensei, I believe you and your class are the infamous trouble class 1-A?"

Izuku tilted his head like a lost puppy when hearing the word 'trouble'. " Trouble class...? Oh that's just Kacchan, he may be a demon but he's basically family!" Izuku exclaimed with an imaginary lightbulb on top of his head.

" WHAT DID YOU SAY SHITTY NERD!" Bakugo yelled, you could practically see the devil horns and tail when looking at him. All the vigilante did was shush him as he started to introduce his classmates to the now dubbed Koro-Sensei.

"...And that's about it!" the boy finished.

" Well thank you for introducing your classmates, Izuku! My class should be coming back in a few minutes now..." The yellow teacher looked at his watch before continuing, " but at the moment you guys can find a seat at those two large tables in the back but there aren't enough chairs for all of you so one person won't get a seat." he stated as he pointed to two large rectangles in the back of the classroom.

" I can sit on the floor." The baby of the class volunteered as he raised his hand making some of his classmates protest.

" QUIET! Izuku, you can sit in the front with me and Koro-Sensei." Aizawa yelled pissed (pp 'u') off with the noise. The boy nodded happily and waltzed up to the teacher's desk and plopped down on the spinning chair Koro-Sensei was directing him to. As soon as he sat down he started spinning the chair around giggling like a child at a carnival.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and in came two tall boys with colourful hair. " Wha- Karma is it just me or... is there a child at Koro-Sensei's desk?" The boy with blue hair nudged the redhead beside him.

" I don't think that's a kid Nagisa-Kun. That looks like a toddler." The redhead, now known as Karma, stated.

" HEY! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I'M 15 TURNING 16 SOON CHERRY HEAD!" Izuku pouted angrily at the newcomers. The two boys stood still while their eyes scanned over the small freckled boy.

" You don't look older than 10 kiddo. You could get into the zoo for free, if you want, I could take you there when I'm done with class, but for now let's find your parents! Ok?" The tall golden eyed boy squatted down to Izuku's height after he finished scanning the boy. " I'll buy you an ice-cream as well if you're good!" The redhead finished. After hearing the word ice-cream, the greenette's eyes lit up and he nodded his head enthusiastically at the older boy and jumped to hug Karma.

" I LOVE ICE-CREAM ESPECIALLY CHOCOLATE!" Izuku cheered childishly while hugging the stunned redhead who just now realised how adorable the younger was. Nagisa, after finally breaking out of his trance, noticed the angry atmosphere in the room and looked toward where it was coming from and noticed the familiar class 1-A glaring at Karma. He put the pieces together and nudged his friend with his foot.

" Nehh... Karma... I think he's part of class 1-A." The fit boy replied by flinching and quickly snapping his head towards where his friend had pointed , of course Izuku was already hopping to Nagisa already and was out of harm's way, and was met with the boys of class 1-A glaring, the girls being shippers, a brunette girl trying to get the attention of the boys, and the famous, known for being emotionless, teacher clenching his fist whilst admitting a deadly aura. Whilst the cinnamon roll was busy playing with a blushing blue headed boy's fingers, examining the serpent tattoo that ran along the boy's middle finger.

" Izuku. Get back over here or I WILL take your ice-cream blaster." Eraserhead said in a demanding voice making the short teen jump across the room, tackling his father while he had tears and a pout dawning on his face. " Wha- WHY ARE YOU CRYING SHHHH DON'T CRY I'LL BUY YOU A NEW GUN!" The raven haired teacher tried to reason with the overly emotional boy. The teen continued to cry until the yellow octopus teacher walked over, picked up the crying boy and tightly hugged him.

" How about you take a nap and later we go to my lair and choose who we want to kill and how, huh?" Koro-Sensei asked the puppy-like boy who had his face comfortably tucked in the man's neck. After feeling the boy nod he walked to his gaming chair and sat down with the boy in his lap. " As for you boys... " he looked towards his two top students, " Go to your seats and wait for your classmates to arrive." 

With that the boys nodded their heads and walked to their desks with one thing in mind ' How does a teen that cute exists!?' and ' God probably sent him down for me!'. They knocked back to their senses when hearing a loud kitten-like yawn admit from the beautiful sleepy angel in their teacher's arms. " How much time do I have to sleep?" The boy questioned with a soft voice.

" How about..." the man put his index finger to his chin pretending to think when really he already knew what he wanted to say. " You can sleep as long as you like!" The man said with a small smile. The small boy smiled softly yet tiredly at the man before yawning and falling asleep making everyone stare at him in awe.

" I wanna pinch his cheek." A pink skinned girl cheerfully said as she skipped toward the sleeping boy.

" Don't. You'll wake him up and I know he hasn't been sleeping. I've seen sneak out of the house past midnight enough times to realise he has insomnia." Aizawa piped up. Mina's eyes widened in worry for her 'Little Zuzu~Chan'. It took about seven minutes for the class to stop worrying about the greenette and to start back up the chatter. After about five more minutes, the students of 3-E started to pile in.

As soon as all the older students arrived, their teacher spoke up, " Class! As you have been informed, today we will be showing Class 1-A how a normal day for as is like and all the responsibilities of being an underground heroics student!" but as the teacher continued to talk to his students, he hadn't realised that none of his students were paying attention to him and that they were more focused on the still sleeping Izuku. " So let's show them how responsible Class 3-E is!"

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