Covens At War

By mrsnicky_

40.9K 934 1.2K

Him and everything he was made my blood boil. His family didnt like mine, mine didnt like his. Our covens wer... More

Hate + Love
Rock wall
Some how


441 11 3
By mrsnicky_

"God. You call me nonstop. Is there something you need?" I asked the needy boy on the other end of the phone as I stepped away from Bonnie.

"Is she still alive?!"

"She cant die. Not as long as it's me doing the killing and she stays in this building. But I can assure you she can feel every ounce of pain." I giggled.

"Oh very nice very nice. Can you tell me what building that is exactly? Because I cant find it with my locators spell."

"Well that would be because I made her impossible to find."

"Rae, I've been all over town and where town within a 10 mile range. You've had her for over a day and she wont be able to take any more of this!"

"Its not like she can die! She can take as much as I give her and all the more." I looked back at the tired, bloody Bonnie Bennett. "Also, I've head her since yesterday morning when I got back, and your now just deciding to spam call me? Sorry Bon! Looks like lover boy doesnt love you." I called out to her with a chuckle.

"So help me god if you touch her again-" I cut off his sentence by making Bonnie scream with pain.

"Kai please." Bonnie sobbed through her screaming.

"Yeah yeah, it hurts, whatever." I pushed her chair and it fell over, keeping her on her back. She hit her head on the cold concrete and started to bleed out. "Oops." I smiled picking up the chair again.

"What was that!"

"Oh, she just died. It's fine. Shes been doing that for hours!"

"Rae at least give me a hint!"

"Fine, starts with a 'w' and ya lift things there." He scoffed at me.

"How do you think Damon will feel about this when he finds out?"

"I truly dont think he will care. And if he does, itll probably be in hundreds of years from now. Plus it's not like I'll kill her." She woke up crying in pain. "You better hurry, this is getting kind of sad to watch... dont get me wrong it's fun and all but I'm starting to feel bad. I mean shes been gone for roughly 32 hours and you now trying to find her."

"If I hear her scream one more time, Rae I swear to god I will actually kill you." I smiled at his threat. I picked up her chair and walked in front of her, I laid my hand over her torso then drove my fingers in between her lungs, she screamed this time louder than she ever had before. I pulled my fingers out and put the phone up to my ear.

"I guess I'm a dead man." I whispered while smiling into the phone.

I hung up just as he was going to yell at me again. I started to walk towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" She called out to me.

"Well, I'm going to go find my boyfriend."

"You cant wake him, Rae."

"I'm not going to. I'll be back within the next few hours."

"Kai will find me by then."

I laughed. "Confidence is a good look on you. Dont worry, I wont ket you go without a fight." I smiled looking back at her, I waved my fingers at her then walked out. I found a map on a random wall and I ripped off a piece of cloth from Damon's shirt that I had put on. I started the locators spell and it took me to a tiny utility until in New York.

"Fantastic." I said to myself.

I kept my mind focused in the warehouse building as I ran, using all different sorts of spells to watch Bonnie and Kai, making sure he didnt find her while I was away. Bonnie still cried, I'm not sure if it was from fear or pain but she sobbed.

Once I got to the house there were all sorts of security. I cloaked myself and walked right in with no trouble at all, I found the two coffins. The first one I choose was the right one, I found Damon laying peacefully in it.

"Hey my love..." I whisper as I got down on my knees next to him. His skin was gray and the veins puffed out, I reached my hand out and touched his cheek. It was colder than ice, colder than his usual temperature. I'm sure that is normal though.

"I've missed you." I said stroking his cheek with my thumb. I put my hand up and ran my fingers through his hair, I went back up on my feet and kissed his forehead. "I'll wait until I'm ready. I promise you that."

My eyes flashed, Kai was within five miles of Bonnie. If I left now, I'd probably get there right as Kai did.

"I love you, Damon Salvatore. I'll be back later." I kissed his forehead once more and ran back to Bonnie.


The door opened and Kai walked in. "Look who finally came to your aid, Bon! Malachai! What a world surprise!" I smiled, pushing off the table I was leaned up against next to Bonnie.

"Rae, where is she."

"Right. I cloaked her."

"Yes, and itd be fantastic if youd take the spell off of her."

"Alright." I undid the spell, Kai ran off for her but was stopped by an invisible box. I laughed and walked in where he couldn't.

"Kai." Bonnie blurted with a smile, I bent down and blocked her gaze from him.

