The Unexpected Lovers (Comple...

By waanjaimjora

84.5K 5.8K 633

Serendipity Series #2 Meet Type Ace Suppasit, Leader of the Double Aces, One of the famous groups in the Uni... More

The Characters
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 19

1.6K 131 8
By waanjaimjora

Damon POV

I was still sleeping when I heard a loud knock coming from my door. My heart is hurting so bad because of the so much booze that my group had last night. They didn't let me and Joong go home without mending our differences which I told them already that I don't have any!! So, in the end, Joong is the one who chooses to go and acknowledge my relationship with Ace. It's as if he has a choice. I already told them that if he can't accept that I'm in a relationship with Ace, then I'm out.

I know it will be hard for me because some of my financial sources come from our Underground Battle Wins. The prize for every win of our group is helping me cope with all the needs that my mom and I had. I'm never short of money ever since I join the Joker, but it's still not enough for me to go to another place and hire someone to take care of my mom. My mom's maintenance for her heart, muscles, and other vitamins is worth a fortune.

I have my car, but it was just lent to me by Joong. He has so many cars in their house garage so lending me one is such a cake. I quickly get up from the bed and go to the door to open it, but I was so disappointed when I saw it.

It's my f*cking useless of a father!!


"What is it that you want!!" I said to him, his angry face changes so fast. He is smiling at me

"I see your car in the garage!! Give me the car keys of it!" He said to me

"What do you want with my car!!" I angrily said to him

"You don't have any right to ask me that!! just give me such key!!" He yelled at me again.

"Hell no!! I will not give you anything which I'm sure you'll just going to use to profit your card addiction again!!" I casually said to him. I quickly go to my side of the table and grab the car key and my wallet, but before I could even go near to the door, My father already pulled me by my shoulder and made me face him. The next thing I know is that my ass is already kissing the floor because he punches me. He harshly grabbed me by my clothes.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!! IF I TOLD YOU TO GIVE ME THAT!! GIVE ME THAT D*MN KEY!!" He angry said to me. I just smirked at him and pushed away his hands that were holding me. I tried my best to stand and look at him.

"AND I SAID NO!! This car is not even mine, so even if you try and liquidate, it's going to be useless because I don't have the paper works of it unless you want to go to jail for carnapping!!" I seriously said to him, for the longest time that I'm in this house, I get used to this, and I learned to fight already. I'm not like the previous quiet boy who just remained still while receiving all kinds of beating from him.

"YOU F*CKING USELESS SH*T!!! I HAVE NO USE OF SUCH A USELESS HUMAN SH*T LIKE YOU!! I'M OUT OF HERE! BULLSH*T!" He angrily said to me, then he harshly open and close my door.

Just you wait, you s*CK bastards!! When I graduate and find a stable job! I will make sure never to come back here again!!! I'm just staying here because of mom!! Someday, I promise to avenge all of the things that you inflicted on me and my mom.



Weeks later.

Still Damon POV

"Where are you going again, Damon!! I don't know, but these past few days, you seem to be so distracted by something. Yes, we understand that you've been busy with your studies, but the class ended now. Why don't you join us again!! We have a battle later! It's a small one, but it's still nice to have a little fun," Joong asked me. I'm currently fixing my things. I need to go out for my date later

" I told you I couldn't!! I have plans!! I plan to take Ace somewhere!!" I told them I was about to walk out of the room when Joong stopped me

"The hell with this plan of yours!! You just keep on doing what you want!! I know your relationship with that man is fresh, and you want to impress him more, but it's already pissing me off!! You've been neglecting your duty with our group!! You are our leader, for Pete's sake!!!" Joong angrily said. I badly want to be angry with him for acting this way, but I don't have a choice. I have to go now!! My baby is waiting for me

"I don't have time for your drama Joong!! I'm sorry, but I need to leave," I seriously said to them, then I proceed to go out.


Joong POV

I can't help but smash the table while seeing Damon step away and left us again!! It's been weeks ever since he started acting this way!! I don't like these changes of his!!

"He is smitten by that man ahh!! This is the only time I saw master act this way!! He is not the tough-stoned guy, just like before!! I hope this doesn't affect his way of leadership to us." Ohm confused by asked me

"I don't know, Ohm!! But I will never accept it if he does change!!! We already invest so much with this group!! So many generations of Jokers passed on their legacy to us! I know he is also my friend, but I'm just afraid that he's been blinded by the man!! I don't know what he saw on him, but I just wish that nerdy guy is not using him!! Because I will kill him myself if he does!! No one messes with us and gets away with it" I can only clench my fist with my frustration!!!

"I hope so too!!" Zeke said as he put his arms around my shoulder.

This is pissing the hell out of me!!!



Damon and I are a couple more than a week now. We are both so busy in our studies, especially me, that I'm busy finalizing my own game as my project for my Software Engineer Subject. We hadn't seen much of each other because Aris is back at the university after his OJT. He returned to the University now. He will have the additional six weeks next semester, which totals 18 weeks for the whole year. It should 12 weeks, this semester but he keeps on logging OT works during his working days have been cut into ten weeks. We go back to being together every lunch break and every other break, which made me and Damon see each other more complicated.

