Overlord X Male reader

By Laughinga9nda

147K 3.1K 5K

It's been three years since you last logged into Yggdrasil, what got you back in the game was the announcemen... More

Last I played
I welcome our new Calcium Overlord
The Warrior, Spellsword, and Huntsman
I am Huntsman, I hunt monsters
The Literal Hamster with a Snake Tail
The Blade of Nazarick
Shalltear's betrayal
I am Handsome and Damned
Champion of Helheim
Do Not Disappoint, Kinsmen
Praise The Dragon lord, Lord Gier
Which Monster Am I Killing First
Most Men, Not Dragons
zu'u los par, zu'u los volum...zu'u los dinok
Rule Neu Aztlan, Neu Aztlan Rules The Lake
The Tomb's Experiment
Praetorian of Nazarick
Big Trouble in Little Carne
Bathe in Peace
Rok wo du lo fin vulom
A Display of Power
I Allow You to Have Fun
Kept You Waiting, huh?
Kriin! Du! Vaaz!!
A Worthy Attempt
The Bureaucracy
She Lied
The Kingdom of Nazarick's Outstanding Rulership


4.2K 100 48
By Laughinga9nda

(not gonna lie picking a title for this chapter was so hard I couldn't come up with any funny jokes or cool quips so I went really simple for this one I was also busy trying to finish at least two chapters for my next story as this fanfiction is more so that I don't burn myself and lose interest in writing, that would be a shame.)

You yawned stretching your arms into the air showing off your feminine body to Ainz noticing the green shimmer in his visor chuckling as you followed him into the guild hall ever since your dragon form was spotted the city has been on high alert resulting in more guards and a very tedious gate check

Which used your [Polymorph] to adopt a female body and with your racial speech buffs you managed to let you four pass without the need of a check up besides like a dragon could sneak past them...well they aren't wrong to believe it as you fix your scarf from yawning

Ainz pushed both doors open murmurs already escaping before he could walk in heightened hearing picking up each one about the talk of the town, the Dark Hero Momon

???: there's a lot of adamantite on the front of his armor...how much did it cost anyway?

That title deriving from his high end full plate armor pristine now then the mock damage you inflicted on it to make it look like he was in a fierce battle which was true around his neck hung a metal plate, a piece of metal that would signify him as a legend to be worshiped by adventurers for his feats were close to impossible an adamantite plate

It was no surprise that the guild had stirred into frenzy at the appearance of a walking legend famed in story and song

???: the kingdom's third adamantite adventurer team...

???: that must be...the Dark Hero Momon right?...and behind him is the Beautiful Princess Nabe the rumors were right about her looks...

???: check out the older sibling total babe...

???: the Huntsman?

???: I think you mean Huntswoman.

???: what? I hear it's actually a man?

???: with that body bullshit.

They look to you seeing as you caught their attention the one who complimented your appearance giving you a grin you ignore him looking at his friend giving him a wink

???: she's into me.

???: I think she winked at me.

???: are you two blind? she absolutely winked at me!!

The three men start bickering with each other grinning at their antics reverting back to your base human form chuckling to yourself a lot more of the whispers started regarding Ainz instead so you ignored them

Narberal slows her pace to stand next to you in order to hide from the people's gazes

Narberal: I hope you do not mind, Huntsman.

She whispers to you a small blush forming once again amazed at the fact that Narberal could blush to begin with, probably due to her being in human form

(Y/n): of course not, these mongrels can stare and yearn for you for as long as they want, but only I have the privilege to call you mine.

You whisper back opening your coat you wrap your arm around her concealing all, but her head

Narberal: Huntsman-

(Y/n): shhh...I am merely accomplishing your wishes to not be seen, is this not what you wanted?

Narberal: t-thank you, Huntsman.

The yellow of your irises glowed brighter in desire until it dims out at the voice of another entering your head via a particular very adorable maid's talisman, but the message was not the one you wanted biting your lip drawing blood

Finally reaching an empty reception desk Ainz slaps the assignment on the desk the person's name who offered the job signed at the bottom acknowledging that the job had been completed

Ainz: our assignment is complete please help us keep an eye out for any new jobs.

Her eyes widen at the declaration that the assignment you three just completed what was a mithril level rank task something which should take a while, but merely completed with ease

???: ah, Sir Momon I am very sorry, but we do not have any jobs for you Sir Momon please forgive us.

Ainz: is that so-

(Y/n): Momon...

From the look in your eyes Ainz understood immediately

Ainz: I see that's good my comrade just reminded me about something I had to do I'll be returning to the inn if there's anything look for me there...do you know where I'm staying?

