The Devil [NYSM]

By ladyvillain01

79.2K 2.4K 432

Delusion. Tricks. Lies. Deception. The Horsemen prefer to call it magic. "and now I'm laughing through my t... More



7.4K 205 48
By ladyvillain01

"Eva, get up!"

The woman groaned as she felt a pair of hands tug on her ankles. She clutched the mattress tighter to stop Daniel from pulling her out of the bed.

"You can't sleep all day!"

"Watch me, Danny boy."

He huffed and dropped her ankles, "Don't call me that."

She curled back up and pulled the blanket over her arms again. She heard him walk away as Henley came in.

The woman gently shook her shoulders and brushed the hair out of her face.

"Come on, girlie. We got work to do."

Eva groaned, "It's the weekend!"

"I doubt the Eye cares about your work schedule," she heard Merritt mutter.

She yanked on the pillow beside her and threw it at him. He dodged it and left the doorway to avoid any projectiles.

"We need you to get supplies for us," Henley pushed.

"Have Jack do it."

"The both of you are doing it."

She groaned again and buried her face in the pillow.

At the mention of his name, Jack cautiously poked his head in through the doorway. He waited for her to throw something at him but she didn't.

"If you come with me, we can get breakfast," he offered shyly.

She slowly lifted her head off the pillow and looked back at him.

"There's a really great donut shop around the corner," he stated.

She narrowed her eyes at the obvious trick. And as much as she wanted to stay in bed, she wanted food more. They hadn't had the chance to eat dinner last night since Danny burnt the pizza.

She grumbled under her breath and literally rolled herself out of bed. She walked past Jack and made her way to the bathroom in the hallway to freshen up.

"Henley! Do you have clothes?" she shouted.

The woman knocked a few moments later with fresh clothes in her hands, "I figured you'd need these. We need to go shopping soon."

"No kidding."

Eva took the clothes and left the door open as she brushed her teeth. She moved out into the hall and leaned on the wall as the group waited in the kitchen.

"If only Danny had given us time to pack some of our things-"

"I told you, we needed to leave as soon as possible," he interrupted.

"So soon that we couldn't even pack?"

She scoffed and moved back to the bathroom to spit out her toothpaste. She finished brushing her teeth and began to put on the clothes Henley gave her.

Apparently, the woman had an extra bag in her car when they left. Eva didn't even have a car. So for their week of traveling, she'd been stealing and borrowing clothes.

She made sure her appearance was okay before walking out. She brushed past Merritt and flicked the rim of his hat. He rolled his eyes in mild annoyance but had been accustomed to the action she'd been doing every morning.

She grabbed her worn out jacket from the table and walked past Jack, who held the door open.

"I haven't given you the list yet!" Danny shouted.

Eva smugly held up a piece of paper between her fingers to show him she'd stolen it. Her middle finger was prominent in the display, expressing a double meaning. She kept walking towards the stairs as the others grinned in amusement.

Jack caught up with her and slowly walked down the stairs. Once they made it outside, he led her around the corner to the donut shop he promised.

Eva noticed the smell of freshly baked goods immediately and sighed. Jack glanced at her with a small smile.

They got in the line and waited until they got to the front. Eva and Jack ordered their donuts and coffee together.

She expected to pay so she pulled her wallet out but Jack stopped her. He paid the cashier before she could protest. Once the food and drinks were in his hands, she pouted.

"I could've gotten that," she stated.

"I like to be chivalrous every once in a while," he shrugged.

They walked out of the shop and ate as they continued their journey.

"Says the pick pocket," she retorted.

He smirked. Unlike Danny, he enjoyed her witty and sarcastic comments. Usually he was the funny one, but Eva had been his match.

She noticed his staring and lightly nudged him away to keep distance. He scoffed, "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Pretend we're not here. This whole week you've been on your own. You can't even let me pay for breakfast."

"I'm self sufficient and that's the way it's always been," she stated, "I told you I wasn't looking to make friends."

"Maybe you should," he suggested, "That way you don't have that whole mysterious vibe around you."

He gestured to her figure as they rounded the corner to a less crowded street. She narrowed her eyes and shoved the remaining donut into her mouth.

"I like being mysterious. It's part of my charm," she said flirtatiously, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

She winked as she opened the door to the magic shop they found. She walked through and left Jack to stand outside with a small smile on his face.