"One last hurrah Bon?" I asked putting my hand on her chest. She shook her head and whimpered. "No itll be ok! Because I took down all the spells, so this time when I rip your heart out, itll be the last time I ever can. Because you'll be dead." I smiled at her and her eyes widened from denial.

"Raya no!"

"Malachai, zip it!" I yelled as I sunk my hand onto her chest, making her scream bloody murder. "Shhhhhh..." I hushed her, she started to cry again and I wiped her tears from under her eyes.

"Damon wont forgive you." Kai shouted, I looked behind myself and at him.

"Damon loves me. That's more than I can say about you and Bonnie." I turned back around to look at Bonnie, biting her lips so she wouldnt scream. "No more pain." I whispered apologetically, then in one motion I pulled her heart out of her chest.

"No!" Kai yelled and I took down the wall around her and Kai ran to her aid with anger. I dropped her heart on the floor and licked my fingers and then wiped my hand with a cloth. I walked up to Kai who, to my surprise, wasnt crying.

I put hand on his shoulder and leaned down to his ear. "What you feel right now... that is what true pain feels like. And you better get used to it because as long as I'm alive, you will feel this pain frequently..." I got up and walked towards the door.

"But the relief you'll feel here in about... 7 minutes. Dont get used to that. That feeling is merely temporary with me." I said walking out the door.

When I got home my mother had pulled I just as I appeared at the front door. She honked and I groaned and walked back down the steps on the front door. She rolled down the window and I leaned down and rest in the inside of the window.

"Hello." I said looking at her.

"You, my child, are lucky I dont have a problem with planes." She spat. "I'll pop the trunk for you, Ben is in the back taking a nap. He cried the whole plane ride there."

"That is because you are not me. I'm surprised you even got the little thing to fall asleep."

"Yes well I played that CD of you humming that horrid tune. I'm just glad you didnt whistle it, humming was torture enough." She gurgled. I rolled my eyes and with my magic I put his one and only suitcase inside. I closed her trunk then opened his door and unbuckled him and picked him up. He stayed asleep as he gripped onto my shoulder, I closed his door and as I went back to say goodbye she rolled the window up and drove off.

"Fine." I mumbled heading into the house.

When I got in I saw Kai and Bonnie sitting on the couch. He was holding her on his arms as she was asleep, he looked over at me and I smiled.

"I'm good at playing tricks arent I?" I said as I held the struggling boy in my hands. "Do I play good tricks?" I asked him playfully.

"Yeah! Now put me down!" He babbled.

"Alright." I sighed setting him down. "Dont drink anything here!" He ran away giggling.

"You think he should really be here right now with the situation you and I are going through?!"

"I think that whatever should happen he'll be fine. Hes a strong little guy, powerful nonetheless. Helped me practice some of my spells, didnt you?" I asked him walking around the corner, he was playing with trucks, to focused in his game to reply.

"Raya." He said getting up and walking over to me. "What you did today, that started something that your not going to want to finish." He whispered in my face.

"Oh Malachai, I know exactly what I've started today. It was my intention."

"And yet you still thought it'd be ok to bring him along?!"

"Yes. Because I know that no matter what hell goes down between us, you will not hurt him. I dont care what you do, I'll deserve it. You hurt me, I hurt you. That's how this coven works, I dont care who you hurt as long as you dont touch Ben."

"You have no idea what you just okayed me to do." He slightly smiled.

"I dont care. If I find out you lay a hand on him without my permission, I will kill you. No- I will kill Bonnie. Then I will wait until you care about someone, even just a little, and I'll kill them too. Then, I will kill you when your refuse to care about another creature again."

"Protective much?"

"You try having an emotional bond with a kid, it does a difference on you." He nodded and came in closer to my face. "What the hell are you doing." I asked breathlessly. His face close to mine made me nervous.

"Seeing how you'll react when I get close to you."

"With your sleeping girlfriend right there?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Sicko." I said pushing him away by his shoulder and stepping closer to Ben.

"Hey little dude! You remember me?" Kai asked Ben, kneeling down onto his level. Ben shyed away and shook his head.

"Malachai..." I said under my breath, he looked at me.

"Rae, if hes going to be staying here, at least let me bond with him." I raised my eyebrows for a second then sighed, sitting down next to Kai across from Ben.

"Be polite." I whispered with a smile. "Manners are key."

"Im... Ben!" He said looking at his trucks, I cleared my throat and he looked up at me through his eyebrows. I gave him a slight nod and he say up straight. "Who are you?" Curiosity motivated his question.