???: I do, is it the Shining Gold Pavilion

He nods acknowledging her answer with a turn his crimson cape swaying in the motion bringing his voice down to a whisper

Ainz: I want you to show them our military might.

(Y/n): nods" 'order Gargantua to move out and summon Victim as well once Cocytus returns, all the floor guardians will move as one in a true show of power.


(Y/n): hm...Albedo isn't here?

Ainz: we've been gone for two weeks I assumed she would be excited to see you again.

(Y/n): perhaps she is with Sif.

Ainz: perhaps...are you going to change your outfit?

You look down at your "nobleman" outfit the one you use to play your role of huntsman while it would've been a hassle to change it did have a few tears in it and would very much like to return to your main armor

(Y/n): I will, I guess I'll see you in a few minutes.

In a truly act of awkwardness you two teleport into the same hallway since he did have your room moved closer to his giving each other a small awkward laugh before moving to your door opening it

Albedo: welcome back, Lord Gier.

(Y/n): 'ah, so this where she's been waiting for me.'

Albedo: would you like dinner? a bath? or...would...you...like...me?

(Y/n): 'she used to do this more me sometimes...bad, stop thinking of the past!'

With the quietest tone he can muster Ainz whispers to you as he walks past your doorway

Ainz: I am so sorry...

You close the door with you leg shutting yourself inside your room with her, oh how the fly innocently accepted the spider's hospitality

(Y/n): what are you doing?

Albedo: I'm playing newlyweds Lord (Y/n) I've heard people say that this is the best way for a newly-wedded wife to greet her husband after he returns from a business trip, do you like it?

You give her your best smile crouching down grasping her hand you swear you heard her heart skip a few beats

(Y/n): that was quite a charming welcome Albedo, and I would like the second one if you mind.

Albedo: that's good to hear I'll have your bath drawn out, Lord Gier...

She gives a few giggles afterwards you probably shouldn't have turned your back from her as you swiped your fingers across your armor stands looking for your primary armor feeling as if your being stalked that feeling coming from the lust hidden within Albedo's eyes if you had chosen the third option most likely she would pounce you and you wouldn't be the one in control

Yes, a feeling your all too familiar with having suffered just a fate during your honeymoon and ever since after you've learned to adapt to such situations

(Y/n): usually a newlywed wife would welcome there husband only in an apron nothing less truly then I would feel just at home with such a familiar sight.

Albedo: 'familiar sight?' how embarrassing I did not know that newlywed wives only wore an apron as their battle attire when greeting their husband.

(Y/n): 'just as planned that should throw a wrench into her game'

Albedo: if you wish, I shall immediately..."the way her voice softened into a quiet whisper hearing each word caused your fingers to twitch finding your primary armor" change right in front of you, Lord (Y/n).

(Y/n): 'checkmate'

You tap the button your armors swapping heading for the door the atmosphere she so hard tried to create shattering making you smile mentally, cunningly the fly escapes the spider's attempt

(Y/n): as enjoyable as it would be Albedo to watch you disrobe yourself we are still in service of Ainz and at moment I do not wish to be late for our briefing come along,

Albedo: yes, Lord (Y/n).

You grasp her chin on the way out you enjoyed Albedo's little roleplay, but Albedo understood the balance of work and pleasure, and at the moment work came first that didn't mean you couldn't return those feelings

(Y/n): we'll continue this when that bath you promised me is ready.

Albedo: yes, Lord (Y/n)!

You smile at her enthusiasm switching from an eager newlywed to an efficient secretary back to an eager newlywed

You open your door allowing her to exit walking to Ainz's office this time she opens the door for you walking in finding him sitting at his desk ignoring pleasantries he too goes straight to business

Ainz: this is the money we earned in E-Rantel this is your cut this is mine, use mine for experiments.

You grasp your pouch of coins hefting it a bit to feel the weight before dropping it into the void that is the mess of your inventory space

Albedo: understood, I shall see if these funds can be used to summon monsters or activate Nazarick's defense systems.

It was fortunate that Yggdrasil's currency could be used in this New World, but the reverse was unknown with the money you three made during adventuring you would see if it was possible to use the silver coins as a substitute if it's not possible then the currency within the treasury would need to be used wisely from further on

And with your cut of the money...well you had plans for it besides sleeping on it

Ainz: also, about Clementine...

