waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

By multifandomsw

4K 185 190

Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... More

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116 6 15
By multifandomsw

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Poe exactly knew it was the right decision to leave Eliora behind. She definitely had a better chance of surviving than him and that was what made Poe leave her. She could have been captured by the First Order, tortured until she couldn't move anymore. But because she left, the only thing she had to do was survive and try not to get caught. But Poe was still worried, was this as easy as he thought? Of course it wasn't. She had nothing to drink, nothing to eat and had to bring Beebe back to the resistance. But how could she even find a way to do that? She was alone on a sand planet she didn't even know. But Poe exactly knew that it was the right decision. At least she wouldn't be tortured. Wouldn't be hurt. Like him..

His head ached and pounded from being tortured for hours. The only thing he was feeling was the pain bitterly slow increasing. The feeling of numbness overcame his body as he tried to at least move one of his fingers, to make sure he was still alive. As he moved only a little bit, he felt something wet on his face. The blood was dripping from his forehead down his cheeks. The pilot hissed again, not being able to even move a single finger. But he was proud. He didn't give Kylo Ren a single information about Luke Skywalker's map. And Poe knew he had to resist and try to not tell him anything. Even tho it could mean his death.

His mind slowly wandered back to Eliora, like he wanted to suppress the pain he felt in his whole body. The thought of her made him forget about the suffering for a bit. It was only a few minutes, but he forgot it. He thought about her smile, that he saw so rare. He wished he could have seen it more times, wished he would have used the chance and talked to her from the beginning on. He thought about her cheeks getting pink when she got either embarrassed, flattered or excited. About the fact that she couldn't handle compliments at all. Poe guessed it was because she barely got any on Tatooine, but he couldn't understand why. Eliora was more than just the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. It was her toughness, shyness and sweet kind that made him feel the way he did. So he wondered, why not - literally everyone - had already fallen in love with the girl.

At the thought of her, a small smile crept on his face. He knew he couldn't let Kylo know where the map to Skywalker was. The first reason why was because the resistance needed Luke Skywalker- the legend- to win this war. And Poe was more than aware of that. But the second reason- and as important one- was that if Kylo could get it out of him, Eliora would be in danger, which would be a thousand times worth. Right then, the First Order had Poe and thought he was the only person on the mission. But if Kylo succeeded getting information out of Poe, he would know the map was in a Beebe unit. The First Order had left Jakku with thinking they had everything they needed with Poe. But if they found out about the droid on Jakku, they would go back and search for it. And Eliora would be in danger, because she was the one with Beebe. So Poe knew that he had to do everything he could do to not let them know where the map was.

Poe's eyes were closed, his breath irregular and the blood just dripping down his head, as he heard the familiar mechanical voice. "I had no idea we had the best pilot in the resistance on board." With that, every thoughts of Eliora disappeared and Poe lifted his head just a bit, coming into view with him- Kylo Ren, standing a few steps away from Poe's chair. Well into view with his mask. A face concealing black combat helmet with a silver inlay that rediatet from the eyes as a symbol of power. "Comfortable?", the mechanical voice asked. Poe- being the sarcastic pilot- just answered: "Not really." He wasn't really afraid of the man standing in front of him. He was afraid of what he was doing. Destroying planets, villages, killing innocent people. The man standing in front of him was just a creepy and weird one, but the things he could do or was doing, were terrifying. "I'm impressed.", Kylo Ren said, taking small and slow steps forward. With each step, making a hollow noise. Poe was still strapped onto the interrogation chair, so he was not able to move, only able to watch the man getting closer. Or was it even a human behind this mask?

"No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map.", the masked man stated. Poe wasn't afraid, so he didn't show any fear towards the First Order villain. "You might want to rethink your technique.", he answered sincerely. Poe heard Kylo Ren taking a breath, before he raised his hand. All of the sudden, Poe felt him entering his head. It was the force, which made it possible. Poe didn't know much about the force, but he knew Kylo could be able to see the things in his head and find out where the map was, so Poe tried his best to concentrate on good and not interesting things about his life. It was difficult to hold back where the map was, to hold the thoughts of Eliora back, they just wanted to escape him. But he tried his best to not think about it, while he listened to the dull humming.

Poe thought about his mother, his beautiful mother, bringing him the first time into her A- wing cockpit, showing him all the controls.

About his father, as he laughed at something his mother had said. A perfect family.

