Jjba One shots and requests (...

By A_Quiet_space

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I don't own jjba!! Requests are open! Just send me a message or comment ~Sam out More

request page
Kars x reader
Avdol x reader [Angst]
Avdol x reader (pt2)
{Has spoilers}Jotero x Memory loss!R
Jotero x Memoryloss!Reader (pt2)
Kakyoin x Reader
possessive star platinum x reader
Giorno X reader
Fugo x reader
Fugo x reader(pt2)
Abbacchio x reader
Authors note
1k reads

Narancia x reader

728 18 0
By A_Quiet_space

*your pov*

You were ten. Hungry. And homeless and alone.

You sighed sitting on the ground before someone came stumbling into your Alley

"Dammit mom... Dammit dad... Why..."

You looked up to see a boy your age and you stared at him as he began to sob. You stepped out and put a hand on his shoulder


He pulled you into a hug and continued crying. You stood in shock before patting his back

"It's okay... Breathe"


He screamed into your shoulder.

'his mom must've died...'

He eventually passed out from exhaustion and you sighed pulling him over into the box you stayed in

'I wonder... whats your story..?'

You played with the boys hair when he grabbed your wrist

"Who are you?! WHERE AM I?!"

"Hey! Calm down! You're the one who smothered me in a hug and started bawling!"

"Oh... Yeah..."

He looked at you sadness covering his face

"I'm Y/N... You are?"

"Narancia Ghirga"

"Nice to meet you and to answer where you are this is my home!"

He looked at the box but said nothing

"Oh... COOL!"

You shrugged and he stayed still

"You can go if you want. I'm sure you have someone who's going to come looking..."

He shrugged

"Not really... My dad's a piece of shit and my mom..."

"Y-You don't have to tell me!"

You cut the boy off before he could start crying

He nodded and sighed and you bit the inside of your lip

"You can stay the night if you want... It's not much but..."


You smiled

"Great my box should be big enough for us two."

You stomach grumbled and he looked at you

"Wanna go get food?"

"I'm broke."

He smiled

"I happened to have Borrowed my father's wallet there's enough in here to get us spaghetti!!"

You giggled

"Lead the way Narancia!"


-Three years later-

You sighed walking down the street. Life was a bit better for you since Narancia came into your life. You didn't have to worry about meals which was awesome but you started to see things. There was a blue woman who would follow you and you were absolutely creeped out by her, but you said nothing. Especially not to Narancia.

You stepped into an alleyway seeing a blonde Narancia being pinned by a policeman

"Hey!!! Hey let him go what did he do?!"

"He broke into an old ladies house last night and beat her up!"

"N-Narancia wouldn't do that!"

The cops let him down and stared at you

"He fits the discription perfectly. Blonde scrawny!"

You looked at them

"It'd have to be Saul not him!"

"Hey don't blame big Bro!! He wouldn't!"

You looked at him

"B-But he would! I've earned you about him!"

"Y/N leave me alone you're just jealous big bro would never!"

He shoved you and the cops grabbed him

"See he's even violent!"

They took him away and you just sat on the ground heartbroken. Narancia....

Tears filled your eyes. Your only friend...

You soon left town not wanting to deal with the delinquents Narancia had called friends.


*Narancia's pov after he got out of the juvinile prison*

I stared at my bro feeling my heart breaking as I ran away. I need to find Y/N and apologize... Would she even listen..?

"Also. Narancia! Your little girlfriend left the day you did."

I gave him one last look and ran to the Alley she called her home to find it empty. Tears flooded my face.

'dammit.. I messed up big-time...'


*Time skip and back to you*

You ran towards the gun fire you heard

'A fight?'

You watched from the  shadows seeing a man stepping on a shrunk man

'stand users..? Maybe I should leave this one alone...'

But then you heard the small one

"You really think I want to live so badly that I'd tell you were my friends are?! Just Kill me!"

'... Narancia?!...'

You ran and tackled the man stepping on him before you picked up the tiny sized Narancia.