Your brows furrowed at the name it came to your attention that her corpse had vanished whether she was resurrected or not there was a possibility that she could've told anyone of what she's learned about you and Ainz well Huntsman and Momon two identities that would be a shame to lose due to negligence

On the opposite it also meant the possibilities of friends lost out there to hear of your deeds and come looking for you two, but that was wishful thinking

Ainz: I might as well order Pandora's Actor to put one that woman's blades into the Treasury's shredder and see what happens.

Albedo: the shredder?

(Y/n): it's nothing special just a glorified merchant box.

Ainz: yes, ask Pandora's Actor to take Nearata's form he should benefit from their skill set.

With that out of the way he finally unrolls the scroll that was resting on his desk revealing a very vague and poorly designed, there weren't even any mythical creatures to fill in the void like the ones you would see in antique shops

Ainz: also it took some effort to obtain it, but this is a map of the world which we acquired in E-Rantel.

(Y/n): costed us two whole jobs all for this piece of crap.

Albedo: I must agree with Lord Gier this map is very vague.

Ainz: yes, I know you were there too Gier the other maps weren't as great either it only covers a small portion of the surrounding world even yet it was done haphazardly and many landmarks aren't recorded and still this map only covers human countries and only one demihuman nation alas it is a crude map, but I doubt we'll find anything better.

Albedo: I see then I shall have the map duplicated and distributed to each guardian.

Ainz: please do so then before that I shall briefly explain the contents on the map "he points to the center of the map" this is E-Rantel and this region contains the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick "he moves his finger northeast" this is the Azellisian mountain range which marks the border between the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Baharuth Empire, the large forest around the southern tip of the mountain range is the Great Forest of Tob, and there is a large lake here where there is a lizardman village in the wetlands.

Ainz looked up to you looking for any reaction finding none he continues explaining the map to the Northwest resided the Agrand council Alliance inhabited by many demihumans lead by a council of dragons this causes a stir in you Albedo noticing how you started rubbing the pommel of your sword to the Southwest lies the Holy Kingdom surrounded by high walls to defend itself from the battling demihuman tribes

Albedo: is that not where Demiurge has gone.

Ainz: that's right on the other end of the wilderness is the Slaine Theocracy a nation which we must be mindful of.

Albedo: is this a national border?

Ainz: probably, frankly speaking there's no use trying to study borders from this map on account of how vague it is then let's take a look on the Empire's side there are many city-states located to the northeast of the Empire who have formed up into a city-state alliance there seems to be a city of demihumans there as well o the southeast of the Empire is a region with many gigantic standing quartz pillars apparently there are humanoid tribes there who raise wyverns.

Albedo: are they wyvern riders then?

In Yggdrasil one could summon a wyvern as a mount only if they had thirty-five levels in equestrian type levels whether that mechanic carried over to this world was unknown

Ainz: ...possibly going by that logic the opposition should be quite strong, but even so they aren't exactly fearsome opponents for the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick...however the portion of the map below them...the eastern shore of this great lake...hasn't been filled in yet "he points to the bottom portion of the map" and they say there's a Draconic Kingdom here.

Albedo: dragons?

She looks to you who for the most part had stayed silent as Supreme Commander you were an example to those below you and could not afford to let primal rivalries deter you intently studying the map your eyes darting across the map's landscape taking note of mountain ranges, rivers, and forest where border supposedly started and ended trying your best to formulate any sense of plans

Ainz: yes, a powerful dragon founded that nation in the past and apparently its royalty has inherited that dragon's bloodline...but whether those rumors are reliable remains to be seen in any event that's enough about the map for now.

Albedo: then my lords we should be wary of the Slaine Theocracy and the Council Alliance, am I correct?

With that remark you straighten your back letting a low growl this map was really bad you couldn't think of any tactics and the ones you could were based around the supposed land features most importantly most of the neighboring countries were unknown and had to be treated as powerful even the Slaine Theocracy while pitiful as you fought them before that was a small splinter group there true power was unknown, the Council Alliance on what you assume would be an amalgamation of unknown demihumans with a probably diverse military, and the Holy Kingdom would most likely have years worth of experience fighting against demihumans then there were the unknown kingdoms even as a dragon yourself this puzzled you and it pissed you off

Albedo: forgive me, given our circumstances we should be on guard against all other countries am I correct?

(Y/n): yes, you are right to assume that there is too much unknown about these other countries while our armies could probably compete there are still unknown individuals that could still pose a threat.

Albedo understood the underlying message beneath your words any of these countries could harbor the individual that used that World item on Shalltear

Ainz: yes, but you did not let me finish I don't want to make you jump through more hurdles but there's a city that floats on the waves in the east while there's the city founded by the Eight Greed Kings to the South those two are probably the ones we need to be the most mindful of the city of the Eight Greed Kings in particular...they say it's a flying city in the middle of the desert.

