All My Children (Season 3)

By NathanBanks757

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"The Great and the Least, The Rich and the Poor, The Weak and the Strong, In Joy and Sorrow, In Tragedy and T... More

Cast & Crew
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5 - (February Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 6 - (February Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 7 - (February Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 8 - (February Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 9 - (February Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18 - (May Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 19 - (May Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 20 - (May Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 21 - (May Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 22 - (May Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26 - (July Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 27 - (July Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 28 - (July Sweeps/Part 3)
All My Children Return Promo
Episode 29 - (July Sweeps/Part 4/Last Part)
Episode 30
Episode 31 - (November Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 32 - (November Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 33 - (November Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 34 - (November Sweeps/Part 4/Last Part)
Episode 35 - (Season 1 Finale/Part 1)
Episode 36 - (Season 1 Finale/Part 2/Last Part)
All My Children Season 2 Promo
Episode 1 (Season 2 Premier)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4 (February Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 5 (February Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 6 (February Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 7 (February Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 8 (February Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17 (May Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 18 (May Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 19 (May Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 20 (May Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 21 (May Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27 (Season Finale)
Episode 1 (Season 3 Premier)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5

Episode 14

12 0 0
By NathanBanks757

Pine Valley Hospital

Stepping into the first time in this hospital which seemed about far too long since he was last here, Griffin Castillo looked around and noticed how everything was normal, still the same despite the way he left town. The last time he was here in Pine Valley he experienced a lot of shady people such as David Hayward who couldn't wait to get his hooks into his sister Cara. And despite the two of them having a child together, Griffin was surprised to hear that David and her were getting along for their sons sake. But anyway, making his way to the emergency section of the hospital where he knows his sister is at, Griffin pondered upon how Cara would react by seeing him. Of course she would be happy but considering how Griffin's life was different since the day Kendall broke off the engagement to find herself more, he kind of buried himself into his work. Now he's kept in contact with Cara from time to time but Griffin was going to get all kinds of questions from her about Kendall. Seeing his sister up ahead who was at the nurses desk going over something on her clipboard of notes, Griffin slowly comes from behind and places his hands over her eyes before he speaks.

Griffin - "Guess who?"

Cara - "Griffin?"

Griffin removes his hands from her eyes as the two siblings hug each other. Cara was thrilled to see her brother back after all this time despite the phone calls between them both, but here he was in the flesh, her big brother Griffin.

Cara - "I can't believe you're finally back, you're actually here. When were you going to tell me?"

Griffin - "What? I can't surprise my sister anymore? That ruins the unexpected, but seriously I just got here, but how are you?"

Cara - "I've seen better days here and there. What about you doctor Griffin? Has any lady held your attention long enough?"

Griffin - "No Cara, your brother has just been single and focusing on saving lives too. May I ask you the same question? Who's my sister seeing?"

Cara - "And that is none of your business Griffin, your sister is just...having a good time, but also enjoying the free market at the same time as well"

Griffin - "So you say...anyway how's everyone else in this hospital or the town by the way? Jake, Amanda, David, Kendall? How are they?"

Cara - "You didn't hear about Kendall?"

Griffin - "What about her sis?"

Cara put her hand on her mouth, realizing he didn't know anything of Kendall which made this harder for her to tell him.

Cara - "Oh Griffin, i'm...i'm so sorry. You didn't know...but Kendall was in an incident with her two sons. It was a car wreck and all three of them were injured"

Griffin - "What? Oh my"

Cara could immediately see how Griffin was hurt, concerned and starting to become emotional. It's like the man was ambushed, not seeing any of this coming but because of his work, because of what he was doing down in Africa, the man hadn't kept tabs on Kendall. Actually since their engagement was off, Griffin gave Kendall her space but blamed himself so much for pushing Kendall. At the time the two of them, Kendall and Griffin were happy, in a very good place, even Griffin formed relationships with both of her sons in Spike and Ian. He really thought she would accept the engagement but no, as Griffin started to have flashbacks of that day, something he wanted to forget. Walking away from Cara across from him was the waiting room that no one was in before he sat down to process what he just heard from his sister. Cara followed her brother but stopped at the entrance of the room, to give him some time to absorb what he just heard. She immediately can tell that Griffin was already starting to have regrets, Cara knew how much she loved Kendall. Now that Griffin knew about this, what was he going to do? Just go about his life or actually get up and do something to not let Kendall down.


