Chapter 1 -This Is How It All Started

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Louis' POV;


I sighed I had forgotten that today was the day I left for London. I jumped out of bed and started to change into my red jeans and white and blue striped top. Then I put my suspenders over the top, I know not many people would dress like this but I like it. Its just who I am.

I ran my hand through my slightly messy hair directing all of the loose parts so it looked decent I'd have time to sort it out later on the plane I sighed again and walked to my bedroom door stopping momentarily to pick up my suit case. I walked down the stairs and out of the door to the car outside where my sisters were sitting in the car with piles of suitcases. Typical girls have to take everything with them I thought to myself. I climbed skillfully into the boot seats of the car resting on my suitcase and remembered back to why this was all happening...


Mum came crying through the front door, my sisters and I just stared normally it was dad who got home first but he had texted me earlier to ask me to make dinner for my sisters and myself. Mum walked to the head of our dining table and sniffed a couple of times before starting to talk. Even before she started to move her mouth you could see that she didn't want to tell us whatever it was and that it was a very bad thing that involved all of us.

'Honeys I have something to very bad to tell you about. Its daddy' She started to cry again and I went to stand up to go and hug her but she put her hand up stopping me and continued shakily, 'He was on the bus coming home from work when some thugs came up to him, beat him up and stabbed him. By the time the paramedics and I arrived at the since he was in a critical position and slipped into a coma.'

I sat down onto my chair again only just realising that I had been standing up for the whole time and put my head in my hands. How could someone do such a thing to anyone? What was wrong with whoever did this people don't normally just go up to someone and hurt them. My dad hadn't done anything wrong.

My youngest sister managed to get the courage to ask mum a question,'Mummy is a coma like ice because you can slip on ice?'

Mum sighed and replied to her question, 'No sweetie its when someone is very ill and they go into a long sleep so their body can try and fix the problems.'

Lottie nodded but still looked confused, ' So its like sleeping beauty?'

'Sort of sweetie...' mum trailed off not knowing how many more questions Lottie would have.

I decided to speak up and stop mum from feeling any worse from Lottie's questions,' Whats going to happen now then?'

She cleared her throat and addressed us all, 'I know that this is going to be hard for you all to hear but I'm not going to be able to take care of you now. Without daddy its different I feel sad all of the time and with my job and all I won't have enough time to care for you all. That's why all of you girls will be staying with Granny and Gramps until daddy is better. And Louis sweetie you are going to stay in London with your cousin Liam. We all nodded our heads in acknowledgment to what mum had said and walked slowly to our bedrooms.

Later that night I couldn't sleep and was just sitting by my window wishing that this hadn't happened when my mum came in and we talked about what was going to happen in London. Liam went to a boarding school in the centre of London because his parents were always busy and I was going to boarding school with him. My fees had already been paid for one whole year and the schools first term was starting in two weeks


Our car pulled into the airport car park, we all piled out sombre faced and reluctant at first. By the time we go through the check in and security the mood hadn't lightened and when the speaker announced that the flight 10E4 from Minnesota to London was now boarding we finally prepared ourselves to say out goodbyes. My mum and sisters all promised to write, call and text frequently and I agreed to do it too. Whlist we were talking I saw my mum pull a small package out of her bag. She smiled at me and handed it to me. Opening it I found a blackberry torch sitting inside already charged and turned on.

'Check your bbm love.' mum said and I followed what she said.

I already had 6 contacts?! How the hell did that happen? Then I looked at their names; Mummy Tomlinson, Lottie, Georgia, Felicitate, Phoebe and Daisy. Of course! I smiled my best cheesy smile at them and they all laughed. At least the mood was starting to lighten up a little.

'Final boarding for flight 10E4' the announcement said and I hurried giving them all hugs and ran through the entrance gates for the planes.

'LOUIS!' my mum yelled. I turned around quickly hurting my neck, ' They will be waiting for you at the exit gates look out for them.' I saluted and then continued running down the corridor. Once I finally boarded the plane and had settled into my seat. I went on the internet quickly and looked at Liam's facebook page. My memories of what he was like finally came back to me and I turned my phone off as quickly as I could. I sat back to enjoy the flight and felt my eyes start to close.

I felt like I had only been asleep for 30 seconds when I felt some one tap at my shoulder, I turned to face the airhostess,'Would you like a pillow or a drink?' she asked innocently. I just smiled and shook my head. Once she walked away I looked at my watch. I had been asleep ofor 6 HOURS! I had missed so much window gazing time! I know I sounded like a little kid but thats what planes were made for in my opinion. They gave you an amazing view of the country.

I sighed and took my seat belt off walking over to the toilets. Before leaving the cubicle I looked in the mirror and tried to make myself as decent as possible. Finall happy, I returned to my seat to look out of the window when I realised that we had come into view of London. I could see houses, buildings and what I thought was the London Eye but it could have also been a mark on the window so I wasn't sure... I smiled to myself looking down on what wasgoing to become my new home town.

When the plane finally landed I jurried to get my suitcase and go to the exit gate to finally meet my cousin and his family.

Liam's POV;

We had been waiting for 10 minutes at the new arrivals gate, Ihad brought my notepad and had written LOUIS TOMLINSON on one of the pages so that I could get his attentsion. Mum and Dad were standing behind me texting and calling people. Typical. They can't even focus on me or anything else for over 10minutes. Its not like I'm not used to it but sometimes I wished that they asked me more questions and didn't rely on me as much...

I was forced out of my bubble of thoughts when I heard the announcement that the flight 10E4 had arrived a couple of minutes ago and the passengers should be making their way through that gates any second now. I wonder what Louis is like, 'He better be adorable if he wants to survive at school' I muttered quietly. I don't even know why I said it quietly it wasn't like my parents were going to ask any questions about it.

I heard the automatic doors swooshh open and someone yelling, ' OH MY GOD! HOW WAS I MEANT TO KNOW NOT TO RIDE ON THE CONVEYER BELT! THERE WASN'T EVEN A BLOODY SIGN ON THE WALL!' The boy who was yelling came running out of the door being followed by two security guards who were also running. He threw his head back and laughed while he ran like it was just a game to him. This had to be Louis, Mum had said that he was a bit excentic but lovable. I grabbed his arm as he ran past and asked, 'Are you Louis Tomlinson?' He nodded quickly and then hid behind me as the two security guards walked past looking for him.

Louis leant forwards and whispered in my ear, ' Should we go? As much as I love those security guards they were getting to clingy and I had to dump them.' he sighed and the continued, ' As you can see they are just a little upset' I turned around laughing to face and he winked making me laugh even harder. This was the most I had laughed throught the holidays.

'Come on then' I grabbed his suitcase which he had managed to hold onto whilst running and in the other hand I grabbed mum and dad's sleves and pulled them along behind me. I turned quickly and spoke to Louis, 'So are you ocming or not then?'

He nodded and then asked a question,' Do they always act like that?' I saw him looking at my parents.

Sighing I nodded,'Most of the time, they're always really busy' and with that I left the airport with Louis in tow.


I am going to upload the rest of the chapter later

Much love and I hope you like



Zouis, A Love Story (not famous)  *zouis malikson*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang