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Being in the hospital wing was nice, if not terribly boring.

Although, to be fair, I was only bored during the times Harry wasn't around to get my mind off things.

And the only times Harry wasn't around were when he had to visit the men's room, or fetch me new blankets.

I got bored really easily.

After Dumbledore left, Harry glanced at me shyly.

"Do you want clothes? I could get some for you."

I'd grinned at him. "No, I'm fine. It's fun making you nervous."

He'd blushed, and teasing him had been worth it.

After some time I grew uncomfortable. Being huddled underneath my blankets all day wasn't exactly how I planned spending my day off with Harry would be like. I searched for my wand, before realizing that it was probably still tucked in the back pocket of my jeans, which was probably still in the bathroom I'd been in the night before.

Sighing in irritation, I resolved to wait until Harry came back from the gent's. The boy had a bladder the size of a pea.

While I was waiting, I heard the hospital door open. I groaned - I really wasn't in the mood for any visitors.

I'd expected Ron and Hermione - it surprised me how easily and naturally their names came, even after six years of lunging at each other's throats, and that one time when Hermione had punched me in the face in third grade - to be the ones looking for Harry, but to my surprise, it wasn't them.


It was Pansy. She didn't sound like her usual snobbish self - in fact, she sounded afraid and uncertain.

I sat up a little straighter, clutching at my blankets. I was mentally raging: why hadn't I gotten dressed sooner?

Oh, yeah. To make Harry blush.

I cursed under my breath and drew my blankets around my shoulders, hoping to hide the map of black lines that ran up my neck.

Pansy Parkinson was a sweetheart when you got to know her, but she wasn't terribly good at keeping secrets. I didn't want to have to explain my scar to her.

Since I was the only one in the hospital wing, Pansy spotted me soon enough. I saw how her concerned, taut face made way to a relieved, blooming smile, and I almost forgave her for interrupting my privacy.

She hurried over to me and promptly occupied the armchair Harry had been sitting in only minutes before. I frowned at her, but I didn't think she saw it.

She was too busy hugging me.

I let her, for awhile, before I made an annoyed sound at the back of my throat. Sensing my discomfort, she let go, only to start up an endless stream of babble.

"I was so worried when you didn't come for Potions this morning - I didn't know what to think, I thought something bad had happened to you -"

I zoned out a little. I knew Pansy meant well, but she, like the hospital wing, could be a bit of a bore.

" - and I thought you were angry at me for prying into your love life with Potter -"

I snapped back to reality. Slowly, so as not to jostle my blankets, I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait, what did you say about Potter?"

Pansy blinked at me, irritation knotting her brow. "Come on, Draco, everyone knows. You and Potter have been missing consecutive classes together, and everytime someone asks Weasley and Granger about it they'd shrug. Oh, and Weasley's sister - the little brat - helped, too."

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