Dangan Ronpa: New Despair

By toastedbacon12

1.5K 32 26

14 Students are suddenly prisoned in an academy with no escape. All seemed fine, until the arrival of Monopug... More

Hello there!
Chapter 1 : Prologue
Chapter 2 : Curious Peers
Chapter 3 : Silent tour
Chapter 4 : Finding Hope
Chapter 5 : Disturbed Sleep
Chapter 5.5 : Corpse of a friend
Chapter 6 : Ink and Clues
Chapter 7 : Trial 1 ~ Secure Alibi
Chapter 8 : Trial 1 ~ Tears and insanity
Chapter 9 : Blood red petals
Chapter 10 : Sweet memories
Chapter 11 : Hidden eye's
Chapter 12 : Knitting music
Chapter 13 : Awkward silence
Chapter 14 : Party Problems
Chapter 14.5 : Pink Water
Chapter 15 : Drenched evidence
Chapter 16 : Trail 2 ~ Fake trust
Chapter 17 : Trail 2 ~ Despairing laughs
Chapter 19 : Colours of Despair
Chapter 20 : Weak secrets
Chapter 21: Exploration

Chapter 18 : Check Mate

44 2 1
By toastedbacon12

  No one's view ~

  Monopug's slumped body jolted upright, his face streaming with excitement. Dylan's face was flourished with a murky blue, resembling his worried feelings. Nick's hand were trembling, still pressed firmly on the selection panel, his face looking plainly at the television screen. The atmosphere was thick with unease, pressuring the student's into dread.

  "Upupu! You were correct-amundo! Dylan killed off the Purple man!" Monopug chuckled, his fake face seemingly blushing. Dylan's emotions were crushed, resulting in a short stutters and moans in reply to Monopug’s words.

  Jessica bit her lip, her face drained of all happiness, "Why... Did you kill Alfonso?"

  Dylan shook his head violently, refusing to answer. A loud series of laughs echoed from across the room. Ty (Tim's alternate persona) stood idle, hand covering his face, leaving one eye visible to view the room: "I know why he did it ~"

  With these words, the group drew in closer to Tim's words. Dylan looked shocked, but continued to shy from conversation. "Alfonso knew his secret, simple as that, but the thing is, so do I!" Ty sniggered, revelling in the desperate attention.

  Silence drew out across the room, Ty's speech paused. Heather rolled her eyes and stamped her foot loudly: "Tell us then, you're being as slow as an old man!” Ty let out a confident cough, his face still bearing a wide grin.

  "Dylan's secret told him of what he did, and may I add, it's quite interesting," Ty sniggered, "I can clearly see why he would go as far as to kill to protect his little secret,"

  "Stop holding back, just tell us fellow sass-ling ~" Alice murmured, trying to lighten up the intimidating atmosphere.

  Dylan's quickly rose from his podium, tears bolting down his face as fast as lightning. "I... Killed my father..."

  Fear and worry struck everyone instantaneously, all having the same despairing effect. Jessica clasped her hands over her face in shock, and Maggie turnt her view away from Dylan.

  "...Why would you, uh, do that?" Adam stuttered, his face gently shaking. Dylan let out a nervous sigh, gripping tightly to his podium.

  "My father was.... abusive to say the least, I couldn’t take it, and one day, I pushed him down the stairs..." Dylan muttered, slowly wiping the tears from his face, "I didn’t mean to kill him, it haunted me so much. That was the root cause of my talent of board gaming, as I would resort to playing whenever I felt guilty, or whenever I needed to take my mind off something... I can’t, I was followed by my doing's everywhere, I... was even teased in my primary school, always, always, ALWAYS!" Dylan's tear filled face was now painted red, revealing his anger blossoming in his face.

  "Dylan, I..." Topher started, rolling his hands through his hair, to be stopped directly from Dylan. 

  "If Alfonso didn’t steal my Monopad, and never found out... I didn’t want to be teased by him, I just didn’t want a repeat of the past..."

  Geno gritted his teeth, and walked round over to the agitated Dylan. With a dread look on his face, Geno placed his hand gently onto his back, alerting Dylan. "It's... k' man, just... your logic is messed up man..." Geno sniffled, his hand continuously planted into Dylan's back.

