The Bastards of Winterfell

By _kiss3dbyfire

29.1K 1K 103

Follow Jon Snows bastard twin sister Alyanna as she travels south to kings landing with her sisters and fathe... More

Winter is Coming
The Kingsroad
Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things
The Wolf and The Lion
A Golden Crown
You Win or You Die
The Pointy End
Fire and Blood
The North Remembers
Garden of Bones
The Old Gods and the New
The Prince of Winterfell
A Man Without Honor
Valar Morghulis
Dark Wings, Dark Words
Walk of Punishment

Lord Snow

2K 60 9
By _kiss3dbyfire

Alyanna awoke bright and early the day after the incident with Arya and Nymeria, with a brand new outlook on the journey ahead.

She attempted to fix the arguments from the night before with her sisters, which worked for a time.
Arya being more willing than Sansa, her mothers strong will within her shining through.

That was until Arya received word that the hound had rode down the butchers boy, Mycah. She was grieving deeply for her friend, anger being the dominant emotion. Mainly towards Sansa, which she did not try to hide at all. She told Alyanna often and loudly, that if Sansa had told the truth, Mycah would still be alive.

Sansa was also grieving, but for the loss of Lady. She refused to speak to Arya, blaming her for the loss of the gentle wolf.

Alyanna felt for both girls, Lady's death had gotten to her also. She was relieved that she had sent Luna north with Jon to the wall. She prayed that if she or Ghost caused any trouble, they would simply be released north of the wall to live freely together.

Alyanna had spent a lot of time thinking of how Sandor had rode down the young butchers boy. She knew he was sworn to the Lannister's, he had to follow orders from them. But she couldn't understand why he had not just let the boy run off, claiming he found no trace of him.

Instead he had paraded his body around, draped over the side of his horse. She was glad she hadn't witnessed this, only hearing talk from the northern men.


Just over a week had passed since that evening, and the party had finally arrived in Kings Landing later than planned. This was due to the Queen insisting on making a few extra stops throughout each day, so that Prince Joffrey could have his wounds washed and redressed.

Alyanna was riding on a carriage pulled by horses, along with her father, sisters and Septa Mordane. The sun was shining down on her, overwhelming her pale northern skin. The air felt as if it was sticking to her skin, a thick and wet feeling to it that the north did not have.

The smell of the city was disgusting, nothing like she had imagined. Breathing through her mouth rather than her nose, she took in the sight of the red keep as they rode through the main gates. Her eyes shone with amazement.

Never in her years, had she seen such a structure. Walls taller than she had ever seen, towers and towers of them. She could not help but hope that her room would be high up in one of the towers, she wished to see the whole city from a great height.

"Isn't it wonderful girls." Septa Mordane commented. "No." Sansa replied rudely, without raising her eyes to look up towards the keep. This gave Arya an opening to start an argument with her sister yet again, and she jumped at the chance.

Bored of breaking apart their fights over the last week, Alyanna chose to ignore the chaos ensuing behind her. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally, and could not wait to have her own room once again. Mainly the peace and quiet that would come with it.

Their carriage had taken them to the opposite side of the keep from the king and his men, towards the tower of the hand.

As the horses came to a stop, Ned was the first to jump from the carriage, holding out his hand to help Alyanna down.

Once down, Alyanna turned to lift Arya down onto her feet as Ned continued to help Septa Mordane and Sansa out.

North men descended from every direction to begin carrying the Starks bags to their individual rooms. "Lord Stark." An unknown man called to Ned, causing him to make his way towards him.

After a few moments, Ned approached the girls. "Jory will show you girls to your chambers, behave yourselves. I will see you for supper." He said kissing each of them on their heads, before turning to leave.

"Right. Let's make a move, it's a long way up." Jory joked, causing Alyanna giggle to herself with excitement. That would mean she would hopefully have a view of the whole city.


Alyanna's was spacious and lavishly decorated, nothing like her small chambers in Winterfell. Although beautiful, it did not feel like home.

She was however impressed with the huge four poster bed that was in the middle of the room. She made her way across the room towards her balcony, her room overlooked where water met sand upon black water bay.

The sight was breathtaking and stretched for miles. Large ships in the distance could be seen, where they were travelling she could only guess.

Below her window were the gardens, a beautiful variety of flowers could be seen. Flowers were not common in the north, the cold did not allow them to grow to their full potential.

In the far corner of her chambers, sat a table and chairs. Atop the table was a jug of red liquid she could only assume was wine. Taking a cup and filling it to the brim, Alyanna moved back to her balcony taking a seat outside.

She sat slowly sipping on her wine taking in the view, letting time pass her by.

A knock sounded on her chamber doors. Sighing at the interruption, she rose from her chair making her way over to the door to find her father.

"Hello Father." She smiled stepping aside for him to enter. Ned walked over towards the balcony door, taking a seat outside. Alyanna not far behind him.

"How do you like your chambers sweet girl?" He asked, looking to his daughter curiously.

"They are beautiful father, although." She paused looking out at the large body of water in the distance. "It is not home." She sighed.

Ned took in his daughters appearance for a moment, although she had grown into a beautiful young women. The journey south had clearly had an affect on her. Her eyes had formed a dark shade under them from lack of sleep, her hair was knotted and her dress appeared to be dirty.

Looking out at the water as Alyanna did. "You should have your supper in your chambers tonight. I will send a handmaiden to help you wash and dress for bed." He sighed.

"You look as if you could do with the rest." He then smiled looking towards Alyanna, gently mocking her.

Alyanna let a small laugh escape her, too tired for anything else. "A month spent day in and day out with my sisters requires at least one night of undisturbed sleep alone." She joked.

Ned laughed loudly, shaking his head thinking of the fight he had broken apart moments before arriving at Alyanna's chambers.

He could not recall ever having to break up a fight between his boys, or Alyanna and Jon. They had all gotten along peacefully, the best of friends.

On second thought he realised that they were mainly up to mischief together, getting themselves in trouble that way instead.

"War was easier than daughters. All except for you my sweet girl." Ned smiled, taking a moment to sit with his daughter.

After a few minutes he decided it was time to leave Alyanna to rest. Kissing her head goodbye he started on his way, before stopping in his tracks and looking over his shoulder at her.

"Oh. Alyanna." He called. Alyanna looked to her father eyebrows raised. "Try not to drink yourself to sleep tonight." He remarked, closing her chamber doors.

Alyanna felt the heat rush to her checks. Had her father seen her sharing wine with Sandor, she thought to herself. He couldn't possibly of seen. If he had, she would be in for more than a warning such as that.


Hours had passed and Alyanna was awoken from her sleep in the dead of night, to a knock on her chamber door.

Alarmed, she grabbed a vase from the night stand next to her bed. Making her way to the door, armed with it.

Opening the door to reveal Arya. The small wolf said no words, pushing her way into her sisters room and slowly climbing into her bed.

Alyanna closed her door, placing the vase back where it belonged she joined her sister back in the bed, pulling her close.

"Where you going to hit me with a vase." Arya whispered, her eyes closed but a smile gracing her lips.

Alyanna laughed aloud. "I guess I was little wolf." She replied, Arya snuggled further into her, tightening her grip on her sister. As if frightened she would disappear.

"What is wrong Arya." Alyanna questioned, worried that her sister had come to her so late. Arya remained quiet, not giving anything away.

Alyanna sighed, stroking her sisters hair. "You can talk to me little wolf, when have I ever spilt any of your secrets." She whispered.

Some time passed without a word said between the pair, Alyanna had almost fallen asleep. Believing that Arya too had fallen into a deep slumber.

"I want to go home." Arya finally whispered, hiding her face from sight. Alyanna felt a lump form in her throat.

She also wanted to go home. She missed her family, she missed her wolf and she missed her home. She had never had a mother, so she could only imagine what it must feel like for Arya being apart from hers.

"Me too little wolf. We will make it home one day, but for now father needs us. So please, I know you are hurt and feeling angry right now. But I need you to stop taking it out on Sansa, no matter how you feel about her. We will find another way to release it." Alyanna said calmly.

"Fine." Arya replied slightly annoyed.

After a few moments past, Arya had thought of a way to release her anger. She had told anyone of this, only her and Jon knew. But she knew she could trust Alyanna with anything.

"I know a way." Arya beamed, sitting up in the bed. Alyanna was curious what had her sister so excited, moving to sit up. "And what would that be little wolf."she asked.

Arya bolted off the bed, running from Alyanna's chambers leaving the door wide open. Alyanna stared after her, completely and utterly confused.

Surely she had not expected Alyanna to chase her around the halls in the dead of night, wearing nothing but the thin piece of fabric she slept in.

Arya reappeared, her arms tucked behind her back. Obviously hiding somthing from her sister.

"What are you up to Arya." Alyanna laughed. "Shut up for a moment." Arya snapped, stepping forward to place the hidden object onto the bed.

