Unbeknownst To...

By TheresaWu338

13.6K 663 110

When Voldemort possessed Harry Potter during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the time dust from th... More

Pre-Hogwarts Preparations Part II- Henri's Birthday
Tom Bloody Riddle
Hogwarts Preparations with Riddle Edition
Let the Games Begin
Chapter 6: Classes Part I
Classes Part II
The Consequences of a Facade
The Greatest Deal of Deals

Pre-Hogwarts Preparations Part I

1.4K 80 6
By TheresaWu338

Following Harry, now Henri's release from the infirmary, he was questioned about his identity. After managing to escape from the professors' interrogation, he found himself heading to Gringotts to establish the fake identity.

So now, he can be found in a private room with a goblin. He was dressed in basic battle robes with a charmed extendable, undetectable pouch around his neck.

"May I receive a heritage test?" Harry asked sharply, knowing goblins would take advantage of his knowledge if he was too soft with them.

"Blood test or heritage test?" Ironclaw asked with a goblin brow raised.

"Heritage test" Harry answered resolutely. Ironclaw sighed as he withdrew a parchment and a goblin crafted dagger.

"Three drops of blood should do" Ironclaw instructed and stared straight at Harry as if telling him just do it already, I have things to do.

Harry took the dagger and carefully made a small cut on the heel of his left palm. He allowed three drops to fall on the paper before concentrating his magic to seel the wound and his metamorphmagus magic to smooth it over. He watched as words formed on the parchments and his eyebrows rose at what he read. From the parchment, he read:

Name: Henri Regulus Noir
Date of Birth: 31/07/1927

Father: James Charlus Evans
Mother: Lily Iris Delacour
Blood-adopted Father: Sirius Orion Noir

Heir to:

Entitled to:
Peverell family Vault
Gryffindor Heir Vault
Noir Family Vault

So it would seem that either some higher entity chose to reinforce my story or I unknowingly performed some obscure magic that solidified my false identity Henri thought could goblin magic have something to do with this? Based on those questions, he resolved to do some more research on goblin magic.

"I would like to be emancipated and claim my heirships for the Noir and Gryffindor lines" Henri stated confidently. He didn't want to claim the Peverell or Slytherin heirship as he had a suspicion that Tom Riddle will be Lord Peverell and Lord Slytherin when he filed for emancipation or when he came of age. It would be a risky move as it would give Voldemort power over him and he would be forced to address Voldemort as 'my Lord'. He gave a tiny shiver at that thought. No, he was not going to address him as such.

"Very well," Ironclaw said and snapped his fingers. Almost immediately, emancipation papers and heirship rings appeared. "Sign here" he said as he pointed to a dotted line, "once that's done, put the rings on."

Henri read through the conditions for his emancipation and finding no problems with it, signed on the dotted line. He put the rings on his left hand, winced at the pain before watching as the rings fit on his fingers. The goblin snapped his fingers again and the rings boxes disappeared, the emancipation papers became recognized by the ministry and Gringotts.

"I would also like a debrief on the properties I own and the status of my vaults."

"Very well, you have Noir manor and Noir mansion in Marseille and London respectively as the only Noir in the living realm, you also have Peverell Manor that is unaccessible to you as you haven't claimed its heirship. Last but not least, you have a village by the name of Godric's Hollow. However, as we know it, the buildings are currently being rented out. In the case of your vaults, you do not have any debts, the investments are providing a steady income at present" Ironclaw said. "Here is a map of where your properties are located with their names and coordinates. Your heir ring shall allow you to enter the wards."

"I would also like to open a trust vault under the name Noir. If what you say about my vaults is true then I would like to transfer a monthly allowance of 100 galleons per month from each vault. The base deposit being 500 galleons."

"Very well, consider it done Mr. Noir. This card allows you to access your vaults without having to visit the bank, it will automatically switch to muggle currency."

"Thank you for your time, how much do I owe?" Henri asked as he took the card and stood up.

"For the heritage test- 5 galleons, add in the five percent service fee- you owe us a total of 5 galleons, 4 sickles, and 7 knuts."

"Remove it from the Noir trust vault."

"Once again consider it done Mr. Noir."

"I bid you farewell. May your gold overflow and may your enemies cower at your feet" Harry said as he bowed.

"Farewell to you as well Mr. Noir, may your gold overflow and may your enemies cower at your feet." And Harry left the room.

First things first, he needed to sort out his wardrobe. Thank goodness, he brought his basilisk hide armour through time as he didn't think he would want to buy one in this time or slay the basilisk once again. He also had his wand in his wand holster, perhaps he could get another wand as there were no records that he had a wand in this time. He could get a second wand and hide his first wand. It was with these thoughts in mind that he walked to Ollivander's wand shop.

As he walked into the shop, he was hit with a wave of nostalgia, remembering the first time he stepped foot into this place. He gave a small jump when Ollivander suddenly appeared.

"Fancy seeing you here Mr. Potter-Black" Ollivander greeted. Harry paled as the words sunk in before righting himself.

"I'm afraid you got my name wrong, my last name is Noir, Mr. Ollivander" Harry stated coolly, trying to play off his nerves.

"Yes yes, it isn't often that one encounters a time traveller. How may I help you Mr. Noir?" was Ollivander's nonchalant reply. Harry's face lost even more color if that was even possible.

"You're not going to report me are you?" Harry asked calmly, with a dangerous undertone. Ollivander just looked unaffected.

"Of course not Mr. Noir, I'm not able to. Besides, who would believe me?" Ollivander said with a dismissive wave of his hand though Harry still looked a bit unnerved.

"Then perhaps, you would know what I came here for sir."

"Yes yes, come along" Ollivander said as he went to the back and remerged with boxes of wands. Almost instantly, two boxes flew to him. Ollivaner opened each box and stated clearly. "Holly and Phoenix feather 11 inches, the wand you currently have . Holly and thestral hair thirteen inches, excellent for duelling, rather fitting for someone like you."

"I'm not allowed to have the second wand, am I?" Harry asked, eyeing the boxes uncertainly.

"According to Ministry standards, that would be true. However, I work for myself and so I will allow you to purchase the two wands as you have already bonded with them."

"Thank you sir" Harry said gratefully before asking the fifty years younger version of the Ollivanders he knew "How much do I owe you?" He knew it likely wouldn't be seven galleons per wand in this era as seven galleons was worth a lot more in this time due to inflation in the future. If he did the math right with an average of a 2% inflation rate in the wizarding Britain each year, 7 galleons should be enough for the two wands. However, Grindelwald's war could have caused hyperinflation, causing the price to possibly be 14 galleons per wand, he seriously hoped it wasn't so.

"That would be 12 galleons" Ollivander answered. Harry fished out his Gringotts card, gave it to Ollivander who carried out the transaction, received the card once again along with the receipt and wand registration papers.

He signed as Henri Regulus Noir in elegant cursive before Ollivander tapped the papers with his wand to make a copy- one copy to the ministry, the other for Ollivander's own records.

"If that's all sir, I bid you farewell" Harry said as he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Have a good day Mr. Potter!" was the response Harry heard before he walked out the door once again.

Once that was done, he found a secluded area in Diagon Alley before morphing into his real form, instead of wavy black hair, he gave himself spikey blue hair. Back in the future, people assumed that he looked like James Potter's clone, however, the blood adoption performed by Sirius gave him fuller lips, bolder eyebrows, and a strong jaw. In his opinion, he rather liked the look the blood adoption gave him but he had to stay in his Potter disguise in order to keep the adoption a secret. Hermione lost her bushy hair which was replaced with wavy, neat black hair, Ron lost a good amount of his freckles and had a smaller nose, Luna's features surprisingly didn't change, Neville's face shape became sharper, and Ginny was given wavy red hair and porcelain skin. The blood adoption affected Ginny, Ron and him the most as they had the most Black blood in them, being the grandson of Cedrella Black and Dorea Black respectively. However, they were unable to become metamorphmagi as there was too much inbreeding in purebloods.

Harry knew he shouldn't use his true looks either as that would give too much away, however, he didn't want to morph into someone completely different. He gave himself spikey blue hair to direct the attention away from his face otherwise he may be recognized as a Black.

Once his transformation was finished, he transfigured his battle robes in to casual ones, he walked out and allowed himself to leisurely explore Diagon Alley. He liked his spikey blue hair, the blue being very vibrant. He calmly observed his surroundings, making comparisons between 1990's and 1940's Diagon Alley. Knowing what the differences are was important in drawing up escape and battle plans. His heart ached as he thought about the battle and escape plans that he made with his siblings. Ron was always the one who came up with the best plans and strategies, Hermione the one who would work out any logistics, Luna who would point out any unnoticed flaws that would give them the upper hand, Neville who would always find some interesting ideas, Draco who would offer a darker perspective, and Ginny who would keep them all motivated with her creativity and determination. Not to mention Sirius, who was a constant source of support and humanistic advice. He missed his siblings and father because now, instead of seven strategic minds and one supportive mind, there was only him, he had to think seven different ways and comfort himself. Therefore, he felt all alone.

He gradually lost awareness of his surroundings as he lost himself to his thoughts. It was to the point where he almost bumped into someone. He refocused onto his surroundings and looked at the person he almost bumped into. For a moment, he froze in shock, eyes widening to the point where his metamorphmagus magic turned them into cat eyes but he was able to catch himself before his jaw dropped. He was shocked to the point where he hadn't even realized his hair had changed back to its normal state either.

"Désolé Monsieur (sorry mister), c'est ma faute (it's my fault)" Harry said, appearing flustered and remembering to speak in French. "I mean, pardon me mister, I was not paying attention."

"You're a metamorphmagus!" the young man said and Harry's eyes widened even more before he realized how the Sirius look-alike caught on.

"Uh yea.." he really didn't know how to answer to that.

"That's a Black family trait!"

"I don't know any Blacks"

"I thought it was lost!"

"I'm not a Black" Harry said adamantly even though the words sounded wrong to him.

"You're probably some long lost cousin of mine that I never knew of!"

"Sir are you sure you're alright?" Harry asked appearing concerned.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, my name is Henri Noir"

"Your name is Black in French! Maybe you are some long lost cousin of mine!"

"Sir, do you do this to every stranger you almost bump into?"

"Yes yes, you must be, the Black family magic has reappeared" the teenage Sirius look-alike exclaimed excitedly before he pulled out of his musings and took a good look at Harry who was looking at him as if he were bizarre.

"Sapristi! Tu es bizarre monsieur (Québécois slang! You are crazy sir), je ne sais pas vos nom et tu parle trop des choses que je ne comprends pas, au revoir monsieur (I don't even know your name and you speak of things I do not understand, goodbye mister" Harry said, pretending to be angry and made to turn the other way.

"Nous sommes désolé (we are sorry)," someone resembling Draco Malfoy said and Harry tilted his head in acknowledgement, hiding his emotions behind his occlumency shield for fear of breaking down. "Il s'appelle Orion Black de la famille Black et j'em appelle Abraxas Malfoy de la famille Malfoy- une famille française. Est-ce que vous pouvez parler en l'anglais (his name is Orion Black of the Black family and my name is Abraxas Malfoy of the Malfoy family- a French family. Can you speak in English)?"

"No worries sir," Harry replied, tone indifferent. "My name is Henri Noir, it is a pleasure to meet you. And yes, I can speak in English."

"You speak English well" Orion enquired suspiciously.

"Of course I do! I studied in Britain for 4 years." was the reply Henri gave. "You resemble my blood adopted father, I met him when I studied here."

"Was your father a Black?"

"No! Why do you insist that I am a Black?"

"Because you're a metamorphmagus and that came from the Blacks" Orion said so in a tone so matter-of-factly that it left Harry speechless for a moment before...

"For the last time, I'm not a Black."

"Are you a Malfoy then?" Malfoy asked jokingly.

"Do I have blonde hair, a pointy nose, and a haughty mouth?" Harry retorted and gave them his best deadpan stare. "No, I am by far too good-looking to be one."

"Hey! I do not have a haughty mouth! Besides, you can make yourself look like a Malfoy as a metamorphmagus!" Malfoy pointed out.

Harry made a show of checking the time, noticing that it's almost lunch, he decided that he'd better say goodbye. "Well, I better go get something to eat, it was nice meeting the both of you" Harry said politely and walked off.

He managed to count to three before the two of them attached themselves to his hips. "That was a dismissal if you haven't caught on" Harry said rudely, but in his defense he was not up for this.

"Now that's just rude! Why don't you allow us to join you for lunch?" Orion asked.

"Yes, we would like to join you for lunch" Malfoy said childishly and Harry was brought back to a memory of Draco asking them to hangout.

"Oh alright!" because how was he supposed to say no to that voice when he missed it so much even though he really should since they're strangers but he just can't- his family was and will always be both his weakness and strength.

"Great! The next time I want something, I'll just get Braxy to ask for me" Orion said with a pout in his voice but straight faced nonetheless, causing Harry to splutter incoherently.

"You do know that I can just walk off too right?" Harry asked teasingly.

"Nope, now you can't" they said simultaneously as they each grabbed one of his arms.

"I can also apparate away"

"Great! Give us a warning before you do that" Abraxas said.

"Oh for goodness sake! I've only known the two of you for a few minutes and you're already attached to my hips" Harry said feeling genuinely exasperated.

Before any of them could respond however, a voice behind them caught their attention. "Making new friends already little brother?" They both turned to see Lucretia Black.

"Big sister! I met a metamorphmagus!"

"Can you say that any louder Black, I don't think the wizards in Australia heard you" Harry snapped, seriously, yes he's a metamorphmagus but what's the big deal!

Lucretia turned her attention towards Harry who had his hair back to being the spikey blue. Lucretia observed him for a moment before she frowned. "Hello, my name is Lucretia Melania Black of the Black family, Orion's elder sister, may I enquire as to what your name is?"

"Henri Regulus Noir"

"Are you a Black?" Lucretia asked curiously.


"But your name is Black in French"

"Sapristi! Are all the Blacks going to be asking me that?" Harry muttered under his breath but Orion heard it anyway.

"Of course long lost Cousin!"

"For the last time, I am not a Black."

"You certainly look like one" Lucretia pointed out.

"I can change my appearance" Henri said, the duh was better left unsaid.

"We know, but as someone of Black blood, we know your actual looks. Metamorphmagus is Black family magic after all" Orion's sister explained patiently.

"Oh" Harry was dumbfounded, eyes downcast. He didn't know that, he should have asked Sirius or Tonks about that. He felt a stab of pain in his chest at the thought of having left his godfather and cousin and had to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Are you alright?" Abraxas asked concerned.

"I'm fine," Harry said coldly causing the others to flinch at the tone before Harry's eyes softened and explained, still in his cold, hollow tone "you just remind me of my adopted brother Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Black reminds me of my adopted father. Ms. Black here, reminds me of one of my favourite cousins. I lost them on my journey to Britain, I know they're alive somewhere but I don't know where they are. They're lost."

"We're sorry to hear that, but if you let us, we can be friends" Lucretia said softly. "Are you going to Hogwarts this year or are you going to be homeschooled?"

"Well I get to decide- I have enough to transfer to Hogwarts but I've never been to a School of Magic before, I don't know if I'll survive there" Harry lied unconvincingly, he just didn't know if he would be able to resist the urge to kill Voldemort for putting him in this predicament. If he thought about it logically, Voldemort's spirit would rather merge with his younger self than ask his teenage followers to help him build a new body and terrorize the wizarding world with Grindelwald as competition.

"You'll survive" they said rolling their eyes, tone certain.

"Come to Hogwarts with us, and we'll be your friends" Lucretia offered.

Harry narrowed his eyes as he thought about it then asked "what do you gain from it?"

Lucretia gave a quiet chuckle "like Orion said, you're probably some long lost cousin of ours, so that means you're family. We didn't want to replace the family you talked about so I gave the offers as friends. But even so, family take care of each other. We just hope you'll do the same."

"Deal" Harry said with a smile. "Can I call you Cretty?"

"No," Lucretia said with a sneer. "Do NOT call me Cretty," she exclaimed, he hid a smile behind his hand because it reminded him of Tonks so much. "but you can call me Tia."

"You can call me Lion"

"You can call be Braxy"

"Then you guys may call me Harry" Harry said, eyes bright for the first time since he got stuck in this era.

"Come, let's get some lunch then we can get ice cream" Tia said and they all agreed.

They got along surprisingly well and even helped him with shopping for new robes. After that, Harry went to Noir mansion, met the Head House Elf for the Noir family named Linda who upon seeing him, ordered the rest of the House elfs to clean the House. After thanking the lot of them, he decided that he deserved a good rest before he had to face the upcoming storm.

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