"Oi! Who are you!?"

"Does the name Shi mean anything to you?"

The man stared at you before you tsked slipping Narancia into your hoodie pocket gently. You smirked standing three meters away from him

"W-What are you doing?!"

You smiled at the man before his head hit the ground separated from his body. You pulled Narancia out of your pocket and he grew to his normal size as you stared at him your hood covering your face so he couldn't see it.

"A-Ah thank you! But if you don't mind me asking why'd you intervene?!"

You smiled trying to cover the fact that you had no reason

"Anything for another Passione member"

You stared at him as he looked at you confused

"How'd you know-"

"Most of Bucciarati's members are known Narancia. I've seen you about here and there."

He stared at you trying to figure you out as wind caught your hood and blew it back. You stiffened and hoped he wouldn't remember who you were and lash out.

"Will you help me get back?"

You nodded surprised and kind of hurt but then again it had been almost six years.

You ran and pulled the car you stole next to Narancia's as he gave you directions making sure the two of you didn't get followed as you pulled into a vineyard and up to a house. Bruno was standing outside the door as you helped Narancia carry groceries in but as soon as you got inside a pistol touched your forehead. You froze

"Hey Narancia why'd you bring a girl back?!"

"She's another member of Passione I figured she'd help"

You couldn't help but laugh

"I'm safe don't worry Mista. And the ones after the brat you're guarding were also apart of Passione. I just need to talk to Bruno."

He'd nod at you

"Follow me Shi."

"You know her Bucciarati!?"

He nodded and you followed him into a room

"What happened? I thought you were in hiding?"

You looked down

"Narancia... And I have history together... The man was about to kill him...I couldn't leave knowing one if my only friends was going to die."

"If he's your friend why doesn't he act like he knows you..?"

"I left. He broke my heart and I didn't want to deal with it. And he must have forgotten about me."

Bruno stared at you

"Let's see how he feels? Eh?"

You raised your brow in amusement

"Like what Bruno..?"

He quirked a smile

"Just follow me at dinner"

You nodded and talked until Fugo called you two in for food you sat down across from Narancia and in between Bruno and Abbacchio

"So... Uh Shi how did you come to meet Bruno?"

You smiled when Bruno interrupted you

"Well we met on an guard mission to guard someone. Oh gosh do you remember Y/N?"

You turned to him and nodded

"It was my first kill." Suddenly a knife embedded itself in the wall beside you head and you looked at Narancia who threw it


You stared at him and sighed

"Y/N L/N she was my first kill."

He jumped across the table in a mad rage and put his hands around your throat in a futile attempt to choke you as tears ran down his face

"Y-You killed her..."

Bruno started pulling him off and you pulled the young gangster out of the room slightly smiling at Bruno.

The man was fighting your grip trying to get loose as he called out his stand. Your eyes widened as you threw him in a bedroom slamming the door behind you separating the stand from user. You looked down at the user.

"I-Ill murder you!"

You sighed at him

"Narancia... Calm down"

He sat down sighing in defeat as he started sobbing and pulling at his hair

"I-I should've listened to her..."

You patted the teen's head

"Hey hey stop crying she's not dead. At least not in the way you think"

"W-What do you mean not dead?! WHERE IS SHE?!"
You leaned against the wall sliding down it and staring at him

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me Nara.."

He looked at you shocked


You nodded and he tackled you into a hug

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

He buried his face into your shoulder and you smiled at the orange teen.

"Hey it's okay"

"How is it okay? I yelled at you and when I came back you were gone... I obviously hurt your feelings..."

You shook your head slighly

"Yes but you were confused and hurt yourself."

"Why'd you say you killed yourself when you knew I'd react?"

"Because I did. After I moved I had a bad time. I got mixed around in a hand but it wasn't Passione and the only way to get free was to kill myself. I had met Bruno who was sent to kill me and he helped me fake my death. Meaning he killed and revived me"

Narancia started crying and he hugged you tightly

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay!"

The two of you stayed hugging until you eventually fell asleep

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