When The Sword Falls - (A Dra...

By thewestcoastsmoker

25.5K 1.1K 293

Draco Malfoy wasn't someone you wanted around you. He was known for attracting trouble, also for being the re... More

Inside My Head
Sugar, Spice, & Everything...Mice?
Hide & Seeker
Hunter for the Hunted
Felix Felicis
Triple That Six
Friend or Foe
Wake Up. Please.
Am I Dead? Is This Hell?
The Damned Malfoy
A Message
Together (Part I)
Together (Part II)

Seduction (Pt. II)

1K 41 5
By thewestcoastsmoker


The moment Draco stopped responding, I knew something was wrong. I leaned back a little, staring at his face. 

He looked like he'd seen a ghost, and I knew that nothing good could ever come from him if he looked like that.

"Draco?" I patted his cheek gently.

Still no movement.

"Hey, Draco?"

He blinked a little, then tore his gaze away from me. I frowned at him.

"What's wrong?"

No reply.

I was going to start slapping some sense into him before a thought popped up into my mind.

What if he thinks I'm hideous? What if I'm not good enough for him?

The thought hurt more like a whiplash. It felt like someone just stabbed my heart.

"Draco, look at me, please."

He wouldn't budge, his eyes fixed somewhere far away.

"Draco, I know you think I'm hideous, and that I'm no good for you, but Jesus fucking Christ, look at me!"

He jerked a little and met my gaze, incredulity in his eyes.

"You think you're no good for me?" he whispered.

I covered my bare body with my hands and looked away, flushing angrily. "Well, explains why you won't look at me, doesn't it?"

Strong, firm hands pulled my arms apart - after much resistance from me. Draco pulled me back down and kissed my throat.

"On the contrary, Harry - I think you're too beautiful for me. Too perfect to love someone as tainted as I am."

I snorted. "Idiot."

"I don't know what you see in me," Draco continued, and I pulled back angrily.

"You're stupid," I spat at him. To my frustration, he laughed.

"I agree," he said, smiling at me affectionately. "But I'm the lucky one here anyway. I mean, if you could see the way you look to me..." He trailed off, shaking his head a little.

I stared at him emotionlessly for a while before straightening up.

"Where are you going?" 

I shushed him. Since he was still holding onto my arms, I got on my knees and swung one leg over him, straddling him and placing myself rather comfortably on his lap.

Draco gasped a little at the friction when I sat directly on his erect member. Smiling sweetly, I leaned down and kissed the flesh underneath his jaw.

"I'm going down on you, Malfoy," I whispered huskily into his ear, and felt him squirm a little underneath me.

I sent a trail of kisses down from his jaw all the way to the hem of his sweater, where I paused. Smirking a little, I used my teeth and pulled his sweater away, exposing the pale, cool flesh underneath. I pressed a hot kiss to his navel and heard an answering "Fuck!" coming from somewhere above me.

"I think you're gonna have to let go of my arms," I called out, laughing when Draco immediately released my wrists.

Sitting up, I pulled Draco's sweater off of him, leaving him shirtless against the cold marble floor. I thought Draco in turtlenecks was a sight to behold, but I was wrong - Draco shirtless was damn near divine.

Starting from his navel, I traced each and every line and curve of his chiseled body with my tongue, stopping here and there to bite and tease him a little, earning several "Fuck!"'s and "Shit, Harry"'s. In the meantime, Draco kept his hands busy, running them all over my bare back, stopping to slide them into the back of my jeans, cupping my ass through my boxers.

I hesitated when I came up to  the map of dark veins tracing his neck, but at his tiny nod, I continued my journey, tracing and licking every dark line. I left a few hickeys on his neck and shoulders, and each earned me a little slap on my ass.

I feathered tiny, light kisses on his jawline all the way to his already-parted lips, where they swallowed mine whole. I let him consume me, falling into the way his full lips attacked mine, feeding off of me, yet giving me so much in return.

I wasn't aware of the friction growing in between my bodies, only realizing when Draco stopped kissing me to press his face into the crook of my neck.

