Chasing Forever

Bởi cassycass257

48 0 0

When Ever Weston has to move in with her father after the death of her mother, she doesn't know what to expec... Xem Thêm

1. Starting Over
2. Plans
3. Party
4. Sleeping Over
5. Monday
6. Late Night
7. New Territory
8. Comfortable
9. One Year
10. The Dance
11. Leaving
12. The Letter
13. Doctor Visits
14. News
15. Surprise Encounters
16. Truth Bomb
17. A Slap In The Face
18. Late Night Visitor
19. New Neighbor
20. Realizations
21. Chickening Out
22. Settling In
23. The Talk
24. Reveal Party
25. Happy Birthday
26. Big Day
27. Welcome to the World
28. Five Months Later
29. Merry Christmas
30. Date Day
32. Congrats, Grad
33. Catching Up
34. News
35. Perfection
36. Twelve Years Later

31. What Happens in Vegas

1 0 0
Bởi cassycass257


     We got into the hotel room, and I watched Ever pull her phone out of her pocket. She was in an oversized sweater and leggings, but leggings came with pockets now, I guess. 

     "Hey dad, we just go to the hotel. Chase is going to grab us some lunch, and then we're going to start the festivities. I noticed you got the room pretty stocked up. Thanks for that. Yeah, we'll have fun. Call me if the kids need anything." 

     I watched her face light up, and she nodded, even thought she was on the phone and he couldn't see her. 

     "I love you too, dad. See you on Sunday." 

     Time had been flying like crazy, and it was already September 15th. I would be turning twenty-one tomorrow. Ever's dad arranged for us to spend the weekend in Vegas. He owns a casino here so that Ever could go in even though she wasn't twenty-one. 

     "I'm going to go shower, okay?"

     "I'll go get some food. See you soon." 

     I gave her a quick kiss, and headed in search of food for us to prepare for a weekend of partying it up. 

     Almost two months ago, Ever had turned twenty. Our sweet babies had turned two. I would be graduating college in just a little over two months, and in general, everything was just perfect. 

     The only thing that would be more perfect would be if Ever was finally my wife. Her dad told me to man up and propose to her on this trip, and the ring was burning a hole in my pocket. 

     I grabbed some fast food, and when I walked back into our hotel room, Ever was already out of the shower and dressed. 

     "You know, you're more beautiful every time I see you." She rewarded me with an eyeroll, and a big grin. 

     "My dad got us enough alcohol to get a dozen grown men wasted for an entire weekend. What do you want to start with?"

     "He told me he wanted us to have plenty of options." 

     Ever crinkled her nose, and then launched in on her plans for our weekend. I loved listening to my beautiful girl talk, even if it was just about the plans for the weekend. She had planned every second of our trip, but she had no idea that I was going to mess up her plans. After over two years of carrying the ring around, I had to do it this weekend. I had to ask her to marry me.

     "What are you the most excited for?" 

     "Getting to spend a night alone with you, without the kids. I can't remember the last time we didn't have to rush through-"

     "Stop it, we do not always rush." She rolled her eyes, and then sighed. "Okay, maybe we do. I'll make sure it's amazing, though. Consider it a birthday present."

     "It's always amazing, because you're amazing."

     "I love you."

     "I love you more, babe."

     "We should eat the food you got before it gets cold. Then, we need to start our fun. We only have the weekend, after all."

     "Let's start with a bottle of wine with lunch." Ever grinned, and turned to the bottles lined up along the wall. 

     "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Chase." 

     She randomly picked one, and did a little shimmy as she held it in my direction. 


     With that, our party officially started. 


     I woke up with a pounding head, and absolutely no recollection of the night before. The light was killing me, so I quickly closed my eyes again. 

     The last thing I remembered was playing cards with Ever. We were both still throwing back the drinks well after we should have stopped, though.  

     I forced my eyes to open back up again, and looked over at Ever. She looked to be in even worse shape than I was. Her phone kept ringing, reminding me that was what woke us up. 

     "I didn't know that phones could be that loud. Chase, please, make it stop." 

     I got out of bed with a groan and went in to get Ever's phone from the living area of the suite. With another groan, I shuffled back to the door of the bedroom. 

     "Ever, you should probably get up." 

    She grumbled, and started to get herself out of the bed. My eyes flew to the floor, and the white dress that was crumpled up on the floor. 

     I had planned to propose to my girl tomorrow afternoon during a fancy lunch before our flight home. I had a horrible feeling that I had already done it, though. That we had went ahead and got married already, based on the tux and dress our on bedroom floor. 

     She finally dragged herself over, and I rubbed the back of my neck. 

     "You have too many missed calls and messages from your dad to count."

     "Oh gosh. I have to call him, incase it's about the kids." Ever held out her hand, and I laid the phone into her palm. 

     She dialed his number, and put the phone onto a speaker call so that I could hear whatever he said, too. 

     "Hello, dad? Are the kids okay?" 

     There was a long pause, and I was waiting without breathing for him to say whatever it was he needed to say. 

     "Ever Weston, if I could ground you, I would. What were you thinking? That's right, you must not have!"

     She gave me a panicked look, and I returned it. 

     "Dad, I don't know what you're so angry about. It's early, and my head hurts."

     "It isn't early! It's two in the afternoon where you are. You got married last night and all I got was a video? I waited for over two years for that boy to propose, and I knew he was finally going to! I never expected you would get married without me, though!"

     Ever gasped, and a blush crept up her neck and onto her face. 

     "Sorry, got to go!" She hung up the phone, and turned to me with wide eyes. "Chase, we got married last night!" 

     "I had figured...based on the dress on the floor..."

     She rubbed a hand over her face, and then let it fall and stared at me with a sad expression on her face. 

     "My dad is so angry with me. I'm sorry, it's your birthday! We should be happy."

     "I can't believe we got blackout drunk and got married, either..."

     Her face fell more, and I could see her tears getting ready to start falling. 

     "Do you regret marrying me?"

     "Of course I don't! I bought a ring not too long after we started dating again. Mason clued me in that you didn't want to get married for a long time, not rush anything. So, I decided to wait and things seemed to be right at the moment. I had it all planned out, I was going to pop the question tomorrow at lunch. Your dad was thinking we could have a winter wedding after I graduate. I'm sorry that we did it this way. I'm glad we're a family now, though."

     She smiled at me, and I smiled back. 

     "We were already a family, Chase. I don't mind that we got married this way, I wouldn't have wanted a big wedding anyway. I am sorry that you dad and brother, my dad, Mason, and the kids weren't there, though."

     "How angry do you think they're all going to be? I know your dad is angry, how about everyone else?"

     She bit her lip, and shrugged with a small smile. 

     "The kids are too young to care. The rest of them will probably be pretty angry, but we can handle it."

     I had wanted this for so long, I hated that there was any negativity surrounding us. 

     "Well, you make a beautiful bride."

     "Well, Mr. Evans, let's celebrate our marriage now that we can remember it."

     "That sounds wonderful, Mrs. Evans." I smiled, and spotted our rings on the bedside table. I walked over, and scooped them up. 

     I slid the engagement ring I had been dying to put on Ever's finger on, followed by her wedding band. She took the remaining ring, and slid it onto me. 

     With that, I was ready to start celebrating with my wife. 



     Chase and I hid out in our hotel room and ignored the angry phone calls. Now, it was Sunday afternoon, and it was time to check out and head home. We had to face the music, regardless of if we were ready. 

     I watched Chase walk towards me after he finished checking us out, and I smiled at the giant grin on his face. 

     "How is my wife feeling today?"

     "I'm feeling pretty great, husband." I watched Chase blush in the way that I loved, and I let out a happy sigh. 

     "I love the sound of that, Ev." 

     "I do, too." I felt the smile fall off my face, and Chase's face fell just as fast. "I guess now it's time to go get scolded like disobedient children."

     Chase burst out laughing, and looped his arm around my shoulder. 

     "You're right, that's exactly what it's going to be like. We're grown adults, though, Ev. We have been dating for years, and have two beautiful children. Getting married was a perfectly fine choice for us to make." 

     "Thanks, Chase, I needed to hear that. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I really miss the kids."

     "I do too, so much." I liked hearing Chase felt the same. 

     "I loved having a little bit of time with you, but a whole weekend was hard. I miss singing with the kids and the sweet little kisses. Can we never leave them this long again? At least not until they are much older and don't love us anymore."

     Chase laughed, and kissed the top of my head. 

     "I'm pretty sure that our kids will always love us. I completely agree with you, though. I need a nice hug from those little cutie pies."

     "okay, let's get back to our babies, then."

     "After you, baby."

     The entire flight home and ride from the airport to my dad's house, I was anxious. I couldn't wait to see the kids, but I was not looking forward to seeing my dad. 

     Both of our dads were sitting in the living room when we got back, and they didn't say a word to us. After we had the kids fed, bathed, and put into dad finally spoke. 

     "Can you two please take a seat?" 

     We sat down together across from them, and I knew it was time for us to get reprimanded. Before my dad could start yelling, I decided to try to smooth things out.

     "Dad, you weren't even this angry when I told you I was pregnant. I was seventeen. Now, we're adults."

     We had a bit of a stare down, until he just shook his head and laughed without any humor in his tone. 

     "I didn't react badly when you told me you were pregnant because it was..." He shook his head. "Yelling at you wouldn't have done anything but make things worse! This is different! I wanted to be a part of this, Ever. There is so much that I missed out on in your life. I wanted to walk you down the aisle. I wanted to throw you a wedding!" 

     I felt all the fight drain out of me, and I nodded. 

     "Okay, dad. I hear what you're saying. We are very sorry. We can always have another wedding in a few years, though. Once Chase and I are both settled with the jobs we want. When the kids are old enough to enjoy it, too." 

     "I'm just sad that I missed it, honey. I'm happy that you're happy, and I love you." My dad grinned, and I finally let myself relax and smile. "Ever Evans, it has a nice ring to it, I suppose." 

     Chase looked over at his dad, and I turned to glance at Mr. Evans, too. He didn't look angry or sad.

     "I'm happy for you kids. Congratulations. Tell us about your trip."

     Finally, Chase and I both relaxed against the back of the couch. I let him do the talking, while I stared at my husband and smiled. 


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