Broken- DreamNotFound/ Gream

Oleh _silversong

61.1K 2.9K 3.3K

Dream was thrown into a game of life or death. Only one person could survive, only one person could come out... Lebih Banyak

Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter. 19
Chapter. 20
Chapter. 21
Chapter. 22
Chapter. 23
Chapter. 24
Chapter. 25
Chapter. 26
Chapter. 27
Chapter. 28
Chapter. 29
Chapter. 30
Chapter. 31
Chapter. 32
Chapter. 33
Chapter. 34
Chapter. 35
Chapter. 36
Chapter. 37
Chapter. 38
Chapter. 39
Chapter. 40
Chapter. 41
Chapter. 42
Chapter. 43
Chapter. 44
Chapter. 46
Chapter 49. (I think)
Chapter. 48

Chapter. 45

1K 50 101
Oleh _silversong


Life Count: Unknown


Everything was not fine.

He was panicking.

"Dream, watch out!" George yelled as Sapnap swung a kick at his head, the half-masked man turning just in time to catch a boot to the face.

Dream flew backwards, skidding to a halt as he raised a hand to his most definitely broken nose, checking the damage. Blood ran down his face as he watched George try and attack Sapnap, the brown haired man punching the man in the bandana in the face. Sapnap reeled back a bit before lashing out, knocking back George so he skidded to a halt at Dream's feet.

"Hey, hot guy." George gritted his teeth in pain as the half-masked man offered him a hand up, and the brown haired man took it. "How you doing?"

"I should be the one asking that." Dream laughed as he gently grasped the brown haired man's hand, his sword gripped in the other palm.

"God, could you guys just shut up with the sappy stuff?" Sapnap growled, leaping at the pair again, his axe swinging down through the air. "It's making me sick."

Dream blocked the swing, his arms trembling with the block as George tried to swipe at Sapnap's ribs. The dark haired man dodged out of the way, his feet sliding on the dusty and bloodstained ground. Dream's knuckles tightened on the blade of his sword as he waited for Sapnap to strike again.

"Why do you even hate us?" George's soft voice barely caried over the wind as the dark haired man whipped his head towards him. "Why are you so angry?"

"You're so stupid." Sapnap hissed, his eyes narrowed as he rushed at George, swinging his axe at the brown haired man's head. "You guys left me! You just ran along with your perfect Dream and George life, not caring about me, or even remembering me."

That was kind of true.

Not going to lie.

Dream felt a little wince of guilt along with a flash of pain as the tip of the axe cut into his shoulder. He gave a little cry, twisting to get away from Sapnap as George attacked from the side, sword flashing. The distraction gave Dream enough time to wrap some fabric around his arm, then rejoin the fight.

"That's still not enough to hate over, Sapnap." George growled as the brown haired man tried to land a hit on the man in the bandana. "Even for someone like you."

"Oh, really?" Sapnap scoffed, his axe easily slicing across the brown haired man's leg and red blood splattered across the dirt floor. "Imagine someone falling in love with your best friend and taking him away from you. Imagine some prick sweeping in and stealing the person you care about? How would you feel then!"

"That makes none of your actions justifiable!" George shouted as he tried to kick Sapnap, but the dark haired man grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground. "Do you know how many people you've hurt!"

"I've hurt people as much as they've hurt me." Sapnap hissed, and beside them, Dream flinched and ran his hand across the scars on his arms. "If others have gotten in my way, then I've hurt them too."

"Tommy got in your way?" Dream met Sapnap's eyes as the dark haired man glared at him, pausing for one second. "He's a kid! You almost killed him! How can you even think about that!"

"I did what had to be done."

"No, you're a psychopath and you're crazy." George muttered, and Sapnap whipped his head around to glare at the shorter man.

Sapnap didn't say anything, simply swung his axe at the brown haired man's head and forced him to doge. Dream leaped in, his sword practically glowing as he tried to land a hit on the raven haired man. Sapnap slid out, seemingly not even out of breath as he skidded back a bit, twirling his axe in his hand.

"It was Tommy's fault for messing with things he didn't know about." Sapnap growled as George rushed at him again, sword flashing like a mini light source. "If he had just listened better and not gotten involved, than he would have been fine."

"How can you blame this on him?" Dream scoffed, his free hand clenched into a fist as he tried kicking the dark haired man in the face. "And I guess it was my fault for getting captured, and it was Techno's fault for just breathing that made him get hurt?"

"Well, yeah." Sapnap smirked slightly as a furious look came over Dream's blood and ash stained face, his emerald eyes glowing with anger. "You were just my problem to deal with, and Technoblade was, well... Technoblade."

"Oh, yeah. Kill a man for being himself." Dream scoffed, rage flowing through him, and Sapnap shrugged. "Dude, you are seriously fucked up."

The blond man felt a little stab of worry as he realized that Techno was still fighting Wilbur, and Tommy, Tubbo and Phil's location was unknown. He hopped they were all right, or at least alive. The term 'all right' didn't apply in this game anymore. It was just a question of if you were still breathing or not.

Unpacking all the trauma this place induced could wait until later.

Right now they just had to focus on not dying.

"How you doin?" George breathed, skidding next to him, a hand to his bleeding arm as he backed up slightly, out of Sapnap's range. "You going to die anytime soon?"

"Nah, I've still got to take you out on that date." Dream lifted the corner of his mouth in a smirk and George rolled his eyes, a light blush dusting his face. "Maybe somewhere in Italy or Rome. I've always loved the architecture."

"Of course you're thinking of something like a date." George rolled his eyes again, his tone lightly exasperated as he playfully shoved the blond man.

"Hey, it keeps me from thinking about everything else that's going on." Dream gently wrapped a bandage around George's arm with care, his fingertips stained red. "Think of it! We can also have our first kiss outside the arena!"

"That would be-"George started, but he was interrupted.

"Just shut up!" Sapnap yelled, stomping his foot like an angry child as both Dream and George turned to face him, one surprised, the other just mildly disgusted. "Has anyone ever told you that your voice is really annoying? Cause if not, YOUR VOICE IS ANNYOING!"

"Seriously?" Dream raised one eyebrow elegantly, looking down his nose at the dark haired man and scoffing a bit. "Out of all the villainous one-liners you came up with in the mirror, that was the one you chose? Shame."

"Well, without him," Sapnap gestured to George with his weapon, a bite in his words. "I wouldn't have to be the villain at all."

"Oh, yeah. Blame it all on me." George snarled right back, his hand on his sword, his hand clenched around the hilt. "Like you always do."

Sapnap lunged at him, a kind of animalistic ferocity in his gaze as the blade in his hand glinted in the dying sunlight. George rose to the challenge, yelling something along the lines of 'stupid prick' before bringing his sword up. Dream had no idea what to do, just watch as his once best friend and soulmate fought each other.

He tried to go in and help, his sword raised, but Sapnap had struck him in the side with his booted foot, slicing his leg as he did so. Dream tumbled backwards before skidding to a halt, his sword too far away for him to reach, his side aching and a gash in his thigh. All he could do was sit uselessly while trying to stem the blood as George and Sapnap battled.

Anger and rage clouded them both, making them evenly matched.

While Sapnap was slowed by hatred, George seemed pumped up by some righteous fury, like a small and British demon. Dream tried to pull himself to his feet, his arms aching as he stumbled a bit, trying to clear the darkness from the edges of his vision. God, he has got to stop getting himself and George into life or death situations.

One of these days, it's going to get them killed.

Hopefully not soon.

Being in the game for so long, he had begun to wish for things he had taken for granted. Even the safety he felt, waking up and not having the looming threat of death hanging over his head, was something he had just passed over. He gritted his teeth and limped over to his sword, the darkness clouding his mind as he reached down and grasped the warm hilt.

He looked over at the fight.

He shouldn't have.

Sapnap hardly had a hair out of place, his anger wearing off, making him more dangerous and deadly. George was breathing heavily, his earlier wounds getting to him and making him slower and less reflexive. They were still both screaming at each other, their voices, and the clash of blades almost overwhelming.

"So you think killing me is going to solve all of your problems?" George yelled as Sapnap knocked him back, the dark haired man easily twisting out of the shorter man's way. "How is that in any way okay? You're crazy!"

"It only works because you are my living problem!" Sapnap screamed back, lashing out so his blade slid over George's unwounded arm, leaving a red line. "Sure, it's a little bit fucked, but it's your fault anyway!"

Their yelling hurt Dream's head.

The darkness that had been inching away had returned, clouding his eyes, and making him sink to his knees. He knew it wasn't just the leg wound affecting him, but the other countless cuts and bruises over his body. It was all he could do to keep his head up and his eyes fixed on the fight before him, praying George could do this.

His head hurt.

He didn't like the darkness.

He wanted it to go away.

He tried to push himself to his feet again, to help George, but his legs wouldn't work, and he just crumped back down. His eyes stayed fixed on the fight in front of him as he tried to get up again, do something at least. But he couldn't. All he could do was watch.

He felt so helpless, and he hated it.

It felt like he was swimming with his hands tied, drowning in the sea as George let out a cry of pain, a red line across his face. His heart hurt as the brown haired man was kicked down by Sapnap, the dark haired man grinning sadistically. His gut twisted sickeningly as George tried to scramble away from the man in the bandana, a red trail in his wake.

"Stop." Dream pleaded, and Sapnap's head whipped around, his dark eyes narrowing as he placed his blade at George's neck. "Stop it. Please."

George turned his head just slightly to meet Dream's eyes, his gaze slightly panicked, a line of red on his neck. He looked scared, not daring to move an inch except for the quick rise and fall of his chest. Dream tried to push himself to his feet to help, or do something, cursing his own weakness as he fell back to his knees.

He hated feeling so useless.

He hated just sitting and watching.

"Let him go, Sapnap." Dream tried to put anger in his voice to mask his fear and worry, but the dark haired man saw right through it. "We can all still get out of here alive, we can be friends again, everything can go back to the way it was."

"How can it? Everyone else is probably dead." Sapnap growled remorselessly as George flinched, the blade so close to his neck. "Wilbur is crazy, Techno's a traitor, Tommy is too broken, Tubbo is weak, Phil is neglectful, you're overprotective, George is useless and I'm way too far gone. Nothing is ever going to be the same, even if we get out."

Dream wanted to say 'not with that attitude' but it didn't really seem appropriate.

"Sapnap I-" George started, but Sapnap cut him off.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses, or your stupid last words to Dream!" Sapnap yelled, pushing the axe closer to George's neck. "I don't want to hear how everything you've done is justifiable, or how you're the 'good guys' in this situation."

Dream tried to stumble forwards, but Sapnap shot him a glare, the axe blade so close to George's throat. He could practically feel the anger radiating off the dark haired man, eyes like literal fire, mouth in a thin line. Red blood stained the axe and made Dream sick as he met George's eyes, fear overwhelming him.

"I don't want to hear you pleading or begging for your life," Sapnap looked from Dream back to George, a small smile on his face. "In fact, I don't want to hear you at all."


The axe shimmered as it easily sliced across George's neck.


Dream couldn't help a scream tearing from his throat as he stumbled forwards, clumsily swinging at Sapnap. The dark haired man stepped away from George's body and calmly dodged Dream's strike, that stupid smile still on his face. He looked surprised but disturbingly pleased as he looked down at the brown haired body, red surrounding him like a halo.

George was dead.

Dream fell to his knees, his body trembling as he grasped George's shoulders, shaking him to wake him up. He didn't know why the brown haired boy had fallen asleep, or why there was so much red covering Dream's hands and staining the ground. A peaceful look had settled over George's face, and his chest had stopped rising and falling.

He wasn't sleeping.

He was dead.

Dream pulled his soulmate's body to his chest and screamed.

"I did it- I actually did it- he's dead- he's dead- I did it!" Sapnap was whispering to himself, a red handprint down his face from where he'd ran his fingers down his cheek, crimson lines reaching to his jaw. "I didn't hesitate- he's dead- I killed him."