About the time his family settled down after the war and just laughed happily.

About the first time he got to fly his mothers A- wing and the look on his father's face when he found out.

About the times he couldn't sleep and his mother came to him, telling him stories about the war.

"Where is it?", he questioned the pilot. Poe just gritted his teeth. "The resistance..", he began. "Will not be intimidated by you." But Kylo Ren searched deeper into his mind, making it nearly impossible for Poe to keep thinking about the good things.

He suddenly thought about the day he found out his mother died, the day he sobbed constantly.

He thought about the fighting with his father after his mother's death.

He thought about the time he left his father and joined some spice runners.

About his dark future while spice running, which he exactly knew was wrong.

But Poe still fought, he wouldn't let Kylo get what he wanted.

He thought about when he joined the New Republic's fleet.

About when he finally joined the resistance, where he truly belonged.

Kylo wouldn't let go. "Where..is it?", he asked one last time.

He thought about Eliora, the way she smiled. The way her cheeks flushed pink when someone complimented her.

He thought about the times he saw her crying twice and his heart almost broke into two pieces.

He thought about their mission together and how she was alone on Ja-

Suddenly, Poe felt this unbearable amount of pain. And he couldn't control it anymore. As much as he tried to, as he wanted to, there was no chance anyone could have hold any longer. And Poe thought about what Kylo wanted him to think about. "In a Beebe unit on Jakku. With a brunette girl.", Kylo stated proudly. "Bring the droid and kill the girl."

Eliora looked around, trying to find any sign of life, but the only thing she saw was sand covering the whole planet. In every direction the brunette looked, she could only see the small mountains of singend- brown sand. Beebe rolled besides her, the orange and white colors coming more into view as the sun set. Everything reminded her of Tatooine. And she didn't want to forget, but thinking about it didn't make Eliora any happier. When she thought about Tatooine, she didn't think about the good days there, no, she thought about the day her mother left her, the day Zora left, the day she found out she was an- well- an orphan and had to survive on her own.

That's why she tried to concentrate on the landscape rather than bringing up old memories. There were only few plants buried in the sand. She saw the sun slowly fading away and she knew she had to find shelter, because it would get cold at night time. The same as on Tatooine, the days the sun brunt your skin, but in the nights, the coldness was almost unbearable. And the same was for Jakku, or that was what Eliora guessed. When she felt a wind coming up, and goosebumps building on her skin, she knew she had been right. As she looked around further, she saw the same old wreckages she only saw some- maybe minutes?- ago. And so she knew, that she didn't get a step further.

The brunette girl groaned, as she let herself fall into the sand, which almost burned her skin. It was still hot from the day sun, which made Eliora realize one thing: she needed water. She had run so much, while the sun was covering her whole skin. And if she wanted to survive, she would need water. The girl already felt her throat getting raspy. It was only a matter of time now. Eliora was still panting, her breath out of control. And now that she wasn't getting any further, tears built in her eyes. She just wanted to get out, out of this nightmare. She wished it was one, but it was all reality.

Her head began throbbing, as she tried to compose herself. Taking deep breaths and thinking about why she was there. They needed to find Luke Skywalker and she needed to stay confident. But how could she be confident, when she knew that Poe, the guy she- liked?- was out there being most likely captured and tortured by the First Order. And she knew he would get out, would he? Maybe it was the wrong thing she did. Maybe she should have just stayed with him. She knew Poe was strong, but was he that strong? Was he even alive right then? Eliora couldn't even bare the thought of him being dead. Because it was her worst nightmare. Beebe chirped something next to her, gaining Eliora's attention. "Everything's going to be alright, I promise.", she smiled to the droid, which had gotten quite fond to her.

Some tears escaped her eyes. She had let fallen too many that day, way too many. She had cried the moment Poe told her to run, to now, the moment she was sitting in the sand, seeing the pink and red colors of the sky. The dears just wouldn't stop, and even tho she wasn't a sobbing mess anymore, they still left her eyes. She grabbed the necklace Poe had given her and looked at it carefully. A ring hang from the beautiful silver chain. And the ring also looked perfect. His mother's wedding ring. And Poe had given it to her as a sign of luck. And she had given him her necklace too. They both trusted each other with the most important item in their life. And while looking at the necklace, she decided something.

