World trigger watching the sh...

By SleepyVibes247

35.8K 625 384

Read the title. Yuma might be a bit OOC, but if Daisuke Ashihara won't make him mentally damaged I will. I... More

Visitor from the other world
Episode 2
Episode 3 (part 1)
Not discontinued
Episode 3 (part 2)
Where is the next chapter?
Pissed? Freeze dem lemons

Episode 2 (completed)

4.7K 89 56
By SleepyVibes247

(A/N) Edit above is mine, so just ask if anyone wants to use it.

Yuma looked at his money with curiosity. Putting his hand to his chin, Yuma thought out loud; "A hundred wasn't enough? Well it's just paper anyway."

Toma cried crocodile tears. If only.

"But just 10 sheet's for a doctor? Weird." Yuma finished. "Hey there, kid." The head of the three men said, approaching Yuma. Putting out his hand, he continued. "We need some cash. Could you give us some?"

Yuma puckered his lips and looked up at the three in curiosity. "What for? This is just paper. Is everyone in Japan poor?"

"I find myself thinking the same thing!" Yugia exclaimed. "Say's the damn son of a millionaire!" Kageura barked.

The head idiot exchanged smirks with the other two before smuggly replying; "My parents are dying of a disease. Even a little money would help!"

Miwa scowled. What was with the annoying people in this city?

Yuma raised his eyebrows. "Huh. In that case I can give you this much."

The man's voice lit up with excitement. "Wow you're a lifesaver! They're on death's door!" Yuma looked at the man's outstretched hand and lost his amusement. "But if you're lying, I'll smack you." Yuma stated.

Nasu chuckled. He's so straightforward!

"It's the truth, I swear! Trust me!" The man smirked down.

Yuma's pupils turned black, and a sound rang out. In his eyes you could see the man's reflection.

"Oh, this should be good." Tachiwaka stated, on the edge of his seat. Toma smiled. Time for some good 'ol 'get your ass whooped by a tiny 15 year old Neighbor with trust issues'.

Osamu could be seen walking back with a bag in his hand when a big boom shook the ground. Making a sound of surprise, Osamu questioned; " What was that?!"

Meanwhile with Yuma, a purple hat was seen falling from the air. Landing on its owner, it was clear see that idiot #1 was out cold. Yuma had a sly smile on his face. "You make up the stupidest lie's."

"AH HELL! SHUJI, HELP ME FIND POPCORN!" Yoneya yelled, voice shaking from laughter. Upon seeing the knocked out man's face, Midorikawa nearly fell over. Seriously, he looked like he saw a ghost!

The other two idiots gaped. "H-hold on!" One shreaked. Yuma wounded up his arm, an annoyed look on his face. "I told you I'd smack you." Two more boom's shook the area.

This time, even the people in the theater could feel the shake. But before anyone could question it, Jin wined; "Stooooop, I coulda dropped my rice crackers!"

This earned a look of absolute confusion from Yuma and Hyuse and a smack upside the head by Konami, who was wheezing. 

Osamu appeared down the street. "Kuga!" He yelled. Yuma turned with his usual duck face, wiping his hands off on each other. "Oh, your back!" Yuma said, ignoring the unconscious men behind him.

Osamu frowned. Why was he so violent? He just needs to ignore them.

Arashiyama, who saw Osamu's face, shook his head. Osamu was a good person, but Yuma was a realistic one.

"What did you do?!" Osamu practically yelled in panic. Yuma gave a laid back smile and a thumb's up. "Don't worry, Osamu! No broken bones this time!"

"Ehhh? Really?" Usami asked, turning to Yuma. Yuma shrugged. This is the future, how would he know?

"...... I think." Yuma tacked on a second later.

" That is so incredibly unresauring. Why didn't you check?" The C rank known as Izuho spoke for the first time. Yuma made a duck face. " What would it do if I did? I don't know much other than the basics of real bodies."

Izuho nodded with slanted eyes. That made sense.

"That's not the problem!" Osamu exclaimed.

"Osamu, if you want him to listen you should probably explain your reasoning." Chika suggested with a kind smile. Osamu blushed. While it hasn't happened yet, Osamu is sure he didn't think of that.

The scene shifted to a park, where Osamu and Yuma sat eating. "Ever since you arrived at school-" Osamu started, only to be cut off by Yuma, "This is tasty!" "-You have been way too violent!" Osamu stressed."Stop trying to solve everything with force."

"Hmm I guess violence isn't always the answer." Usami said in understanding. Yuma nodded along. "Your right". Everyone whipped their heads around in surprise, including Hyuse. But before anyone could question it, Yuma continued. "It's the solution."

"N O!" Osamu yelled from across the room.

Yuma turned his head to Osamu. "What do you mean? You're still saying I'm not allowed to fight back?"

"No, I mean that there are better solutions available." Osamu denied. "Meeting violence with violence is lowering yourself. Beside's, violence is forbidden by law in this country."

Hyuse's eyes blew open and Yuma wheezed in surprise. Yuma turned to Konami. "He's joking, right?" Konami shook her head, a little taken back by the closed off boy.

Hyuse stuttered, at a loss for words. As hard as he struggled, he was only able to come out with a "What the actual fuck."

Ignoring the two, the Border agents turned back to the screen.

No one seemed to see the white haired boys slightly shaking hands.

Yuma made a concentrated duck face. "I don't understand Japan's rules. But others won't always obey them." Osamu looked surprised as Yuma continued on. "What should I do then?"

Osamu sighed and grit his teeth. Yuma looked up at the sky as he chewed. "Rules make the world work. They don't protect you. My dad used to say that."

A cold chill rested over the room. Azuma frowned. How long has this boy lived like this? He was only 15.

Yuma continued. "In the end, only your own strength can protect you. That and.... You can run or rely on numbers."

Kazama glanced up at Yuma. It seemed like the boy's entire existence was a battleground.

'Who is he?' Osamu thought to himself. 'His reasoning is so childish. But it seems like he means it.'

"Jeez Four-eyes, have you ever been in an actual fight?" Yuma said, looking unimpressed. "Spars don't count." Hyuse's added on.

Osamu was about to counter, but a tap by Chika stopped him.

In his seat, Miwa frowns to himself. How is it that some Neighbor is the one who understands the point no one else ever had?

Eating his food, Yuma sighed. "Is that unacceptable in Japan? People are fussy here." Seeing his chance, Osamu buds in. "That's right! It's unacceptable here!"

Tossing the last of his food in his mouth, Yuma hummed. "All right." He turned to Osamu. "Teach me the rules here, Osamu."

"Whoa hold on, didn't you just get done saying how rules were useless?" Kumagai asked in surprise. Yuma tilted his head. " They don't really help people like me, but when in a new place, unless your goal is to create chaos, you don't really have a choice."

Kako really needs this kid on her squad, Neighbor or not.

Pushing himself up, Yuma crumpled up his wrapper. "If I understand the rules, things will go more smoothly. Right?"

Osamu looked surprised. 'He causes trouble, but he's not a fool. He understands what I say, and wants to adapt to our world. If someone coaches him....'

Osamu stood up. "Ok it a deal! I'll teach you about Japan." Osamu pointed at Yuma. "But you have to listen to me!"

Yuma smiled and saluted. "Good, I'm counting on you!" Walking away Yuma smiled easily. "Great, now I can relax a bit."

Osamu then made a worried face.

Kikuchihara snarked; "What did the shrimp do now?"

"Look out!" Osamu called after Yuma. But it was too late. As the duck-faced boy walked onto the road, he turned his head to see a red car. Soon after there was a crash. Osamu's orange soda dropped to the ground.

"Again?" Izumi asked. "Your really lucky to have that bot of yours.

Yuma made a duck face. "While I wont deny how lucky I am for Replica, I will say that this isn't a repeat of last time." Yuma stated.


