The Damned Malfoy

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A/N: You know what I said about not writing about Voldemort? Well, I lied. Sort of. I won't be writing about the Wizarding War, and I definitely won't be following specific events in the books, but our least-favorite, nose-less villain WILL be featured in this. So...hooray, I guess?


I never wanted to see that look on Harry's face again.

The joy slid away from his face, like blood from a gaping wound, and he looked devastated. He started blinking furiously, and I could tell that he was on the verge of tears.

I've made him cry so much in just a day, I thought sadly. Maybe we aren't meant to be together. Maybe I shouldn't have hoped.

Dumbledore looked stern - for the first time, there was no hint of joy or amusement in his eyes.

"And why was that?"

I swallowed thickly - this was a sensitive topic, and I wasn't sure how to approach it. I glanced sideways at Harry, who was still looking at me in misery.

"Is it - is it because of me?" he whispered.

I shook my head wildly, eyes wide in disbelief. "No!" I said venomously. "Never - never about you, Harry!"

"Why, then?"

I shook my head, my breath hitching in my throat.

"I - I'm damned. I'm not made for love, or for happiness - I hurt everything I touch. But most of all I wanted to live normally again - to love normally. I didn't want - I didn't want what my brother gave me."

"You mean your - special abilities?" Dumbledore questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I stared at him. Of course he knew. It was stupid of me to actually think to keep it a secret from the Headmaster.

"I didn't want to live knowing that I had - I had tainted blood in me," I murmured. I saw Harry shift, but I couldn't bear to look at him. "So I forced Professor Snape and Professor Lupin to help me with a potion - it was designed to kill the faerie blood cells I had inside me, to rid my body of the toxic. They told me it was a highly unstable potion, and that I might not make it - but I had to try. I didn't know that I had more faerie blood in me than expected - once I'd drank the potion, it felt like someone was setting me on fire."

I shook my head, trying to forget the impossible heat I'd felt.

"Did the potion work? Are your - abilities gone?"

I frowned. "I'm not sure. I don't feel thirsty."

"Draco, you need to look at this."

I turned, and saw, to my surprise, that Harry was holding a hand mirror.

He must've used Accio.

He held it out to me. Puzzled, I took it, staring at him questioningly. I looked at my reflection and stared.

My eyes were no longer pale blue - they were flat-out silver, and my pupils were reduced to slits. They looked like cat eyes - the eyes of a hunter.

"I don't know how - maybe they're the side effects of the potion?"

I wasn't going to lose hope yet - I was still going to hang onto the small belief I had that I'd managed to get rid of the faerie in me.

"Draco, there's something I need to tell you."

Harry sounded so afraid, so helpless.

"When you were - when I thought you were dead, I tried all sorts of spells on you, hoping that you'd wake up. But when you didn't, I poured the bottle of Felix Felicis I'd won the other day in Professor Slughorn's class." He laughed a little, but I could tell that his heart wasn't into it. "It might've altered Snape's potion in some way - maybe made you immune to the potion instead."

I stared at him, at his wide, green eyes and dark hair. I sighed and stroked his curls gently.

"Oh Harry. How sad you've been," I muttered. He smiled a little, then turned his head sideways, kissing the palm of my hand. I felt my heart break.

Dumbledore was silent, watching us with a gleam in his eyes that looked suspiciously like tears.

"I've never seen a love so like Lily and James'," Dumbledore said, smiling now. "Perhaps Severus and Remus, but I doubt even they can rival the both of you.

"I'm sure you're asking yourself how I seem to know so much about you being half faerie. It's not really a secret - I knew what your brother was up to, but I never did anything to stop him, which I deeply regret. I'm sure you're both aware about the situation the Wizarding World is facing currently?"

I saw Harry unconsciously touch the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

"There's a war going on, isn't there?" I replied, puzzled.

Dumbledore nodded. "A war between good and evil - them and us. Although I refuse to believe that anyone is fully evil." He paused, seeming to ponder something over, then continued. "Voldemort had a close friend in Hogwarts - as close as a friend could be to him. That friend was as reckless and as daring as he was, as twisted and probably nearly as inhumane as Tom Riddle was. His name was Damon, and the both of them were inseparable."

I winced at the sound of my brother's name, but otherwise made no noise.

"Voldemort is feared across the Wizarding World, that much is true, but Damon - he's feared everywhere. I haven't seen anything like it. The duo didn't cause any trouble in school, none that I know of, but they always had an air of danger around them, and none of the students doubted that they were dangerous." Dumbledore sighed, then met my gaze.

"Do you know what happened to your brother?"

I shook my head, clenching my hands into fists.

"He's dead," I said flatly.

Dumbledore stared at me, and I knew that he knew I was lying. I stared at him defiantly, and he seemed to drop the subject.

"My concerns lie for both of you - Damon might be dead, but Voldemort is still on the rise. And since they were such good friends, I fear that Voldemort might target the both of you, since Draco is Damon's dear brother, and Harry - well, Harry is the Chosen One. Voldemort has reason to have a vendetta against either one of you, so I urge you to be careful. Professor Lupin and Professor Snape have both offered extra lessons for the both of you - Occlumency for Harry, since Draco is already an accomplished Occlumens, and a Self Control class for Draco, for him to hone his abilities better."

I nodded, relieved - at least someone would be helping me deal with my thirst.

Harry nodded too - he reached out and grasped my hand firmly. I stared at our fingers, perfectly intertwined on the hospital bedsheets, pale underneath the yellow lamps.

"Whatever it is, at least we'll be going through this together," Harry said, and I grinned, unable to believe how one word could make me feel light and alive.

"Together," I promised, squeezing his hand.

Dumbledore smiled at our hands, then stood up. Harry hurriedly followed suit, but the Headmaster waved his hand dismissively.

"You should get some rest, Harry, I'll see myself out. Goodnight, both of you - and try not to dirty the bedsheets, will you?"

I could've sworn I saw Dumbledore wink before he left the hospital wing.

I looked at Harry, whose whole face was red, and started laughing.

It wasn't long before Harry joined me, too.


I guess being damned isn't such a bad thing if you had someone else with you.

When The Sword Falls - (A Drarry Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant