Zouis, A Love Story (not famo...

By MeowMooManon

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Liam is best friends with Harry. Harry is best friends with Liam. Zayn is best friends with Niall. Niall i... More

Zouis, A Love Story (not famous) *zouis malikson*
Chapter 1 -This Is How It All Started
Chapter 2 - Settling In
Chapter 3 - Arriving at Eton
Chapter 4 - Curious about Louis
Chapter 6 - It Was Fun Until I Broke It
Chapter 7 - Part 1 - How They Found Out

Chapter 5 - Finding out about Louis

660 13 3
By MeowMooManon

Liam's POV:

I sat in the library reading one of thte required books for one of my courses. As much as I liked studying I honestly found this book so boring. I was aimlessly looking around the room hoping for something interesting to happen. After a couple of minutes I heard the entrance doors open and someone coming running in. I looked to the door. Harry was there! What on earth was he doing here? He had PE with Louis. He came hurrying up to me looking like he was about to burst with laughter. Harry sat down on the chair next to me and gestured to me to come closer to him. I did, "Haz what hare you doing here?!"

He looked like he was about to fall off of his chair from laughter. It took him a minute to compose himself but as soon as he did he told me, "We were going to PE and I was chasing him - he threatened to delete my cat pictures - and he ran into the door and his head was killing him. So I took him to medical but when we walked in the door he saw someone getting injected with a needle and fainted!" He started to crack up again. I started laughing to that had to be something that Louis would do. At least he has now learnt that he shouldn't mess with Harry and his cats.

"Why aren't you with Louis now?"

"The nurse said that I could go and tell one of his friends while she tried to get him to wake up. I'll have to go back in a second because he should have woken up." I smiled and we said bye before he ran back out of the room again. This is going to be a funny story to hear later from Louis' point of view. I sighed and went back to aimlessly looking at the book ainformt of me.

I heard someone approach me. I looked up expecting it to be one of the librarians but I was suprised to see Niall there. He gave me a massive smile and gestured for me to follow him to where he was sitting. I followed him not really knowing what to expect him to talk to me about. Although he had said he needed to talk to me earlier I didn't really think that he was going to talk to me. We walked towards the back of the library and behind some of the bookcases to a secluded area of the library was.

Only then did he speak to me, "You can talk now, the librarians don't walk around here." I smiled appreciativly and sat down on one of the chairs beside Niall. He looked at me before speaking, "Umm a friend asked me to ask you about Louis."

"Who was it?"

"I'm not at liberty to say..."

Great he couldn't tell me. Well then I'm not going to tell him much about Louis only basic information that he would say if they actually spoke to him. "Okay what did this friend what to know?"

"Well where is Louis from he has a different accent from everyone else."


"Oh okay. And why is he here then not in America?"

"I don't think I have the right to say that if you want know you have ask Louis."



"Oh okay. Where abouts in America then?"


"Are you two related or is it Harry and Louis who are related?"

"He's my cousin. My parents paid for him to come here due to his... situation..."

"Oh okay I know that your not liking this conversation so I'll let you get back to your studying but I have one more question which you don't have to answer. Is Louis gay?"

I thought for a moment and then nodded, I knew that Niall wouldn't tell anyone except the person that asked him to ask me. I just hoped that his friend didn't cause him any trouble.

"Thank you for being truthful with me Liam and don't worry my friend and I won't tell anyone."

I just smiled and made my way back to my seat and continued studying. I hoped Louis wouldn't mind me telling Niall but he had other things to think about especially about people asking him questions on what happened in PE. I sighed, well he had already made a couple of impressions one of which was half on his door and half on his head.

Zayn's POV:

After lunch I had physiocolgy with Mr. Baiten. He was a friendly guy who seemed to love talking to people. As I walked into the classroom I noticed that almost all of the seats were taken apart from one at the back of the classroom next to a brown haired boy. I hurried to my seat not bothering to look at his features for more than a second as the bell rang and the teacher arrived.

"Good morning boys. This year I have decieded that your first project is studying your partner and figuring out what make them, them." I heard a few sighs, mine included. This meant that we really had to go in depth with our partner. "Now look to the person that you are sharing a desk with and start talking. Remember that you have to take notes in your folders." I turned to my right expecting to see some random person that wouldn't be enthuseastic about doing this task. I was wrong. It was Louis! He smiled and turned his chair to face me. I did the same and our knees were touching. I felt small sparks rushed through my body. I just smiled and we started talking, "Okay so Louis whats your full name?"

"Louis William Tomlinson. Yours?"

"Zayn Javadd Malik. Birthday?"

"24th December"

"12th January"

"Favourite colour"

"Red. You?"


"Whats your favourite thing to do?"

"Playing sports.You?"

"Umm...I like everthing I have no preferences on what I do!"

"Mate your so happy about everything."

"Yeah I know I have a very happy point of view on life."

"I can see that. Hows your head?"

