Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+

By BangtanBae33

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Mia Scott had been married to her husband for half a decade but as time goes on, love and desire dwindle fart... More



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By BangtanBae33

"Excuse me, Mr. Park? Mr. Park?"

My racing thoughts fade away as the sound of Andre, my assistant, takes over instead. Clearing my throat to focus on what he's trying to show me, I stare at the list of duties and the multitude of phone calls that came in since earlier this morning when I said I wasn't accepting any. I needed to try to get as much done as I could but I was finding it incredibly difficult to do today.

The other night was unexpected. I hadn't anticipated seeing Mia on the bridge standing alone as she overlooked the river with long strands of wavy brown hair with subtle caramel highlights flowing angelically in front of her stunningly beautiful face. To be honest, I was awestruck at the sight of her and I'm not even sure what possessed me to come over and strike up a conversation.

Possibly because everything in me compelled me to do so. The expression she had was so solemn. Like something was weighing heavy on her heart. And although I knew it wasn't much, I felt as if I should be there for her. Even if we had barely just met.

The moment my eyes laid upon her and my hand shook hers during the meeting, I felt this twist inside of me. She was definitely attractive and I found myself having a hard time letting my eyes focus on anything but her. As if I was a moth to her flame.

I could tell that she noticed my gaze lingering on her the entire time and even though my mind was telling me to look away, focus on the words being said and not the beauty saying them, I found it physically impossible to do so.

The blush that crept up on her cheeks the moment I spoke made me smile and it was satisfying to know that I wasn't the only one feeling an attraction.

However, it felt like a record player scratched the moment my colleague mentioned the marital title Mia owns. But she didn't wear a ring? My line of vision had immediately redirected to her left ring finger to find it empty, with no trace of even an indention indicating that one was once present.

I had caught on to Mia's request to be referred to by her first name instead but I wasn't sure if she was stating she wasn't actually married or if she just wanted us to be more casual with her.

My questions were unfortunately answered that night when she did confirm that she was, in fact, a married woman. But why was she out on her own at night and why did she look so... so heartbroken?

I kept my questions to myself, only taking what she was giving me. Things were rocky in her marriage and that was even more than what I deserved to know as basically a stranger. We had just become acquaintances that day and even though I really would like to get to know her better, I shouldn't pry myself into affairs without being invited. I was just happy to know that I could place a smile on her face during our short time together.

Our conversation during dinner made me feel like we had known each other for years. Things seemed to flow so naturally between us, even with the constant surge of electricity pulsating around us like a forcefield and I wondered if she noticed it as well.

She was hesitant around me, which was expected given her marital status, but by the end of the night and when it came time to say our goodbyes, I felt a bit of that hesitation starting to melt away. The look in her eyes softened when they met mine and her touch was less shaky than the first time we linked arms as we walked together.

She was becoming comfortable around me and that's all I would want. She and I would be working closely together during this campaign and I would hate to make her, or any woman for that matter, uncomfortable in my presence.

Sitting back down at my desk in my office, I open up my laptop again and continue working on my tasks for other assignments I needed to finish up prior to the launch of our new fragrance, but I soon found myself running a frustrated hand through my hair at the vision of her smiling as she sipped on her wine that night.

I shouldn't be thinking this much about her but it was impossible to get such a beautiful woman out of my mind.

For a moment, I wondered if she had thought about me at all since then. Her marriage may be rocky right now but that was still her husband, meaning he surely took up all of her thoughts and desires. How stupid of me to even consider that I would be worth a place in her conscience.

A small tap on my office door snaps me out of my wandering mind once again as I look up and see Andre standing there with the tablet nestled in the crook of his arm.

"Yes, Andre?" I slightly smile and watch the blush creep upon his cheeks. Why does this happen with everyone I run into here?

Clearing his throat, he taps the screen and begins to speak while reading, "Mr. Park, Josie wanted me to remind you that we have a meeting with the advertising agency at three o'clock to go over some fragrance samples."

"I didn't realize I needed to be there for that." My brow knits in confusion as to why they would need the social media expert there for that sort of thing.

"You need to know what we are selling, no?" Andre asks with a sassiness in his thickly accented tone that surprises me, "Then you shall join the meeting. I will confirm you." He turns on his heels and exits out of my office without giving me an opportunity to even verify that I would, in fact, be able to go. Sometimes I wonder if he's the assistant or if I am.

A meeting at three with the advertising agency. This must mean that I am bound to run into Mia again today as we are her clients. Not that I'm dreading the idea, I actually find myself excited at the thought of getting to see her again so soon.

But that's what scares me.

Looking at the time, I see that it's a quarter past two and so I rake a hairbrush through my hair and chew on a few mints just in case. Butterflies begin to swirl in my stomach and I try forcing a small cough to get them to stop. I know that I'm attracted to her. It's more than evident but she's not mine to be attracted to. It's not my place and I should be beyond this stupid schoolboy-type crush phase in life!

Taking a deep breath, I nod to myself when I feel my stomach ease back to a normal tempo and grab my cellphone out of my desk, frowning a bit at the fact that she hadn't contacted me yet. Shaking my head, I stop myself once again and inwardly tell myself to get it together.

Why do the beautiful, ambitious ones always seem to be taken?

Maybe I was just a little too late. She is two years older than me so by the time she met her husband I was only eighteen. Chuckling to myself, I think back about what I was doing during that time and remember that I was following around a girl that wanted nothing to do with me and how my free time was studying for my high school courses in Busan, South Korea while Mia was already in college having a new adventure in Paris, France.

Oh, how our lives were on different paths back then. If only things were different and I had met her first, I can guarantee she wouldn't have been looking lonely and heartbroken on the middle of a Parisian bridge during a spring evening in April. No, she'd be safe and warm in my arms as we made love to each other until the sunrise, forcing us to go on about our day.

"Stop thinking about a married woman." I scold myself through a whisper as I straighten out my posture and rake my hand through my hair, making my way to meet my team with a bright smile before we left together to head to our meeting.

After a car ride filled with Josie and the head of the fragrance department, Stefan, speaking totally in French and me doing my best to try to follow along, I eventually give up by the time we reach an unfamiliar building with the Eiffel Tower visible in the distance.

Smiling to myself as I look out of the window at the scenery, I'm blown away by the enchantment of it all until Josie taps on my window with annoyance telling me to hurry up.

Exiting the car, I look around to see if I can see Mia but to no avail. Adjusting the Chanel sunglasses resting on my face, I quietly follow Josie and Stefan, keeping my eyes on him as he places his hand on Josie's lower back. I know that he's very touchy with the women in the office and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. Josie doesn't seem to mind but I keep my eye on him anyway.

Being asked by the receptionist to wait in a smaller room with a circular table, I slide off my sunglasses and place them on the table in front of me before awkwardly placing my hands in my pockets as Josie and Stefan speak much faster amongst each other than I can translate in my head.

I really need to take up some French lessons since I'm going to be living here, something I thought I was proficient in until I actually started being around the locals.

Apparently, I suck.

Out of the corner of my eye and through the glass wall, I see an older gentleman that I would guess to be somewhere in his late forties, walking next to Mia as her polite smile beamed as they conversed about something I'm unable to hear. As the door opens up the first thing that reaches my ears is that adorable laugh of hers.

Turning to face the group, her eyes land on me as her polite smile shifts to a shy one. Slowly stepping forward, she smooths out her bright pink fit and flare dress, her heels clacking against the wood floor as she nervously shifts from one foot to the other. Taking a moment to share a glance with her, I give my attention back to Stefan who introduces me to the perfumer, Mr. Beaux.

The perfumer, Stefan, and my boss, Josie, all begin discussing what notes they're looking for in the new unisex perfume that we'll be launching, and I see Mia stepping closer to my side as I try to remain indifferent to the action.

"Didn't expect to see you here today, Jimin," she whispers as she clasps her hands in front of her.

"I didn't expect to be here either," I grin at her, her heels making her a bit taller next to me than she was on the bridge the other day but still smaller in comparison, her petite frame was endearing.

Hearing the other three switch between English and French, I tilt my head as I try to understand. Mia smirks at my confused face and gives me a little nudge, "You really should get better at your French, Mr. Park. They're discussing whether or not to use rose or musk. Mr. Beaux thinks that too heavy of musk may make the scent too manly."

"Masculine, feminine, what does it matter anymore? If you like the clothes or scent, wear it," I roll my eyes and notice Mia gazing up at me in appreciation.

My stomach ties in a knot.

"That's exactly what I think as well," she agrees.

After their discussion with Mia intently listening in and translating for me every now and then, Mr. Beaux left out of the room before coming back a few moments later with some samples that we can all give our opinion on.

Mia is the first to pick up one of the samples, cutely scrunching up her face with a pure rejection of the intense scent invading her button nose. Her chocolate brown eyes that flicker with gold from the daylight shining on them meet mine as she gives me a look of dissatisfaction when I take the small tube of perfume from her fingertips. Sharing a small smile between us, I, too, take a whiff and quickly pass it over to my boss. Definitely not something I'd like to wear, even as one of the notes in the scent we'll be launching.

Taking the next scent offered to her, she appears to mentally brace herself before bringing it up to her face as she waves it under her nose. But this one seems to be more pleasurable to her senses as she takes a second sniff, shutting her eyes and humming appreciatively.

She's adorable.

"I really like this one," she beams happily as she passes it in my direction.

Taking the vile from her hand and trying to not get flustered at our skin touching, I take a sniff for myself and grin at the sweet scent encompassing me. It was sexy and warm, reminding me of eating baked goods on a warm spring day with the girl you love.

"We should definitely put this one down as a contender," I give my honest opinion to my boss who happily tests it out for herself and nods in approval as well.

We go through the entire box of options, denying some and choosing others, all of us leaning towards a warm, sexy, masculine scent with a touch of femininity. Watching Mia work so diligently as she jots down notes on her phone and is unafraid to give her honest opinion, even if it was disagreeing with those in charge, made me respect her as a businesswoman even more. Her confidence in her thoughts and the way she spoke, even when she'd switch to a language that's not her native tongue, was awe-inspiring and it made me want to put in more effort in my own position.

"Dinner and drinks?" Josie questions as she gives her attention fully to Mia, assuming I'm either not invited or shouldn't be there.

"Uh," glancing at her phone, she pauses to respond for a minute as if she's thinking it over, "you know what," she flits her eyes to me, "I doubt I have any reason to be home tonight. I'm free for dinner and drinks."

"Wonderful! We can go to Rivié, it's located in The Hoxton Hotel," Josie nods and follows Stefan out of the room.

Looking at Mia, I extend her my arm and smile when she happily accepts as we begin to follow behind Josie and Stefan out to the waiting car. I'm thankful to be able to spend a little more time with Mia, even if a working relationship is all I'll ever have the chance to have with her.

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