Thankfully, My boyfriend here understands my situation, that he is not rushing me to say anything about us to Aris. I'm still waiting for the right time, and I finally decided when it will happen.

We are contented with always talking to each other thru phone calls and text. We sometimes slip and see each other just for a short moment, but it's still not enough, so as his reward, I promised him that I would give him my time today after my class. It's already evening, but it's okay as he said that he had something planned for our date tonight. We both are so excited to see each other!! It feels like we haven't seen each other for months. I told Aris I would help Nine on his project; Thankfully, Nine agreed to become my decoy. He is my best friend.

"Babe? What are we doing here?? Why the need for Blindfold?" I keep on asking my boyfriend here, but he is not answering me

"Just you wait, baby, we are near. Just one step more!!" He said to me.

"Gosh!! I told you not to spend much effort on this day!! It's enough that we are together! I'm more than happy about it," I said to him as he is in progress in guiding me.

We continue to walk until I felt that we stop. I know we are on the roof, but I'm not sure where. He has been guiding me to walk for some time already. I don't know, but I can't help but feel nervous and excited. This is our first actual date ever since he and I became official.

"Are we there already, babe?" I asked him. I felt him encircling his arms on his body, then suddenly, I felt him put his head into my head. The next thing he did is he kisses my neck, which made me cringe on the spot. I was about to pull away from his hug, but he just hugged me tighter

"Babe!! What are you doing!!" I asked him

"I just missed you so much, baby!! I miss holding you like this." He said to me near my ear because I can feel his warm breath directly on my skin. Gosh! What are you doing to me, Damon!! You're making my heart flutter over and over again

"Are you ready??" He asked me. I just repeatedly nodded at him as an answer, then I felt him kiss me again on my neck before removing my blindfolds. It's taken me a few seconds to realized and see what he had done here. I instantly put my hands on my mouth because of shock at what I see right now. I turned around to see him.

"OH, GOD!! Babe? You did this??" I asked him.

"Yes, baby? Do you like it?" He asked me. I was so happy from what am I seeing right now that I quickly lifted my body into him and hugged him so tight

"OMG!! BABE!! THANK YOU!! THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!" I smilingly said to him. I felt him hug me back and kiss my shoulder before speaking

"I'm glad you love it, baby!! I promise to do everything to make you happy, right?? This is one of it." He said to me. I turned around to look at what he did. Gosh! It looks so beautiful and romantic. I didn't know he had this romantic side of him

He extended his arms on me, which I gladly accepted. We are holding each other hands as he guided me to sit on the tent he had created. This looks so beautiful!! As in!!

We had just finished eating the dinner that he had prepared, it's just a simple ordered meal, but for me, it's more than enough. He is sitting on the mat while I'm just laying comfortably on his body. We are just looking at the beautiful night sky above us when he suddenly spoke

"Do you like what I did, baby? I'm sorry if this is the only thing I can afford to do with you because, unlike the other students here, I'm not the privileged like them who can afford anything." He sounded like he is worried that I didn't like what he did. I just held his arms that is hugging me before speaking

"Of course, I love it, babe!! I love everything that you are doing for me. You don't need to spend so much money just to make me happy. You have nothing to prove to me because you being here beside me is more than enough. You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this day that we will be able to see each other again without being afraid that my Twin will find out about us. Thank you for this, babe!!" I said to him. Then I give him my most genuine smile to let him see that I'm happy for what he did

"Me too, baby!! I miss you so much. Even though we talk every day, having you here by my side is still the best thing. Thank you so much for appreciating my efforts, baby!! You made me feel happy and relieved. About your twin, I can always wait until your ready, baby!! I'm not rushing you because I'm not going anywhere. I wish I could do much more to make our relationship easier for you. I don't care about myself. I don't want to make you sad, baby. It's the last thing I would want to happen." He smilingly said to me.

Gosh! I love this man. Every day, he proves that I made the right decision to let him in my heart.

"Thank you for understanding, babe, but don't you worry cause I decided to tell him already about us." I smiling said to me.

"REALLY??" He sounded so shocked, I just sit up properly and face him

"Yes, babe!! I will do it on our birthday." I smiling said to him. He looked so shocked at the same time, happy

"And when is that baby?" He asked me again

"Next week, Sunday," I smilingly said to him

"WHAT?? WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD ME THAT IT'S NEAR ALREADY!!! I SHOULD DO SOMETHING FOR MY GIFT FOR." He sounded like he's panicking, which is acute to watch. If those people who are afraid of him can see who Damon is. They would surely be jealous of me cause I have him. I didn't let him finish

"And I'm telling you, you don't have to prepare anything for me, just your presence will do. I'm sure my family will hold a small gathering for me and my twin so we can't see each other that very day but can we celebrate it together the next day. I would like us." This time, he is the one who didn't let me finish. He instantly pulls me into a tight hug because of so much happiness


"I LOVE YOU TOO, BABE!! I LOVE YOU TOO SO MUCH!!" I smilingly said to him



Please be ready for the next chapter.


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