Covens At War

By mrsnicky_

40.9K 934 1.2K

Him and everything he was made my blood boil. His family didnt like mine, mine didnt like his. Our covens wer... More

Hate + Love
Rock wall
Some how


488 11 28
By mrsnicky_

"Let's go." He whispered in my ear. "You get into the car, I'll go get the others." I nodded and headed towards the car, I had focused my listening on Damon's heart beat, but once he got inside I couldn't hear anything.

I couldn't listen into the building but I could listen out of it. Stupid magic tricks.

A few moments later when I couldn't see Damon and got anxious because they weren't coming out, I decided to go back inside. I slowly opened the huge door to see that they were all gone, or at least out of sight. Enzo was standing at the top of the stairs holding a vervain gun.

"Enzo... what are you doing?" He pointed the gun up at me and I panicked.

"So sorry love, you'll wake up safely."


I woke up in a cell across from Damon and Kai, there was another body in there and it stunk of dog.

"Good boy." Damon smiled, injecting the body, it was more than likely Tyler. The body slowly passed out and I stumbled off the bed in my empty cell.

"Damon?" He flashed over towards the window. "What's going on?"

"Enzo wants to know where Stefan is for the place. He went let me free unless I tell him where Stefan is, so he put us in here with Lockwolf on a full moon." Tyler jolted forward and his eyes were yellow.

"Cant we just tell him where Stefan is? I didn't want to die today." Kai complained, I ignored him with a scowl and rested my forehead on the glass. I tried to listen to anything around us, but all I could hear were the three guys breathing and hearts pumping.

"Could you guys, like, stop breathing for a moment? I'm trying to listen." Damon didn't argue and Kai scoffed.

"You think I want to stop breathing just so you can listen?"

"Malachai I swear to god when we get out I'm going to hurt you." He snapped his jaw shut and I still couldn't hear anything. I slammed my fist up against the glass, I very small sliver cracked, I did it again, nothing this time.

I sighed and turned around. "Kai you can breath now, no need to be stupid." I groaned, then a door opened down the hall, it was Bonnie.

"Bonnie! Get us out!" Damon yelled. She walked over to the door and pushed on it, ot wouldnt work.

"She needs Enzos hand, it has a microchip in it that opens the doors." I sighed.

"Great, go get Enzo and bring him down here!" Kai yelled as Tyler was screaming from pain, he fell off the table and was breaking his spine. Bonnie ran off, leaving the door she came through open.

"I wouldve made a better friend then enemy." She did something to his hand, probably cut it off. His scream echoed through the building and Tyler was getting more active with his movements, cornering Damon and Kai up against the glass. Bonnie ran down.

"Need a hand?" She asked under pressure.

"Bonnie go, if you get us out he'll get out too and he will kill the both of you! Grab Rae and leave!" Kai yelled.

"Hes right, Bonnie get her and go!"

"What? No! I'm not leaving you two!" I yelled as Bonnie opened up my door, Tyler snarled making my ears ring. "Give me his hand." I said to Bonnie, she pulled it away. "Bonnie give me his damn hand!"

"Tyler will kill us if we let them out!"

"And if we dont get them out he'll kill them! You really think I'm going to let that happen?!" I asked taking the hand out of hers, I put it up against the door and then threw it to the side. Tyler pounced at Damon and tackled him to the floor, Bonnie and I grabbed Tyler and tried to push him off. He pushed Bonnie to the floor and had me on the ground as he toppled over me.

Something in his eyes changed, he didnt show his teeth for a moment and he pulled away. "Leave now or I will kill you." Damon said kindly. Tyler got up and ran off.

Damon picked me up and hugged me as Kai hugged Bonnie behind Damon. Kai looked at me and I looked at him, he smiled genuinely at me, it wasnt fake. 'Thank you.' He mouthed, I nodded at him and then Damon pulled away from me.

"We are going home." Damon said sternly. "Not another minute will be wasted here."


When we got home Damom immediately took me into his bedroom angrily. "I think we need to talk." He sighed. I looked at him confused as he shut the door.


