Teachers Pet - Natasha Romano...

By slidingglassdoor

499K 12.2K 15.3K

Who knew studying Russian would land you in quite the predicament. Your teacher is HOT... and the feeling is... More

Chapter 2: Roommates
Chapter 3: Application
Chapter 4: Late
Chapter 5: Teacher's Favourite
Chapter 6: Wing-Woman
Chapter 7: Not Very PG
Chapter 8: Unknown Number
Chapter 9: Game Day
Chapter 10: No Reply
Chapter 11: Pi Delta Psi
Chapter 12: Look Up
Chapter 13: Weirdo
Chapter 14: Perfectly Peaceful
Chapter 15: Aches & Pains
Chapter 16: Last Night
Chapter 17: Inspection
Chapter 18: Library
Chapter 19: Help
Chapter 20: Red Stamp
Chapter 21: My Bad
Chapter 22: Sick Note
Chapter 23: Greene Tea
Chapter 24: Long Story
Chapter 25: Is This A Test?
Chapter 26: Call Her

Chapter 1: New York

42K 587 422
By slidingglassdoor

It was a pleasantly warm September morning, and today was the day... it was move in day.

I'm from the UK and I had just finished doing my A Level exams in May, which, if I must say, went pretty well. Two A's and an A*. As great as I did, I wasn't shocked by it, I've always been a top grade student. I just like to learn. Ever since I was young I have always enjoyed school. Even though there have been numerous occasions, especially in high school, where it has caused me a lot of stress and panic, I still loved learning. Most of my teachers liked me too. I think it was because I always studied hard and did well in their class, so it made them look good. But some of them were not so fond of me. I won't lie to you, I'm not one to keep quiet in the classroom. Whenever I see an opportunity to debate, you bet I'm taking it. I love to argue, not even in a mean way, because weirdly I actually hate confrontation, but I've never backed down from a nice, healthy class debate. That explains why I am studying to be a lawyer, it's just what I do best. As I was saying, however, not every teacher enjoyed such an outspoken student. I've been described as cheeky and having too much of an attitude by some of my past teachers but I can't help it, it's just who I am. Besides, a little charisma never hurt anybody.

I was really excited to start university though. A total fresh start. When it came around to applying to university, I knew that I wanted to study Law right away, hence the argumentative nature that I am known to possess. However, whereas my classmates were applying to the obvious choices like the University of Manchester, or Birmingham, or Liverpool, or even Oxford and Cambridge, I had my heart set on going abroad. Specifically, the United States. Don't ask why because I don't fully know, but if I were to guess, it would probably have something to do with wanting to start all over again, on a new continent. The law scene in the US is much more exciting than in the UK anyways, so that's a bonus. I applied for NYU and what do you know, I got accepted. I remember how excited I was when I got in, rushing to tell my family and texting all the group chats to tell them the big news. My friends even threw me a big 'going away' party in June to celebrate.

The day came faster than I had expected. Before I knew it, summer was over and I was packing my bags and heading to the airport. I couldn't stop crying when the day finally came. I said goodbye to my parents who wished me good luck, and my close friends, Anna and Ella, offered to drive me to the airport so that they could see me go. I was gonna miss them. Anna and I had been friends since we were 4 and Ella and I were convinced that we were platonic soulmates after becoming closer at 16. We were still going to talk to each other everyday over Instagram and facetime, but I would miss being around them in person. Nonetheless, I can remember when I got on the plane, I did feel pretty excited to make some new friends, have a change of scenery, and just live a whole different lifestyle.

All of my stuff had already been mailed over a couple weeks ago. Clothes, school supplies, furniture, everything, so when I arrived at JFK airport, I was only carrying a backpack with me, with my laptop in it as well as some food, water, chargers, a hoodie and some money. There was a cab waiting to pick me up and take me to the campus where I would move into my dorm room. Which is where I am right now. In the passenger seat, with the windows down, my earphones in, blasting music as a gawked at the sight of the tall city buildings in front of me. The cab driver was highly amused at the sight of my astonishment. He and I talked for the rest of the journey, about where I came from and why I was in New York. I told him everything, like he was an old friend. I could've sworn that people from NY are supposed to be super hostile and not very friendly. I didn't mind though, I liked this guy and I felt welcome already. Turns out, he had actually studied at NYU too! I was shocked and bombarded him with an embarrassing amount of questions which he happily answered. He told me a few cool places to hang out in the city, and seeing as we had arrived a little earlier than expected, he took a detour to show me some of these spots. One of which was this fairly secluded library. He said he and his buddies used to go there and hang out. He said it was abandoned, no workers, no security, no nothing, but all of the books were still in there and the lights still worked. What a waste of good literature! I think he showed me this spot in particular because I had told him that my favorite subject was English Lit in school. I will definitely be paying this spot a visit sometime this semester.

We arrived at the residence hall and I hopped out and thanked the driver for his help. As I went to pay, he insisted that the ride was on the house, but I left him a 20 anyways for his advice. When I grabbed my bag out of the trunk and the driver drove away, I slung the bag over my shoulder and gazed up at the huge building in front on me. I couldn't help but smile. It was finally here, my days of studying here at NYU were about to begin and I had never been more excited.

Before walking in, I snapped a quick photo of the building and sent it to my friends. A huge sigh of relief left my mouth as I relaxed my shoulders and headed inside. It was going to be a good year... I can just feel it.


Hey y'all, it begins!!! I could not be more excited to start this story, it's gonna be so good. I know nothing really happens in this chapter but I need to just set the scene in these first couple of chapters before we get into the juicy stuff.

Idk how regularly I'll update this story, so I'm gonna try my hardest to not leave you on any cliff hangers, because girl, believe me, I know how that feels. Anyways, i hope you all enjoy it, see you in the next chapter :)

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