Martin and Hubbard Investigations

Since it was a couple of minutes before closing time, Jesse, since he had no paper work on his desk and didn't have anything to do was playing with the darts. Throwing them at the dart board, Tad was on the phone with Adrian, talking to him about the progress of finding Kendall while Charlie looked over the mail for today since most of it was either bills they needed to pay for the office, rent, etc., but out of the corner of his eye, Charlie noticed something that was for him. He looked at the address on the orange vanilla envelope and the person who sent it which is one of Charlie's good friends, so Charlie knew what this was all about. That would be for one Robert Gardner who was once released from prison and since then the team here at Martin Hubbard Investigations has been getting touch with their contacts on what they could find about the guy so it could used against him or be brought to the PVPD to investigate against Robert. For Tad, as he completed his phone call with Adrian, the man put his phone in his pocket and thought of his encounter with Aidan today at the park. Out of the corner of his eye, Jesse saw Tad thinking of something before throwing the last dart which wasn't on the bulls eye by the way. Charlie sat down at his desk and looked at the information including some damming pictures

Jesse - "You okay over there Tad?"

Tad - "Hmm? Oh yeah, I spoke Adrian just now and he told me he's headed to Valdez, Naples where Kendall may be. He's holding up well along with the others"

Jesse - "Nice try Thaddeus, but that wasn't what I was talking about. You got something on your mind, spit it out, now Tad"

Tad sighed and rolled his eyes but Jesse was trying to at least be a good friend to him, despite how stubborn Jesse can be at times as Tad didn't mind it.

Tad - "Aidan, I saw him today at the park with his new friend Carl and looks like he's on the dark side...Robert's side"

Jesse - "What? You mean he's working for Robert now? Has that man forgot what he tried to do to Angie, me and everyone else at our wedding Tad or is he that dense from all those years in prison?"

Tad - "Go easy on him Jesse, I got a feeling Aidan's actually not on their side but playing them so to speak. The old Aidan we both know would drop dead before going to war with Gardner"

Jesse - "Hmm...well Tad as long as he doesn't go against us or anyone on Pine Valley, he's okay in my book. Maybe one of us could keep an eye on him but then again he would probably suspect us"

Tad - "And he wouldn't hurt us Jesse, the old Aidan is still in there somewhere. It may take awhile for him to come out since Robert is pulling the strings on him"

Charlie - "Hey guys, I got something for you both to see and you won't believe what one of my contacts just sent me"

Charlie continues to look at the damming information of photos of Robert but also with someone else that maybe Jesse and Tad remember.

Tad - "What's up Charlie?"

Charlie - "One of my contacts sent me this and I think you guys would love to see this. It doesn't put our friend Robert in a good light"

Jesse - "Alright, so what do you have?"

Robert - "A list of people Robert was in contact with back then in 2001 and 2002. Out of all of people on the list, who do you think you recognize the most?"

Charlie showed them the list of people who at one point communicated with Robert. There was one name on the list that Tad immediately recognized from the first time he saw this person's face when she came to town.

Tad - "That's...Vanessa Cortlandt"

Jesse - "You know her Tad?"

Tad - "Yeah, she's David Hayward and Leo's mom and Palmer's ex-wife, better know through her nick name Proteus. Vanessa was a former drug lord before she died"

Charlie - "That's not all guys. One of my contacts was undercover in the FBI to nail Vanessa and during a meeting one night he, alongside Vanessa and a couple others met this guy. Do you know this guy?