(Y/n): a flying city...this is just gets more complicated.

Ainz: according to the news I've heard it would be more accurate to describe it as a city built underneath a flying fortress they say water flows endlessly from the fortress to the city and that the city itself is completely surrounded by a magical barrier and doesn't look like it belongs in the desert at all.

Albedo: shall we have the vassals conduct a reconnaissance mission?

(Y/n): no, it would be a waste of resources and to be truthful I don't want us to be dealing with so many enemies at once I've...read what occurs to countries that fight on more than two fronts even if the World-Class item's user came from any of these mysterious nations we should try to get along cordially with them until we're certain we can keep our own foothold in this world.

Ainz: hmm, speaking of World items how is Shalltear doing?

Albedo: her body seems fine after her resurrection, but...

(Y/n): has something happened whilst we were gone?

Albedo: ah forgive me, in truth Shalltear's mental state is somewhat unsettling.

Ainz: aftereffects from her mind control? could it be that even death cannot fully erase the effects of a World Class item.

Albedo: no, it's not like that...it's more like she still feels intense guilt for raising her hand against you my Lords and she cannot forgive herself for doing so.

You snicker loyalty will always be valued, but sometimes the extent they go in order to revere you two is quite amusing as Albedo misinterprets your snicker for annoyance

Albedo: please forgive my rudeness for interfering with your deliberations by interrupting my Lords, I feel that it would be best if she were punished...rewards and punishment must be handed out as they are due if you assign punishment to Shalltear it will eliminate the guilt in her heart.

(Y/n): in contrast, she is currently stewing in guilt because she has not been punished for her actions am I correct, Albedo?

Albedo: yes, Lord Gier you are correct.

(Y/n): as Lord over the Tomb this is a matter for you.

You would've done it yourself, but as Ainz's friend you want him to be respected over you he was the guild leader before this situation as fit he should be one giving out punishment

Ainz: ...I understand, I shall give Shalltear some punishment then.

Albedo: I feel it would be better that way please forgive any offense I have given.

Ainz: what are you saying? I look forward to such suggestions Albedo what you have done is very fitting of your position as the Overseer of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Albedo: thank you very much.

She bows in his praise, you smile at her causing her to blush

Ainz: now then, Gier I'm going to need you to stay in the Tomb.

Your concentration is broken hearing Ainz's words, he wanted you to stay in the Tomb for reasons unknown to you

(Y/n): is there a particular reason why?

Ainz: I will take in account for the holder of that World Item whenever we go out on expeditions, but in the meantime before we learn more details about the enemy it would be wise to act as lowkey as possible that is what you mean by staying on the defensive, right?

(Y/n): ...yes, you are correct though that doesn't mean we have to remain in the shadows for long for instance Albedo how fares Cocytus on the front?

She lowers her eyes and from that reaction you could guess the results

Albedo: Cocytus has not made any reports yet, but Entoma indicates that the plan has not yet exceeded our scope of predictions they should have set up camp near the objective and they are preparing to make contact.

Ainz: and that is precisely why I want you to stay Gier I want you oversee Cocytus you are after all the Supreme Commander of the Tomb and you were once lizardman your knowledge should come of use to him.

(Y/n): I...I sent him out there-

Ainz: alright, I had planned to join you in observing the battles with you, but you remember we had all those tasks back at the guild record them so that I can see them myself.

He teleports out the room back to the inn you stand there confused if Cocytus was to be your second in command on the battlefield you wanted to test his skill as an individual, but now Ainz wants you to be involved with the whole test

(Y/n): 'you really like to throw wrenches into my plans do you Ainz...'

Albedo: is there an issue, Lord Gier?

(Y/n): ...that bath, is it ready?


The Great Forest of Tob was silent in the presence of it's new ruler all except a specific area of the forest where the sound of tree cutting and logs being moved filled the air thanks to golems carrying those logs to wooden foundations under the construction of undead overseen by elder liches imps flying about to relay orders

A flash of light and a familiar lycanthrope appears evading a golem giving an apologetic groan

Sif: no need to apologize that wasn't your fault, 

The golem gives another groan before moving on carrying logs

Sif: so this is the outside world...seems bland oh Aura!!

Aura: hey Sif!!

She waved over the lycanthrope who rushed over picking up the dark elf into a hug, literally Sif's werewolf strength allowing her to hold Aura above the ground

Sif: how goes the construction.

Aura: pretty slow, but I get to be outside! what brings you out here?