  "Dylan, how could you... we could of helped you!" Jessica slowly yelled, clearly distraught. Dylan swiftly looked up at Jessica, and shook his head slowly.

  "I... uh... Dylan, I...." Nick slurred, wiping tears from his eyelids.

  Monopug cheered loudly, grabbing everyone's attention.

  "Well, you guy's done? Because now is time for the fun bit!" Monopug chuckled, preparing his claws. The group violently shook their heads, praying for more time.

  "Monopug, just give us some more time!" Maggie growled, her hands pressed together. 

  "Don’t be a party pooper, let us have more time you sour pug!" Heather cheered, impressed with her loud comment.

  Monopug seemingly rolled his eyes: "Nope, you guys already took forever, it’s my turn now!" Monopug chuckled ferociously, "I have prepared a veeeery special punishment for Dylan, the ultimate board gamer. Let's give it everything we've got, its punishment time!"

  With his face portraying a range of confused emotions, Dylan glanced back at his fellow student's for the last time, his friends of which he betrayed. With one final gasp, the board gamer screamed "PLEASE, HELP ME, HELP...!”

  Check Mate

  The door's which were plastered on the opposite side of the entrance doors launched open. A chain swerved its way into the room, generating a piercing metal sound. Instantly, the chain began to wrap tightly around Dylan's neck, securing his inability to escape. Dylan reached out his hand, but quickly drawn backwards into the doors, stealing him of his last words. 

  The chain yanked Dylan down a long winding corridor at lighting speed. The signature television began to descend from the court's ceiling, revealing the event's to the other students. Dylan's struggling body was carelessly tossed around by the chain, his weight being crushed against the hard walls. With one particular powerful swing, Dylan's hand was visibly crushed, with the remaining bones jiggling around in his limp hand. 

  The screen grew black for several moments, but returned a few seconds later. The scenery seemed to differ from the corridor, now showing what seemed to be a large room with black and white tiles. The tiles stretched out far, maintaining 8 separate tiles per row. Large statues were placed on each tiles in the front of the first 2 row's either side, resembling chess characters.

  Dylan's body was trapped to an odd machine, his location set where a pawn would normally be played. The terrified boy tried his best to wriggle out the contraption, but at no success. With a sudden loud alarm, the pieces on the board began to slowly move, one by one. It was not long until Dylan's contraption began to move forward a single space. Dylan's eyes lit up dreadfully, as if he knew exactly what was going to happen. Sweat dribbled down his face, his legs shivering like an earthquake.

  An opposing knight piece was lined up a single 'L' shape away from him. He gritted his teeth as the large statue began to inch its way closer to him, his face once again flourished a shady blue. The massive statue lay just upon Dylan, the horse and the knight seemingly looking directly at him. 

  The contraption suddenly released Dylan, sparking hope in the despairing boy. He darted left, but was unfortunately stopped with intense pain. Two pawns were located either side of him, their spears facing Dylan. One of the pawn's spears lodged its way into Dylan's arm, spraying the structure with an array of pink liquid. Dylan let out an agonising yell, his voice only producing a light, muffled sound. The pawns began to move in closer to Dylan, leaving him with no escape. The second spears penetrated Dylan's other arm, leaking a pink ooze. The pain vibrated throughout his body, causing a variety of muffled screams of help.

  The knight began to draw back its lance, preparing the final blow. Dylan took his last chance to scramble through his regrets, his life literally flashing in front of him. The Knight's lance propelled forward, plunging into Dylan's body. The boy's blood painted the floor, the lance protruding trough his back violently. The Floor quickly raised and snapped shut, squishing everything on the chess board. 

  The screen faded to black, the echoes of stone crushing and blood dripping echoing throughout the hall...

  [[Now that Dylan has been taken care of, only 10 students remain! Will anyone else go on to commit murder? Even after seeing the consequences (twice, may I add)? Well, the real question is who is desperate for freedom ;) ]]

  [[What an execution! :3 Comment and tell me who had a more painful execution, or death at that :D Gel, James or Dylan? Take your pick <3 I dont think ill be making a execution picture for this one, it takes up time I dont have xD]]

  [[Thank you so much for reading this chapter, if you enjoyed it feel free to leave a comment or even a little like, until next time my fellow diabolical pugs!]]

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