Alyanna looked down to see a very small and thin sword. She gasped, taking ahold of it to examine the metal. Not that she knew what she was looking for.

"Jon gave it to me, before we left Winterfell. He had it made especially for me, because it's small and skinny just like me." She beamed.

Alyanna smiled to herself. Thinking of her twin and how thoughtful he had always been. She watched as Arya took the sword from her, moving about the chambers with it.

"I hope you don't plan on poking Sansa full of holes with it." Alyanna laughed. "Because I can assure you, Jon would not be impressed with the news."

"And how do you know that he wouldn't be." Arya bantered back within a second, pulling a face at her older sister.

"It's a twin thing." Alyanna winked, causing Arya to erupt into laughter. "So, what exactly is your plan." She asked once Arya had calmed down.

Arya looked to her sword, and back to her sister. "You could help me convince father to let me train with it. It's all I want, I don't want to be a lady." She begged.

"You could train with me too Al, I know you wanted to when you where my age." Arya interrupted before Alyanna could breath a word.

Alyanna wanted her sister to be happy. And if this was what it took, she would help her. Anything for some sleep at this point, she thought to herself.

"Fine. You will show father your gift, you will ask him yourself. And then, if he asks my opinion. I will help little wolf. I am only a bastard, I do not have any say in the matter." She sighed, laying her head back down.

Arya beamed, dropping her sword and running towards her sister. She threw her arms around her, repeatedly shouting thank you.

"Now little wolf, it is time for sleep." She gestured to the other side of the bed. Arya rolled over the top of her sister and got herself comfy under the covers.

"Goodnight Al." She whispered.

"Goodnight my little wolf." Alyanna replied.


Arya had left her chambers by the time Alyanna awoke the next day. The sun was shining high in the sky, indicating that she had slept in until a late hour.

A handmaiden had arrived not long after with some new dresses for her, that her father had requested. Alyanna was grateful for this, her northern styled dresses where made with the cold weather in mind.

After she had been bathed and dressed, she dismissed the handmaiden with a thank you. She resided to leave her hair loose today.

She made her way down to the gardens, her black waist length curls blowing freely in the sea breeze. Alyanna felt slightly exposed in her new dress, she was not used to showing this much skin.

The floor length dress was a baby blue colour, and showed off her normally hidden cleavage. It also did not have sleeves, leaving her arms bare.

Nonetheless, she no longer felt overheated as she did yesterday. Alyanna spent some time walking through the gardens of the castle.

Examining every type of flower she could find, curious to smell each and every one. By far her favourite flower so far had been the white rose.

It reminded her of Luna. White, soft to the touch and pretty to look at. But if you tried to harm it, it had its thorns.

Continuing on her walk, Alyanna found some steps that led down to the sands of black water bay. She wished to travel down them and feel the sand between her toes, but she thought better of it without some form of protection.

She instead spotted a bench beneath a tree not to far away, with an overlook of the view. Making her way over, she sat on the bench, crossing her legs together so they where off of the ground.

Not moving or breaking her stare with the wide body of water before her, until she heard the voice of her sister somewhere behind her.

Turning around she spotted Sansa and Prince Joffrey walking arm in arm together. Closely followed by Sandor.

"Is this your bastard sister." Alyanna froze hearing Prince Joffrey ask to Sansa, obviously referring to her.

Wishing to disappear for a moment before taking a sharp intake of breath, Alyanna turned around with a curtsy to the Prince.

"Your Grace." She greeted as politely as she could. Refusing to look to Sandor, as to not cause any trouble for him.

Joffrey stared into Alyanna's eyes for a few moments, as if waiting for something. Alyanna grew even more uncomfortable, yet her stare never wavered.

"Tell me, Lady Sansa. Is it a custom in the north, for Bastards to look a Prince in the eye." He rudely questioned, eyes never moving from Alyanna.

Alyanna quickly moved her eyes meeting Sandors, who motioned with his own eyes to look down to the floor.

Following in his advice, she looked to the ground dropping her head. Hoping not to anger the Prince any further.

Having witnessed the eye contact between the two Joffrey smirked, feeling pleased with himself having made the bastard girl submit.

"She is awfully pretty for a bastard, don't you think dog." He laughed, not even turning to look towards his sworn shield.

Sansa sent daggers towards her sister, clearing irritated by the Prince having referred to her as pretty. The silence was thick with tension around them.

"I asked you a question Dog." Joffrey barked turning his attention onto Sandor. Alyanna looked up through her lashes towards Sandor.

