Science and Magick (LokixOC)

بواسطة ouijadere

687 53 4

This is a story about my Original Character I made for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I use this universe's c... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Fifteen

25 2 0
بواسطة ouijadere

Everyone agreed to watch another movie after they had eaten, again trying to educate Zoë and Steve. They had settled on some kind of science fiction movie, it was called Star Battle or Space Wars or something like that but Zoë was barely able to pay attention, she was exhausted after all that running and crying.

"I'll take her to bed" Zoë heard a familiar voice say as she was scooped into a warm pair of arms. She smiled as she smelled pine wood. Loki. "Hush pet, I've got you" he soothed.

Zoë's eyelids felt heavy as she tried to open them "Loki?" She asked sleepily.

"You fell asleep during the first act of that ridiculous play" he observed with a laugh.

"It was a movie, not a play" she corrected him.

Loki hummed as he gently placed her down on the bed "Whatever it was, it was boring. I don't blame you for falling asleep" he criticised.

Zoë's smile changed to a frown when she opened her eyes to look at him. He was still wearing his disguise "Bring back my love" she mumbled, still only half conscious.

Loki's form shone before shifting back to how he usually looked. Zoë smiled again and he returned the bright expression "Better?" He asked.

She nodded and gently pulled him onto the bed beside her "Much better" she confirmed. Loki chuckled and pressed a kiss on her forehead as she cuddled up to him "It's sad you can't go out there like this" she mumbled.

Loki hummed "Maybe one day" he said.

"They'll understand, when they know you the way I do" she assured.

Loki sighed, gently stroking Zoë's soft blonde hair "I'm not so sure darling" he doubted quietly.

"I'll never forgive them if they don't give you a chance" she whispered.

The god smiled down at the woman in his arms "I love you" he gushed.

Zoë smiled "Me you more" she replied, slipping back into unconsciousness.

"Me you most"


Zoë's eyes fluttered open when the morning sun fell on her face. She smiled seeing Loki already watching her with loving eyes.

"Good morning" he hummed softly.

She smiled wider and kissed his cheek "Morning, what time is it?" She asked.

Loki shrugged "I only woke up a few minutes ago and I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you since" he admitted.

Zoë chuckled and turned around to glance at the clock on the bedside table. It was still early, but she was wide awake, might as well get up now. Then she got an idea. She looked back at Loki and smirked.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind joining me in the shower, my king?" She suggested.

Loki looked far more awake now and grinned "It would be an honour, my queen" he confirmed. Quickly standing up, he pulled off his shirt and raced into the attached bathroom.

Zoë laughed and climbed out of bed, also pulling off her clothes. Loki was adjusting the water temperature when she walked in. He never failed to take her breath away with how unbelievably stunning he was. He smiled and looked back at her "You're the breathtaking one, my pet" he complimented.

Zoë looked at him surprised before remembering "Right, mind reading" she recollected with flushed cheeks "I really must learn to control my thoughts around you" she added.

Loki shook his head "I love hearing how much you desire me" he appreciated, lust heavy in his voice as he stepped closer to the naked woman "It's exactly how much I desire you"

Zoë smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck "Then I'm sure you know exactly what I want you to do to me" she whispered seductively.

Loki grinned and kissed her passionately, their tongues hungrily rubbing against each other. Loki gripped Zoë's thighs and he lifted her, walking them into the shower. Hot water washed over them as Loki thrusted into her. Zoë moaned into his mouth and tangled her hands in his wet black hair. The inky tendrils curling around her fingers.

Zoë tilted her head back against the tiled wall while Loki kissed down her neck. A string of moans and German curse words fell from the woman's mouth as Loki continued to thrust strongly.

"I love it when you moan in your mother tongue" Loki whispered.

Zoë grinned "Ich liebe dich, Loki" she said softly between moans.

Loki pulled away from her neck and smiled at her as he picked up the pace, thrusting hard and deep. Zoë moaned louder, tugging at Loki's hair as her climax built.

"Say my name" he ordered.