Sif: I have something for Cocytus and this was the nearest spot I could teleport.

She taps the top of the rolled up paper strapped to her hip just as an imp flies down landing  bowing down in gesture

Aura: ah, can you wait a bit Sif "the lycanthrope give her go to with a smile" alright, which group are you from.

Imp: lady Aura, I come from number 3 in U group.

Aura: U group huh? alright, got it anything else?

Imp: there's a discrepancy in the thickness of the timbers used in construction, so could we please have more tim-

???: break time!

A light blush spread across Aura's face at the voice her ears drooping looking embarrassed Sif giggled unknowing that subconsciously her own tail was wagging happily reacting to the voice

Aura: got it Lady Bukubukuchagama, so uh it's time to eat so we're done working for the morning.

A break wasn't really needed in fact most of the monster didn't need to eat and Aura herself was wearing a ring of sustenance, but it was deemed by her masters in order to avoid to what their Supreme commander regarded as...unions

Sif: I see you enjoy my father's gift.

Aura: it's perfect...ah, sorry about you, but I need a rest so come back in an hour's time.

Imp: understood, then I shall take my leave.

The imp bows once more before taking off when it's out of earshot Aura goes back to cuddling the bracelet attached to her arm

Aura: Lord Gier noticed our reaction when we heard Lady Bukubukuchagama's voice during the fight with Shalltear so he gave it to me.

Sif: did Mare get one too?

Aura: no...well he gave Mare his ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, and I like to believe he saw me worthy to have it, I just wished the times weren't fixed so I could hear more of my Lady's voice...ah crap!

Noticing the time floating above the bracelet she grabs Sif's hand pulling her along to her destination skidding down a small hill where a maid waited

This maid while not a Pleiades was still well known throughout the guild as the head maid of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and a high level cleric, her name was Pestonya S. Wanko

Sif's tail wagged at the visage of Pestonya not only because she was a familiar face, but another canine unlike the other homunculi maids who were designed as beautiful woman Evelyn coming to mind Pestonya herself appeared like an andromorphic dog a stitched scar running down the center of her muzzle as if split and put back together

Which isn't an insult, she was in fact the good girl...literally her karma is positive

Sif: Pestonya! I didn't know you were here?

Pestonya: oh, lady Sif if I had known you where here I would've requested another meal for you- wan.

Sif: no, it is fine I came here seeking Cocytus and bumped into Aura.

Pestonya: alright then, still let me know ahead of time a young lady like yourself should eat healthy too-wan.

Pestonya bowed to her making Sif giddy Pestonya was so motherly and while she was a homunculus in truth she could let that slide for that fact she at least looked like an andromorphic canine

Sif: I keep that in mind for the furture, Pestonya.

With a twitch to her left ear she turns her attention to Aura

Pestonya: now, I brought the hamburger you requested Lady Aura the side dishes are two pickles and unpeeled french fries, while the drink is cola...wan

Ignoring the late verbal tic of hers, she was instead drawn to the tantalizing smells emanating of her meal making her drool in anticipation, even poor Sif had to swallow her own spit worse she drown in it

Pestonya: the combined effects of this food and drink are-

Aura: ah, no need for that I didn't ask you to make this for me just to boost my stats.

Pestonya: understood-wan.

Sif: I'll take this as my leave.

Aura: aw, why don't you stay?

Sif: I came here for business and while I would love to talk, I think your meal will make me more hungry and forget why I even came here.

Aura: alright, I ask one of the imps escort you see you later!!

Pestonya: farewell, my Lady.

Sif: see you later as well!!

She walked back up the hill holding her stomach it growled in hunger

Sif: 'I should really eat something myself.'


Sif: Cocytus!!

Cocytus: yes, little one.

Sif turned the corner seeing the vermin lord standing above a table surrounded by his lower vassals all heteromorphic of course some ranged from praying mantis, ants, and even a brain to Cocytus side stood a small...adorably cute girl dressed in maids clothing designed after Japanese aesthetic

Her...hair...was done in tow buns some strands let loose to frame her...face eyes large and round never blinking and a mouth that never moved even when she spoke placing scroll after scroll on the table

This was Entoma Vasilisa Zeta the smallest of all the Pleiades Maids...it makes her even more adorable...

Sif: hello Entoma.

Entoma: hello, Lady Sif.

She said in her totally naturally cute high-pitched voice

Sif: I appeared to interrupt I can wait, please go ahead Entoma.

Entoma gives a little curtsy adding to her whole cute aesthetic

Entoma: and these are the [Message] scrolls, but the table is getting cluttered so could someone clear the table.