"Harry, I need you. Now."

His voice was a husky growl, and the statement wasn't a question, but more of a command.

I felt him move underneath me, rubbing his crotch against mine through the thick material of our jeans. 

I tore my lips away from his, moving downwards so that my face was right-smack on his crotch. Ignoring his protests, I took the head of his zipper between my teeth and inched it down, unzipping his pants languidly.

He wasn't wearing any boxers, and his member caught me by surprise. I stared up at him, amused.

"I get abrasions," he muttered, embarrassed, and I laughed at his face.

"I'll make them better," I promised, grinning, and took him into my mouth.

Draco swore violently, thumping his fists onto the cold, hard floor, bucking his hips into my mouth. 

I sucked him gently, moving my head up and down slowly as my throat got used to the size. He was massive, and since it was my first time giving head, I wasn't exactly sure how best to please him. I took his moans and multiple swear words as a sign that I was doing it right.

Suddenly I felt hands grabbing me by my hair, holding me in place. I stopped moving just as Draco started pumping his hips into my mouth, making my eyes water a little. My hands were free, and my dick was screaming for release - so I did what came naturally. I pushed my jeans down my thighs, along with my boxers, and wrapped my fingers around the head, making myself moan. I pumped my hand up and down faster, moaning harder and louder in time with my pumps.

The vibration of my moans seemed to excite Draco even more - he was pumping harder and faster into my mouth. 

It was endless. It was timeless. But it only lasted a few minutes.

Just as Draco reached his climax, I let out a loud groan, coming all over my hand and the floor. Draco's hips bucked into my mouth again, once, twice, before he came, too. I swallowed the load, ignoring the way my gag reflex was kicking in, trying to get me to throw up the fluid going down my throat. 

Draco lay back on the cold, marble floor, panting - his chiseled chest rose and fell in ragged breaths. I pulled myself off of him, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

All of a sudden, it was like a thick veil was lifted off of me.

I stared at the mess in horror, feeling a rapid flush coloring my cheeks and neck.

"Draco?" I whispered.

He pulled himself up effortlessly and sat with his legs crossed underneath him, still buck-naked. He cocked his head a little and studied me, and I watched as worry flicked across his features.

"What's wrong, Harry?"

"Wh-what - I don't -" 

The words were coming out with much difficulty. Alarmed, Draco pulled me into his arms, cradling my head against his cold chest.

"Harry, shh, shh - did I hurt you? Are you hurt?"

I heard the worry and pain in his voice. I shook my head.

"How - how - why did I -"


I was silent. I couldn't phrase my question correctly - either way, it'd come out wrong.

What possessed me? What made me - made me do it? 

"Draco - I need you to know that I'm - I'm not a slut," I murmured, refusing to meet his eyes.

"I know that Harry, what are you -"

"No," I interrupted firmly, shaking my head. I felt my face flush - from anger or embarrassment, I couldn't tell. "Draco, what I did - what I forced you to do - that wasn't me. I think I was drugged."

Long, sleek fingers pulled my face up, so that I had no choice but to meet a pair of blazing silver eyes.

"Did you regret it?"

I stared at him, mouth open. "What -"

"Harry, did you regret it? What we did?"

"N-no -"

"Then there's nothing to be ashamed of," Draco said firmly, sealing the sentence with a kiss.

I pulled away a little, frowning. "Don't you think I'm dirty? Don't you think I'm a whore?"

Draco laughed. "Harry, what are you talking about? I've wanted you for years. Honestly, I'm the lucky guy here. You don't have to be afraid or ashamed of anything."

I smiled, a little hesitantly. Draco grinned at me, taking my breath away.

"So, what do you want to do now, Potter? We've still got half an hour left before dinner..."

I felt the same growing ache in my groin, and shrugged languidly.

"Gee, I don't know - what are we going to do?"

Draco pressed a breathy kiss into my neck, sighing a little. "My dear Harry, don't you mean who we're going to do?"

I guess we managed our extra half an hour pretty well after that.

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