Charlie holds up the picture for them to see which showed Vanessa and Robert Gardner together which stunned both Tad and Jesse. Charlie smirked, knowing that the information that he showed them from one of his contacts showed that Robert wasn't the only drug lord in Pine Valley when actually he came around the second time. Jesse didn't know that much of Vanessa until he became a chief of police and learned everything about certain cases in Pine Valley including the Proteus case, he was just surprised to see Vanessa with Robert too. But what this showed is Vanessa and Robert had known each other back then during the time when Vanessa was starting to become a notorious criminal in Pine Valley. She was Proteus and he was Papal, but were the two of them connected in some way shape or form? They're drug lords or used to be drug lords since Vanessa is dead and Robert is now working with the FBI as an informant. How does Vanessa fit into all of this though? All three of them were interested in what else Charlie found when he get the information. It was like all of it was starting to add up, but what else did Charlie have that can help them out? In his castle, Anton watched over Kendall as the only thing she heard was the machines beeping. They kept Kendall alive but actually the substance fluid he created for her to drink was starting to work. She just had to stay asleep until it kicked in to spread all over the sore parts of her body which it's doing, but it was going to take a long time for it to process and in the end becoming a hundred percent. Once that happens, Kendall will be free of the pain and free of the hurt from those injuries she suffered in the car crash incident.


Anton knows that her mother and other relatives of her family must be looking for her right now. Anton wanted to call them and let them know Kendall is at the castle of Marrick because of himself, but he didn't want them to get their hopes up. So Anton wouldn't call them but he did feel regret, as it was cruel of him to not inform Kendall's loved ones about her. If there's one thing Anton knew about them, they wouldn't stop to look for her even if someone got in the way of that. They would bulldoze Anton or anyone and take Kendall so they can bring her back home. Caressing her face and her hair, Anton took out his cell phone to contemplate calling them until someone came into the room.

Voice - "Still thinking of informing the Kane family?"

Anton turned around to see his mother Corvina Lang walk her way into the room as she smiled at her son, proud of what he's doing to help Kendall

Corvina - "Hello Anton"

Anton - *Smiles* "Hello mother, it's good to see you"

Both mother and son smile at each other before they hug, as Anton was glad to see his mom. Once Anton had forgiven his mother back then, the two have had a very good relationship where she supports her son. He even told her what happened to Kendall so she had to come down to see him so that she can see it for her own eyes.

Corvina - "It's good to see you as well my son, so this is Kendall right here? She's changed so much throughout the years"

Anton - "Yes mother, this is Kendall. You should of seen her when I saw Kendall and her sons laying on the ground in pain after that jerk ran them off the road"

Corvina - "And you took Kendall, but not the boys Anton?"

Anton - "They need a hospital mom, not a castle like this but at least for Kendall, what I have done for her has helped so far. No one else will know how I made her feel better"

Corvina - "What do you mean by that?"

Anton - "Remember one of the cures that I was working on that I told you about mother? It's all done and I used it for Kendall, the good news is that 80 percent of it is working. The cure flows through Kendall's body and healing the sour spots that are injured"

Corvina - "Really? Well that's great news Anton, but when are you going to tell Kendall's family? They have a right to know"

Anton - "I haven't forgotten about them mother, it's just that I don't want to give them false hope. This cure is working so far and that's good but if something happened then, god forbid I can't forgive myself"

Corvina - "Then tell them Anton, tell them about Kendall and what's going on, that way they know where she is"

Anton sighed and looked over at Kendall, wondering what she would want him to do, but isn't it obvious? Calling Erica, telling her everything she had to know was the right thing to do. Yes, Erica would be upset at first but at least happy that Dimitri's son Anton saved Kendall and made sure she was safe. Did Erica even knew where Kendall was? Well of course she did, but what was Anton supposed to do? Just let her die their with her sons? There were immediate injuries that could of killed her if she didn't get attention fast. So Anton took Kendall and immediately put the cure into affect. Did Anton tell Kendall anything of what she took before Kendall was knocked out from the cure? No, but Anton was sure it would work which is exactly what's happening. Taking out his cell phone, he looked at the contact section that had a list of phone numbers he kept up with. The only important people on his cell were his parents, Kendall, Erica, Bianca, Jack and a couple others. Going to Erica's, he pressed the button to call and put the cell phone next to his ear, hearing a ringing sound. Unbeknownst to him, someone outside of the castle with binoculars was watching the entire area but it's not who you think it is.