Dream tried to block out the dark haired man's crazy muttering, burying his head in George's soft hair. He didn't feel anything, just a numb sensation crawling up his bones and filling his chest and lungs with lead. He couldn't hear anything except the sound of his own heartbeat echoing in the sudden silence.

The silence was killing him.

The heartbreak was killing him.

The pain was killing him.

He rose, gently setting George on the ground, even though he knew the brown haired man couldn't feel pain anymore and faced Sapnap. The man in the bandana looked unhinged, insane as he stared Dream right in the face, a little laugh bubbling out of his lips. He still held the axe, dyed red with blood, in his hand, in the other, he held a pair of glasses.

George's glasses.

"Now he's gone, we can go home!" Sapnap giggled, his head tilted like a dog, making his smile look twisted and lopsided. "We can go home and be together forever. Just us. It'll be perfect. No George, no Techno, no Phil, no Wilbur, none of them. Just me and you."

Dream backed away.

This wasn't his friend.

This was a psychopathic monster.

"Get away from me." Dream hissed, his voice breaking, trying not to look at the axe or the glasses that Sapnap held. "You killed him."

"I did- I did it- I know I did." Sapnap laughed, prowling closer forwards, the blade in his hands gleaming. "He's gone- all gone."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Dream launched himself at his once best friend, and Sapnap stumbled, startled by this sudden attack. The blond man had dropped his weapon some time ago, so he just hit the man in the bandana with his fist. Sapnap's head whipped backwards, and he looked actually taken aback that Dream managed to land a punch.

"Fight back!" The half-masked man yelled, swinging another punch, his vision clouding a mix of red and black, but he didn't care. "Fight me, dumbass!"

Sapnap easily caught his punch, twisting Dream's hand until he heard a crack, his movements robotic. The blond man didn't cry out in pain, just ran at the dark haired man again, all of his wounds bleeding. Again, Sapnap caught the hit that would have broken his nose, snapping Dream's wrist like it was paper.

It was too easy.

He threw Dream back, letting him skid until he landed next to George's body, the ground stained red. The blond man intertwined his hand with his soulmate's own cold fingertips and looked up at Sapnap, tears running down his face. The dark haired boy reached down, grabbing a crossbow and some arrows from the ground, nocking the bow and pointing it at Dream's head.

"Do it." The blond man pleaded, his eyes locked with Sapnap, his hand clasped with George's, shaking slightly. "Please."

Sapnap rested the tip of the arrow against Dream's forehead.

The trigger clicked.

The arrow fired.

Dream fell backwards, the crossbow bolt imbedded in his skull, his hand still intertwined with George's. His eyes were open, wide, and staring, no light shimmering in his green irises, and the life was sucked out of his gaze. His chest rose and fell one more time before stilling completely, the breath gone from his lungs.

The last words Sapnap heard him say were 'thank you'.

Dream was dead.

Sapnap laughed to the heavens above.

His chest heaved with every painful breath he took, like his lungs were filled with acid and his heart was rotted. He felt something wet, like raindrops dripping down his face, but it wasn't raining. Blood soaked the earth, turning the brown dust to red as he stood, the bodies of his best friends in front of him.

He just stood there and laughed.

He laughed as tears poured down his face, he laughed as Dream's murmured 'thank you' rung in his ears. He laughed as his fingernails dug into his palms, drawing blood, he laughed as he looked down at their hands, still clasped together. He laughed as he sunk to his knees, and he laughed as his cold and rotted heart shattered into a million pieces.

Some said death was beautiful.

They were wrong.

Death was so much more.

Death was like the end of a song, the final notes to a composition, death was like the last brush stroke on a completed painting. Death was more than gorgeous, more than beautiful, more than words could ever express. People said that killing was bad, but did they fail to realize that in the end, the hero always kills the villain.

So what did that make him?

He nocked another arrow in his crossbow and slung it over his shoulder, his axe swinging behind him. His boots were instantly heavy with clotted blood and dirt as he walked away from the bodies. Tears still ran down his face, but a smile was still stretched across his lips as he whistled a song from cracked lips.

It was time to finish this game. 

I'm going to hide now. 

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