Yours truly, Attorney.🤍 (TAE...

By dreamistaekook

78K 4.1K 2.4K

Jeon Jungkook, an arrogant prosecutor who thinks of himself as the most intelligent person on earth and his j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

3.1K 196 161
By dreamistaekook

2021, Seoul. Kim Law Firm.

"What were we talking about before I left to take the call?" Taehyung asked as soon as he entered my cabin again.

"We were just waiting for lunch. Who were you talking to?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"One of my clients-- more like a good friend. He will be getting divorced quite soon so he was just asking me some questions about the law." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"Oh?" I replied as my eyebrows rose up a bit.

One of his friends, getting divorced and having a conversation with him more than the lawyer-in-charge doesn't really sit well with me.

"Yeah, it's nothing serious." Taehyung replied with his hands waving in front of his face.

"Is he your long time friend?" I asked, I have-- I need to know more.

"Well you can say so. We were college mates. He got a girlfriend back then-- college sweethearts but now they both fell out of love. The divorce is mutual, no hard feelings. They don't want the relationship to turn toxic so they're parting ways correctly." Taehyung answered honestly.

"What about you? You never had any girlfriend or boyfriend?" I asked, shifting on my chair uncomfortably, waiting for his reply.

"Well, I was too busy daydreaming about yo--umm law that I didn't really have the time. Also, I feel love is something that gets to you. It finds you rather than you looking for it. If it hasn't found me yet, I feel my Mr. Right is still somewhere out there pushing a door that clearly says 'pull'." He replied with a small giggle.

I stared at him, my lips curving upwards with a fond smile.

What if I say that your Mr. Right is sitting right beside you?

I gulped and shook my head at this sudden thought that crossed my mind. I shouldn't think about him in this way but I just can't even stop-- more like I don't want to stop.

"Anyway, till lunch doesn't come, I wanted to ask you something, Sir." Taehyung suddenly spoke up with a small smile.

"Go ahead." I replied with a nod.

Why would I ever tell him no?

"What happened last year? What went wrong? I have heard bits and pieces of the story-- more like rumours. I want to know the actual truth from you, if you tell me." Taehyung asked with a careful tone.

I sighed at his question because I knew this would come up some day or the other. And for very obvious reasons I can't lie to him.

"Last year, right before Thanksgiving, a man had come to meet me. He asked me to take up his case. I would have, that's what I do but I didn't because he confessed that he is the real culprit. He offered me a sum of 100 million won but Prosecutor Jeon Jungkook can do a lot of things for the law, he can even go against the law if it means to accept the truth. Money cannot buy me." I said with a proud voice.

I looked at him and he had a small smile. The smile that screamed that he is proud of me too.

"Well right after, I had a talk with Hoseok. I told him everything but of course I didn't have any evidence against the person-- Lee Parkinson. But later on Hoseok held another meeting with him and asked me to accept his offer." I said with a deep breath.

Taehyung looked at me with confused eyes as I laughed slightly.

"No don't worry, we didn't do anything wrong. Just hear me out first." I said a bit chuckling.

He shifted on his chair a bit excited and nodded his head like a toddler.

I smiled a bit and then looked away from his eyes. His face, his smile, his eyes do weird things to my heart nowadays.

"Hoseok knew the man would be greedy and come by immediately. And he was correct. We had the meeting and he repeated each and everything but this time I had recorded everything he said in a mini microphone Hoseok had set in my pen. The evidence was put up and of course the accusations were taken off me." I said with a long sigh.

"Wait, I don't understand. If the evidence was put up then why was your license almost said to be cancelled?" Taehyung asked with knitted eyebrows.

"That's because Hoseok felt that I needed a break from the whole field for some weeks. But you know how this field is-- rumours fly more than evidence do. When Hoseok asked me to take a break, I had to work but because of the rumours, everyone behaved as if I am a criminal myself. God, I hate everyone because of this. They know I am the best, how can they even think that I wou--" I stopped abruptly as I saw Taehyung staring at me.

His eyes had a small sad gleam in them. It felt as if he had gone through everything and not me. It seemed as if he had felt my pain.
It felt as if I continued talking about my story more, he would start sobbing in front of me.

"Hey.. it's alright. It's good that they didn't take me in. Now I am working for-- with you." I said as I took his soft, big hands in my wide hands.