She...stares? stares at who should be the second highest ranking member at the table who slowly nods...not doing what she asked.

Entoma: then please go ahead.

Cocytus: yes then please tidy up quickly.

He vassals get to it clearing the table enough for Entoma to be pleased, why would a stronger member of the Tomb obey a much weaker member would be due to the change of command which was factored not by raw power, but whether or not that member was created by a Supreme being making Entoma ranked higher than them

Entoma: then please take these, Lord Cocytus "the words exited her even when her mouth did not move, as she grabbed a bag from the floor with rolled up scrolls" these are scrolls of [message] according to Lord Ainz they were made with the skin Demiurge worked hard to obtain, therefore Lord Ainz would like to hear any feedback should any problems occur with their use.

Cocytus: is that so? I understand I will inform him if such problems occur "he grabs one of the scrolls with one of his four arm" now it seems Demiurge has pulled even further ahead of me.

He smiled bitterly as much as a vermin lord can his subordinates returning with a wry grin of their own even Sif's ears lowered feeling bad for Cocytus

She had heard that Nazarick's supply of low level scrolls were running low, this in turned lead to the worry of other stock someday running low and then completely empty

In response everyone along with their master went to remedy this Demiurge himself proved to be most beneficial as he had set forth foundations that would solve this future crisis

She was proud of completing his task, but Cocytus's task on the other hand was further important as he was deemed to plan the defenses of Nazarick a task laid down upon him by her father, yes her father could plan both the defense and offenses the real task was in truth to see whether Cocytus was fit to lead the armies alongside him

She wondered what Cocytus himself was thinking as he stared at the image within the mirror of remote viewing revealing parts of the swamp, it would not do him justice which is why she was here with a map

Doubt seeped into her mind though whether or not he needed the map Nazarick was powerful enough that dealing with the inhabitants of the swamp would be a slaughter completing the main objective of this campaign of recovering bodies for Ainz, memories return to her when her father set Cocytus on this task though

Her father had placed several requirements of him she could not recall all of them, but mostly the important ones the first rule was that he could not set foot on the field of battle only command, the second was that the Elder Lich playing as the army's commander was to be used at the end, and the third was that all decisions were to be made primarily by himself

He breathed out a breath of cold air nodding to himself he would claim victory using only the forces handed to him, and should he succeed...he could show his loyalty to his great masters

Cocytus: thank you very much please convey my thanks to the Lord Ainz "with the scrolls Ainz provided he could give commands better" then...will you be returning?

Entoma: no, I was given instructions to observe the outcome of this battle by Lord Gier.

Cocytus could not help, but shift his position the feeling of worry was present their Lord the Supreme Commander of the Tomb the one whose name they shall chant for glory in battle was to view his decisions

Cocytus: little one, with what do you honor us.

He called on Sif to ease his mind of what's to come

Sif: I bring this map provided by our Supreme Lords it should help you determining your battleplans.

He took the map out of her hands displaying it among the table there were two parchments one held the map Ainz had gotten, the second one was a map consisting only of the lake just enlarged

Cocytus: yes, this will help greatly will that be all?

Sif: if it does not disturb, could I join Entoma in observing your conquest.

Cocytus: I would be honored to host our Supreme Commander's daughter.

Sif: thank you, could you step aside Entoma?

Entoma: yes, my Lady.

Sif smiles at the friendly totally normal maid, as normal can be when your a maid of Nazarick and a Pleiades

Cocytus looked over the maps remembering his tasks blood boiling at the important weight bestowed upon him, it was time to begin

He grabbed a scroll and cast the [Message scroll]

Cocytus: advance.


You rested your arms on the lip of the large bath which in total honesty looked like giant pool instead which was also good since you decided to bathe in your true form wings, tail, and maw revealed

Unfortunately Albedo could not join you surprisingly it was her that pushed you away instead recalling how she wanted to complete her task first

You only gave her a smile when she bowed apologizing before she left it was why you admired her, she loved you which was a given and while you couldn't ignore the beauty that she was you also couldn't ignore her admiration to Nazarick doing all she can in her power to make sure it stands

One would see this as strange as to why she would waste an opportunity to see you in the nude, but would it not be for Nazarick that you two would not meet and "fall" in love

???: could you raise your arms, my Lord.

You raised your arms as a pale hand starts scrubbing at your scales shining purple in the lighting giving a satisfying sigh at their delicate touch

(Y/n): Yuri, this is by far the most satisfying bathe I've ever had.

