Danganronpa: ReProgrammed

By Creepercraftguy

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What would it be like in a world where the killing game went differently? What would it be like if different... More

(Prologue) Welcome to Despair: Part 1
Welcome to Despair: Part 2
Welcome to Despair: Part 3
Welcome to Despair: Part 4
Welcome to Despair: Part 5
Welcome to Despair: Part 6 [END]
(Chapter 1) To Survive: Part 1
To Survive: Part 2
To Survive: Part 3
To Survive: Part 4
To Survive: Part 5
To Survive: Part 6
To Survive: Part 7
To Survive: Part 8 [Daily Life END]
To Survive: Part 9 [Deadly Life]
To Survive: Part 10 [Deadly Life]
To Survive: Part 11 [Deadly Life]
To Survive: Part 12 [Deadly Life]
Trial 1: Truth Bullets
To Survive: Part 13 [Class Trial]
To Survive: Part 14 [Class Trial]
To Survive: Part 15 [Class Trial]
To Survive: Part 16 [Class Trial END]
To Survive: Part 17 [END]
(Chapter 2) Boys Life of Despair: Part 1
Boys Life of Despair: Part 2
Boys Life of Despair: Part 3
Boys Life of Despair: Part 4
Boys Life of Despair: Part 5
Boys Life of Despair: Part 6
Boys Life of Despair: Part 7
Boys Life of Despair: Part 8
Boys Life of Despair: Part 9
Boys Life of Despair: Part 10
Boys Life of Despair: Part 11
Boys Life of Despair: Part 12 [Daily Life END]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 13 [Deadly Life]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 14 [Deadly Life]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 15 [Deadly Life]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 16 [Deadly Life]
Trial 2: Truth Bullets
Boys Life of Despair: Part 17 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 18 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 19 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 20 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 21 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 22 [Class Trial]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 23 [Class Trial END]
Boys Life of Despair: Part 24 [END]
BONUS: Sprites
(Chapter 3) A Next Generation Legend: Part 1
A Next Generation Legend: Part 2
A Next Generation Legend: Part 3
A Next Generation Legend: Part 4
A Next Generation Legend: Part 5
A Next Generation Legend: Part 6
A Next Generation Legend: Part 7
A Next Generation Legend: Part 8
A Next Generation Legend: Part 9
A Next Generation Legend: Part 10 [Daily Life END]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 11 [Deadly Life]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 12 [Deadly Life]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 13 [Deadly Life]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 14 [Deadly Life]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 15 [Deadly Life]
Trial 3: Truth Bullets
A Next Generation Legend: Part 16 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 17 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 18 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 19 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 20 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 21 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 22 [Class Trial]
A Next Generation Legend [Class Trial END]
A Next Generation Legend: Part 24 [END]
Merry Christmas from the boys
(Chapter 4) All-Star Apologies: Part 1
All-Star Apologies: Part 2
All-Star Apologies: Part 3
All-Star Apologies: Part 4
All-Star Apologies: Part 5
All-Star Apologies: Part 6
All-Star Apologies: Part 7
All-Star Apologies: Part 8
All-Star Apologies: Part 9
All-Star Apologies: Part 10
All-Star Apologies: Part 11
All-Star Apologies: Part 12
All-Star Apologies: Part 13
All-Star Apologies: Part 14
All-Star Apologies: Part 15 [Daily Life END]
All-Star Apologies: Part 16 [Deadly Life]
All-Star Apologies: Part 17 [Deadly Life]
All-Star Apologies: Part 18 [Deadly Life]
All-Star Apologies: Part 19 [Deadly Life]
All-Star Apologies: Part 20 [Deadly Life]
Trial 4: Truth Bullets
All-Star Apologies: Part 21 [Class Trial]
All Star Apologies: Part 22 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 23 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 24 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 25 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 26 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 27 [Class Trial]
All-Star Apologies: Part 28 [Class Trial END]
All-Star Apologies: Part 29 [END]
TV Tropes Page Announcement
(Chapter 5) Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 1
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 2
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 3
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 4
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 6
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 7
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 8
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 9 [Daily Life END]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 10 [Deadly Life]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 11 [Deadly Life]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 12 [Deadly Life]
Trial 5: Truth Bullets
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 13 [Class Trial]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 14 [Class Trial]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 15 [Class Trial END]
Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: part 16 [END]
(Chapter 6) Ultimate Despair: Part 1
Ultimate Despair: Part 2
Ultimate Despair: Part 3
Ultimate Despair: Part 4
Ultimate Despair: Part 5
Ultimate Despair: Part 6
Ultimate Despair: Part 7 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 8 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 9 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 10 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 11 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 12 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 13 [Deadly Life]
Ultimate Despair: Part 14 [Deadly Life]
Trial 6: Truth Bullets
Ultimate Despair: Part 15 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 16 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 17 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 18 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 19 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 20 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 21 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 22 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 23 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 24 [Class Trial]
Ultimate Despair: Part 25 [Class Trial END]
Ultimate Despair: Part 26 [END]
Epilogue: Goodbye Despair High School.
Q&A Announcement.
Coming soon...?
New Story Announcement
DANGANRONPA Re:Captured release date.

Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 5

787 27 11
By Creepercraftguy

"There is a 16th student hiding somewhere in this academy...They are the one known as the Ultimate Despair..."

It took Chihiro a few seconds to process what Kyoko was telling him. After all...initially...when he'd arrived at the entrance hall and everyone here had gathered, there were only 15 students in total: Himself, Leon, Hiro, Mondo, Sakura, Hina, Kyoko, Makoto, Mukuro (Junko at the time), Toko, Sayaka, Byakuya, Hifumi, Taeko and Taka. Yet here now, Kyoko was suggesting that there may be an additional student that no one knew about yet.

"You're saying there's another student part of our class?" Chihiro asked "did you find that out in the headmasters office?"

"My suspicions were confirmed when I got there," Kyoko said "but to be honest, I was beginning to think that something was amiss in our group for a while now. Almost as if someone was missing, and we were none the wiser as to who."

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Chihiro asked.

"Well, a few things gave me some suggestions," Kyoko explained "first and foremost, every classroom in this academy has 16 desks with 16 seats. Ergo, each classroom can house one teacher and 16 Ultimate Students."

"Yeah...now that I think about it, that's true, isn't it!" Chihiro realized "and going off of that, not just the classrooms but...! The class trial room...!"

"Yes, that was another thing that gave me the idea," Kyoko said "it was observed fairly early on in the killing game, in fact, Taeko caught notice of it in the first class trial. Despite the fact that there are 15 of us, the courtroom can house 16 people at a time. What would be the reason for that if it wasn't originall designed for 16 people? I get the feeling that the empty space between where Hina sat and where Hiro sat is there for a reason."

"Ok, that is something I probably should've thought about..." Chihiro pondered "what else?"

"Do you remember the classroom where we thought the Tragedy happened? The one with all the dry blood and body outlines?" Kyoko recalled "Taka counted the number of outlines on the floor. How many did he count...?"

"...16..." Chihiro reminded himself.

"Which suggested that 16 people died there," Kyoko explained "and assuming they were all students of Hope's Peak, that would mean there were 16 students in the class."

"Right, I get it now." Chihiro thought aloud "every class at Hope's Peak academy has at least 16 Ultimate Students in it. But assuming we're all freshman Ultimate's in the same class, there's only 15 of us in total. That means...one of us may be missing."

"Going back to what I was saying, my suspicions for this theory were confirmed when I looked inside the headmasters office," Kyoko told him "there was a bookshelf on it that contained individual files of every class at Hope's Peak that came before us. Each file contained the individual records of each of it's students, and each class always had 16, without fail. After counting them, I deduced we are the 78th batch of students, and upon closer look, I found the file that detailed us."

"So do you know who this 16th student is?" Chihiro asked.

"Unfortunately, no, I don't," Kyoko frowned "the Mastermind must have gone the extra mile to ensure that we didn't find out. There was a file on a 16th student, but most of the important information had been scribbled out with marker."

"Darn it!" Chihiro snapped "you mean we still don't have anything!?"

"I didn't say that," Kyoko said "while I wasn't able to be sure of all the details, there are two things I'm sure of."

"And those are?" Chihiro asked.

"Firstly," Kyoko said "whoever the 16th student is, I'm guessing they are a woman."

"Why do you think that?" Chihiro asked again.