As the car came to a halt, a hand flopped on the ground. "Kuga!" Osamu yelled, running up to him.

"HOLY HELL YOU ACTUALLY GOT HIT-" Konami screamed. Yuma made a duck face.

"DUDE ARE YOU EVEN STILL ALIVE?!" Yoneya yelled just as loud. All heads wiped over to the Neighbor, who shrugged. "This is in the future, so maybe?"

"That's not something to shrug about!" Suwa said with a wince.

Osamu made a sound of shock as Yuma's finger twitched. "Rat's" Yuma rasped, moving his hand to get up. "I did it again."

"Dude how the hell are you moving???" Midorikawa asked, half in shock and half in amazement.

The screen showed Yuma's face, a large black crack going down its right side, leaking into his eye. "I forgot about cars." Yuma stated unfazed.

The room went deathly silent. No one knew what to say, or how to say it. Even Hyuse was at a loss.

Jin, Kazama and Tachikawa snuck a glance at Yuma, who looked completely unbothered. Breaking the ice, yet too afraid to look at the boy, Chika asked; "What is that?"

Yuma tilted his head with a duck face, unnerving many. " I have no idea. Must have happened after I set out to Mieden." He lied smoothly. Kazama narrowed his eyes, but let it slide.

Osamu had a look of pure horror on his face.

Yuma's face quickly repaired itself, not even leaving a scratch.

"What the fuc-" Yoneya was slapped by Narasaka, but he wasn't much better off.

"Call an ambulance!" The woman who was in the car gasped, her male companion looking terrified. "Are you ok?" The women asked.

Yuma stood up and waved. "Yeah! Just fine." The women's eyes widened and she made a noise of shock.

Murakami winced in sympathy for the women.

Yuma made a duck face as Osamu stood up beside him. "I'm really sorry for smashing your car." Yuma said.

Pulling out a huge wad of cash, Yuma told the couple, "This is all I have."

"How much did your dad make??" The ever so broke Kitazoe sulked. Yuma decided it was best not to answer.

The women jumped in shock and waved her hands in front of her. "N-not necessary! Why...?" Osamu looked at Yuma with and expression mixed with confusion, shock and a little bit of fear.

'He's not a bad person. I don't think he's bad, anyway.' Looking at the scene in front of him, Osamu continued to think. 'Its true.'

Yuma turned around with a smile horrifying similar to Jins. 'He's the real thing. He's a real Neighbor!'

Miwa's eye twitched in annoyance. You gotta be kidding. T W O Jin's?????

Tachikawa pouted. No fair, he wanted a second him. Maybe he should steal Jins? Wait! The shrimp isn't even claimed yet!

And so Tachikawa's mini me plan had begun. 

Oblivious to what was going on, Yuma glanced at Osamu. Interesting.

The screen shifted to show Osamu's info again, then over to Yuma's.

The scene shifted back to the school, where students were shown hanging out on the roof. In the corner, you could spot the trouble duo. "Listen, Kuga. Don't tell anyone about yesterday."

The screen zoomed in to see Yuma eating with a duck face and Osamu serious as ever. "Don't mention the attack, or your origin, alright?"

Utagawa sweat dropped. How does he even eat like that?

Yuma nodded with a hum. Osamu continued. "Keep your head down. Don't punch or kick people, or use your trigger." Yuma pouted. "That's a stifling way to live."

Yuma looked uncomfortable with that, and Hyuse sympathised. Good thing he had no plans of going to Mieden, much less staying.

'I don't know everything about him. But I must make him act normal.' Osamu thought.

"I agree with Osamu. Being discovered by Border right now would not be good." Replica spoke in Yuma's ear. Yuma nodded. "I suppose i'll do what you say, Osamu."

"Kuga, right?" Murakami asked, getting Yuma's attention. "Why does Replica hide when everyone knows he's here?"