Yuri: your praises are wasted on me it is what is expected of as a maid, my Lord.

(Y/n): nonsense Yuri while maintaining your status as a maid is one thing, but going out of your way to make sure even the grooves of my scales are clean is another matter...your persistence is always valued.

Yuri: then I accept your praises, my Lord.

(Y/n): has there been any word from your sister?

Yuri: Entoma has reported that Cocytus has begun his march among the lizardmen, would you like me to provide a way for you to view, my Lord?

(Y/n): no, I would rather have your hands on me I simply wish to relax right now...Ainz wanted me to stay and I will not waste it.

Yuri: of course, my Lord.

You growl as she reaches your wings she slightly pulls her dress up in order to see where she steps, wouldn't want to break the sensitive membrane that are your wings scrubbing at your back

Yuri: my Lord, may I ask you a question?

(Y/n): go ahead, Yuri.

Yuri: why not vassalize the lizardmen like the human village?

(Y/n): as you know I was once lizardmen, they are a proud people who only care about survival they do not care if a demon invasion is occurring or if the some divine intervention has occurred they will think no less so long as they live another day.

Yuri: then why slaughter them?

(Y/n): I find it amusing.

Her scrubbing stops as her voice raises in volume due to the shock of your answer, but just like Ainz it is quickly suppressed

Yuri: my Lord!! I...I apologize for my outburst.

You mentally chuckle after the incident with Shalltear you really took it upon yourself to read all their bios recalling her positive karma and due to fact she was your sister-in-law's creation she could potentially be prone to short burst of emotion like just now

(Y/n): no need, I jest Yuri I don't really want to slaughter them in truth I actually admire them I understand what they are, so I thought no better than to test Cocytus on them both to see their merit of calling them my kinsmen and to see how Cocytus fares against them.

Yuri: so you do intend to vassalize them?

(Y/n): tell me Yuri "you stand up from the water the pool was sill deep enough that your lower body was still concealed by the water and steam turning to face her" what makes you feel better that I vassalize them and take them under my wing or I ignore them and leave them to Cocytus's mercy?

She looks away whether it's because she wants to provide you some sense of privacy or embarrassed herself

Yuri: my Lord, I don't think you should leave that choice to me.

(Y/n): some lords rule their land's without their counsel's support it would only be a matter of time before that lord's head rolls across the ground.

You can't help, but chuckle at your accidental joke raising your hand steam emits off your body as your claws begin to shrink into human fingernails scales smoothing out into human skin traveling across your body wings and tail residing grasping her chin making her look at your face that by now has returned into human form

(Y/n): I would rather be a lord who take's into account their counsel's opinions and lead their land into prosperity.

She stares intently into your eyes if she weren't undead you could imagine the blush that would grow across her face

Yuri: even a maid's?

(Y/n): even a maid's.

Yuri: I believe you should vassalize them with your guidance I believe you could turn them from simple tribal lizardmen into an army worthy of your command.

(Y/n): thank you, Yuri never be shy to voice your opinion I may be a dragon of immense power, but I am also your lord.

Yuri: yes, my Lord.

You smile sitting back down you didn't want to return to your dragon form so you stayed in your human from and allowed Yuri to continue scrubbing your back when the doors to the bath opened stepping in was Evelyn bowing before standing up an armor stand with your armor on it next to her

Evelyn: Lord Gier Lady Yuri, I have brought your armor as requested it has been polished and repaired.

(Y/n): thank you Evelyn, ladies you are dismissed.

Evelyn bows Yuri stands back up joining her in bow before they departure leaving you alone stretching you stand exiting the pool steam emits from your body this time not to transform, but your body heat increasing in temperature leaving you dry of any water donning on your armor

Once on the plates begin moving on their own sliding across each other to cover any exposed under armor of course leaving your joints exposed to move freely you prepare to leave when you stare back into the water looking your human form over grasping your chin

(Y/n): if I'm going to be the commander of a nonhumanoid organization I might as well look the part.

You leave that thought to yourself leaving the room closing the door behind heading straight for your room


Sif looked down at the mirror to say the least the lizardmen currently held the upper hand, but she concluded that to be only for the beginning of the battle undead armies really proved efficient in prolonged warfare so while they fought till fatigue with bleeding wounds the undead would crawl with whatever blow done upon them without a care

She could overhear Cocytus's subordinates debating doctrines and strategies she paid no mind her father would probably enjoy hearing it, but she would rather be in the battle herself, but such thinking would only get her in trouble

He attention is disturbed at the sound of a crunch looking down to her left Entoma appeared to munch on a green biscuit how when the biscuit was nowhere near her mouth was for the maid to know, but she sensed Sif staring and looked up at her

Entoma: would you like one, my Lady?