"Well, it's not so simple that each class has 16 students by itself," Kyoko said "each class of Hope's Peak is split down the middle in gender. Each one contains 8 boys, and 8 girls. Of our own group, we only had 7 girls. Me, Mukuro, Sayaka, Hina, Toko, Sakura and Taeko, so it stands to reason the last student is also a girl. The other thing I deduced is that whoever this 16th student is...is dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Chihiro parroted "how so?"

"It's possible..." Kyoko thought "that she could end up being the Mastermind."

"The Mastermind!?" Chihiro exclaimed "but...didn't Alter Ego say that the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy was the Mastermind?"

"No...The headmaster is not the Mastermind." Kyoko said, sounding quite sure of herself "there's no doubt in my mind, despite my lack of proof."

"That's...pretty unusual for you, Kyoko..." Chihiro observed "but assuming the Mastermind isn't the headmaster, that makes it whoever this 16th student is?"

"I've pretty much said everything that I know," Kyoko said "the point is after all this time, we finally landed our hands on something potentially big. Letting this opportunity slip away isn't something we can allow."

"You say that but..." Chihiro scratched his head "we don't even really know what that key opens."

"That's exactly what I intend to find out. I can't risk Monokuma catching me while he's already on guard tonight, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow," Kyoko said "which is why I need your help. I need you to distract Monokuma for me again, while I go and figure things out."

"So you're gonna go sneak off again!?" Chihiro exclaimed "that's too risky! What makes you so sure that you won't get caught!?"

"Earlier, when I asked you to go to the data processing room, that wasn't only a distraction, but it doubled as an experiment," Kyoko said "you see, there's something that I've given some patient thought about..."

"What's that?" Chihiro questioned.

"I don't know how..." Kyoko said "but I don't think the Mastermind can control Monokuma and observe us through the cameras at the same time. That's why I was able to sneak into the headmasters office earlier."

"But couldn't that just have been a coincidence!?" Chihiro exclaimed "what if it's possible there are two or more Mastermind's watching over us?"

"I can't deny either of those claims..." Kyoko said "but that's why there's merit in trying the same thing again. Besides, where's the harm even if I do get caught?"

"Oh, I don't know!" Chihiro snapped sarcastically "maybe that your life is on the line if Monokuma finds out you went where you weren't supposed to!?"

"Is it?" Kyoko smirked "I think you'll find the opposite is true."

"H-Huh? What do you-?" Chihiro was about to ask, but before he could finish, Kyoko produced her E-Handbook from her pocket, and showed Chihiro a section of the rules page.

"Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion," she read the words on the page aloud "in order words, in terms of solving the schools mysteries, there's no set limitations on what we're allowed to do. Even stealing the key from the office wasn't a violation of the rules. After all, I merely unlocked the door. I didn't break it down."

"But do the rules really matter if you end up rubbing the Mastermind the wrong way?" Chihiro asked "you're not just endangering yourself with this mission! You're endangering the rest of us too!"

"You're right...But that's just another reason we need to try this out..." Kyoko responded.


"You're not wrong Chihiro. About anything that you've said. It is possible that the Mastermind can control Monokuma and observe us at the same time. But that's why we need to try it a second time. If I don't get caught, then my deduction will be naught but proven," she spoke in her usual calm tone as she explained her thoughts "and if it is proven, then that gives us an opening. And if you're right in that the Mastermind will act if he or she finds out, that will answer the question of whether or not they'll break their own rules, or uphold them to the bitter end. Whether the plan fails or succeeds, we collectively get something out of it."

"Yes, but still-! Kyoko, please listen to me!" Chihiro exclaimed, but paused as soon as he saw the look in Kyoko's eye. Her gaze and her smile didn't have a trace of sorrow within them. Rather, they were filled with determination. Determination to defeat the common enemy that was the Hope's Peak Mastermind. 

"Sorry," she said "but you're not going to change my mind. In fact...take this..."

Kyoko reached into her chest pocket and produced a small letter in an envelope.

"What's...this...?" Chihiro asked.

"Like I said...you're right. There is always the risk that I could end up dying in this exploit. But facing the risk is unavoidable if I want to remotely accomplish anything. I am well aware of the dangers, but I need to push forward. That letter is a declaration of my intent...in a way. If I do somehow die, or something similar happens to me, I want you to open it. Not at any other time, do you understand?"