"Loki!" She screamed as she came undone. Pleasure rippled through her, she would never get tired of feeling him release inside of her and she wouldn't have to since there was no danger for accidental impregnation. Zoë knew at some point she would have to talk about that, but that time wasn't now.

Loki slowly pulled out and kissed her cheek "I'll never get enough of you" he whispered breathlessly.

Zoë smiled and nodded "Me neither" she admitted.

She unwrapped her legs from around Loki and tried to stand only for her knees to buckle. Luckily Loki was still holding her, she giggled embarrassed and looked up at him "It seems you've turned my legs to spaetzle" she noted.

Loki grinned at her "Let me help you" he replied, securing Zoë's arms around his neck so she could steady herself before taking the soap that laid on the ledge beside them. He began gently washing her and Zoë smiled.

"Thank you" she sighed softly.

Loki smiled back and kissed her cheek "It's my pleasure" he replied.

After they were both clean they walked out of the bathroom and began getting dressed. Zoë pulled on a pair of black jeans and a light blue blouse, she really needed to buy some more clothes, especially if she was expected to go to a Stark party at the end of the week. Loki pulled on the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday and once again donned his 'Tom' disguise.

Zoë laced their fingers together and lead them out of the bedroom. "Morning love birds" Tony greeted from the kitchen. "Have fun?" He asked with a smirk.

"I will not hesitate to kick your ass, Stark" Steve warned from the couch in the living room.

Zoë laughed "Seconded, whatever I do or don't do in private is exactly that, private" she insisted. "You hungry?" She asked, looking at Loki.

He smirked "Starving" he whispered in her ear, nibbling slightly on the sensitive skin just below it.

Zoë's cheeks burned red and she took a shaky breath "You're incorrigible" she reprimanded.

Loki chuckled darkly "You're irresistible" he replied.

Zoë heard Sam laugh from behind them "Jeez isn't it a little early for PDA?" he joked.

Zoë laughed and shook her head, she stepped away from Loki and pointed at one of the stools at the breakfast bar "You sit there and keep your hands to yourself while I make breakfast" she commanded.

He gave a sarcastic salute and sat down "Yes ma'am" he mocked.

Tony and Sam laughed while Steve grinned "She'll be a great Captain one day" he proclaimed proudly.

Zoë glared and pointed the spatula she'd just picked up "And you be quiet or I won't make any for you" she threatened. Steve laughed and mimed zipping his lips shut. "So where's Bruce?" She asked curiously as she began to cook.

Sam and Steve shrugged while Tony sipped his coffee "Probably still in his lab, not sure if he even went to bed last night" he answered.

Zoë frowned "What's he working on?" She asked.

Tony shrugged "Something important I guess" he assumed "oh and don't forget about Friday, you've got two days to get prepared" he added.

Zoë's eyes widened, it was Wednesday already? "Scheisse, I don't have any formal clothes" she cursed.

Steve frowned "Language" he scolded. Zoë and Tony looked at him with raised eyebrows. Steve realised his mistake and shook his head "Not a word" he grumbled.

Tony scoffed and looked back at Zoë "Well you've got today and tomorrow, Nat said she'd be on her way yesterday so I'm sure she'll help you. I could ask Pepper to go with you if you'd prefer?" He suggested.

Zoë grinned "Nat is coming back?!" She asked excitedly, she hadn't expected to see her for a while.

Tony nodded "The whole team is, I told you I invited them" he confirmed.

"Well yeah but I didn't actually expect them all to come" she argued.

"Oh no they're all coming, they're excited to meet the new recruit that broke Cap's nose" Tony explained with a laugh.

Steve groaned "You told them about that?" He asked.

Tony grinned "Oh I told everybody" he corrected. "Thor is especially excited to meet the, in his words 'mighty little warrior'" he added, looking back at Zoë.

Loki interrupted then "What?" He asked.

Zoë frowned looking at the man who seemed to be barely withholding rage.

"Thor, big guy with blonde hair. Dude has a total god complex" Tony said dismissively.

"That's because he is a god" Steve corrected.

Tony just rolled his eyes and Loki clenched his fists "He's also an asshole" he spat.

