Lost Little Brother TMRxTW

By readytorun00

21.9K 339 74

Thomas is Stiles' older brother he was kidnapped 9 years ago the same time Claudia Stilinski died. Now he New... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chpater 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

608 10 5
By readytorun00

The party was in full swing. People were crowded inside, music was blasting through the speakers, and black lights were illuminating the sea of people. 

Stiles, Newt, Minho, Scott, and Kira all walked inside. Walking in Stiles was telling the group about the extra key he had found. Then they froze, noticing the sheer velocity of the party. Lydia was inside standing there watching all the people. Before anyone could react a girl came out of the crowd kissing Stiles on the cheek before disappearing back into the wave of bright colors. 

"Woah Stiles," Minho said, high-fiving the boy. Stiles looked stunned, left as proof of where the girl had kissed him was a glowing lipstick print. The group separated, Stiles going off on his own, Minho doing the same, Thomas and Newt walking away together, Scott and Kira remained by the doors. Kira looked uncomfortable and Scott wasn't really feeling like being in the huge crowd of people. They left out the door going up to the roof. 

Allison and Isaac decided to go to the party for two different reasons. Isaac wanted to find Scott and tell him about Isaac, but Allison was going to get her mind off it for the 24 hours like they had promised her dad. 

Thomas and Newt were on the dance floor. Both had smiles on their face as they danced. Neither one cared that they had some eyes watching them. The two were absorbed in each other. They hadn't had many chances to have time together with nothing to worry about and both were loving it. They did stupid dance moves and laughed as they bumped into other people in the crowd. 

"Let's go get a drink," Newt said, grabbing Thomas's hand and leading him over towards one of the coolers. Thomas followed along not caring where they were going. Newt grabbed out two bottles handing one to Thomas. Thomas accepted it leading Newt over to the window and outside the wall of windows on the balcony. 

Derek stood near his car. He had told the pack he was going to handle something not telling them what. In reality, he just wanted to go for a run through the woods for some time alone. He had run through the store on the way home picking up some candy as the night was Halloween. When he parked in front of his loft he noticed three kids coming up to him. 

The three were in costumes smiling and laughing. They came up to Derek holding out their open bags as they shouted trick or treat. Derek slowly reached into his car grabbing the bag of candy. His slow cautious movements put the kids on edge. Derke smirked a little knowing he hadn't lost his touch. Finally, he pulled out the bag causing the kids to smile. He threw some in each of their bags. The kids thanked him as he flashed his eyes causing the kids to scream and run down the street the way they had come.

Derek chuckled a little as he watched them run away. Then he tensed sensing something shift in the air. He heard this weird ringing as figures all in black walked down the street in sync. The figures surrounded the wolf. One moved to reach its hand out towards Derek's head. The figure's eyes light up looking like a firefly. Then it touched Derek behind the ear leaving him to drop to the ground. Derek fell, his body was almost lifeless. 

Minho and Stiles found themselves on the dance floor with a few people. Stiles had found the girl that kissed him on the cheek earlier. He danced with her. His moves were spastic and uncoordinated but they made the girl smile, so he smiled too. Minho had found a pair of girls who dragged him out onto the dance floor. He had tried flirting with them and then that happened. 

"Come on mister you aren't glowing at all '' One of the girls said, grabbing Minho by the hand leading him to the painting station. The painter told him to take off his shirt so he did so getting designs painted on his chest, back and shoulders. One of the girls had wandered off the other looking bored. He was going to go up to them again but they walked away. Minho shrugged it off walking away from them and back into the crowd of people before running into Aiden and Danny. 

Lydia watched as Stiles danced with the girl. She sighed she had no clue why she was feeling how she was. She walked away from the sight of the pair dancing. She began hearing noises but had no idea what they were. She stumbled around the loft until she found her way to the door of the balcony. She found Thomas and Newt out there talking to each other. 

"Hey" Newt greeted waving at the girl as she exited the loft. She smiled a little back. Thomas and Newt weren't upset that their alone time together had been interrupted. At least it was one of their friends and not some random party goer. They talked with each other until the figures again melted out of the shadows surrounding the three. Thomas stood in front of the two others protecting them from the biggest figure. 

Lydia tried to scream but the figure held its hand up, somehow silencing her scream.
Newt gripped his hand hard. Lydia screamed as they marched forward in sync. Thomas was the first. The biggest one made its way forward, catching Thomas by the side of the face, sliding its finger to his ear. Then its eyes glowed just like they had for Derek and Isaac. Thomas dropped. 

"Tommy!!" Newt yelled trying to get to his friend/ boyfriend. He doesn't know they haven't discussed that yet. 

He cradled Thomas's head as the figures went after Lydia, then approached him. Newt sighed as he held Thomas's cold hand.

"Just get it over with," He said. The figure took his words repeating the same process over again and Newt dropped his body over the top of Thomas's chest. 