Pine Valley Hospital

Griffin hadn't moved from the waiting room at all since Cara told him about Kendall. Cara didn't move from the entrance of the waiting room and watching her brother still absorb the news about Kendall. Cara remembered the day when Griffin called her about Kendall breaking off the engagement, as Cara was in shock. She didn't understand why Kendall would do that until Griffin explained Kendall's reasoning which made sense, but at the end of the day Kendall hurt Griffin and broke his heart. She didn't really deserve Griffin's love and support, but it also shows Kendall never really loved Griffin in the first place. She was probably using him for someone else but Cara didn't know about the other man in her life if there's one waiting for Kendall in the wings. But she did feel bad for her brother as Cara sat down next to her brother and put his arm around his shoulders for comfort, support, so that he knows that he's not alone. Cara didn't know exactly what Griffin was thinking about besides Kendall, but this had to be weighing in on his mind. Shaking his head, Griffin stood up and ran his hands through his thick black hair before clearing his throat.

Cara - "It's okay Griffin, Kendall is strong and she'll pull through this"

Griffin - "No she's not, she's not going to be okay Cara, don't give me false hope. Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have left her side, because if I didn't I would of saved Kendall, Spike and Ian when it happened"

Cara - "And would you have had enough time to prevent the incident from happening? No you wouldn't, please don't beat yourself up like this

Griffin - "I have to beat myself up Cara. Proposing to Kendall on that day, I should of knew to hold back and wait till she wasn't ready, now this"

Cara - "You proposed to her because you loved Kendall. You wanted her to be your wife to spend for the rest of your life, but she broke it off Griffin. If she wasn't ready then she could have been honest from the start"

Griffin - "Okay, you know what sis I love you, but please don't do that. Kendall is not at fault and now she's missing, her family must be going crazy trying to find her"

Cara - "Last time I bumped into Bianca the other night at Fusion, and she was nearly a mess. She told me that her mom, Jackson, Zach and Ryan were looking for her in Paris but that's all I know. Adrian, Tad's brother and a private investigator who works with him is with them too"

Griffin - "Then I know what to do..."

Griffin immediately stood up and took out his cell phone before checking his internet .Cara stood up and arched her one eyebrow before she figured out what he was going to do. He actually will try to be the hero, to do the right thing for Kendall correct?

Cara - "You're going to find Kendall aren't you Griffin?"

Griffin - "Damn right I will Cara and before you worry that pretty head of yours, don't worry. I will be careful okay?

Cara - "Griffin, just let the professionals handle this one please"

Griffin - "I love you and I want you to take care of yourself sis, okay? Tell my little nephew I said hi to him "

Griffin hugged Cara before she rolled her eyes, knowing her brother was crazy for what he's about to do. Letting go of Cara, Griffin is about to leave the room until he bumped into Jake Martin who was passing by.

Jake - "Woah, long time no see Doctor Castillo. Are you back in Pine Valley for good"

Griffin - "It's good to see you Jake but unfortunately for now, no, there's someone who needs saving. Take care of yourself brother"

Griffin pats Jake on the back before leaving the room and the hospital. Cara shook her head before both Jake and Cara's pagers went off.

Jake - "What was that all about with Griffin?"

Cara - "I'll fill you in later, right now we need to go. Someone needs our help"

Jake and Cara leave the room before they see the EMT's come into the hospital with someone on the gurney. Before they came up a little closer Jake stood still like a ghost in shock from seeing a man that he required.

Jake - "Oh my god...Timothy?"

Cara immediately took control and told the EMT's where to take them as she grabbed a nurse a long with her since she'll need help. Looking over her shoulder, she wondered why Jake looked like he saw something that prevented him from helping out.

Cara - "Jake, aren't you coming?"

Jake - " go ahead Cara. I will be right there in a bit"

Shrugging her shoulders, Cara went inside the room with a nurse and the EMT's before they loaded Timothy Dillon on to the hospital bed. He had a wound in his stomach that was filled in thanks to a bullet, as Cara and the others start to help Timothy. While Cara was giving out the orders, outside of the room Jake was calling Amanda right now after seeing his brother in law, Amanda's brother, on that gurney when the EMT's brought him in. It was against someone of staff for the hospital like Jake to help Timothy because the conflict of interest came in and despite wanting to help him he had to follow the rules. Amanda was at Fusion right now but he knows that she would love to see her brother again, this time the man's fighting for his life. Cara right now was trying everything she could to save him as she was able to take the bullet out of his chest before he starts to flat line. The beeping sound was heard before Cara was given the shock tremors before yelling the word clear causing Timothy to flinch when Cara pressed hard on the shock tremors. Nothing had chanced so Cara did it again and looked up to see that the beeping had stopped, showing that Timothy was stable causing a sigh of relief coming out of the doctor.


Martin and Hubbard Investigations

Jesse, Tad and Charlie were looking at everything that one of Charlie's contacts sent him, which they couldn't believe. The number of people who Robert was in contact with was huge, and it showed that a guy like him wasn't invincible. But to find out he was working with Proteus aka Vanessa Cortlandt, the mother of David Hayward threw them for a loop. The pictures that were shown of them together along with other people, mostly drug lords, showed that they were all connected but the two that interested them was Robert and Vanessa. They could only imagine the two drove each other crazy and had the size of grapefruits for egos. Maybe they didn't get along that much or one of them was waiting for the other to finalize everything before one of them were compromised. Vanessa died the night when she fell off the cliff with Leo which devastated both Greenlee and David since they were all close at one point, except for Vanessa. But there could be a chance that maybe Jesse, Tad and Charlie could recognize someone else from the list. This right here was enough for them for the day but they weren't done, all of them were just beginning to nail Robert this is impressive.

Jesse - "Vanessa and Robert, two birds sitting in a tree? I'll be dammed"

Tad - "Apart of me still can't fathom to the two of them working together. But at least they have similarities, money, power, greed and egos including lots of drugs"

Charlie - "They all go together don't they?"

Jesse - "Yes they think Hayward knew anything about the two of them working together? Or do you think he's completely innocent in this one. Something tells me the opposite, always Hayward with his slick ass"

Tad - "Are you kidding me Jesse? There's no way in hell he would team up with the likes of his mother and my bastard uncle. David is not that insane

Jesse - "He does have a trend of not knowing who he's actually working with until it's out there in the open. I'm not sure Thaddeus"

Charlie - "What if Project Orpheus though was a part of what Robert and Vanessa planned?"

Jesse - "When I was Chief Of Police and busted Hayward's slick ass, we didn't find anything connected to Robert and Vanessa. It was Hayward including a the people who were after Zach"

Tad - "Robert was still in prison at that time correct?"

Jesse - "That's correct"

Tad - "Hmmm...Proteus, Papal, those seem like they lead to something or someone else"

Jesse - "Another crime lord who's still out there maybe?"

Tad - "With Robert out of prison and his involvement with the FBI, anything's possible guys. We can't take anything for granted"

Charlie - "The FBI, do you think that he's with them that they know about this too?"

Jesse - "Maybe they do, and maybe they don't but I don't think they would of made sure Robert was released unless they knew he had other dirt out there on other drug lords

Charlie - "What should we do now?"

Tad - "We keep looking and using everything we have. I am contemplating telling Lea about this but for now great work guys, let's close up shop and come back here tomorrow"

Jesse, Tad, and Charlie grab their belongings before they shut everything down to leave the office, but the fact that Vanessa and Robert were working together or were associated with one another still blew their minds. They couldn't see Robert trusting Vanessa or the other way around since Vanessa was a loose cannon back in the day. Tad remembered everything Vanessa did in Pine Valley, the people she hurt, the lives she demolished and threatened to destroy. Vanessa was the reason Palmer could of almost lost everything but if you asked the old coot today if he was still alive, and asked him if he regrets marrying Vanessa, Palmer would say hell yeah. Palmer sometimes had a thrill of sticking it to Opal, but anyway, he was never a good match for her. Now Robert, they know everything about him from beginning to end from drug lord, to Papal, now reformed drug lord turned FBI informant? No, all of it wasn't making sense since the man has been out and about in this town, not even causing trouble. That's because Robert was playing it safe as he didn't want to step on any toes since the FBI is on his trail too. Waving at Jesse and Charlie as they both left, Tad looks around, then he turned off the lights, closed the door behind him and locked it before going home to Dixie.