Sif would've refused, but her stomach did not

Sif: sure, only if you have any to spare?

Entoma: no worries, I can make more.

She pulled one out of her sleeve and handed it to Sif not wanting to be rude she bit into it immediately

Sif: 'what a weird taste, but delicious' thank you, Entoma.

Entoma: your welcome, Lady Sif.

Cocytus picked a [Message] scroll up, but before he used it he looked down at Entoma who showed no interest in what was going on in the mirror and truth be told her stoic...face showed no hint of changed that he could rely on to infer her feelings with every decision he made

In the end he ignored her and set forth his next command unbeknownst that just now she brought a talisman to her head as it started burning to ash


You stood in front on your mirror grabbing at the side of your desk

(Y/n): [Polymorph].

Your skin is replaced with scales, but you still look humanoid just covered in scales looking yourself over you nod your head in rejection retracting them back

Evelyn: if I am to inquire my liege, but what are you doing?

(Y/n): hm, I looked myself over and I was dissatisfied with my appearance.

Evelyn: and why would you think that?

(Y/n): I was allowed entry into this Tomb because my true form was a dragonoid, but when I was granted to become a full-fledged dragon I could change my form into that of a human..."you change your eyes to those of a reptile but once again you don't like the look" I don't want to look like a human anymore, but at the same time I enjoy my dashing human looks.

Evelyn: I don't think those who die by your blade would care, my Lord.

(Y/n): true, but if someone is going to die by my hands then the last thing they'll see will be the one of a handsome dragon...human...hybrid? doesn't matter you understand where I'm coming from?

Evelyn: do you want angel wings or a naga's body my Lord because that's what it sounds like.

(Y/n): funny, no I still want people to suspect my dragon heritage, but I don't want them to confirm that I could possibly be a dragon.

Evelyn: you make things difficult for yourself, you already have your wings and tail revealed what else could you ask for, my Lord?

(Y/n): wings and tails are one thing, but that's so cliché and overdone.

Evelyn: Lord Gier, as Supreme Commander you should be planning for military conquest not making yourself more good looking...you've already done that yourself.

You look at her through the mirror's reflection seeing a blush across her face and the tip of her ears giving a satisfied smile you grow two pair of horns along with some patches of scales across your face and neck

(Y/n): this is why I love elves even when your a homunculi you still show attributes akin to real elves you think yourselves elegant and refine, but once you lay a finger on them "you drag your fingers across one of her ears" all those walls come crashing down.

You pull your finger away seeing her blush encompass her whole face even as she tries to keep a serious façade forcing a grin out of you

(Y/n): perfection.

Your then interrupted by Ainz using a [Message] spell

Ainz: 'hey, (Y/n) remember how I told you I wanted you stay back at the Tomb?'

You growl turning away from Evelyn

(Y/n): 'yeah, what now Satorou?'

Ainz: 'we're try to get a job, but they won't let us take it unless all three of us are here.'

(Y/n): 'what!? then how did they let you guys go fight Shalltear without me?'

Ainz: 'because I told them you would meet up with after you were done at the whorehouse.'

(Y/n): 'don't say like I actually was at one.'

Ainz: 'that doesn't matter, do you think you can make it here before someone steals the job from us.'

(Y/n): 'Satorou...my character is literally built for speed' I have been summoned by Ainz notify the others, Evelyn.

Evelyn: yes, my Lord.

You walk to your armor stand swapping back into your Huntsman garb teleporting back to that shitty inn

Once you were gone Evelyn breathed out in relief fanning her in order to help suppress her blush

Evelyn: damn you and your good looks, my Lord.


Sif looked within the mirror as Igva the elder lich sent to be the undead army's general died once more feeling bad for the lich, he had done his best but in the end he died probably feeling like he failed his masters

Entoma: Lord Cocytus, it seems our Supreme Lords have sent for you.

Cocytus: understood...

He lowered his head in shame, but all he could feel was praise for the lizardmen who turned what should have been easy work into a...disaster for Cocytus nonetheless praise

Cocytus: amazing, truly amazing...what a shame "the lizardmen danced and sang in victory rekindling his warrior spirit" ah...what a shame...

Sif could only feel pity for the lizardmen if one thing is for certain there victory would be short lived...she wondered if you would partake in the next battle yourself with an army or just on your own

Cocytus seemed to think so as he went through every scenario that frightened him, but in the he decided

Cocytus: let's go.

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