"Do you have any idea the amount of danger you put yourself in today? What I wouldve gone through if you were bitten or if you had died? Years of guilt. Crippling, self-loathing guilt, all because you didnt want to leave me."

"Damon your not..."

"Just- listen. You are not supposed to die for me, Rae. Neither is my brother, and you guys have already put yourselves in so much danger because of me! You went to hell because of me."

"Because I love you! Is that not a good enough reason to sacrifice myself for you? Damon, I love you. I'm in love with you, hurting myself to save you is apart of the deal!"

"That is until you really die trying to save me! Or Stefan does! I'm not letting you guys do that for me, Rae. I'm not. And I know no matter what I say, or how hard I try to drill it into your skulls, neither of you will stop trying. Which is exactly why I have to take myself out of the equation."

"What? Damon, no. Stop. Your not kling yourself or-... or leaving." I started to cry. "Please, Damon."

"Itll end tomorrow. Ok? You wont have to go through anymore pain because of me."

"You leaving will put me into more pain then you staying, Damon!"

"Rae, no one needs to get hurt because of me anymore! I'll leave tonight if it makes it easier for you."

"Not leaving at all would make it easier for me, Damon! So just dont go! Where has this sudden urge of nobility come from?! You know I probably met you about a year ago. And you have been my life. My soul. You leaving will hurt me Damon, more than you cam imagine."

"Then just let me hurt you before you hurt yourself because of me." I ran up to him and place my hands on his neck and kissed him meaningfully for a long time.

He finally pulled away to breath. "Rae, I'm not going away forever. Just a few decades, or at least until you and Stefan stop doing things because of me."

"Fine. I'll wait."

"You- what?"

"I love you, Damon. I really do. This is the first time I've ever felt this way... about anyone. If I have to wait even 1000 years to be inside your arms again, I'll do it. I will wait until the world ends, Damon. Perhaps even longer." I whispered, my face was soaked with my own tears and I kissed him again.

"I dont want you to wait for me. I want you to live as if youd never met me."

"If I were to live like that I wouldnt be living at all Damon, I'd still be stuck in that prison world if it weren't for you."

"But Kai got you out."

"But you and Bonnie showed him how to get out, if he hadn't gotten out neither would I." He kissed me one last time.

"I dont want you to live like this because of me Rae." His eyes started to water. "I really don't. I have a plan. I'm going to give myself over to Enzo-"

"But he will kill-"

"No, he wont. I will offer him to decay me in a coffin somewhere you and Stefsn wont find me. Itll be better for the both of you." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I didnt want him to leave me, I gripped onto him even tighter as he started to leave.

"I love you, Raya."

Then he disappeared.

Not only was I distraught that he left me and I wouldnt see him in years from now, but he knew my name.

How did he know my name.

This was the only person I was ok with knowing my name.

I fell to my knees sobbing, Kai came in the door and stood there as I hunched down onto myself. He quickly rushed over to me and crouched down next to me.

"Hey... it's going to be ok, Rae." He said putting his hand on my shoulder further away from him, slightly putting pressure on it so I would lean into him. I cried so hard it was almost making me choke, Kai shushed me softly as he sat down.

He moved me so that I was laying in his lap, he stroked my hair and soon started to hum the song he used to whistle all the time. I didnt refuse his comfort, I knew this was just an 'in the moment' type situation.

My cries went silent but the tears strolled down my face just as hard, he rocked us very slowly back and forth, I slowly started to fall asleep in his cold arms.

I decided I was going to be the worst I could ever be.

When I woke up, I'd find a way to destroy Rayna Cruz along with everyone around me, aside from Stefan.

I was going to hurt the ones someone cared about, but I had no idea who yet.

Maybe it would be the one holding me, rocking me in his arms.

Malachai Parker.

My sworn enemy.

I'll do exactly what I'm supposed to do as the leader of my coven and him the leader of his.

I'll turn his life into hell.

He would dream that hed be in the Phoenix stone instead of dealing with me.

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