"Aye, your grace. Very pretty." Sandor replied in his usual gruff voice, eyes focused straight ahead. As if unbothered by the situation they found themselves in.

Joffrey laughed loudly, in an obnoxious way. Making Alyanna's blood boil. "Seems the dog may of found himself a bitch, My Lady." He spat between laughs to Sansa, causing her to join him.

Once his laugher died down, he held his arm out for her to take. "Shall we continue our walk My Lady." He asked, not giving her time to answer before dragging her away with him.

"Dog, stay with your bitch." He called from a little distance. Sandor nodded out of respect to his Prince.

"Cunt." Alyanna whispered to herself, retaking her seat on the bench she occupied before she was rudely interrupted with a huff.

Sandor moved into the shade of the tree near her, remaining silent watching the girl as she looked to her hands in her lap.

"It must be a miserable existence." She suddenly commented, not looking up from her hands. Sandor was confused, moving to sit next to her.

"Having to follow the boy cunt everywhere." She clarified looking to the gruff man. Sandor snorted finally understanding what she meant.

"Be careful with your words girl, the walls have ears in this place." Sandor grunted quietly, looking out into the distance.

Alyanna suddenly felt extremely vulnerable, kings landing did not feel like home, and the thought of her every move being watched had her on edge.

"How about a drink." She said springing to her feet and looking down at the tall man. Sandor grunted standing to his feet and following her, wherever she was leading him.

He knew he could possibly loose his head for this, but something inside of him prevented him from saying no to the beautiful bastard girl.


Hours had passed, it was now nightfall. Alyanna and Sandor sat drunk, on the balcony of her chamber. She had wondered into the kitchens and stolen as many jugs of wine as she could carry, before leading Sandor back to her chambers.

Sandor was taken back by the boldness of the girl, willingly leading him to her room. If they had been seen, rumours would spread across the keep like wildfire.

Once inside she had poured him a drink, the first of many to come. Now drunk enough not to care, the pair had loosened up. Alyanna sharing stories from her childhood, Sandor poking fun as often as he could.

"You're a grumpy old cunt, aren't you Sandor." She slurred her words slightly laughing as she teased him. Sandor smiled at her, snorting as he did.

Alyanna was taken back by his smile, she had never once seen him smile in such a genuine way. He had always appeared angry or irritated at everything other than silence.

The genuine happiness on his face had made her realise that he was a very attractive man under his scar, not that his scar made him ugly. In fact, Alyanna liked it. It added character to him, she would ask the story behind it one day. But now was not the time.

"I have a question." Alyanna asked, blushing slightly. Sandor nodded at the girl to continue.

"You said I was pretty. Did you mean it, or did you just want to shut him up." She blushed further, eyes looking everywhere but at the man she was speaking with.

Sandor shifted uncomfortably in his seat, not really sure how to answer her question. Of course she was stunningly beautiful, but she was a high lords daughter. All be it a bastard, but still born from a Lord.

Nothing would ever be allowed to come of it. Without a belly full of wine he wanted to take the girl, never mind drunk. Had he been sober he probably never would of uttered the words, thinking better of it.

"Aye. I meant it." He grunted, looking to his hands as he felt ashamed suddenly. Sandor had never been one for talking, especially not about feelings. But he could not deny the feelings that he felt towards Alyanna.

"I think you are very handsome." She stated boldly, liquid courage taking over. She rose from her seat, pulling it so she could sit directly in front of the gruff man.

Sandor snorted. "Aye, handsome." He howled between laughs. Never once in his miserable life, had he been referred to as handsome.

Alyanna leaned forward, slowly placing her hands on either sides of his face. Sandor flinched at the contact, grabbing her wrists.

"What are you doing girl." He hissed. Alyanna simply said nothing, continuing to look into his eyes.

Sandor was slowly loosing control. He wanted to take her here and now on the balcony, he didn't care who would see.

Alyanna slowly leaned in, placing her lips to his. Hunger taking over him, Sandor pulled her to her feet and through the doors into her chambers.

Once inside he wasted no time pushing her against the wall connecting his lips to her neck. Alyanna moaned out, feeling new sensations with every touch he gave her.

Sandors hands traveled down her torso as he continued his assault on her neck, sucking and biting wherever he could. He pulled at her dress lifting it up to give him access to her.

Alyanna suddenly filled with panic, trying to push him away. Sandor stopped his movements, frustrated. Before the realisation hit him. She was just a girl, far younger than he.

"Never been touched by a man." He teased, causing a blush to rise in her cheeks. Alyanna looked to the floor, shame filling her.

She wanted to be with him, to lay with him. But she was filled with terror. Septa Mordane had warned her of what is expected from a girl when she takes a husband, and she had warned that it hurt.

"No." She said shyly looking up to meet his eyes. Sandor sighed taking a seat on her bed, gesturing for her to follow him.

"I won't hurt you." Sandor said quietly after a moment of silence, hoping his words would help comfort the girl.

"I know that." Alyanna replied looking to him. She felt as if somthing was pulling her close to him, be it the wine, or the close connection she felt to him.

Sandor rose his eyebrows at her. As if questioning how she could possibly know that he, the big scary hound, would never do anything or let anyone hurt her.

"If you wanted to hurt me, you could have taken me right there and then. But you didn't." She smiled, leaning in to place another kiss to his lips.

She lingered for a moment, wanting to savour the kiss before pulling back to examine his face. Sandor held himself back from attacking her lips once more, respecting her wishes.

He rose from his spot on the bed. "It's late girl, you should get some rest." He grunted, making his way over to the door.

"Sandor." Alyanna called, causing him to pause his movements. "I meant what I said. Out there." She whispered, too shy to speak any louder.

Sandor had heard her words, not knowing how to respond he simply exited her chambers. He headed to his own, needing to find a release for himself.


Alyanna awoke the following morning with a huge headache. She dismissed her handmaidens, opting to stay in bed for longer. But her hopes where crushed as Arya burst into her chambers.

"Alyanna. Alyanna wake up." She shock her sister harshly. Alyanna groaned to herself, mentally wishing she where dead.

Her head pounded, feeling as if it had swollen to three times the size. She vowed to herself she would never drink that much wine again.

"What is it Arya." She croaked out.

"Father has arranged for me to start dancing lessons, I had my first just yesterday." Arya beamed. "Syrio is the first sword of bravos, he says he will teach me the art of water dancing." She continued without stopping for breath.

Sitting up in her bed, her head in her hands. Alyanna looked at the happiness on her little sisters face. She was finally doing what she believed she belonged to do.

"That's brilliant news little wolf." Alyanna smiled, gesturing for Arya to join her on the bed. She had missed spending time with her sister yesterday, the keep was so big that it was easy to get lost in it.

Arya scrambled to cuddle up next to her sister. "Alyanna are you ok? You have bruises on your neck" she questioned, moving Alyanna's long locks away from the area in question.

Alyanna froze for a moment remembering the events of last night, panicked she searched for an answer. Failing that, she rose from her bed making her way over to her mirror, examining her neck.

She had purple and red bruises lining from her neck down to her collar bones. How on earth would she hide these from her father she thought to herself.

"I'm fine little wolf, I must of done it in my sleep." Alyanna brushed off, hoping her sister was too young to understand. "Now go on, I must get ready for the day. I will see you later." She ushered Arya to the door.

"See you later Al." Arya beamed, running on her way. Once her chamber doors where closed, Alyanna flung herself onto her bed dramatically.

She felt ashamed, she had thrown herself at Sandor last night. She stayed with her head buried in her pillows for what felt like hours, before deciding to swallow her shame and get ready for the day ahead.

Making her way towards her tub to wash for the day, Alyanna passed by some parchment and ink. She stopped for a moment deciding on weather or not it was too soon to write to Jon.

A wave of guilt suddenly washed over her. The past week spent in kings landing, she had hardly thought of her twin. She wondered if he had thought of her.

Although, Alyanna probably had more time on her hands than Jon right now. She thought of him atop the wall, keeping watch, protecting the people of Westeros.

Her heart swelled with pride thinking of the selfless path her brother had taken. With the time spent apart from him, she had grown to accept his choice.

She still felt like half of her was missing without him, but slowly as the weeks went on, she felt herself finding who she was now that she was alone.

Deciding that she would give Jon some more time to settle in at castle black, Alyanna made her way over to the mirror once more.

She sat before it, taking a moment to examine the marks on her neck. She would have to find something to wear today that would cover them.

Author's Note

Hello anyone who is reading, I hope you are enjoying the story. This is my first time trying to write, I am mainly just trying my hand at it for fun without expecting much.

I apologise for any poor spelling or grammar, I'm not very good at all of that. I felt like I needed to explain to anyone reading!

Anyway I hope you enjoy! & a massive thank you for reading xxxx

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