Chapter 26

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Birthday of Ace and Aris

Aris POV

It's been three days ever since Ace goes out to see that guy. Since that day, my twin is acting like he is finally okay. He started going out of our room and mingle with us again. He will laugh and act like he is okay, but I know him inside and out to see that he is just pretending. He is maybe laughing and smiling, but his eyes show differently. He looks hurt and weak. I'm really nervous about him.

"Should I not proceed?? but It's already done!!" I asked myself. I can see him now watching my mom and Auntie Yaya at the back of our house preparing for our birthday party later afternoon. My mom always wants to do everything on his own. He loves managing stuff like this. My dad just needs to give him the budget that he needs. The back of our house is quite big enough to handle this kind of occasion.

I decided to go to him, he looked shocked, but then he pretended to smile again when he saw me

"Ace, are you okay? you're spacing out again?" I asked him as I sit beside him

"Uhmm, I'm okay Aris, I'm just happy looking at mommy became so hectic again because of our birthday. He is always like this every single year. What do you think is the theme of our birthday now??" He asked me

"Uhmmm, I don't know too, but mom said that he already prepared for our clothes, so we just need to get ready when it's time." I smilingly said to him. Then he returned into looking in front again. His face changes again and he becomes sad. I sigh deeply

"I'm really sorry, Ace!!" I sadly, at the same time, nervously said to him, he looked shocked upon hearing what I said

"Why are you saying sorry, Aris? You didn't do anything wrong." He said to me while holding my hands

"Yes, I do!! I'm the reason why you are sad right now. I'm sel..." He didn't let me finish

"Don't say your selfish, Aris, because you are not!! I understand, and I told you I'm okay, right? I will be okay, especially now that we are okay again. You, my twin, and you will always be my priority, I love you, and that will never change. I admit, I'm sad now, but I'm going to be okay soon. I'm going to be, I promised." He said to me while trying to smile at me, God!! How did I not see how much I meant for you, Ace. I always thought that I'm the only one making sacrifices between us but seeing you right now, I can help but feel guilty!! I'm hurting the person who loves me unconditionally!!

"I'm really sorry, Ace, but I promise I will never leave you!! I will help you be happy again!! I love you too!!" I said to him. He just smiled at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you too, Aris!! I will always choose you!! Always!!" Ace said to me, which made me feel more guilty and hurt for him. I'm sorry for putting you in this kind of situation, Ace! I'm really sorry!!


Still Aris POV

"Are you ready??" I asked my twin, I, and Ace are currently here behind the door going to the party. Our birthday party was about to start, and we need to get out now. I'm wearing a long blue blazer matching a blue and black shirt with black trousers.


Visualize this as Aris 😉

Visualize this as Aris 😉

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