I Allow You to Have Fun

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I'm gonna have to cut this chapter into two parts as it started to really affect my writing towards the end of this first half...I mean this chapter is 12000 words alone, so I offer this as compromise please enjoy.

A carriage drawn by Longma flies through the sky steering itself as it begins to descend lower to the ground within the carriage the envoy to the Empire was hyperventilating 

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A carriage drawn by Longma flies through the sky steering itself as it begins to descend lower to the ground within the carriage the envoy to the Empire was hyperventilating 

Sif: 'phew...calm down...calm down, no need to get nervous...it's not like your representing all of Nazarick, you won't mess this up and ruin all of Lord Ainz hard work in ensuring this alliance where the only punishment is exile where my father will disagree leading to them arguing then to fighting as the Tomb is forced to choose a side turning into a civil war all because I failed...no...no, need to panic...I mean get nervous...nervous...remember what Lord Ainz said...'

She recalls his words just before she departed for Empire's capital, standing before her father and Ainz

Ainz: everything of importance is within this envelope, do not lose it.

He hands her the letter grasping it tenderly flipping it over the newly minted seal of the Kingdom of Nazarick pressed on

Sif: I won't.

She straps it below her rapier then Ainz kneels down to whisper in her ear

Ainz: good, now listen closely, in truth this whole diplomacy stuff is just a mask for your real mission.

Sif: I-I don't understand my Lord, am I not to deliver this to the Emperor?

Ainz: oh yes, but the real objective behind this trip is for you to have a fun experience.

Sif: I'm confused?

She said as her tail started to wag at the notion of exploring the Empire's Capital, Arwintar

Ainz: I want you to enjoy your trip young lady, this is a vacation just as much as it is a diplomatic mission.

Hearing those words she smiles wrapping her arms around him his robes pressed against his spine

Sif: I will, Lord Ainz...thank you.

His beady red eyes glow brighter at the warm feeling, his nullifiers kicking in they dim returning the hug

Ainz: hm, I mean it...the city is rather beautiful and I would very much like to hear about your experience there.

Sif: any suggestion?

Ainz: they had a colosseum didn't enter last time though, perhaps you should try the market for any nice trinkets to buy, and I also heard the Imperial gardens are a popular tourist attraction.

(Y/n): hgm, your on a schedule.

You interrupt...asshole

She notes the places releasing Ainz scratching at her ears with his bony fingers returning to your side

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