Allison and Isaac were standing near one of the pillars supporting the roof. 

"You know we can't hide this from him," Isaac said. Allison nodded. 

"We're not hiding it from him forever just for 24 hours like we promised my dad" She responded.
Isaac sighed. Allison has this fight grabbing Isaac's hand and leading him towards the paint. "Do you wanna talk about Scott or do you wanna paint my body"

"I wanna paint your body," Isaac said. 

Allison smiled handing the boy the paintbrush. After they had finished the two went in enjoying themselves. 

Stiles and the girl he was with made their way over to the spiral staircase. The girl opened a new beer bottle offering a drink to Stiles who cautiously accepted. Stiles studied the girl closer trying to figure out where he knew her from. 

"Didn't you have a girlfriend?" He asked the girl. 

"Ya she died" she answered. 

Stiles finally knew where he recognized her from. She was the one who helped him figure out the pattern of the sacrifices. She was there the night he found out Heather died. Kaitlyn was her name. Before he could react she kissed him.

"Don't you like girls?" He asked. 

"Absolutely," She said. He sighed but she kissed him again.

"Then do you like boys too," he asked

"Absolutely," she said "Do you" 

Stiles sighed. He looked away from kaitlyn. Then he pulled out his keys studying the one that wasn't supposed to be there.

"Hey you're key has phosphorus on it," Kaitlyn said pointing to the part of the key that glowed in the blacklight. 

"What?" He said, looking at her confused.
"Phosphorus reacts in black light. It's what makes my lipstick glow" She explained. He nodded in understanding. He went back in kissing her for the third time. Stiles separated. 

"How would I get phosphorus on the key?" He wondered aloud. Kaitlyn shrugged. 

"Have you been handling chemicals?" She asked, taking the key and examining it.

Stiles thought for a moment before realizing. He got up when she handed the key back to him. He ran down the stairs apologizing saying he needed to go somewhere. As he left he ran back taking the beer bottle from her. Then running away and grabbing a water bottle before running back. 

He handed it to her "Drink all of that" He said. 

Kaitlyn shrugged, taking off the cap and taking a drink.

Stiles ran out of the loft down the stairs to his jeep. 

Allison and Isaac were on the dance floor. A slower song had begun playing. Allison put her hands in Isaac's hair when she felt something behind his ear. Grabbing Isaac's hand she led him into the storage room turning on the light letting Isaac look in the mirror at the mark behind his ear. 

"It looks like a five" Allison commented.

They heard a groan. The couple froze before looking behind the bags of ice. Ethan laid on the floor. Isaac ran past the bags of ice he knelt next to Ethan. He checked his pulse noticing the wolf felt cold. Isaac turned Ethan's head noticing a backward five the exact same mark that he and Allison saw behind his ear.

Isaac sighed as Allison told him he would have to trigger the healing process. Isaac braced himself, gripping Ethan's arm and pulling back with enough force to break the bone. Ethan woke up with a roar, his eyes flashing blue. 

Minho, Danny, and Aiden walked around looking for Thomas, Newt, and Ethan. The group of three made their way through the sea of people. Minho led the way towards the DJ. He noticed the open balcony door and directed his course towards there. 

"Shuck!" He said running onto the balcony seeing the three figures on the ground. Minho slid on the ground next to his two unconscious friends. Aiden followed kneeling next to Lydia. Danny following looking confused on how three teens ended up passed out on the balcony. Aiden noticed that Lydia was awake but shaking and shivering while Thomas and Newt had passed out.

"They're cold, '' Minho said, taking one hand from each of his friends. 

"Come on let's get them inside. Danny, grab Newt" He said nodding to where Minho was still knelt on the ground trying to wake his friends. Danny nodded running over. 

Aiden held Lydia bridal style in his arms while Minho did the same to Thomas, and Danny the same to Newt. Minho ran him being a runner coming in handy allowing him to take the lead with efficiency and speed even with the dead weight in his arms. 

"Over Here!!" He yelled. Aiden and Danny followed him as he set Thomas down in front of the heater. Aiden held Lydia close trying to help her warm up with his body heat as well as the heater. Minho being the amazing shank that he is, did the same to Thomas and Newt when Danny had run off to find blankets. Newt woke up first he was groggy and super out of it.
Lydia mumbled in Aidens arms. 

"They appeared out of the shadows, we didn't have a chance" 

Scott and Kra were on the roof. They walked out there when Scott noticed Kira standing alone and looking uncomfortable. Kira and Scott made their way out onto one of the ledges. 

"Hey Scott you got some paint on your face," She said. 

    Scott smiled but tried to rub it off and totally missed it. Kira smiled "Let me," She said, licking her thumb and rubbing the paint off his face. 

She finished as Scott smirked at her. "You totally just momed me," He said. 

She gasped "I did not just mom you" Scott gave her a sideways glance. 

Kira shrank back a little before admitting "Fine I totally just momed you" 

Scott and Kira sat there laughing with each other. They sat there until a roar sounded.
"Derek," Scott said standing up. 

