Love Should Go On {A Taemin o...

By Astral_Projection

33.6K 658 130

These are my memoirs. I am Kwon Kiku, Boa's adopted sister and best friend of Lee Taemin. This is how I remem... More

Love Should Go On {A Taemin of SHINee Love Story} Character Info
Happy Birthday Bling Bling!
The Twins
Happy Birthday Kiku~
Birthday Confession
Happy Birthday Taemin~ First Date, First Kiss
Meeting EXO
'Tis The Season
Hanging Out With Kai
The End As We Know It

Happy New Years

1.2K 45 6
By Astral_Projection

This was supposed to be out on New Years day, but I have no clue what the hell happened at that time so I apologize. Please enjoy this!
The story will be coming to an end soon ='(

 December 30, 2011

I planned to have today all to myself and go see Taemin so we could spend our first New Years Eve together as a couple. Of course Soo Man had to ruin everything and make me sing in front of Namsan Tower at midnight. Why me?! Why not Boa or someone else who doesn't have anything to do at midnight?

"I could just go meet you there," Taemin suggested when I told him everything over the phone.

"You could, but where would we go? Everywhere downtown will be crowded."

"I'm sure we could find somewhere to be alone for a few minutes."

"I hope so. It feels like I rarely get to see you anymore these days," I admitted.

"Kiku, we need to wrap up practice!" Jinae called to me.

"I have to go now. I'll call you back later," I said to Taemin.

"Alright. I love you," he said softly. Everytime he says those three words, I feel my heart race and it's almost like everything and everyone else simply melts away. It puts a smile on my face.

"I love you too. Bye."


I hung up and slid my phone back into my pocket. I stood from my spot on the floor and walked over to Jinae.

"What's with the smile?" she asked with a smirk.

"Get a boyfriend and you'll know," I replied with a smirk.

"Aish this girl..." she mutterd as she attempted to hit me. "Stop spending so much time with Changmin!"

January 1, 2012

It is is officially 12:00 midnight on the new year. Where the crap is Taemin? I've been looking everywhere for him after I ended my performance. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out to see it was a text from Taemin.

'I see you~ Why are you taking so long?'  It read. Why does he have to be a creep? I looked around but didn't see him anywhere. I then focused on the flashing lights on Namsan Tower. Suddenly, it hit me. Why didn't I think of it sooner? I hurried into Namsan and got in the elevator.

Just as I thought, Taemin was standing at the top looking at all of the locks. I silently approached him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He tensed but quickly relaxed. 

 "I thought you would have looked here first," he said softly.

"I wasn't really thinking," I said into his back inhaling his sweet scent.

"Maybe you're not as smart as I give you credit for..." he said.

"Hey!" I exclaimed quickly releasing him. He laughed and turned to face me.

"You know I'm just kidding," he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you Kiku."

"I love you too, Taemin." Without anything else being said, he softly pressed his lips against mine in a sweet kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Nothing else mattered at that moment. The fact that there were thousands of people a few strories below and we could be caught at any second no longer mattered, nor did the cold or the snow. The only thing that mattered was me being with Taemin in his arms. This was perfect...

Too bad I didn't realize then that nothing's perfect. Little did I know, everything would should change for the worse...

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