While he was on the phone waiting for Erica to answer, Corvina was proud of his son Anton for doing the right thing. She wanted her son to think this through clearly but Corvina wondered what will happened when Kendall is back on her feet and is reunited with her family. This couldn't be the end of Anton helping Kendall, so has he thought of coming to Pine Valley and fighting for her? She didn't know if Kendall was still married, in a relationship or whatever but the thought of her and Anton being together would actually be good when you think about it. The two of them were now grown up adults, no longer teenagers or children, they have both weathered the storm of their last break up and moving forward in a new direction.

Last time Corvina checked, Kendall has two sons so Anton would have been a great father figure to them.

There was Zach Slater, who became synonymous in Pine Valley as it was his yard or like how he calls it, his town, but he was no match for Anton himself. Anton wasn't even scared of the man, because whether Zach or anyone in town likes it or not, Anton was rising to the top each and every single year. Hearing a voice on the other line Anton cleared his throat and spoke.

Anton - "Hello Erica, this is Anton...Anton Lang. It's been awhile but I have Kendall with me, we are near Valdez in a castle I have call home. Please answer me back, thank you, bye"

Anton ended the call and sighed, feeling somewhat satisfied despite how the call turned out. At least there wasn't going to be a goose chase or anything worse.

Anton - "There, it's done mother"

Corvina - "What did she say?"

Anton - "It was voicemail so I just left a message but I can only think how Erica might react when she hears this"

Corvina - "What matters Anton is that you saved Kendall, Erica should be happy and thankful for all you've done"

Anton looks at his mother and nods his head before he walks over to one of the windows, looking out of the view that showed the woods outside of the castle.

Corvina - "Are you okay Anton?"

Anton - "Yes mother, I am fine, it's just that...after this I won't see Kendall again. This will be the end of us for sure"

Corvina - "And how do you know that my son? You know, in the near future, the possibilities are endless and who knows? Maybe you and Kendall can be together again"

Anton - "Not happening"

Corvina - "And why not?"

Anton turns around to face her mother as Corvina could see that he was serious about this. Maybe he wasn't thinking straight since his head is taking over what the heard wants the most which is love.

Anton - "Why not? Why would someone like me want her after everything that happened in the past? It's better that we leave everything there"

Corvina - "Let me ask you this Anton, do you want to continue living the rest of your life alone and here in this castle? You barely talk to your father each and every year, you need to get out and see what life has to offer"

Anton - "And if I don't want to?"

Corvina touches her son's face and kisses him on the side of his cheek and looks at him in the eyes. Anton looks away for a bit before closing his eyes.

Corvina - "This is up to you, it's your choice but you deserve to have love come your way. I know it my son"

Turning away from his mother, the young man goes back to the window and looks out in the view again, thinking of what Corvina just said. She was just trying to look out for him in the long run, Corvina didn't want him to just turn everything down and be stuck in here. Yes, Anton has a good reason for staying in the castle and reasons he didn't tell Kendall or anyone else just yet. Corvina knew them but she wasn't going to tell Dimitri or anyone else. She would honor his sons secrets and even take them to her own grave if anything bad happened to her or if Corvina died. Anton worked had for everything over the years and he would be dammed if someone took everything from him like that. There were others out there in the world who wanted what Anton had for many reason, most of them were selfish. Outside of the castle in the woods from a distance, the same person though, a man with the binoculars was still checking on him. He took out a cell phone to call someone but who? Did the man belong to a group? Was he aligned with Adrian to help out Erica, Jackson, Greenlee and Leo to find Kendall? Or was the man associated with a certain criminal who was looking for Anton?


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