Chapter 02

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Author POV

"Stop!!! Please Stop!! Stop hitting my son!!! He told you he isn't the one who did it right!! Please!" A crying middle-aged woman keeps pleading to her husband to stop hitting her 5-year child, who is already lying on the ground. The woman is crying so much, but the child keeps looking straight while receiving all of the smashings the man is doing unto him.

"Useless!! Useless!! F*cking Useless bastard!!! I don't know how did I end up with a child-like you!! I will f*cking kill you!! You are useless already, but you still manage to pickpocket my last money!!! I'm f*cking playing card, but I didn't realize you already touch my f*cking money!!! You stealer son of b*tch!!!" The man angrily said to the child while smashing his body using a belt and kicking him alternatively. The mother keeps shielding the child with her body, but she can only keep up for some time then she will drop on her side then tried to get back to protect him

"Please stop. I'm begging you!! I will do everything to pay you back!! Please don't hurt my son anymore. I will try my best to give you back the money for your drinks. Please stop!!! You're going to kill him!!" The woman keeps begging the man to stop what he is doing, but the man seems like he was not hearing her pleads. He angrily pulled the hair of the woman and harshly pulled her up to face him

"This is your f*cking fault b*tch!! If only you are careful enough when you are pregnant with him, he wouldn't be like that!!! First, you killed my firstborn in an accident, and now you gave me an idiotic f*cking son!!! You are useless!!! Both of you are useless!!!" Be angry said the woman, then she harshly pushed her away, which made her kiss the ground, Thankfully she secured her head before falling.

"F*CK this life!!!!" He angrily said, then walking away from the woman and his child like he did nothing to them. The woman crawls as she attempts to go back to the side of his tortured son, who is just looking in front emotionless. The child seems to do not understand what happened. The woman can only whimper while hugging his son.

Her child has a disorder called Dyslexia which is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words, also called reading disability. Dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language. Her child has average intelligence and usually have normal vision but has this symptom Late talking, Learning new words slowly, Problems forming words correctly, such as reversing sounds in words or confusing words that sound alike, Problems remembering or naming letters, numbers, and colors, Difficulty learning nursery rhymes or playing rhyming games. Her child also seems to tend to look at nothingness whenever his father would do this kind of horrible thing with him.

The mother tries everything to protect her child and run away, but how can she do that if she doesn't know where to go after. If she runaway, She won't have enough money to get by; being a nurse in a small clinic hospital is not enough to fed her son, find suitable shelter, money for his medicine and other medical needs, his special education for his condition. She has no one except for his child and her husband. The mother continues to hold her child while weeping so hard.


13 years later

Damon POV

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

I woke up with a sudden loud noise coming from my alarm clock.

"God! This is so annoying!!!!"

I quickly check what time it is.

7:30 am

"Fuck!!! I'm about to be late!!!" I quickly get up from the bed then run inside the bathroom. I decided to wash my hair instead of showering. I don't have much time!!! F*CK that dream!! I woke up in the middle of the night just because of that dream which causes me so many hours to sleep back again!! Why do I always have to dream my f*cking childhood!! It's not as if I can change any of that. It's as if there is something that will change!!!

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