"Yes, it is," he murmured. He shook his head to try and get rid of the dopey grin on his face but to no avail.

He took a deep breath and followed her into the shop. He saw that she was walking through the aisle of antiques, touching everything like a child in a candy store.

"Where's Danny's list?" he asked.

She pulled the folded paper out of her pocket and threw it at him. Since it was folded neatly and tightly like a card, it whipped through the air and nearly hit him in the face.

He caught it before it did and raised his eyebrows. She chuckled and kept walking as he moved to the front desk. He tapped the bell on the countertop and waited.

Moments of silence passed as no one came to help. Eva kept strolling through the aisles, carefully taking things off the shelves and putting them back when they disinterested her.

"Ring it again," she suggested.

"That's rude."

"You steal people's money and you think that's rude?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

A few moments later, a man walked out of the back room and grumpily greeted them.

"What do you want kid?"

Jack unfolded the paper and began to list off the things he needed. The man progressively got angrier as he kept talking. Eventually, he cut Jack off.

"Alright listen, I'll be honest with you. This was my father's shop and it's pretty much dead to me. I'm just waiting for bankrupt insurance," he admitted.

"Is that a thing?" Eva asked quietly, coming up to Jack's side in support.

"Doesn't matter," he snapped, "I don't really have the time or patience to make all your fancy customized stuff. So get out of my shop and scram."

He shooed the both of them out and made sure they were completely kicked out onto the street. After the door shut, he locked it and shut the blinds.

"He was nice," Jack muttered sarcastically.

She scoffed, "I bet him and Danny would get along."

He let out a laugh in agreement. They began to walk back towards the crappy apartment they'd been staying at.

On the way, Eva noticed a small boutique to the right. She barely glanced at the jacket on the mannequin but Jack noticed.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?"

"You just looked at that jacket."

"No, I didn't."

He laughed, "Yes, you did."

"So what?" she asked rhetorically, "It's like looking at a donut in the window."

She nudged him to keep walking. But he took a mental note of the shop and the jacket she wanted.

Eventually, they reached the building again. As they walked back into the small apartment, the group piqued up.

"Did you get it?" Danny asked immediately.

Jack stuttered for words to try and explain what happened. As he did so, Danny's fists slowly curled in frustration.

"So you got nothing?"

Eva shook her head, "I wouldn't say nothing."

She walked towards the table Merritt and Henley were sitting at. The others gathered around in anticipation.

She began to remove little trinkets from inside the jacket and her pockets. The objects slowly started to get bigger, ending in a large pack of flash paper.

Once she was all done, she looked up at her impressed companions. They stared at her with amusement.

"Oh, wait!" she exclaimed.

She took her fingers and shoved them down her shirt. The men's eyes widened as she pulled a small lock picking device from inside her bra. They were shameless, and never looked away.

Especially Jack.

She smirked and tossed the device onto the table. She spread her hands out to display all of her stolen treasure.

"And you call me a pick pocket," Jack joked.

She playfully rolled her eyes. But Danny had searched through the devices and seemed dissatisfied.

"How is this suppose to help? You only got half of the things on the list."

"We can make the other half," she stated, "All of these can help me build them. I just need time."

He nodded in agreement and began to walk back towards the kitchen counter where the schematics were laid out. Merritt patted her on the back before continuing to read his book.

Eva gathered all the trinkets in her arms and began to walk down the hall towards her room. She hands were full so Jack followed her and opened the door.

She didn't bother to thank him as she dropped all the stuff on the mattress.

"Need any help?" he asked.


He sighed and looked down the hallway to see Henley pushing him on. He turned back to Eva.

"An extra set of hands wouldn't hurt," he stated.

She abruptly glanced over her shoulder in mild annoyance, "You won't leave until I say yes, will you?"

He shook his head with a childish grin.

She sighed and finally conceded, allowing him to join her side. He went to pick up a small trinket but she smacked it out of his hand.

"Don't touch my stuff or I'll break your hands."

He scoffed and held them up in surrender. He flopped down onto the bed, not knowing what to do.

"Is aggressiveness also part of your charm?" he asked.

She pretended to think about it for a second before flashing him a twinkling smile, "Yes."

He sighed and clicked his tongue in exasperation,



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