35. Perfection

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     A few weeks after I told Chase I was pregnant, I put in the effort to do my hair and makeup, and I headed to my dad's house in Angel Grove. 

     Chase and I were getting ready to move in there soon, and I wanted to do a walk-through and see what needed changed. 

     I walked into my old  bedroom, and looked around the room. I could remember how sad and overwhelmed I felt when I first moved in. I felt conflicted, because I really didn't want to change a single thing. 

     It didn't feel like I should keep it the same. I was a mother, having my third child. It didn't make sense to keep my old bedroom intact...but there were so many memories in here. 

     Memories of Chase and I when we were younger. My dad and I, bonding for the first time. I had gotten over my grief over my mother in this room. I will always love her and wish she were around, but I learned to live again, right here. 

     I sniffled, and pulled my phone out. 

     "Dad, the pregnancy hormones are getting to me again. I've been standing in my old bedroom for awhile and reminiscing. Do you think you could go with me to visit mom's grave? I haven't been there in years. I feel like I should go see her. I want to take the kids, and I want her to meet them." 

     My dad promised that he would plan a trip, and I got back to work on my list of things that needed handled. 

     It took a couple of months to get the house just right, and  by the time we were completely moved in and settled, my belly was huge. 

     My entire family took a trip to go visit my mom's grave, and I spent a week showing them everywhere I went when I was younger. I went to go visit my mom on my own right before we all headed back to Angel Grove. 

     I was ready to leave. This town wasn't home anymore, and it took this trip for me to really feel it. To feel how much I had changed over the years. 

     "Well, mom...it's time for me to leave. My baby will be here in just a few weeks. I wish you cold be here, but since you can't...well, I'm going to name my baby after you." I sighed, and rubbed my stomach. "I probably should have named Kennedy after you, since she was my first girl...but I honestly wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to say your name everyday, and have a smile on my face. Now, I'm ready. I'm ready to be happy again when I think about you. Until next time..."

     I turned around, and walked to my car. 

     I had grown a lot. 


     A couple weeks later, it was my due date. I was past ready for the baby to come, and I wanted to cry every time I moved because every muscle in my body was sore. 

     The twins were staying with Mr. Evans, and Chase was supposed to be home from work an hour ago. 

     I groaned, and sat down on the couch. When I had the twins, I had to get a C-section. This time I was going to have to do it naturally, and that was terrifying. I didn't know what to expect, because it was different than before. 

     My back and ankles were still killing me, even though I was sitting down. 

     "You, my little girl, are killing me." 

     I rubbed my belly affectionately, and let out a little laugh. I wasn't sure how, but I was pretty certain that this little girl was heavier than carrying two kids was. 

     I went into labor a few hours later, and it was quick. Two hours after my first contraction, I was holding my sweet girl in my arms. 

     It didn't take long for her to get Chase wrapped around her little finger. 

     I got up to use the bathroom while Chase rocked Kaycee, and I winced every step of the way. It took me way longer than it should have to do my business and get back to the bed. 

     "Did it go okay?" I laughed at the fact that Chase was seriously asking me that, and then nodded. 

     "I'm so tired. Do you think it'll be okay if I rest?"

     "Ever, of course. You rest. Get some sleep. I've got Kaycee. You need to be wide awake when visiting hours start at eight."

     I closed my eyes, and tried to sleep. I felt so drained. Going to the bathroom was a horrible experience. I didn't want to tell Chase that, so I just told him it was okay. I knew I needed to sleep, but it's like I didn't even have the energy to fully relax my body and fall asleep.

     At some point, I must have fallen asleep, because I was woken up by the sound of my children in the room and sun was streaming in the windows. 

     "Mom! The baby is so little!" 

     "Mom, dad let us hold her!"

     I smiled, and sat up so that I could hug them close to me. I needed to feed Kaycee, and I made quick work of that before anyone else got there to see her. 

     Throughout the day my dad, Chase's dad, Mason, Tanner, Bobby, and Macie all stopped in. I was happiest when it was just me, Chase, and our three kids, though. 

     My little family was perfect, and it felt complete. 

      The twins were fast asleep on the pull-out couch in the room. Chase would be sleeping next to them there tonight, and we would all be going home together in the morning.

     Chase laid Kaycee down in the little bassinet that the hospital gives you when you have your baby in the room with you, and then he sat down next to me on the bed. 

     "I love you, Chase Evans. Thank you for giving me three beautiful children and all of my favorite memories."

     He kissed my head, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

     "I love you more, Ever Evans. You're my forever. You're perfect, and all of our children are perfect. I can't wait to watch them grow with you."

     With that thought in my head, I snuggled closer to him, and drifted off to sleep. I had everything I ever wanted, and I couldn't be more blessed with how my life turned out. 

     I never imagined that when I moved in with my dad when I was sixteen I would meet the love of my life, the father of my children, and the best thing that ever happened to me. 

     It was proof that everything really does happen for a reason. 

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