Liking the fact that he remembered and spoke of Replica like a person, Yuma decided to answer. "When it comes to type's like him, more than once has someone tried to steal or buy Replica for themselves."

Suddenly, the injured school idiot made himself known. "What's going on here?" He asked with a smirk. "Wow, what a crowd!" His friend remarked. "Who said you could use the roof?" The injured one demanded.

"If I see these bitches in real life I swear i'm gonna throw them into a lake." Kageura growled in annoyance.

Everyone looked to the three in either fear or amusement. "The fools from yesterday. They recovered quickly." Yuma stated as he watched the three bully first years for money. As the three announced that you need to pay to be on the roof, Yuma asked; "Is that a rule?"

Osamu stood up. "Of course it isn't." He said as he walked over to the three. "Hey!" The three turned around. "Knock that off!"

The injured one did his best angry look. Seeing as Osamu was not fazed, he took his crutch and nailed the glasses boy in the stomach.

Osmau fell to his knees. "Empty your pockets, four eyes." The idiot demanded. "Pathetic!" His friend snickers behind him. Satisfied, the injured bully turned away.

Narasaka sighed. Maybe he should have left them to the Neighbor.

A duck faced Yuma approached from behind. "Are they that forgetful?"

"Not exactly." Osamsu grunted. "Border probably took them for 'protection' after the attack." Yuma continued to look ahead.

"When Border takes civilian's into custody, they erase their memory to protect secret information. "

Yuma blinked, looked around, and blinked again. "And people call me guarded." He mumbled. Those who were close enough to hear him avoided eye contact. Well, except for Jin who offered a rice cracker.

Ema looked unamused. How can he give away such valuable information with such ease?

"So, I assume it would be wrong to beat them up, right?" Yuma said, looking kinda disappointed.

Arafune blinked. Is he actually learning?

"Correct." Osamu replied. Yuma looked towards the trio with a blank look in his eyes. "Japan is awfully nice to bad guys."

Arashiyama winced at that. Well, that was one way to put it.

"That's because there are so few of them here." Replica spoke to Yuma. "I see."

Despite the fact that in all actuality a very important sentence, Satori couldn't stop thinking about Replica being in the ' She's such a snake' vine. 

Yes, Satori was completely fine. 

No, he did not need a better social life.

Walking over to the trio, who were oblivious, Yuma stomped down on the ground, sending the entire building shaking.

Midorikawa gaped. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not normal." He said turning to Hyuse. Unfortunately, Hyuse was too busy trying to figure out what a 'bill' was.

"Excuse me." Yuma addressed that shooken up trio. As they looked back, Yuma gave a friendly smile. "Can I go through?"

"Well, that's one way to do things." Izumi stated. Man, this kid would be good for the Tachikawa squad.

The injured idiot made a sound of fear, and the next thing you know, Yuma and Osamu were standing in the doorway. "Thanks. See you!" Yuma said with a duck face and a wave.

Walking away, Yuma asked; "That was pacifist, right? I didn't hit anyone." Osamu put a hand to his chin in thought. "I guess you could call it that."

Yuma went duck faced. Was that a no then?

Osamu smiled. At least he was trying.

"Kuga-kun, that was amazing! It was like, boom!" A girl's voice came from a class labeled 3-3.

Yuma sat with a confused duck face, surrounded by two males and females with Osamu behind him. "Was that some kind of kung-fu?" A brown haired boy asked. "And you showed them yesterday two, so I know you're different!" A girl with shorter hair claimed.

"Kung......fu?" Yuma tilted his head. Mannnnn, Japan was weird.

"It was nothing, really." Yuma tried to tell them off, the holy duck face ever present. "I'm normal." Osamu's face went slack. 'He's standing out.'

"Where did you live before Kuga-kun? What country?"The same girl cheerfully asked.

Jin smiled in amusement. This should be good.

"Remember what I said." Osamu whispered to the duck faced teen. "Got it." Yuma whispered back.