Derek had woken up on the street. He felt behind his ear and then he let out a roar before going inside his loft. Derek looked around as he noticed the party. He stalked up towards the DJ stand. The guard in front of the DJ held his hand out. 

"Yo he DJ doesn't take requests" Derek ignored the man moving to walk around him. "The DJ does not take requests," The man said, stopping Derek again. 

Derek stopped grabbing the man by the throat "He'll take mine" He said nodding as he threw the man away from him. He walked up to the stand flipping the table making all the equipment and table crash to the floor with a loud bang. The music stopped so suddenly everyone turned to look at him. 

"GET OUT" Derek yelled using his wolf powers to amplify his voice. All the people who weren't a part of the pack wnet running for the door. Aiden handed Lydia over to Danny "Get her out" He said.

Danny nodded supporting Lydia and walked out with the last of the crowd. 

    Isaac and Allison walked out of the storage closet with Ethan leaning on them for support. Aiden turned around, grabbing Newt's hand and leading him over to Isaac and Allison. Isaac dropped Ethan's arm and ran over checking his brother for injuries. Newt smiled as Isaac hugged him and supported him to keep him standing. 

    Minho walked out from the heater with Thomas still passed out. 

    "Why is he passed out?" Allison asked, noticing the unconscious boy. 

    "Newt passed out too. I think their bodies got so used to The Scorch that the cold was too much for them to take," Minho tried to explain his theory. Scott and Kira ran in at that point. 

    Then the figures materialized with the ringing that everyone heard. Minho ran over to Allison, Isaac, Ethan, and Newt. The figures marched forward all in sync. Every single one had its focus directed on Aiden. 

    "Why are they looking at me, guys" Aiden began to panic.
    The figures continued to march forward each step slow and in sync. Derek ran forward at one. he grabbed the head snapping it sideways. The thing should have been dead, but instead, it turned its head back, eyes glowing grabbing Derek by the shoulder and throwing him
Scott ran into the fight claws slashing whatever could be reached. Nothing worked. He too was thrown backward. Derek got back up moving to fight the one from before. 

The figure reached inside its chest pulling out a sword. Isaac who was watching by the sidelines set his brother gently on the floor nodding at Allison before extending his claws. The figures heard Isaac's claws they spun to face him making him back up. Minho walked over, setting Thomas down in Newt's arms before running towards Aiden but got caught by two of the shadowy figures.

Three of the figures continued moving back towards Aiden. "Guys!" He yelled.
The first one moved towards Aidens face as the other disappeared in the shadows, reforming and grabbing a hold of Aiden's arms keeping him in place. The figure put his hand on the side of Aiden's head, its eyes glowing. When its eyes finished glowing its hand moved down the side of Aiden's face leaving the same mark the others had. 

Then Aiden dropped his body hitting the floor hard. The figures turned their attention to Minho. Minho struggled in the hold of two other figures. He almost broke free when the same process was repeated with him. He fell to the ground passing out. Aiden got up weakly leaning against one of the pillars. Derek ran over to Minho checking on the boy. Newt tried to stand up but failed. 

The figures still hadn't left; they turned their attention to Scott and Kira. Before they could do anything sunlight appeared in the windows and the figures made of shadows disappeared.
"What are those things?" Scott asked, looking at Derek. 

Derek shrugged moving closer to his pack checking to make sure they were okay.

Thomas gasped as he woke up. He was still shivering some making Newt pull him closer. 

"Tommy," he said. Thomas turned to face the boy. "Are you okay"

Thomas shook his head yes "I-I somehow-w saw s-something I d-don't know what h-happened but I saw Ar-Aris and Fry-y they had made it off the safe haven and landed somewhere"
"They're alive," Newt asked. Thomas nodded. 

"It-t felt-like I was-s there w-with them I don't kn-know how-with- happened or why I s-saw it but I-i think t-they are c-coming here" He explained still shivering and stuttering from the cold. Newt smiled at the other boy. Minho groaned as he woke up. He was still shivering. 

Newt and Thomas explained what he had seen. Minho smirked knowing that some of their other friends had made it. 

Everyone else looked confused as the boys still hadn't told the whole story. They waved them off promising to tell them more later.

"You better I don't like not knowing what happened to you while you were gone," Isaac said putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. 

Stiles drove to the school when he left the party. He stumbled as he got out of the jeep but it didn't stop him. He ran in and towards the chemistry classroom. He noticed the key he had to the storage room where Barrow was hidden earlier. He unlocked the door just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Stiles walked out of the closet looking around. He noticed the message on the board again. He picked up the chalk writing the numbers that were on the board. He went down the line comparing the numbers to the ones written down before. He noticed it before he had compared all the numbers. The message left telling Barrow to kill Kira was written by him. The problem was he didn't know when, why, or how the message was written by him. He had no memory of it at all.

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