"Well, I am Kai. Do you remember me?" He looked confused, like he did but didnt at the same time. I know hed asked for Kai before, he was probably just being shy.

"Raya has talked about you before!" He said enthusiastically.

"Oh has she?" He asked smiling at me.

"Mmm! About the... hell you put her through?"

"Benjamin!" I yelled blushing. "I never told you those things. You little eavesdropper."

He giggled at me and them paused before he spoke again. "But I dont remember you..."

"That's ok," I reassured him with a small chuckle and a huge blush. It appeared he felt bad for not remembering. "You were very young." I smiled, Kai looked at me.

"May I show him something? For old times sake." He asked under his breath, I nodded my head slowly and Kai reached his hand out to Ben. Ben hesitantly placed his hand on Kais.

"Should we go watch Ray-Ray get yelled at over the phone?" I asked in a baby voice, he made some noise but smiled. So I threw him up on my hip and walked outside to their covered up porch.

I sat on the wooden bench swing with Ben and we watched Rae yell at the phone and struggle with the car.

"Isnt she so silly?" I asked him playfully, he looked up at me and babbled something that no one in the history of the world could understand. But it was more like a laugh than a slur.

"Kai. Shut up, please."

"Manners?! Ben, you've set this girl straight!" I said enthusiastically, picking him up from my lap and holding him up and out in front of me.

"If you arent going to stop talking, can you at least help?!" She yelled at me.

"Cant, sorry! I'm have to watch Benny." She slammed her hand on the hood of his car, putting a whole right through it. I bursted out in laughter as she yelled a series of slurs.

She looked at me dead in the eyes, and my expression fell blank, my joy stopped and so did Ben's. He seemed just as scared as I was.

She stomped up the stairs, it would usually make me giggle or smile, but now I was scared shitless.

I smiled as the memory concluded. Kai shared it towards Ben but I got the vision too. Ben giggled as he opened his eyes. "The rain that day was warm. That was a good day." He smiled looking down at his toy trucks. Kai and I exchanged a strange look.

"You remember?"

"Kind of! Then you and him got into and argument... I don't remember what it was about but I remembered you two yelling. Then you and me went inside! And you yelled at grandpa. Then me and Jessie were hanging out!" He said it like it meant something to him, like that day was special to him. And that scared me. What else did he remember?

"Did you remember that before?" Kai asked him.

"Not really... I remember laughing, though! It was good." He started making car sounds as Kai and I stood up.

"Jessie..?" He whispered.

"Jessica." I said back in the same tone.

"He doesnt even call his own mother mom?"

"Well she's dead!"

"Even for past tense, Rae. What does he call you?"

"Depends who we are around."

He gave me a stern look before responding. "What did he call you back in Portland."

"Usually mommy..."

"Raya." I grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"I know! Ok? I know, if it were my way Ryan would be alive, Jess would stay dead, and Ben would be living with his father. It's not like I wanted this when I became leader!"

"But you let him call you mom."

"Because that is how he sees me. He is my son in every way other than biologically. It's stupid to say, and I dont like it in the slightest because I am basically 25. That is how many years I have with human experience. If it weren't for Ben I wouldve never had kids, I dont like them. I'd rather kick one that hug one. They are annoying, they cry a lot, his tantrums are insanely loud and my body feeds off his emotions. Trust me, I dont like it."

"But you stay around him."

"Because we depend and function on each other. If it weren't for the bond I wouldnt be as close to him as I am now."

Kai sighed. "Does he feel... attached to me like that?"

"In some ways I'm sure. When I was with him back home he did ask for you at times. And from the looks of it now, he liked your company. I wouldnt be surprised if he sees you as more than my friend."

"Oh! Hiya." Ben giggled at someone behind us, I hadn't heard Stefan and Valerie come in yet. I turned around to see Bonnie very confused and disgusted. "I'm Ben!" He hopped up this time very eager to say hello, I quickly grabbed his arm so he wouldnt move towards her. She stood up off the couch and stared at me and Kai.

"Kai, can we talk?" She asked clenching her fists. Kai nodded and left me, my skin suddenly felt cold as he left. I hadn't noticed hed touched me let alone pull me into him. My hip and lower arm missed his hands.

I picked up Ben and grabbed his trucks. "Where are we going?" He asked as we stepped outside.

"Outside so you dont get your ears hurt."

"Why? What's wrong with him?"

"Oh nothing sweetie. He is just in deep trouble."

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