Yuma's face went back to normal as he put a hand to his chin. "I'm not sure you'd know of it." The brown haired boy looked at his friend. "Yeah, I heard he came from a really tiny place. He doesn't know any major sports!"

"Not even soccer?" The same short haired girl asked. "That rules out Europe." The boy with dirty blond hair sighed. "What was big in your country? Any music or sports?" The girl with pigtails spoke up.

Miwa perked up. Finally, some useful information.

Yuma put a hand to his chin and pucker his lips. "Humm." He started. "War, I guess."

Jin winced. Well, that was expected from a Neighbor but...

Chika voiced Jin's thoughts. "You don't have game's, music, anything?" She asked in genuine concern.

Yuma looked over to Chika. "I mean, I can't speak for everywhere but our activities aren't anything like how I'd assume Mieden's is." Hyuse nodded along.

"Then... what is it like?" Midorikawa asked, although part of him was kinda scared to know.

Yuma blinked. "Like I said, it's mostly focused around war. The infants will play games of assassination and conflict, while teens and adults train and have spars. Ah, they also seem to enjoy bar fights." Yuma tacked on.

Osamu frowned. That made a lot of things make sense.

Utagawa, as someone who has been in the Neighborhood gaped. Those kids were PLAYING? It looked like a death match!

The room suddenly was full of Negative energy. A vast majority of the ignorant C ranks had one thought on their mind.


"War!" The two boys gasped. The two girls had the same reaction. Osamu looked down at Yuma in shock. 'War?'

"I've been to many countries, but all of them were at war. There was fighting everyday. Its always been that way."

"Neighbors at war with each-other?! Everywhere?" Yugia gaped. Unlike the rest of his team, he has yet to go to the Neighborhood.

That statement irritated Huyse. "Unfortunately we have emotions as well, leading us not to get along with each other. Sorry Mieden, we are just as human as you." Hyuse finished with a huff.

Miwa stood up with a growl. "Don't you dare line yourself up with us, Neighbor." He spat.

Hyuse flipped him off and said; "Yet you use our technology and wipe people's mind. The way I see it, you do that yourse-" "Nope." Yuma cut Hyuse off with a duck face. All eyes turned towards him.

Hyuse put down his finger and glared. Yuma was unaffected. "They smile to genuine to be anything like a Neighbor."

The room went dead silent. Unable to argue with that, Hyuse turned away with a "Stupid gremlin." Miwa slowly sat down.

"Dude, you need a coffee." Satori stated. "Coffee?" Yuma asked. Satori nodded. "Yeah, more espresso less de-" Satori was smacked with a yelp.

"You grew up in a conflict zone?" The dirty blond asked. Pig-tails frowns. "I can't imagine." "Heavy." The brown haired boy said.

"But now I get it!" The girl with short hair said cheer. "He really is different!"

"She is way too excited for this." Kitora sweat dropped. "Also, what world is she living in???"

"Fighting everyday.... That kind of world shaped his personality." Osamu thought.

"When you think about it, we're at war too." The brown haired boy mentioned. "That's true." The short haired girl agreed. She turned to Yuma. "Do you know about Neighbors?"

Yuma hummed. "Not much."

The three went into the tale of the city, claiming that they lost their homes. Osamu stated he was in the next city over at the time.

"Anyways, that means that our city is at war with the Neighbors." The brown haired boy sighed.

Yuma put a hand to his chin. "Still, it's a bit strange. You seem so relaxed here. There's no tension." The brown haired boy lit up. "That's thanks to Border!They figured out trigger's, Neighbor technology! Now the Border defence agency uses them as weapons!"

Miwa became ticked off. Their giving the enemy valuable information!

Hyuse looked thoroughly unimpressed. He's 75% sure that they stole the triggers and modified them.

"There he goes again." The dirty blond chuckled. The brown haired boy ignored him. "You can see their base over there! Before it was completed, Neighbors swarmed the city. But the Guidance Beacon now limits the area the gate can open. So the city and our lives are safe!"