"I didn't know you had to go through so much. I wish I could share your pain when you were left all alone. I trusted you all along, why didn't anyone believe you? People put their faith in shit like rumours but can't trust the person they have known for years. I would've actually not cared about the law and dash out there committing murders because of the way they behaved wi--"

"What are your views on consent, Taehyung?" I asked him, cutting his sentence in between.

"Huh? Consent? I feel consent is something which is very important. Nothing matters more than consent. If someone says no, then it is a pure no, no reasons needed. Consent is something which is really attractive I feel." Taehyung replied being a bit nervous, obviously because he wasn't expecting this out of nowhere.

"Then do I have your consent for something I am about to do next?" I asked, whispering as I slid my chair a bit towards him leaving his hand which was placed in mine.

"I would give my consent for anything if the one that's asking is you." He replied whispering as well, a bit startled with my sudden movement.

I chuckled a bit and slid my index finger from his forehead to his jaw. His eyes automatically closed tightly. My thumb slowly caressing his smooth, red tinted cheekbones.

I leaned in towards him a bit and I could hear my as well as his loud heartbeat.

I closed my eyes and let my nose touch his small button nose that I adore a lot.

"You're so fucking beautiful." I whispered near his nose as I felt him gulping.

"If you say that you would give me consent for anything then Attorney Taehyung, do I have your consent to kiss you?" I uttered softly near his lips as his lips parted evidently due to a small gasp.

I waited keeping my palm against his cheekbones. Nothing without his consent.

"Y-You have my consent." His voice was slightly audible but I heard him loud and clear.

I smiled a bit and dropped my hand to his chair's side and pulled the chair towards me swiftly. He was already close, so close to me but the action made it easier so I didn't have to lean in anymore.

Within a second my hands found its place on his cheekbones again. His eyes still closed, it didn't even open when I pulled his chair.

"Attorney Taehyung, you still have a chance to back out now, do I still have your consent?" I asked once again whispering near his lips as our breaths got entangled.

"Y-Yes." He whispered with the same tone.

This time I didn't waste another second and pressed my lips on his plum, peachy ones. It isn't a rushed kiss. It is a slow and steady kiss. Just our lips mingling together without any sloppiness or eagerness. His shaky hand slowly touched my nape and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot in the kiss.

His lips tasted like the sweetest cherry in the garden. Even though the kiss wasn't full of neediness and eagerness, I just didn't want to let go of it yet.

Our lips danced together in an unknown rhythm which I feel only it knew. Our lips felt like two lego pieces that perfectly fit together.

I heard him inhaling a deep breath but still he didn't stop kissing. I know breathing is extremely important to live but I just don't want to stop.

A sudden knock at my cabin made us both flinch and part ways abruptly. He scratched his neck as he looked everywhere other than at me. His whole face tinted red and his tip of his ears turned red as well. He definitely is blushing but then so am I.

I abruptly cleared my throat and sat up straight because Prosec-- well Jeon Jungkook doesn't blush-- maybe he does but others don't need to see that.

"Come in." I yelled a bit for the person waiting outside my room.

Our lunch was here. I even forgot we were here for food. How do I even think of food when I tasted the sweetest dessert already?

"Umm I think I should g--"

"Just sit down and eat lunch with me." I said as I already started fiddling with the food placed on my table not letting him leave my cabin due to any reason.

He just nodded and stayed still in his seat.

I turned to face him and suddenly his face came into view. The expression that came in my view really took me by surprise.

He wasn't blushing anymore, rather he seemed a bit lost? He had a frown on his pretty face and I really couldn't decode what his mind was coding.

Why does my awesome smart brain stop working when it comes to Kim Taehyung?

I inhaled a long breath and served him lunch and we ate with a disturbing silence.

I really didn't want to think what my mind was shouting back at me because I know-- feel that's not the case. I just feel it but what if I am just a tiny bit wrong?

What if my brain is correct? What if whatever I am currently feeling is wrong?

What if Kim Taehyung really is regretting the kiss?

Listen, I already kinda see you guys commenting, "OMG, Miri!! You finally made them kiss." but what if this is just a dream????😌😌😌😌

Happy Easter to everyone here!!❤️



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