"This is...!" Chihiro felt like he was about to cry again, at the very thought of anything happening to her.

"Look, it's just a precaution," Kyoko said "I don't plan on dying, but if I do die, I don't want to die in vain."

"Fine!" Chihiro snapped, with wet eyes "I'll take it, but that's all I'll do! As soon as this is done, I'm giving it straight back!"

"Fine..." Kyoko clearly knew that arguing would get her nowhere "but one final thing...and this is a pretty important thing, because you're not going to like it. This conversation is something that I want to keep secret from Taka, Mondo and Byakuya. Mukuro already knows about it, but I need this kept from the other three for the time being."

"I...no, you're right...I don't like that...I'm sick and tired of keeping secrets from my friends..." Chihiro growled "but...even so, I understand why. You don't want the Mastermind catching on, do you?"

"That's...partially my reason..." Kyoko replied cryptically. Before Chihiro could question what she meant, she turned her back to him and said "anyway I'll see you tomorrow hopefully."

Kyoko acted as she always did. She gave a curt, cold goodbye and left with a brisk, determined style to her walk. There was only one thing that was different, and it was that this time, the way she acted made Chihiro feel uncertain and unsure. It should have been like all other times, but he couldn't help himself worrying for her safety. Kyoko was as Kyoko did, and she always came out on the safe side of any situation, but despite that...

"Kyoko, wait!" Chihiro reached out and grabbed Kyoko's sleeve. The girl halted and looked back confused. Chihiro stared up at her, a slight flush forming across his face.

"Is everything ok?" Kyoko asked.

"Y-Yes...I'm just..." Chihiro said "can you please come with me?"

Kyoko was confused, but Chihiro took her back to his room. He opened his door and let her inside. When he shut the door, Kyoko stood by the door and watched in confusion as Chihiro began to pile up some towels on the floor, producing a large one slightly more spread out on top of it.

"What are you doing?" Kyoko asked.

"Listen," Chihiro said "what Byakuya is doing to you is unfair and unnecessary. And I'm not about to stand for it. If we're waiting until tomorrow to try and find out where that key goes to, then for the time being, you need to get some rest. You can stay the night here, I insist upon it."

"And earlier, you were talking about how you didn't want to get in trouble with Monokuma..." Kyoko chuckled.

"I'm not doing anything wrong," Chihiro said "we're not allowed to sleep outside the dorms, but the rules never stated anything about not sleeping in each other people's rooms. Besides, Monokuma told us himself the day after Leon's trial."

"Hey, it ain't my fault that High School kids like you guys are practically Mr and Ms Libido's!" Monokuma pretended to blush "kids your age get the hots for bottles of water as far as I'm aware! If I don't crank the security up to 11, how the hell am I gonna keep you from making any mistakes!?"

"Then why, might I ask, do you not show the same strictness in the dorm area?" Celeste asked "you've already proven that a student can stay over in each others rooms, even despite their gender. If a male and female did that, there's no telling what could happen..."

"Look here, Wednesday Addams, I'm getting sick and tired of you questioning my grip on authority around these parts!" the bear snapped at her "listen, all I care about is maintaining the sanctity of the school. And to me, the dorms are not part of the school, but their own separate entity. What happens there is of no concern to me. If you kids wanna get your rocks off, go ahead, but just keep that stuff to yourselves, alright?"

"I see..." Kyoko raised an eyebrow "so you're implying you had something else in mind?"

"Wh-WHAT!?" Chihiro exclaimed "absolutely not! I just refuse to allow you to go ahead with this mission whatever it is, without getting at least one decent nights sleep. Who knows how long it will take you? You need to rest up while you can!"

"You seem embarrassed..." Kyoko smirked.

"Who's fault do you think that is?" Chihiro asked with a flush "listen, just accept my hospitality ok? No one else has to know about this..."

"Fine...Towels might not make for the most comfy bed...But they'll do." Kyoko approached the handmade bed that Chihiro had prepared for them, and climbed under the "covers" "it's a shame I'll be sleeping in my clothes...But I can't complain."

"Yeah...Don't worry, I promise I will sort this out with Byakuya," Chihiro said "for now though...Goodnight Kyoko..."

"...Goodnight Chihiro..." Kyoko whispered, and then silently added... "thanks for everything..."

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