βœ”οΈ||Reunited-Klaus Mikaelson

Von -retroclark

92.3K 1.5K 708

What if Caroline's Forbes Adoptive sister, Madison, was in a relationship with Klaus Mikaelson? They loved ea... Mehr

What?! They're back!?
I'll have some Vodka.
Well, thats a bust!
Dance party!!!
Thoughts pt.2?
Oh no!
Me? No!
Bonus Chapter
Please Read!!

Unplanned Vaction

3.8K 75 30
Von -retroclark

It was summer. Amelia and Barry were in New York with Damon and Elena. Lizzie and Josie were in Rome with Caroline and Alaric.

Natasha and Anastasia were sleeping. Everybody had left yesterday. Summer break and the twins didn't want to leave so they stayed with Haven and their mother.

It was 3 in the morning and Klaus couldn't sleep so he snuck into the the school and went to his daughters room. He knock on the door till a sleepy Natasha opened the door.

"Dad?" Nat questioned rubbing her eyes of the sleep.

Klaus smiled and said.

"Wake up Anastasia and get a bag ready doesn't matter how much clothes just get a bag ready." Klaus said then walk away

Natasha looked out the door wondering what the hell her father was up to.

Natasha went to go back a bag with 12 outfits and 10 pair of shoes. She packed her makeup, toiletries and everything else she might need. The scary part of this was that she was going to have to wake up Anastasia.


Klaus went up the stair to Madison's bedroom.

He knock on the door and waited till he heard someone fall of the bed, then he heard light footsteps.

The door open and revealed a sleepy Madison. Madison left the door opened and motion for Klaus to enter. She then laid back in bed.

Klaus smiled at her and sat at the edge of the bed. He turned to look at her side and there was a sleeping Haven. He smiled at the two girl he had grown to love.

"Yes? Why did you wake me up at 3?" A sleepy Madison Saud her voiced muffled by the pillow.

"Pack a bag. And pack one for little Haven too. Meet me down stairs in a 1 hour." Klaus said before he walked out

Madison stared up at the spot he was just and got up and packed a bag for her and for Haven.


The twins where downstairs were their father had told Natasha to wait. A sleepy Anastasia was sitting in a chair half asleep while Natasha was watching supernatural on her phone. She couldn't fall back asleep.

A sleepy Hope entered the school with a bag. She was in her pajamas, her father had texted her to back a bag with everything that she may need, and then to meet him at the school.

Natasha looked up when Hope entered and smiled then she giggled at hope's pajamas that consisted of a plain black shirt and unicorn sweats with cute little bear slippers.

Hope just flipped her off then looked at Natasha pajamas which consisted of a cat shirt and avengers pants and black cat slippers. Hope sat down next to Anastasia and they waited.

Madison came down the stairs with a sleeping Haven in her arms and a two bags. Madison then handed the sleeping Haven to Hope who had motion to give her to her.

Madison then sat down the bag and went to go find Klaus who was in the kitchen making sandwiches for the road.


Madison entered the kitchen and found Klaus making the sandwiches but she didn't say anything she just filled up Haven's cup with juice and her coffee cup.

When Klaus finished he just packed everything up and then headed to the front door.

Madison just watched confused and then followed.

"Okay get in the car. Don't ask questions. You can ask questions when the sun comes up. Go to the car. Oh and get comfortable." Klaus says grabbing his bag and Madison's bags

They all listen to Klaus and go get in the car. Madison takes back Haven from Hope and they walk to the car.

When they get there they find Kol and Davina who are sleeping in the front seat. So the Natasha, Anastasia, and Hope sit in the back while Madison just sits Haven in her car seat. Then she goes to the trunk and helps Klaus upload the bags.

They go and enter the car and Klaus pulls out of the drive way.

5 hours in and everyone is still sleeping. Every time Madison had tried to get Klaus to tell her where they were going he would just shush her.

What she did find out was that they were taking a road trip to god knows where.

Kol had woken up an hour ago and said that Klaus woke them up and told them to pack a bag.


They had arrived at a airport. Turns out this wasn't a road trip.

Klaus had bought the tickets but didn't tell them where they were going. So they stopped asking.

While waiting at the airport Natasha and Hope where watching Supernatural on the laptop, Anastasia was reading comic books, Kol was watching The Avengers on his phone, Davina was reading a book, Niklaus and Madison were watching Shameless, while Haven was Coloring.

It was 10 in the morning and they still had no idea where they were going. Everyone doing their own thing.


An hour an a half every body is doing the same thing they were doing.

Now they're boarding the plane. Finally.

Madison tried to get Klaus to tell her where they were going, but he wouldn't budge.

8 hours into the flight and Madison finally figured out were they're going. MYKONOS, GREECE.

She was excited when Klaus finally told her that she kissed him on the lips, leaving him shocked but when she turned around he smiled.


It had been 5 days since they've arrived in Greece and Klaus hasn't mentioned the kiss to Madison.

Tonight he had invited her to dinner just the two of them so they could talk.

(Madison's outfit)

Madison got ready for the date or she wouldn't call it date Klaus didn't call it date so it's not a date it's just dinner.


Madison and Klaus arrived at the restaurant. They get a table and they ordered. They ordered white wine, Klaus ordered the steak while Madison ordered the lasagna.

When they got their dinner, they started eating and making small talk.

Klaus wanted to bring up the kids she gave him in the plane 5 days ago.

"So I think we should talk about what happen 5 days ago. On the plane." Klaus said not beating around the bush

Madison froze knowing exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about the kiss she gave him when she got excited.

Madison had been thinking about it all the time. Wondering if she should bring it up. Or not.

Klaus saw Madison freeze so he tried to tell her that it was okay.

"Look if it was an accident and you didn't mean it-" Klaus tried to make her back out but she cut him off

"Of course I meant it. Yeah it wasn't at a Great moment but I meant the kiss, Nik" Madison said to Klaus with a small smile

Klaus look at Madison in shock he didn't expect that. He was happy that she meant it but still shocked.

"You did?" Klaus asked

"Yeah, of course I meant it. Look, Nik I know that We are not together, but I love you Nik. I always have, and I will always love you." Madison said

Klaus was even more shocked. Madison loves him and she will always will. Klaus tried to say something but he couldn't, nothing came out. Madison thought that Klaus was trying to let her down easy, so she just started playing with her food.

Klaus tried to say something but Madison beat him to it.

"You don't have to let me down easy, Nik. I get it you don't love me back, it's okay. I just wanted to sa-" Madison couldn't finish her sentence because Klaus cut her off.

"I love you too." Klaus said with a smile on his face.

Madison was shocked because she didn't expect that from Klaus she thought he was going to reject her.

"Y-you do?" Madison asked

"Yes. Maddie I never stopped loving you. I made you a promise 17 years ago that I would love you forever, and I plan to keep that promise. I might've cheated on you and I regret that. I figured out that I was just trying to sabotage the only good thing I had back then. So I cheated, I will forever regret that night, but I do not regret my daughter. The best thing that came out of that night was my daughter. When I told you what I had done, you told me to go. But the look in your eye when I told you broke me, I love you Madison I never stopped loving you. When we first got here I had found out you married Stefan, I was glad because you had found someone else. You gave me two beautiful daughters, and I will forever be grateful for that. When Rayna Cruz was still a problem Stefan came to New Orleans and he had asked me for help so I had Freya help him. I then asked him how you were doing and he said that you were alright. I wanted to come to you after Stefan had left but I told myself that you hated me." Klaus explained to Madison

"I love you, Madison Eliza Forbes-Salvatore." Klaus said with a smile

Madison was happy that Klaus still felt for her the way she felt for him. Maybe this could work.

"I love you too, Niklaus Mikaelson. I have always loved you." Madison stated with the biggest smile.

They continued to eat their dinner.

The Mikaelson Family have been here for almost a year and Madison and Niklaus were already finding their way back to each other.  Madison and Niklaus couldn't be happier, they loved each other and have been loving each other for 19 years. Thus, Madison was in love with Stefan Salvatore but she would always love Niklaus and Stefan knew that. But in the years she was with Stefan she had learned to love again and Stefan will always have a place in her heart.


After they had finished dinner they went to go take a walk on the beach.

"You have to take off your shoes, Nik!" Madison said with a laugh

"Really? Sorry love, I haven't done this in 17 years." Klaus said laughing along with Madison

"Remember, Italy? God that was fun!" Madison said sitting down on the sand.

"Yeah." Klaus said with a smile as he sat next to Madison. Madison leaning in and him wrapping his arms around her.

They sat there in the silence watching the water. The sun had went down an hour ago.

"Hey, Nik?" Madison said breaking the silence

"Mhm." Klaus hummed in response

"Do you remember the promise you made me on our third date?" The Vampire Witch asked the Hybrid.

"Yes. I promised you I would show you the world." Klaus said looking down at Madison with absolutely nothing but love in his eyes

"Does that offer still stand?" Madison asks him looking up at him to find his eyes already on her

"Of course." Klaus stated and moved to cup Madison's face

"I want you to show me the world, Nik." Madison said looking at Klaus with nothing but love in her eyes

"Anything for you, my love." Klaus says with a smile.

"I love you, Nik." Madison tells Klaus

"I love you too, Madison." Klaus tell her back

Madison starts to lean in and that cause Klaus to close the gap between their lips.
Their lips move slowly but with passion.

Klaus grips Madison's hips causing her to giggle. They continue to fight for dominance but in the end Klaus ends up winning.

There they sat, lips together they have loved each other and now they're here and happy. Madison and Klaus have found their way back to each other.

Unbeknownst to them was that Stefan Salvatore was watching with a smile. Glad that Madison was moving on, even if it's with Klaus. Stefan just wanted his wife to be happy.


Madison and Klaus confessed their love for each other, yay!!

Finally!!! Also Stefan was watching from 'peace' he is happy that Madison is happy and to be honest Stefan is the captain of Maddie and Klaus ship.

Thank you for reading!!


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