"Better I feel fine now but I um... passed out when I got to the nurses office...."

"What happened?"

"I saw someone getting injected and I just kind of passed out..."


"Yeah its no biggie I'm fine now."

"Oh okay then. Next time just be careful around doors okay."

"Yeah I'll try but I can't promise anything."

"Or do you need me to protect you?"

"Maybe I do." He looked at me with a little mischeif in his eyes. I swear I saw him smirk at me.

"Well then I should start to protect you." His smile started become bigger.

The bell went and snapped us out of our convosation. Damn. Maybe he had a lesson with me next. "What have you got next?"

"Science I think. What have you got?"

"I have that too do you want to walk there with me? I can stop you from hitting any doors."

"Yeah if thats okay with you..."

"Sure thing buddy come on lets go otherwise we are going to be late." I lead him out of the classroom and down the halls. At every door I pulled the door open and wrapped my arms around his head each time we walked through the door. We were laughing the whole time and mocking each other. Me for being over protective and him for almost walking into a wall. Once we managed to get outside he had a question to ask me, "Why do people move out of your way when you walk past?"

Damn he had noticed. I had hoped he wouldn't have. Well maybe I should tell him. "Umm the people I am friends with have a reputation for hurting people who hurt me or Niall. They are like our older brothers. They protect us and we protect them..."

"Oh okay so why are people moving out of your way right now?"

"At the end of last year some people started to bully Niall. They were calling him horrid things and it got to the point where it was starting to get physical. So we stepped in. We stopped the bullying and I managed to break someones arm and since then no one has said a bad word against us. I didn't mean to break his arm honestly but my anger gets the better of me sometimes." I looked at the ground in shame. I would understand if he didn't want to know me anymore.

"Well at least you were honest about it. Have you talked to aynone about these anger issues?"

I nodded. He acknowledged my gesture and seemed to notice that I wasn't really in the mood for talking about this. I had only spoken to Mrs Trevor, and I only got speak to her once a week. She was helping me control my anger and was helping me to admitt to my feelings.

As we walked into the science block I heard someone shouting our names. I turned to where the voice was coming from. It was Niall. He had saved the back row seats. I went and sat with him, when I saw Louis looking around the room for somewhere to sit. "Hey Niall, can Louis sit with us?"

"Yeah sure thing buddy call him over."

"Hey Louis! Come sit back here with us buddy." Louis looked over and smiled making his way between the work benches until he got to the back row. He sat on the other side of Niall and pulled out his notebook and pencil case ready for the lesson just as the teacher came in. He noticed Louis and called him up to the front of the class to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson. I moved here from America."

"Thank you for that Mr. Tomlinson you may go back to your seat"

Around half way through the lesson when Mr Smears was caught up lecturing on why we had to be careful around bunsen burners Niall started to talk to Louis. I just listened not wanting to get involved.

"So Louis what brings you to London?"

"I'm staying with my cousin for a while."

"Who is your cousin?"


"Would it upset you if I told you that I had already spoken to Liam about why you are here?"

"It just depends what he told you."

"He only said that you were staying from him for a little while due to a situation but he wouldn't tell me what it was."

"Thats fine then. He doesn't completly know what has happened anyway..."

"Oh okay. I won't ask anymore about that then but why did you come here not a normal school?"

"Thanks, Liam's family paid for me as they wanted me to be with my cousin in case anything happened."

"Oh okay."

They stopped the convosation there as Mr Smears started handing out homework sheets based on the lesson letting us know that it was nearly lunch time. We all thanked him for the sheets and packed up our bags.I spoke to him, "Do you know where the lunch hall his?"

He shook his head. I continued, "We'll take you there and help you find Harry and Liam okay?"He nodded and followed Niall and I.

As we walked into the lunch hall I immediatly noticed Harry and Liam, they were sitting in the corner of the room. I lead all of us over to their table and said goodbye to Louis. Niall and I went back to our normal table and ate our lunch with our friends. I kept getting distracted though. Louis had mentioned that something had happened which involved them. Quite a few times through lunch though I had to be snapped out of my thoughts so I could join in the conversation again.

Ater lunch I went back to my lessons. I don't have any with Louis but I had my last lesson with Niall. Art. It was my second favourite lesson after PE. You didn't have to be amazing at it to do well. All you had to do was create art work which espresssed your feelings. We spent most of the lesson messing around with the chalks. By the time we left the classroom we had lots of different coloured had prints all over our uniforms. I didn't mind though it was the end of the day and we had an hour until dinner time giving us a chance to clean our uniforms. We walked back over the Apple House together laughing.

Louis' POV:

As soon as I got back into the Apple House I checked my phone wanting to see if my mum or sisters had said anything to me. I had a couple of messages.