Eliora needed to fight. For Poe. If he was still alive, she would need to help him, rescue him. With contacting the resistance. She would need to do this for Poe. Because he had trusted her. And she needed to bring Beebe back, back to the resistance. They needed to find Luke. They needed to win this war. She just wanted back freedom and peace in the galaxy, wanted to some day settle down with someone and maybe even get some children. But she couldn't do it without the end of the First Order. And this was a reason to fight, not only for herself, but for every family out there. They deserved a life without fear, and so did their children. So Eliora took all her strength and stood up, on her way to finding Beebe.

But as she looked around, she recognized that something was missing. Beebe. "Kriff.", she mumbled, as she ran into the direction, she assumed him to have ran. As she almost stumbled over the sand- mountain, she luckily came into view with the familiar white orange BB unit. She let go the breath, she didn't even know she was holding, and began running to him. That's when she saw someone kneeling besides the droid. A brunette girl, with a special hairstyle, and striking blue eyes. Eliora gasped for a second, before she took out her blaster and pointed it at the girl. "Get back from that droid.", Eliora said between gritted teeth, gaining the mysterious girl's attention.

The girl turned around, her eyes wandering from Eliora's eyes, to the blaster she was holding in her hands. She raised her hands in surrender. "Wait!", she began, taking a step back. "I just saved him from Teedo. He wanted to take the BB unit for his parts.", the girl explained. Eliora looked from Rey's blue eyes, to Beebe and when he beeped in confirmation, she lowered the blaster. "I'm sorry.", Eliora mumbled, walking to Beebe. "Thank you.", she softly smiled at the girl. The girl had something special with her, but Eliora couldn't quite figure out what.

"No worries, he didn't want to tell me where he is from." Eliora just nodded and looked down at Beebe. "Next time don't loose your droid, or you may never see him again." Eliora looked up again biting her lip. "Yes, I know that.", she smiled, but exhaustion was written on her face. "You look tired, do you have a home here? Where are you from?" Before Eliora could answer, Beebe chirped. "Classified, really? Yeah, me too. Big secret.", the girl laughed slightly. Eliora didn't know what to do, if she could trust the girl, but right then she needed every help she could get, so she just decided to trust her.

"We aren't from here. We don't know where to go.", Eliora nervously stated. "You sure know how to defend yourself.", the girl laughed. The girl saw the exhaustion written on Eliora's face. She saw her red puffy eyes, the sweat dripping from her forehead and her dirty clothes. "Nina Outpost is that way. Stay off Kelvin Ridge. Keep away from the Sinking Field in the north, you'll drown in the sand.", the girl began, pointing at a direction. Eliora exhaled loudly and nodded. The girl didn't seem to want to help them. Beebe wanted to follow the mysterious girl, but Eliora stopped him. "Come on, we need to go if we want to survive." That made the girl stop in her tracks. They really needed help. So she turned around and offered Eliora a smile. "Come on, I can offer you shelter for the night, but you have to go in the morning.", the girl smiled. Eliora's eyes lightened at that. The girl was nice, that was for sure.

Eliora stumbled forward. "You're really helping us, thank you.", she offered a grin. "I'm Eliora and that's Beebe eight, but Beebe is enough.", she pointed at the droid. The girl in front of her accepted Eliora's hand. "Rey.", she smiled. And again, as Eliora looked into her eyes, she felt like she could trust her. Rey began walking, being followed by Eliora and Beebe. "You're living here?", Eliora questioned. "Yes, I'm a scavenger." Eliora's eyes widened. Scavenger? "I'm sorry." Rey sadly smiled. "It's okay, I'm used to it. It's everything I've ever known." Eliora just nodded. "You're still not telling me where you're from." Eliora thought for a minute.

She knew she could trust the girl. "Well you're obviously not from the First Order, are you?", she laughed slightly. Rey shook her head immediately. "I'd be ashamed if I were." Eliora then took a deep breath, looking at Beebe. "We're from the resistance.", she explained. It was like Rey froze in her tracks. She turned around and looked Eliora deeply into her brown eyes. Rey's heart began beating faster and excitement built in her body. "The resistance?", she whispered. Eliora furrowed her eyebrows, but then nodded. "Yes. I'm a pilot-" "A pilot?", Rey interrupted, eyes widened. "Yes. And I'm on a special mission, we have to bring the droid back to the resistance. It's important.", she explained. "I'm really talking to someone from the resistance.", Rey mumbled to herself, not quite believing it. "Why is the droid so important?", Rey asked. Beebe chirped. "I know Beebe, I can't tell. I'm really sorry Rey, but I'm afraid it's secret." Rey just shrugged. "That's okay, it's an honor I can even speak to you. I've never met someone from the resistance.", she grinned. Eliora just laughed. The girl was really nice.

Both of the girls sat in front of a fire. Eliora looked into it and it reminded her of Poe. The last time she saw a fire, everything was still fine. The time she took the map from Lot San Tekka. Poe was at her side. But right then, he wasn't anymore. "A mission on Jakku?", Rey questioned. Eliora met her eyes and nodded. "The thing is, I wasn't alone.", Eliora confessed, voice slightly quivering as she thought of Poe. "That's why you were crying.", Rey pointed at Eliora's red cheeks. "I was sent with him, but the First Order captured him. He told me to run, and I did run, but it should have been both of us. Now he is the one being tortured and I'm still here, totally fine. I feel bad.." Rey laid her hand on Eliora's shoulder. "It's not your fault. I think he, whoever he even is, just wanted to keep you save." Eliora smiled at that. "And I have to bring Beebe back to the resistance and tell them to rescue him. And bring the important information in Beebe to them."

Rey nodded understandingly. "I'll bring you to the nearest city in the morning. If we have luck, we'll find someone who will fly you." After a short while, Rey said something. "What is his name?", she questioned, as Eliora played with Poe's necklace. "Poe. Poe Dameron." Rey nodded. "And you love him?" That made Eliora's eyes widen. "What?", she asked, pouting. "You love him.", Rey repeated. "No, I-" Rey interrupted her again. "The way you fear for him, the way your eyes spark when you talk about him, the way you smile dreamingly.", she explained. Eliora just sighed. "I don't know if I love him. But I need him safe and I need Beebe to be safe." Rey nodded and smiled. "It's also his droid.", Eliora continued. "Really? He has an own droid? Is he Someone special?", Rey asked, making Eliora chuckle. "The best pilot of the resistance." That made Rey spit on her drink. "What?" Did she hear that right? "Yes, he's the best pilot of the resistance. And a commander.", Eliora explained. "Will you tell me more about you and the resistance?", Rey wanted to know. "Tomorrow."

Poe only felt sarrow. He had never felt so bad. As he closed his eyes, he thought about what he had done. He had told them about Beebe, about his location. And now they were after the droid and after Eliora. A small tears escaped his eyes, but he was interrupted by someone entering the room. A stormtrooper looked at Poe, then to the other one guarding him. "Ren wants the prisoner." When Poe felt his chains opening, he looked confused. Ren wanted him? To kill him? He looked at the stormtrooper in disgust and took a deep breath. Not only had he told the First Order where the map to the last Jedi was, he had also told them where Eliora was.

It was like he was walking on jelly, every bone in his body ached, but he still went with the stormtrooper. If he didn't, he would most certainly be shot within seconds. "Turn here.", the stormtrooper told Poe, not even giving him a second, before leading him to one of the side corridors. Poe stumped inside and was now only inches away from the Stormtrooper. "Listen carefully. If you do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here." Poe couldn't believe his ears. A stormtrooper- an actual stormtrooper, wanted to help him? "What?", Poe questioned, his brows furrowed. The stormtrooper put down his blaster and his helmet. Poe came into view with a dark- skinned man, only inches taller than him. He had black hair and deep brown eyes. Also pursed lips and fear written in his eyes. His whole face was covered in sweat. But Poe probably didn't even look any better.

"This is a rescue, I'm helping you escape." , the man explained. Poe still looked shook, was this really happening? "Can you fly a TIE fighter?", the stormtrooper asked. "You're with the resistance?", Poe assumed. This was the only possible reason. Why would a stormtrooper help him? But Poe was wrong. "What? No, no, no. I'm breaking you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?", the man repeated. "I can fly anything.", Poe stated proudly. He was a cocky pilot, but he wasn't wrong. He could indeed fly anything. The stormtrooper let out an unbelievable laugh. "Why? Why are you helping me?", Poe wanted to know. This couldn't happen, could it? He had the chance to save Eliora. The stormtrooper took a breath, before nodding. "Because it's the right thing to do." Poe had thought for a second, before realization hit him. "You need a pilot?", he laughed. "I need a pilot." Poe's grinned at the stormtrooper. "We're going to do this." The stormtrooper thought for a second. "Yeah?"

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

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