Miwa was ready to pull out his hair.

The brown hair boy sighed with a smile. "Boy, do I want to join Border! I wonder how to apply." "You don't have a chance." His friend shot him down.

"If you wanna join just ask Osamu-" "We need to talk! Come with me for a second." Osamu covered Yuma's mouth as he dragged him away.

The four watched as they left with surprise.

"Oh so now he has fast reflexes." Yonyea laughed.

The screen shifted to show a small silver robot glowing purple.

Arashiyama's face dropped. Shit.

Going back to Osamu and Yuma, we see Yuma sitting on a desk as Osamu stands. "Now I get it. You work for Border in secret."

"Right so don't tell anyone." He pointed. "But it sounds like Border agents are superheroes. Why keep quiet?" Yuma asked.

"Well," Osamu looked down. "It's not your business." 

Yuma was unfazed. "All right. But Neighbors have a terrible reputation here. If you're with Border, should you really hide me?"

"No." The entirety of headquarters said in unison. Osamu flushed.

After a second of hesitation, Osamu responded with; "I don't think you're like the other Neighbors. Besides, I owe you for saving me. STILL-" Osamu pointed at Yuma. "- If you do anything wrong, I won't defend you. I'll haul you in! Got that?"

"I'm not sure if I should be grateful that you helping me or offended that the guy who couldn't take down a Bamster thinks he can take me by himself." Yuma tilted his head with a duck face. Tachikawa laughed.

Miwa was not amused.

Yuma looked unfazed. "I think I get it. In other words, I'm lucky that you're the first Border agent I met."

"Looks like you went with the first." Jin mused with a mouth full of rice crackers.

Osamu looked confused. "What the heck?"

Suddenly, a big purple gate plagues the clear blue sky. Alarms start blaring. An unfazed Yuma and shocked Osamu looked out the window.

Arashiyama clutched his seat as frantic whispers and shocked gasps flooded the room. His family!

"That's not good." Yoneya said. "No shit, Sherlock!" Izumi yelled from across the room.

Yuma and Hyuse tiled their heads. Who's Sherlock?

As a woman spoke through the speakers, the students went into immediate panic.

Two purple trion soldiers came out of the gate, smashing into the ground. The students scattered, screams filling the air.

Osamu pressed his hands to the window glass. "They're beyond the Forbidden Zone? What's going on." Yuma came up from behind him. " A pair of Marmods, huh?"

Osamu ignored him and continued. "The gate can't open this far from the base!"

As the Marmods continued onward, the teachers directed the panicking students to the shelter.

Chika stopped running and looked out the window. "Neighbors? This can't be!" The Marmod stopped in its tracks to look up at Chika though the window.

Chika started running the opposite way of the other students, but before she could get anywhere she bumped into a teacher. "Amtori, get to the shelter." He glared down through his glasses. "This way!" He grabbed her wrist and started in the correct way. "But..." Chika started.

Kazama narrowed his eyes. What was she trying to do?

Osamu glanced at her. Did the Neighbors come for her?

The trion soldier broke through the school wall. The students screamed at the top of their lungs as they ran.

Outside, a group of students trembled with fear as a Marmod cornered them.

Osamu skidded out of the hallways, into the outdoors. He made a face. "Everones in danger." Yuma calmly walked out behind him. "What are you planning to do, Osamu?"

"I'll do what I can to stop the Neighbors, of course." Osamu declared. Grabbing his trigger Osamu yelled; "Trigger, on!" He flashy transformed and looked forward with determination.


"Oi oi oi, you're seriously gonna die this time!" Izumi stated, eyes wide. Chika shot her friend a look and Yuma made a duck face.

What a sucker for those in need.

(A/N) Finally done! From now on I am going to spit the episodes into two chapters. It takes a super long time to make sure i'm capturing both the episodes and the reactions, plus the editing. I am also still a student, so I have other things I need to do. Hope you enjoyed!


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