30. Date Day

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     I stood right outside the door to the nursey my dad has to the kids at his house, and kept an eye on the scene inside without them knowing I was watching. 

     Mr. Evans had Kennedy in his arms, and my dad was rocking Christian. 

    "So, what do you think? You held Christian, and now you're holding Kennedy. How does it feel?" 

     "They're wonderful bundles of adorable. Meeting my grandchildren has been the best experience. They're even more perfect than I ever imagined they could be, and the second I saw them, I was in love." 

     I felt myself tearing up, but I was still listening in like a creep. 

     "I'm glad you showed up last night, David. I'm definitely surprised that Ever went over to your place and got you, but I'm so happy that you decided to come over. Tanner and Chase were so happy to see you, and it was fun. Seeing you with the babies, I know you're going to be just as good of a grandfather as I always thought you would be." 

     "I really am sorry for what I did. I acted like a child."

     "I know that you meant that, but I'm not ready to completely excuse everything you did. Everything you said. we'll get there, though."

     I waited for a couple minutes of silence, and then I entered the room with a smile on my face and pretended that I didn't eavesdrop. 

     "Hey, how's it going in here?" 

     They both looked up at me, and my dad frowned. 

     "What are you doing in here?" 

      I raised an eyebrow, and he backtracked. 

     "I just meant, with two willing adults here to supervise the children, I thought you might want to go out on a date with your boyfriend." 

     I wrinkled my nose without meaning to, and quickly fixed my face back into a smile. Hearing Chase being called my boyfriend seemed so...casual.

     "I guess that's a good point." Right on cue, Chase came into the room and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side. "Hey, do you want to go out on a date?"

     Chase grinned, and nodded like a school boy. 

     "Did you want to actually go out, or just go find some privacy somewhere?" He whispered low enough that our dads didn't hear, but my blush probably gave us away. 

     "Don't give me any more grandkids before you're married, you got it?" I blushed harder, and my dad just chuckled like he was the funniest guy ever. 

     "Don't worry, Mr. Weston. I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing." Chase kissed the top of my head, and I smiled up at him. "We are going to take you up on your offer of watching the kids for some time alone, though." 

     It took an hour for us to actually get ourselves ready and out of the house. I leaned back in the passenger's seat, and watched Chase drive. 

     "Hey, Chase?" 

     "Yes, sunshine?"

     "I really love you. I'm so thankful for you everyday, and every time I look over at you, I'm filled with so much joy."

     "I really love you, too. No matter what, you were always meant to be mine." 

     We ended up going for a walk along the beach, eating greasy food-cart food, and then just sitting in the sand until the sun was completely gone and it was dark. 

     "We should get back, huh?" Chase gave me a small laughed, and leaned his head against mine. 

     "Yeah, I guess we should. I liked getting some time to spend time with you today, though. Just us is really nice every once in awhile. Especially here, where we started. The city is home right now...but someday, this is where I want to settle."

     "Yeah, I agree. The kids won't have enough space to do anything in the city. Plus, they'll be able to get into too much trouble. Kennedy is really going to give us a hard time, I can just feel it."

     We both laughed, and Chase stood up before pulling me to my feet. 

     "No matter how much of a hard time our kids give us someday, we can handle it. Hey, look at it this way, at least we set the bar pretty low. High school pregnancy and all."

     "Oh my gosh, I never thought about it that way. My dad handled it so well, and I'd be a total hypocrite if that happened to Kennedy and I freaked. How are we going to be cool with it if our daughter got pregnant in high school? Or if Christian got someone pregnant?" 

     Chase laughed, and hugged me tight. 

     "Calm down, killer. Our kids will be just fine even if they make a few mistakes along the way. Let's not worry about it now. We'll just try to keep things cool until we have a chance to think and talk no matter what happens with them, okay? Everything will be fine. Let's get back to your dad's house and hold our sweet children. That will remind you that they're still in the baby stage, and not teenagers we need to worry about yet."

     I laughed along with him, and let him give me a piggy back ride to the car. I knew in the instant that he was right. Together, we really could get through anything.  

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