Sam frowned "You know him, Tom?" He asked.

Zoë reached over the marble counter top and took one of Loki's hands in hers. "Well whatever he did, I assure you his brother is the asshole" Tony stated. That absolutely didn't help ease Loki's rage.

"He has a brother?" Sam asked, looking over at Tony.

Steve nodded then "Yeah, the guy that attacked New York and opened a whole in the sky? That was Loki, Thor's brother" he answered.

Zoë looked at her boyfriend in surprise, he hadn't mentioned he was Thor's brother. He was staring at the floor with his jaw clenched. Zoë tried to squeeze his hand but he just pulled away "You'll have to excuse me, I just remembered I have to be somewhere" he announced as he stood. He looked over at Zoë and his rage melted away slightly.

Zoë relaxed a little, at least he wasn't mad at her. "See you later?" She asked.

He smiled and nodded before leaving for the elevator. Of course he couldn't disappear like he usually did with the guys watching.

"Tom must really not like Thor" Sam mused.

Zoë nodded and Tony smirked "That's gonna be awkward on Friday" he hypothesised.

Steve shook his head and Zoë smiled "I can invite him?" She asked.

Tony chuckled and nodded "It is a party in your honor, you should be able to bring your own date" he said.

Zoë grinned happily and continued cooking, it would be a lot easier to handle the party if she had Loki beside her. Once she had given each of the men a serving she made one up for herself and Bruce. "I'm gonna go take this downstairs, I'm sure he's hungry by now" she told the others.

They nodded, all far to occupied with eating to really be paying attention to what she was saying. She walked into the elevator and asked JARVIS to take her down to the labs.

"Bruce?" She asked as she walked into the room filled with expensive equipment.

The man lifted up his head and Zoë had to hold in a gasp, he looked really rough. It was obvious he hadn't slept. He still wore the same clothes he was wearing yesterday but now they were wrinkled and askew, he had dark circles under his eyes and stubble dusting his chin and cheeks. He smiled at her and chuckled "Ah, it seems I did an all nighter again" he noticed.

Zoë walked over and placed the plate of food down in front of him "What were you working on all night?" She asked, concerned for her friend. 

Bruce gratefully took the food and nodded towards the screen he'd been looking at "You" he simply answered before digging in, he hummed happily and grinned at Zoë "This is really good" he complimented.

Zoë smiled and shook her head fondly, she looked at the screen and assessed what was on it. He had been reading the entirety of her flash drive, even the parts she hadn't given him access to. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he smiled sheepishly.

"You used the reference system for my first thesis paper as the passcodes" he said around a mouthful.

Zoë blushed and looked down "I should have known you'd figure that out" she replied.

"You're very impressive, I'm honoured you want to work with me" he admitted.

Zoë looked back up at him in surprise "Why did you stay up all night reading my files?" She asked, wanting answers.

His face seemed to colour with something like shame and he looked down at his now half empty plate "It was just- I just- it's really interesting" he stuttered. That was quite obviously a lie.

"What's the real reason?" She asked. Did he fear her? Was she right to run yesterday?

"I wanted to understand you the way Tom does" he whispered.

Zoë definitely wasn't expecting that.

"You did?" She asked. He only nodded, still refusing to look up at her. Her heart softened and she smiled, he didn't fear her. He cared for her. Zoë really needed to get used to the fact that she had friends now and friends cared about each other. "Why didn't you just ask?" She asked softly.

"I didn't want to push you" he admitted.

Zoë shook her head and placed the plate she was holding down. She grabbed one of the empty chairs and placed it beside Bruce before sitting on it. He looked up at her in surprise and Zoë smiled "So do you have any notes?" She asked eagerly.

"You- you're not mad?" He asked.

Zoë chuckled and shook her head "No, of course not" she assured, finally digging into her own breakfast.

Bruce let out a large breath of relief and smiled widely, looking back at the screen. He matched her enthusiasm as he began to explain his own theories of how the energy of the tesseract worked, suggesting that they could request Thor bringing it back for a few follow up tests and ways they could help her train so she had more control.

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