Mummy Tomlinson: Hey sweetie reply when you get this message I have some bad news. xxx

Louis: Hey mommy whats up? xoox

Mummy Tomlinson: Daddy has had to go into the operation theatre. The doctors say its serious and he could be in a bit of a situation... xxx

Louis: Will he make it through though? xoox

Mummy Tomlinson: I hope he does. Please make sure your sisters are okay though. I know that your all upset but Phoebe told me that Lottie was crying for an hour. xxx

Louis: Okay I'll talk to her. I hope your coping alright. Love you mommy speak to you later xoox

Mummy Tomlinson: I love you too honey. I'll be okay I visit him whenever I can xxx

We ended our conversation and I phoned Lottie striaght away. We were talking about what might happen to our dad. I ended up leaving the room whilst I was on the phone so that no one could over hear me. I managed to get into the attic. I didn't think that anyone would find me up here and I needed to be alone while I talked to my sisters. Lottie had gathered everyone around the phone at her end and we were all crying together and worrying about dad. I was still crying after I hung up. I was so worried for dad he might not make it. But he had to make it though didn't he? Why did this happen to us he didn't do anything. I was lying in a featal position on the floor when I heard someone coming into the attic.

"Louis? Is that you?" someone whispered. I just tried to stay quiet hoping that they would go away. I didn't want to talk to anyone. My wishes didn't come true though the person just carried on making his way over to me. "Its Zayn. Are you okay Louis? Everyone has been looking for you for the last 10 minutes."

"Why have people been looking?"

"Liam said you were in the room one minute and not the next. Not in any of the rooms so everyone was searching for you."

I never knew that people were actually looking for me. But my mind drifted back to my dad and I felt the tears filling up my eyes. Zayn sat down and pulled me up from my position and hugged and comforted me. He whispered something to me, "Is this about why you're here?"

I nodded, "I'll tell you what happened."

Niall suddenly came up the stairs and saw us talking. I looked at him. "Hey Louis are you okay now?"

Niall looked at me with a worried expression. I nodded, "Can you grab Liam and Harry and come back up here I think I should tell you whats going on so that it doesn't seem like I am trying to keep secrets from you or anything."

He nodded and ran down stairs to grab them. I just moved my head even further into Zayn's chest. He didn't seem to mind he hugged me even more. Just then Liam, Harry and Niall came back up the stairs. Liam and Harry ran up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay Louis we were so worried." Liam said

I nodded and gestured for them to sit down before I started my little speech.

"I know that you might not want to know whats wrong but I wanted to tell you four as you are the only people I can trust. Liam, you're my cousin so you know pretty much everything about me and how to care for me. Harry, you know how to make me feel better. Niall, you talked to me even though you didn't actually know me at the time which show that you are a really nice person and Zayn, you sat with me in all of the lessons where none of the other three were in and made me feel like I have some friends."

Zayn and Niall interjected, "Of course you are our friend. You're a really nice person."

"Yeah we aren't pretending to like you we do actually want to be your friend. And your friends with Liam and Harry so that means that we should be friends with them too."

I smiled before continuing, "Last summer my dad was beat up and put in a coma one day after work and mum couldn't take care of us anymore as there are six of us, Lottie, Georgia, Felicitate, Phoebe, Daisy and me. So she sent my sisters to my grandparents house and me to London to be with my aunt, uncle and Liam. My mum said she'd let me know if anything happened good or bad. So I got the news today that my dad woke up from his coma but he needed to go straight into an operation beacuse something went wrong"

I felt the tears starting to come back up again but I knew that I had to continue, "I came up here so I could talk to my sisters without anyone walking in on me but talking with them it even more real. He might not make it through the operation. I'm really worried about how my mum and sister will take it let alone me." I just trailed off. I looked at the boys sitting infront of me staring with wide eyes did I say something wrong? They all suddenly got and hugged me.

Liam spoke first, "Louis we will always be here for you whenever you feel sad or anything just come and find us" All three nodded in agreement.

We heard someone coming up the stairs, "Hey guys its almost dinner time you might want to get down here now."

We all sighed but got up anyway and headed to the dinner hall with the rest of our house. At least I know that I have some people that I can reply on.


My mum and I had an amazing conversation about how bright my bedroom gets in the mornings...

The Fabulous Daughter: But I like how bright it gets.

Mum: You must be joking

TFD: It prepares me for when I go outside.

M: But it must be so bright when you wake up?

TFD: But I'm used to it.

M: We could find a way of blocking out some of the light.

TFD: But if I woke up in the morning and it was like that then I'd be thinking I had gone blind or had died.

TFD: I'd be shouting like, "OH MY GOD I'M BLIND HOW THE HELL -" or like, "OH MY GOD I'M DEAD HOW DID I DIE-"

M: *laughing* You are a funny child aren't you...

TFD: I know.

(I walk out of the kitchen to the lounge where my sister and dad didn't hear any of my brilliance...)

TFD: Did you hear our convosation

*Dad and Sister just stare at me*

TFD: ... Okay then ...

Please comment and tell me what you think I don't mind critisism!!!

Happy new year!

Much Love Though



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